27 entries in Pen & Pencil / Appearance & Production
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Connor Everready Pencil Trick vanish and production of a pencil
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Jerry Andrus Pen Under Cards pen appears under two bent cards on table
1957 1
David Berglas Producing A Pen, Pencil Or Cigar from sleeve
1969 199
Patrick Page A Production Effect wand or pencil appear under handkerchief
1974 24
Mark Weston Continuous Ball Pen Production similar to the cigarette continuous production
June 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Jerry Andrus Bill and Pen pen rolled up in bill, pen vanishes and appears again
1977 12
Jay Sankey RemarkerAble production of three magic markers, sleeve
1984 70
Comedy Production No. 2, item materialized under handkerchief, it's a finger, then pencil appears
1988 6
David Harkey Silverstroke small purse, coin taken out, then full-sized pen, coin splits into two, then four
1991 168
David Berglas Fortwährende Füller-Produktion continuous pen production
1992 4
David Berglas Das Ärmeln
  • "Es ist in Ärmel!"
  • Die Berglas-Schwerkraft-Ärmel-Methode
  • Das Üben
  • Das Wiedererscheinen des Füllers
  • Ärmeltips
    • Ein häufiger Fehler
    • Zu häufiger Gebrauch
Also published here 1992 7
Appearing Pencil sleeving
1994 200
Pencil Production from empty hand
1995 4
Joshua Jay A Perplexing Pen Production using sleeve as a holdout
Also published here 1999 37
Joshua Jay Perplexing Pen Production using sleeve as a holdout
Also published here Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Mark Aspiazu Pen Production pen appears on in-the-hands spread, or under the spread with floating spread sequence
  • Variation
1999 89
Rune Klan Pensive
Also published here Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Rick Merrill Rune Klan's "Impromptu Hitman" with an Extra Punch coin and pen produced, both transpose and then vanish
  • A Production, a Return, and a Reproduction
  • The "Impromptu Hit Man" Sequence
  • The Double Vanish
Inspired byRelated to 2005 24
Cameron Francis The Appearing Sharpie marker appears in empty cap
Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Rick Merrill The No-Sleeving Vanish vanish and reproduction of a pen, watchband
Related toAlso published here 2009 8
David Gabbay Clown Purse pen is removed from tiny purse and replaced, pen gimmick for visual replacement
Related to 2012 29
Tommy Sköld Sköld Production hands shown empty, pen propelled from sleeve into hand
June 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 6)
Alexander de Cova Die Sache mit dem Stift giant pencil or stick from purse frame
2016 106
Lionel Gallardo Aparición del rotulador, de detrás de la oreja del espectador production of pen, behind spectator's ear
2021 114
Rune Klan Pensive
Also published here 2022 122
Flip Stick Erscheinen pen production
2023 84
Eric Jones Power of the Pen pen production without sleeves, wrist watch hold-out
2023 82