156 entries in Mental Magic / Principles / Dual Reality
See also Rashomon Principle for related items.
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann The New Nile Divination a spectator thinks of a two digit number, random numbers are added, the sum match with the thought of number
Variations 1935 10
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Secret Whisper to make the spectator write up additional information on billet
1937 29
Shaman Cagliostro's Spectacles spectator puts on special glasses when the cards are spread in front of him, he names all of the selections
Inspired by
  • an idea of DeLands, credit reference on page 191
Related toVariations
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 45)
Robert A. Nelson Prediction Dodge written prediction kicker for brainwave deck
May 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Tony Slydini Card over the Head card secretly shot above spectator's head
June 1949 555
Paul V. Mullen Prediction Chest Spoof spectator can say stop anytime during the show, the exact time is predicted inside a box, more as a gag
Aug. 1949 570
Bob Somerfeld On Second Thought spectator named dead person before the show, later envelope with dead name is found by performer and name divined
Related to 1952 5
Dr. Stanley Jaks One Is Face Up spectator reverses a card in the deck and seals it, another spectator divines it, clever pre-show wording
Related toAlso published here 1959 8
David Hoy Dated For Destiny cards with dates, spectator selects one and written on it is their birthday
Variations 1963 12
Al Koran The Gold Medallion prediction of number on medallion
Related toVariations 1968 11
James G. Thompson Jr. Strongest Thought five spectators write stuff on billets, secret instructions on what type of information to write on billet, sealed envelope reading method, chalk with razor blade
Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
Al Koran The Gold Medallion prediction of number on medallion, medallion in box
Related to 1972 37
Dick Zimmerman Challenge Coin Production fifteen coins are produced, spectator sees hands and stands next to performer on stage
1973 8
Paul Maurer Cagliostro's Wunderbrille spectator puts on special glasses when the cards are spread in front of him, he names all of the selections, using card with two and with four indices
Inspired by 1974
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 4)
Barrie Richardson One In A Million miscall page force and paper clip force
Related toVariations Dec. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Four-sided Triangle card is thought of before the show, it matches prediction and selection of a second spectator
Related toVariations 1977 5
Al Mann The Uninvited three books, unknown person is called which names the chosen words
1977 13
Chip Cotton Sight Unseen! bluff design duplication
Magick (Issue 192)
Roy Johnson None But the Brave two numbers chosen, they correspond to time of pocket watch
Inspired by 1977 68
Philip T. Goldstein Card In Mind card prediction, blanko card with message is presented as playing card
Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Barrie Richardson The Three Chair Enigma - Or, the Lazy Mentalist Demonstration three chairs, sentences in envelopes match prediction
Also published here Oct. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Larry Becker Mind Probe spectator choses a number from serial number, prediction on bill
Variations 1979 191
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
  • Gaffed Box Version (Corinda Money Box)
  • No Gaff Version (verbal ploy, spectators assume there are more coins)
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein One Hand Clapping coding system, for zodiac signs or other lists
Inspired by 1980 5
Dr. Stanley Jaks Eine liegt verkehrt spectator reverses a card in the deck and seals it, another spectator divines it, clever pre-show wording
Also published here Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1982 4
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Dunninger's Brain-Thrust analysis of Dunninger's Headline prediction according to some news articles, slip of paper
Related to 1983 1
Al Mann Fabulous Concepts on the principle of "Dy-No-Mite Prediction" by Donn Davison and how Dr. Stanley Jaks used it
Related to 1983 16
Denny Laub, Gary Inglese Simulcast! card at any number, half forcing deck
Aug. 1984
Magick (Issue 337)
Thomas Alan Waters Swindow presentation and method for a prediction sent to a member of the audience beforehand
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Dan Tong Wonder Wizard spectator selects two different colored pens and draws something before the show, performer divines colors and drawing
Related to Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 344)
Richard Mark Medallion M-2 prediction of number on medallion, different handling, number looks as if engraved
Inspired by Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 345)
Karl Fulves Take a Vacation No. 46, three spectators choose something from a bag, it is divined, tossed-out-deck/rashomon principle
1985 83
Rudolf Braunmüller Das 3-Pfeiler-Experiment card apparently only thought-of is predicted, Monte Cristo deck
