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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
U. F. Grant Slow Motion Bill Transposition
Related toVariations 1943 109
Eddie Joseph Yogi's Gaze newspaper catches fire by itself, chemical
  • My Introduction to "Yogi's Gaze"
  • Preparation
  • The Prime Presentation
  • Points to Remember
  • Alternative Presentation
Related to 1969 259
Jerry Mentzer Impromptu Ring Into Saltshaker
Variations 1977 16
Allan Ackerman Card Case Collectors faro, no contact
Related toVariations 1978 17
Millard Longman Acidus Novus method for reading information on folded card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Paul Harris Biological Vanish small rubber ball transforms into finger tip
Variations 1980 69
David Roth Pop Outs tabled production under finger tip
Related toVariations 1981 20
Paul Harris The P.H. Break-Through deck visually penetrates card case from outside to inside
Related toVariations 1981 1
Meir Yedid Far Flung vanish of first, second and third finger
Related toVariations 1981 29
Ben Harris The Floating Ambitious Card tilted card slowly lowered
Variations 1986 10
David Harkey Ring Wraith
Variations Apr. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 4)
David Harkey Without a Wrinkle crushed can unwrinkels itself
Apr. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 4)
David Harkey Swordplay linking cocktail swords
June 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 6)
David Harkey In Stitches sealed toothpick is torn and only wrapper restored
Related to Nov. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 11)
David Harkey Pierced earring appears back on ear of spectator
Also published here Apr. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 3)
David Harkey Professional Close-Up
Apr. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 3)
David Harkey In a Jam borrowed key vanishes and reappears on door jamb
Also published here Apr. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 3)
David Harkey Ringworm ring into balloon apple
Also published here Apr. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 3)
David Harkey Pop Art drawn cannon on signed paper really blows off
Variations Apr. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 3)
David Harkey Professional Close-Up #2 - Street Magic
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 4, 5 & 6)
David Harkey Paul Harris - A Retrospective
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
David Harkey Icebreaker shape of ice is changed
Jan. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 1)
David Harkey Under Fire
Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Harkey Goldrush Ring through "Watch"
Also published here June 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 6)
David Harkey For your Eyes Only torn and restored Post-It with spectator
Oct. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 10)
David Harkey Match-Mate matchbox is removed from its sleeve, the two parts visually reunite
Sep. 1989
Epoptica (Issue 12)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston (reviewer) David Harkey Lecture by David Harkey Aug. 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Jay Sankey Dough pen through bill
Related toVariations 1990 43
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 64
David Harkey Reminiscence
1991 69
David Harkey Stealth Mercury Fold
1991 70
Matthias Laurig David Harkey
1991 151
David Harkey Shades shadow of sun glasses seen on table, glasses opened in shadow, actual glasses open
1991 153
David Harkey Spotweld straw welded shut while still inside cover
Also published here 1991 156
David Harkey Ringworm ring into balloon apple
Also published here 1991 159
David Harkey Acknowledgments
1991 1
David Harkey Bookworm title of chosen book divined, bookmark stuck into pages travels through pages
1991 9
David Harkey The Goldfinger Trilogy finger ring through finger
  • The Goldfinger Principle
  • The Penetration
  • The Transposition
  • The Vanish-Appearance
Related to 1991 13
David Harkey Body Language four coin production, invisible coin tossed up and slapped on hand, becomes visible, one by one
Also published here
  • Lecture Notes "Body Language", 1988
1991 19
David Harkey Crystals glass ball is heated and blown into a test tube, salt poured in, changed into hourglass, changes back and salt is back in packet
1991 23
David Harkey Transpasm card folded in quarters is placed on face-up card on deck, they visibly transpose
Variations 1991 30
David Harkey Ringing in the Duplicate from pocket with case
1991 31
David Harkey Silver Sensation four coin production one by one
1991 33
David Harkey Jumping Shuttle Pass
Also published here
  • Simplicities (Harkey notes published by Ben Harris)
1991 34
David Harkey Silently Separating Two Finger-Palmed Coins
1991 35
David Harkey State of the Art finger ring to glob of silly putty
1991 36
David Harkey Sweet Talk visual
Related to 1991 40
David Harkey Hot-Handed Principle a bit like Striking Vanish
