Written by Chris "Doc" Dixon
Work of Chris "Doc" Dixon
48 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
20 entries
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Chris "Doc" Dixon Preface
Rick Maue Foreword
Part I: Close-Up Magic For the Table & Strolling
Chris "Doc" Dixon Memory Aces four packets cut, face cards shown one by one, then they changed to Aces when shown again, with variation by Steven Youell
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Chris "Doc" Dixon Dixon Drop card dropped from from one packet and added to other packet
Chris "Doc" Dixon, Joshua Jay JHD Sandwich random card between Aces turns out to be to signed selection, using the Dixon Drop
Chris "Doc" Dixon My First Coin Trick small and large coin on hand, both coins cannot be seen when other coin is placed on top
Chris "Doc" Dixon Sally Rand gag-bet, holding one card in a fan and betting that all cards will fall but selection, using spring fan
Chris "Doc" Dixon Tantalizer Lives! spectator's pile is reduced to one via elimination deal, he wins money every time, but loses all on last card
Part II: Bits O' Business & The Business O' Bits
Chris "Doc" Dixon McCombical Redux only one deck used for McCombical Prediction
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Chris "Doc" Dixon Al Baker? We're All "Bakers" cake from dove pan, for restaurant gigs
Part III: Mental Magic & Platform Conjuring
Chris "Doc" Dixon Double Duty card is turned over and both sides shown to two spectators, one thinks of reversed card other can think of any card he sees, both cards are divined
Chris "Doc" Dixon Deep & Meaningful Infatuation performer divines card and situation that the spectator apparently made up (but is really written on the card), with idea by Philipp Tawfik
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 30
Chris "Doc" Dixon Snack Food can of Pringles and signed beer bottle shall change places, bottle vanishes from bag and appears inside can
Chris "Doc" Dixon Bottle Sock bottle changes into sock inside paper bag, bag is thrown into audience
Chris "Doc" Dixon Part IV: Everything Is Still Funnier With Monkeys with explanation of the book title
Chris "Doc" Dixon Reshuffled trick can be repeated instantly
Also published here 43
Chris "Doc" Dixon That Turner Guy Is Real Good
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2023.