Inspired by Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Barrie Richardson Chair-Voyance three chairs, sentences in envelopes match prediction
VariationsAlso published here July 1987
Magick (Issue 393)
Ross Johnson Double Speak spectator selects word from newspaper, prediction in envelope given to other spectator before the show
Feb. 1988
Magick (Issue 402)
Felix Greenfield, Lee Noble Let's Talk doing the brainwave deck over the radio for host, wording
Feb. 1988
Magick (Issue 402)
Ted Karmilovich Hidden Thoughts before the spectator writes down a color, a word and a number and puts sheets inside envelopes, during show performer divines content and finds correct envelopes
Related to July 1991
Magick (Issue 457)
Diabelli Runen spectator draws a rune symbol on piece of paper which is then sealed in envelope, other spectator selects rune stone with same symbol
1991 27
Daryl J. Bem Psychic Psenders two spectators draw the same image
Related to 1991 11
Peter Zenner Rattling the Koran Medallion Gold Medallion meets Rattle Box
prediction of number on medallion
Related to 1991 68
Ross Johnson Kross Out the Sins of Omission drawing, number and word written down and sealed in envelopes before the show are divined
Inspired by
  • "Sins of Omission" (Dan Huffman, Linking Ring, Vol. 67 No. 11, Nov. 1987)
Related to
1991 79
Ted Lesley The Berlin Bears spectator selects one of four different teddy bears, prediction of color of the bear and spectator's name, using Lesley's "The Informatico Principle"
1992 57
Dan Tong Prediction dual reality, apparently spectator drew picture at home, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 87
Larry Becker Mind Probe spectator choses a number from serial number, prediction on bill, simplified handling
Inspired byRelated to 1992 292
Philip T. Goldstein Zodiagnostic word thought of from small zodiac booklet
VariationsAlso published here 1994 52
Philip T. Goldstein Menu Pause price of imaginary dinner predicted
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 126
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Psychokinetic Touches spectator feels tapping sensations on his shoulder even though a second spectator has been touched
Related toVariations 1994 4
Kenton Knepper Linguistic Deception lists with words, chosen words are divined
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. Quarterly Supplement #1)
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Gezeichnete Gedanken bold and clever design duplication, different colored pens and an easy drawing are divined
1995 16
Ted Karmilovich Bold & Beautiful Prophecy prediction of symbol, name and city on three business cards, people read prediction and sit down if correct
Related to 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1997 5
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Scatterbrain page of newspaper torn according to spectator's wishes until piece remains, word chosen on it, predicted, bluff
1997 15
Scott Shoemaker Picture Perfect divination of a though
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1999 5
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1999 3
Barrie Richardson One in a Half Million miscall page force and paper clip force
Inspired byRelated to 1999 10
Barrie Richardson Bill in Lemon preloaded, torn corner and signature finesses
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Classic Bill in Lemon" (Club 71, Mayday 1993)
1999 34
Barrie Richardson The Lazy Mentalist three chairs, sentences in envelopes match prediction
Related toAlso published here 1999 152
Chris Wardle Compatibility test with couple, woman writes a number down and man does some additions, both end up with same number
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein Pseudo-Telepathy four spectators get an index card with instructions to think of a name, city etc., performer knows who thinks of what category and also exact thought, dual reality covering parts of index card as basic method, variations in method
  • The Stage Presentation
  • Alternate Stage Presentation (with a different basic method)
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Variation #4
  • Variation #5
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2
Also published here 1999 4
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 2
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 5
Philip T. Goldstein Zodiagnostic word thought of from small zodiac booklet
Also published here 2000 7
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2001 2
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2002 5
Luke Jermay RGM (Reversed Gestalt Moment) magician causes spectator to forget the name of a playing card shown to them
2002 4
Luke Jermay Manipulation of Perception Word on paper is shown to two spectators. One sees "walk", one sees "bomb", the word is actually "the"
Related to 2002 25
Luke Jermay The Ice Man Cometh ring vanishes from spectator's hand and appears in a block of ice
2003 87
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2003 2
Morley Budden Post-It Parapsychology two spectators draw same picture
Related to 2003