Also published here
  • lecture notes "From the Depths", 1988
1991 40
David Harkey Handiwork folded paper cut to make chain of figures connected by their hands, seems to have been mis-made but is restored
1991 44
David Harkey Simply Divine divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection
1991 48
David Harkey Writing without Writing holding a marker so it doesn't actually write
1991 49
David Harkey Drop-Packet Force timing
1991 49
David Harkey Color Change with Case case rubbed on card
1991 51
David Harkey Power Emanations divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection, variation of previous trick with more writing on the cellophane
1991 54
David Harkey Firebrand lighter transforms into match, with a false transfer for a lighter
1991 56
David Harkey Pop Art drawn cannon on signed paper really blows off
  • Pop Art in Color (using chromatic brand writing pen)
Inspired by 1991 59
David Harkey Animator stickman on back of cards draws an X which ends up on selection
1991 64
David Harkey Over the Edge glass held at side and not from above, falls into glass from back clip
1991 68
David Harkey Blitz Psychology comment on the throw-up vanish
1991 70
David Harkey Glass Spin flourish, spinning glass in hand between fingers
1991 73
David Harkey Message in a Bottle label on one side of miniature bottle travels inside bottle, paddle move
1991 76
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Budge! spectator cannot remove deck from case, but performer can, then same with half the deck and a single card
1991 79
David Harkey Eye of the Needle needle is magically threaded under a handkerchief cover
1991 82
David Harkey Pierced a woman's earring vanishes and reappears in hear ear
Also published here 1991 88
David Harkey Hand Ditch Vanish dropping item into other hand, like lapping without lap
1991 89
David Harkey Under Fire selection ends up stapled into match book
1991 91
David Harkey Ring Wraith
Inspired by 1991 95
David Harkey Flashpoint flashy four-coin production, tabled
Inspired byVariations 1991 99
David Harkey Pop Out Production tabled production under finger tip
Related to 1991 99
David Harkey Deadlift Principle lifting the shell off a coin via natural moisture on finger tip
1991 100
David Harkey Flashpoint II ungaffed version
Inspired by 1991 106
David Harkey Put It on My Tab finger ring links onto tab of empty soda can, tearing tab off for more phases, tab is restored to can as finale
1991 109
David Harkey Color Scheme black crayon splits into three different-colored crayons, then empty crayon box fills with crayons
1991 117
David Harkey Whiplash
1991 121
David Harkey Whiplash Principle card under case on table, part sticking out, case flicked off the card, card secretly shoots inside case, see later in the routine as switch
1991 121
David Harkey Jazz Band
1991 130
David Harkey Dirty Pool black balloon blown up, nozzle torn off, changes into eight ball
Inspired by
  • "Dirty Pool" (David Harkey, Genii, Oct. 1988)
1991 135
David Harkey Showdown performer catches paper streamers from party popper
1991 139
David Harkey Stretch of the Imagination rubber band penetrates spectator's wrist while eyes are closed
1991 141
David Harkey Universal Marking Principle duplicate writing on a rubber band to get a duplicate band
1991 145
David Harkey Mirage oasis appears on drawing of desert scene
1991 145
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 149
David Harkey In a Jam spectator's key travels to door jamb
Also published here 1991 155
David Harkey, Jay Sankey East Meets West pencil through bill, bill torn off pencil and restored, credit information
  • A Brief History
Related toAlso published here
  • "East Meets West" (David Harkey, Genii, Oct. 1988)
1991 158
David Harkey Spinner sticker put on card, deck spread around a can, imaginary spin the bottle game, card that the can points to is card with sticker
Inspired by
  • "Spin the Bottle" (David Harkey, Linking Ring, April 1987)
  • "Spin the Bottle" (David Harkey, Genii, Oct. 1988)
1991 163
David Harkey Silverstroke small purse, coin taken out, then full-sized pen, coin splits into two, then four
1991 168
David Harkey Satellite card floats above card case, ungaffed
1991 175
David Harkey IOU spectator's signature travels from one paper card to another with IOU note
1991 182
David Harkey Gold Rush finger ring threaded onto watch band, it penetrates watch and comes off the other side
Also published here 1991 185
David Harkey Thumper deck vanishes except selection, it is found in case
Related to 1991 188
David Harkey Thumper Plus deck vanishes except selection, it is found in case
  • Thumper Plus Deck Switch
1991 193
David Harkey Nonplused two decks placed into a single card case
1991 195
David Harkey Le Ricochet four coins across one by one
1991 196
David Harkey The Ricochet Move using Malini/Kaps subtlety
  • Left Hand Only
  • Right Hand Only
  • Both Hands Together
1991 196
David Harkey Havana Gold golden cigar band changed into borrowed finger ring
1991 199
David Harkey Spotweld plastic straw in paper wrapper is spotwelt inside wrapper, fingerprints appear inside wrapper on straw
Also published here 1991 203
David Harkey Blockbuster deck penetrates into card case, ungaffed, pass application
Related to 1991 206
David Harkey Sunburst grid printed on business card, part of the design is twisted when seen through a ring, printing remains permanently twisted
1991 209
David Harkey Euroaces using pass
1991 214
David Harkey Sitting Pretty man's finger ring put in ring box, woman's ring changes into man's ring, transposition
1991 215
David Harkey Finger Ring Box Steal finger ring put in ring box and box closed
1991 216
David Harkey Splitting Pretty ring put in ring box vanishes and appears elsewhere
1991 221
David Harkey Two to Tangle rubber band around match box penetrates to around inner drawer, then ends up linked with shell
1991 222
David Harkey Persuasion with case
1991 227
David Harkey The Gathering four coins vanish and reappear in coin purse
  • Another Approach
1991 236
David Harkey The Harkey Count
1991 237
David Harkey Flyby Principle coin secretly dropped into other hand during gesture
1991 239
David Harkey Inside-Out Purse Load
1991 241
David Harkey Cave-Dweller Principle purse as utility hold-out
Related to
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1988
1991 242
David Harkey Crib formula written on finger, it is smudged and than becomes clean writing again
1991 243
David Harkey The Goldfinger Collection intro
Related to 1991 245
David Harkey Heist pocketed ring appears on performer's finger while hand is covered with spectators's hands, Goldfinger principle
1991 245
David Harkey In the Grasp spectator feels finger ring penetrating the performer's finger, Goldfinger principle
1991 246
David Harkey Satin Finish finger ring penetrates from finger into small satin purse, Goldfinger principle
1991 246
David Harkey Forget-Me-Not finger through string, Goldfinger principle
1991 247
David Harkey Rote writing appears on chosen finger, e.g. a prediction, Goldfinger principle
1991 249
David Harkey Pincer finger torn off to release ring and put back on, Goldfinger principle
Inspired by 1991 250
David Harkey Goldfinger Tangents further ideas for Goldfinger principle, threading on a finger ring that is too small, jumping ring from finger to finger
1991 251
David Harkey Kicker shoe pulled off foot shrinks to baby shoe, using paper bag
1991 252
David Harkey Afterword
1991 257
Max Maven Mayday! Mayday!
  • Parallax
amateurs vs professionals
  • Divisive and Illusion (differences between how Magic and Circus professionals mingle or not with amateurs)
  • Solución
  • Meow Mix
Related toAlso published here May 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 9)
David Harkey, Max Maven Meow Mix I
  • Letters
Related to July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Steve Draun The Mercurial Change Vernon Tenkai Change with pack, clean afterwards
VariationsAlso published here 1993 64
David Harkey Chromacon fine incomplete faro shuffle, deck cased, deck taken out and shown all red (or black) except a selection
1993 22
David Harkey Chromacon Plus fine incomplete faro shuffle, deck cased, deck taken out and shown all red and then all black except a selection
1993 24
Jim Steinmeyer Understanding The Bermuda Triangle counting trick with triangle formation of objects
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 12)
David Harkey Nick of Time coin into borrowed wrist watch behind glass
Inspired by
  • handling in Linking Ring Parade, Nov. 1988
1994 147
David Harkey Unleashed strap of glasses penetrate the neck
Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
David Harkey Toppler selection put in center, top half of the deck vanishes, leaving the selection on top, other half found in pocket
Related to Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
David Harkey A Retrospective Harkey on Paul Harris
1996 309
David Harkey Juke
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
David Harkey Found In Bermuda counting trick with triangle formation of little paper planes, the paper planes vanish and are found in purse
Inspired by May 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 9)
David Harkey Acknowledgements
1997 4
David Harkey Preface
1997 5
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Fingerling thumb of child pulled off and re-attached
Inspired by 1997 9
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Torque coin gets hot, is dropped into drink which boils, bends
Variations 1997 12
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Torque II coin gets hot, is dropped into drink which boils, becomes lump of silver
1997 14
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Scatterbrain page of newspaper torn according to spectator's wishes until piece remains, word chosen on it, predicted, bluff
1997 15
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Acidus Novus Handling
Inspired by 1997 16