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 17)
Luke Jermay Touching On Hoy performer reveals thoughts of three spectators, when tapped on shoulder one has to think of a shape, one of a date and the third of a name
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2004 9
Luke Jermay Blindfold Sequence spectator reveals thought of number of other spectator
2004 34
Philip T. Goldstein Menu Pause price of imaginary dinner predicted
Also published here 2004 5
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2004 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2004 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2004 3
Barrie Richardson The Simplex Mind-reading Routine spectators fill out cards where more information is requested as audience knows, handwriting analysis presentation
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Club 71, Easter 1999
2005 157
Barrie Richardson The Double Billet glimpsing method for folded billet with information written in special places, audience is not aware of what is asked for on billet
VariationsAlso published here
  • Club 71, July 2003
2005 275
Derren Brown Bermuda spectators imagine a card on blank cards that are divined from the audiences point of view, are really actual cards
Related to
  • "Factory Blanks" (Tom Stone)
Feb. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 2)
Docc Hilford, Danton, Stanton Carlisle 21st Century Svengali pick-up artist version of Koran's binary prediction, using dual reality
Inspired byRelated to 2005 17
Docc Hilford 1n-N1l3-At10n "In-Nile-Ation", a spectator thinks of a two digit number, random numbers are added, the sum match with the thought of number
Inspired by 2006 28
Docc Hilford Thr33 S1d3d Bra1n "Three Sided Brain", three people on stage, one ahead triple prediction, performer not only knows the category of thought but the concrete information
2006 26
Luke Jermay The Ninth Reality
  • The New Mind
"The Tossed Out, Up, And Around Deck"
on dual reality, method mix for tossed-out deck
Nov. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 11)
Hector Chadwick An Astrological Aside Performer able to reveal spectator's astrological sign, includes finesses and tips for the Dunninger name dodge
2008 39
Dani DaOrtiz Double Plane Signature (dual reality)
Related to 2008 11
Patrick G. Redford The Original Forgotten Ploy making an audience forget a playing card that you showed them
Variations 2008 12
Patrick G. Redford Luminous Lethe Spectator forgets color of their shirt, only to remember moments later
2008 20
Patrick G. Redford Dry Memory Spectator forgets a word written on a dry erase board
2008 22
Patrick G. Redford Paper Memory Spectator forgets word written on sketchpad
2008 24
Garrett Thomas, Alex Linian, Patrick G. Redford Careless Combination Spectator forgets combination number to a padlock they set themselves. They will later remember the combination one letter at a time
2008 28
Patrick G. Redford Legitimate Combination Spectator forgets combination to lock that was set to their birth year. They will later remember it again
2008 36
Max Maven Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
Also published here 2009 3
Michael Weber (with your) Back to the Drawing Boards using three spectators
Variations 2009 1
Chris "Doc" Dixon Double Duty card is turned over and both sides shown to two spectators, one thinks of reversed card other can think of any card he sees, both cards are divined
2009 26
Chris "Doc" Dixon Deep & Meaningful Infatuation performer divines card and situation that the spectator apparently made up (but is really written on the card), with idea by Philipp Tawfik
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2009 30
Max Maven Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
Also published here 2010 2
Michael Weber (with your) Back to the Drawing Boards using three spectators, updated version
Inspired by 2011 1
Karl Fulves Table Talk spectator divines card chosen under table, apparently a corner is torn off and restored for the rest of the audience
Prolix (Issue 9)
Barrie Richardson Double Deception Billet Routine glimpsing method for folded billet with information written in special places, audience is not aware of what is asked for on billet
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The Magician, July 2006
2011 170
Harry Riegel Tele-Force force strategy while talking to someone on the phone during a performance, spectator thinks you're talking to phoned person and vice versa
Nov. 2012 13
Harry Riegel A.C.A.A.N person called during performance to give the number, application of Tele-Force
Nov. 2012 13
Bruce Bernstein Pseudo-Telepathy four spectators get an index card with instructions to think of a name, city etc., performer knows who thinks of what category and also exact thought, dual reality covering parts of index card as basic method, variations in method
  • The Stage Presentation
  • Alternate Stage Presentation (with a different basic method)
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Variation #4
  • Variation #5
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2 - Psychometric Presentation
Related toAlso published here 2012 1
Chris Westfall Three Stooges Second spectator correctly divines the first spectator's selection
2013 38
Dr. Stanley Jaks One is Face Up spectator reverses a card in the deck and seals it, another spectator divines it, clever pre-show wording
Also published here 2014 201
G Amnesia (失忆症) You make spectator forget a number you wrote down: you write four numbers, spectator only remembers three
2014 51
Colin McLeod Noted with four bills removed from a wallet, odd bill is found as well as the different scenarios the spectators are thinking of
Inspired by
  • Stephen Tucker's "Visa Cabaret"
  • "Kurotsuke" (Max Maven, VideoMind 1, 1997)
2014 108
Colin McLeod Diced Thoughts die is rolled in a cup, each number stands for a feeling and people think of a memory, memory is divined, using Craig Filicetti's Real Dice
Related to 2014 130
Michael Murray ATM (Actual Thought Manipulation) divination of an emotion and apparently of spectator's PIN number
Inspired by
  • Haim Goldenberg's "Cryptext"
Related to
  • Michael Murray's "Your (Redundant) Number" in "Psychological Subtleties 3"
2014 38
Michael Murray Personal Identification Number apparently divining the PIN code of a spectator
Inspired by
  • "Subtle Telephone" in Banachek's "Psychologcial Subtleties 1"
2014 230
Patrick G. Redford Variation #1: Two Person Simulated Thought of Card at Number one spectator thinks of card, other spectator deals and stops at it, dual reality
2014 119
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Mindreader of the Month word from magazine divined, really only from subscription card held inside magazine
Oct. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Matt Mello Total Control spectator looks at apparently blank business card to make up a thought which is forced
Related toVariations 2014 1
Max Maven 4 Sided Triangle card is thought of before the show, it matches prediction and selection of a second spectator
Related to 2015 12
Michael Weber 4 Sided Triangle - Weber Notes variation with a word instead of cards
Inspired by 2015 15
Alexander de Cova Dual Reality card chosen before the show in pre-show, that card travels from deck to deck in performance
2015 299
Matt Mello Total Control 2.0 spectator looks at apparently blank business card to make up a thought which is forced, replacing the false turnover of the card with faint writing
Inspired by 2015 4
Matt Mello Trippy Colors forcing a design and a color with "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 6
Matt Mello Multiply-a-Number spectator knows answer to equation, using "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 7
Matt Mello Action! predicting the action of what a spectator will do, using "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 8
Matt Mello Any Card at Any Number two spectators name a card and a number when looking at a blank business card, using "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 8
Matt Mello Book Test with invisible book, word named when looking at a blank business card, using "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 8
Matt Mello Chair Test using "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 8
Andy (The Jerx) I Know What You Need Magician apparently manipulated the memories of the audience to choose the predicted food item for dinner, uses an app
2016 213
Jonathan Pendragon Accidental Prophecy effect in which a spectator follows along the performer and both have a card chosen, one uses a blank deck ("Factory Blanks" by Tom Stone)
Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
Tom Stone Psychic Paper blank card shown to various people, they "see" a card which also has been predicted, "Factory Blanks"
Related to Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
殷欣 (Sion) 很暧昧 (Very Ambiguous) Magician divines three numbers thought of by three spectators, propless
Related to 2017 18
Luke Jermay Touching on Hoy performer reveals thoughts of three spectators, when tapped on shoulder one has to think of a shape, one of a date and the third of a name
Also published here Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Gerry McCambridge Chapter 5: Using the Dual Reality making it seem to audience as if performer knows more info about spectator than he possibly could have
2017 25
Gerry McCambridge Chapter 6: Using Cancelling Methods
  • Pre-Show Patter
  • Onstage Patter
2017 29
Gerry McCambridge Chapter 17: Three Index Card Q&A performer divines info from three spectators, routine for when audience is too big to distribute slips to everyone or for a short show
2017 111
John Hostler Reciprocal Discovery two spectators face on stage and select a card from two decks, they match, SBS
  • 20/20 Variation (No Glasses)
Related to 2018 39
John Hostler On Dual Reality definition
2018 39
Alexander de Cova Der Blanko Buchtest book test with blank book, apparently word only thought of, really the spectator sees some words
2018 79
Alberto de Figueiredo Caja, candado y página spectator choses several objects and a city from a stack of cards and names numbers, numbers open lock to box which has objects inside, Pegasus page as climax
Inspired by
  • Ken Dyne's "Nutcase (And The "Yes But No Principle of Doom")" in "Bairn" P. 43.