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Airlock car unlocks itself when performer points on the door, set-up with arm and pullover
1997 21
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Twins two cards stapled face-to-face on table, they turn out to be two later signed selections
  • Twinterior Design (handling variation)
1997 25
David Harkey, Eric Anderson K.M. Move Handling
1997 26
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Squink! dollar in shot glass splits into two half dollars when heated, then into four quarters
1997 29
David Harkey, Eric Anderson DBA business card changes into another one
Inspired by 1997 34
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Zuzu's Petals at the end an additional petal appears to complete "loves me, loves me not"
1997 41
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Wingding butterfly sticker vanishes from sheet and appears on back of spectator's hand
1997 43
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Flashpack flash paper ignited, deck appears in flame
1997 47
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bottom Feeder cased sandwiched card turns out to be later selection, featuring a strip-out addition type handling to add cards from deck to cards that are taken out of case
Also published here 1997 50
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Feeding Frenzy three cards thought-of, performer puts three cards in case, they are the thought-of cards
1997 54
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Schmobius rubber band is impossibly tangled with a knot in it
1997 57
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bonfire matches in shot glass start to burn by themselves, chemical
Related to 1997 60
David Harkey, Eric Anderson, Jay Sankey East meets West meets South pencil through bill
1997 63
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Tour de Cartes card fans brought out of pocket and added to deck, deck still has the same amount of cards, as deck switch
1997 66
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Petrified deck becomes solid block that breaks when dropped
1997 68
David Harkey, Eric Anderson If Looks Could Kill billet reading system for Q&A
1997 75
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Billet Switch under envelope
1997 76
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Outsmart named card spelled to, twenty-six phrases for every card
1997 82
Michael Close (reviewer) Harkey on Video by David HarkeyRelated to Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Dr. Michael Perry Fooler
  • Letters
Related to Apr. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Michael Close (reviewer) Ah-ha! by David Harkey, Eric AndersonRelated to Dec. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Invitation
  • Letters
Related to Jan. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Jon Racherbaumer (reviewer) Bottoms Up: Finesse Card Under Glass by Tony Middleton, David Harkey Feb. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 6)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bottom Feeder cased sandwiched card turns out to be later selection, featuring a strip-out addition type handling to add cards from deck to cards that are taken out of case
Also published here June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)
David Harkey Prize Collection with Aces in the case, applying the Bottom Feeder for the case load
Inspired by June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)
The Magic of David Harkey introduction
Sep./Oct. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 55)
David Harkey Postique torn stamp placed on coin is restored
Sep./Oct. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 55)
David Harkey Tailwind tilted card slowly lowered, with post-it on card
Inspired by Sep./Oct. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 55)
David Harkey Spaz card folded in quarters is placed on face-up card on deck, they visibly transpose
Inspired by Sep./Oct. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 55)
Michel Huot Acid Trip sugar stirred into coffee, it starts bubbling and lower part of spoon has apparently dissolved
Inspired by 2003 23
Michael Powers Animazement stick figure animates on back of deck and draws X on selection, deck shown normal before and after except a single card with the figure on its back
Inspired by
  • "Animator" (David Harkey)
2006 136
David Harkey Oz In Your Fingers
2006 44
David Harkey Turnaround #2 showing both sides of bill, hiding thumb-tip
2006 64
David Harkey Changeling with spectator
Inspired by 2006 230
David Gabbay Sweet signed coin penetrates sugar packet, impromptu
Related toAlso published here 2012 10
John Hostler Cued Redux broken and restored toothpick
Inspired byRelated to 2016 107
Michel Huot Acid Trip spoon is in drink which starts boiling, bottom part of spoon has then dissolved
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2004
2022 323
Richard Mark The Ghostly Hand envelope is placed in book
Inspired by
  • David Harkey's "The Last Word"
35 26