2018 71
Luke Jermay Connected - A Living & Dead Test with celebrity names written on billets and put in envelopes, name of dead celebrity is divined as well as personal information of the spectator (audience is not aware of what is asked for on billet), two presentations:
  • Crossing Over
  • Connected
2019 10
Luke Jermay Touching On Telepathy variations of "Jermay's General Person Ploy"
  • Phase One: Telepathy ("Touching on Hoy", performer sends thoughts to three spectators, when tapped on shoulder one has to think of a shape, one of a name and the third of a date)
  • Phase Two: Questions & Answers ("Touching on Divination", same spectators should think of questions)
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 32
Ben Hart Coins Across the Airwaves script for coins across over the radio, makes it seem better
2020 133
Ben Hart Cards Rising Through the Airwaves script for performing rising card on the radio
2020 142
Ben Hart Hart to Hofzinser card appears rolled-up in spectator's finger ring which is held by spectator behind back, credit information
2020 183
Ben Hart One Last Thought on Multiple Realities
2020 230
Lionel Gallardo Efecto del Cambio imposible two people see different face of a card, dual reality routine
2021 36
David Britland The Gold Medaillon on television footage of Al Koran performing the routine
Related to Feb. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 2)
Nick Diffatte Double Date coin in cardboard coin holder, any date named, it is predicted on the coin (holder)
Related to 2022 135
Luke Jermay Touching on Hoy performer reveals thoughts of three spectators, when tapped on shoulder one has to think of a shape, one of a date and the third of a name
Also published here 2022 598
Chris "Doc" Dixon Deep & Meaningful Infatuation performer divines card and situation that the spectator apparently made up (but is really written on the card)
Related toAlso published here 2022 622
Luke Jermay Touching on Hoy performer reveals thoughts of three spectators, when tapped on shoulder one has to think of a shape, one of a date and the third of a name
Also published here 2023 3
Luke Jermay Touching on Divination variations of "Jermay's General Person Ploy", same spectators should think of questions
Also published here 2023 8
Anson Chen Non-Duality spectator divines card other spectator selects, dual-reality to cover method
2023 54
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Tossed Out Pictionary Mental Pictionary with three spectators simultaneously à la Tossed Out Deck, rashomon
2023 14
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Tossed Out Pictionary #2 Mental Pictionary with three spectators simultaneously à la Tossed Out Deck, rashomon
2023 15
Tyler Wilson Gizzard spectator holds deck and thinks of any card, it is the only card in the otherwise blank deck, using Homing Card as prelude trick and a somewhat whispered question
Related to June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)
Tom Stone Flatworm Fry one spectator forgets a card he saw, while another spectator who didn't see it "remembers" it
Inspired by 2024 6
Ignacio López Mimetismo Mental two spectators face on stage and select a card from two decks, they match
Related to 2024 17