95 entries in Coin / Sleights / Transfers / Steals
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Change-Over Steal
1941 20
Eddie Joseph The Pulsation Vanish left hand closes, coin secretly at end of fingers, dragged out with right hand towards wrist
1942 8
Eddie Joseph A Smart Move stack of coin on palm, spectator takes all coins, one is left behind automatically
1942 41
Eddie Joseph The Single Steal one of a stack stolen as stack is placed on table
1942 48
Eddie Joseph The Passing Steal as stack of coins is handed to spectator
1942 48
Milbourne Christopher Coin Steal while showing how to hold sleeve, coin is stolen from closed fist and dropped into sleeve of same arm
Oct. 1950 711
Ross Bertram Back Clip Steal as coins are counted into left hand, first one is stolen back
Also published here 1951
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Paul Morris The Bottom Steal bottom coin of a pile is stolen in classic palm of other hand
Variations 1952 18
Bill Simon Gone steal to other hand, with reference to produce a coin from spectator's ear
VariationsAlso published here 1952 32
Jerry Andrus Coin Steal from heel clip, two handlings
1964 2
Ross Bertram Coin Steal
1969 139
Coin Steal stealing coin back while putting three coins in open hand
1969 68
Juan Tamariz, Arturo de Ascanio Coin Steal three coins are transferred to other hand, both hands closed to fists
1969 70
Roger Klause Fist Steal in Tenkai Pinch
Related to Apr. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 4)
David Roth Drop Steal from stack of coins into fingers
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Heel Clip Transfer pointing
1973 28
Ross Bertram Coin Steal in back clip
1975 6
Ross Bertram Counting Clip Steal as coins are counted into other hand
1978 43
Woody Landers One To Go backfire handling for a coins-across routine
Oct. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Tony Slydini Coin Stack Steal from hand to hand
1979 47
Heel Transfer from hand to hand
Arcane (Issue 4)
David Roth Deep Back Clip Steal
1981 22
Thumb Palm Steal
1981 62
Geoffrey Latta, Scott Weiser Heel Clip Steal
1981 219
Roger Klause Fist Steal in Tenkai Pinch
1982 26
John M. Bauman Display-Flip Steal a steal out of the fist
Nov. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Geoffrey Latta G.P. Bottom Steal bottom coin of a pile is stolen in Goshman Pinch of other hand
Sep. 1982 5
Heel Clip Steal
Dec. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Ross Bertram B.U.D. Bertram Utility Drop, coin dropped Wand Spin type
1983 36
Ross Bertram B.U.D. Bertram Utility Drop, ring dropped Wand Spin type
1983 196
Larry Jennings Sleeve Pull Steal
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
John Benzais Benzais Friction Palm
1985 19
David Roth The Deep Backclip Steal
1985 117
David Roth The Double Steal
Related to 1985 123
Retaining Coin in Classic Palm throwing coins from one hand to another
1985 60
Larry Jennings The Heel Steal
1986 89
John Benzais Benzais Friction Palm
1986 10
Ross Bertram Counting Clip Steal as coins are counted into other hand
1987 230
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Gesture Drop Transfer as sleeve is pushed up a bit
1987 69
Pop-up Steal
1988 8
Gary Kurtz Pop-up Steal
1988 13
Gary Kurtz Flurious Steal tucked in belt, with jumbo coin
1988 1
Heel Steal
1989 12
Heel Clip Steal
1989 7
Harvey Rosenthal Misdirection Coin Steal from left fist into right hand
1990 74
Larry Jennings Heel Steal
1990 101
David Roth Back-Clip Steal
1990 102
John Carney Stack Steal
1991 61
David Roth Double Steal
Related to 1991 95
David Harkey Flyby Principle coin secretly dropped into other hand during gesture
1991 239
Coin Steal
Sep./Oct. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Gary Kurtz Fingertip Steal
1992 48
Frank Thompson Box Bounce bouncing coins back
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Push Steal coin is pushed in fist and stolen back
1994 284
Gary Kurtz Fingertip Steal
1995 4
Fist Steal from closed fist
1996 42
Bob King Heel Steal
Sep. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 9)
De Manche Palm Steal
Winter 1998 143
Thomas Fraps Deep BackClip Heel Steal
Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Heel Clip Steal
May/June 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 1)
Reed McClintock Coin Steal four coins straightened out in left hand, one stolen into right hand edge grip, shell
2002 13
Bill Simon Gone steal to other hand, with reference to produce a coin from spectator's ear
Also published here 2003 10
Curtis Kam The In Closing Steal coin in left hand tapped with coin in right hand and left hand closes, coin stolen out, edge grip
2004 8
Curtis Kam The In Closing Steal coin in left hand tapped with coin in right hand and left hand closes, coin stolen out, edge grip
2006 5
Gary Kurtz Elder Frickel Grip Steal from Trio
2006 6
Coin steal while transferring stack of coins from hand to hand, spellbound position
2009 27
Miguel Ángel Gea Robo al extender #1 coin is stolen while other coins placed in a row, tabled
Related to 2009 82
Miguel Ángel Gea Robo al extender #2 coin is stolen while other coins placed in a row, tabled
Related to 2009 90
Miguel Ángel Gea Robo al extender #3 coin is stolen while other coins placed in a row, tabled
2009 257
Tyler Wilson Transfer secret transfer while recapping a pen
2010 117
Al Schneider French Drop Steal four coins are shown in french drop position and taken by the other hand
2011 333
John Benzais Benzais Friction Pass
2012 14
Alexander de Cova Bill Simons Münzenverschwinden coin put in one hand, a small coin placed on fist, coin inside hand vanishes
Inspired by
  • Bill Simon coin vanish in The Gen
Also published here
June 2014 650
Kainoa Harbottle The Push-Through Steal coins placed in left hand, stolen to right hand into curl palm
Inspired by Nov. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 11)
Alexander de Cova Fist Transfer Handling
2015 92
Alexander de Cova Bill Simon Vanish coin put in one hand, a small coin placed on fist, coin inside hand vanishes
Inspired by
  • Bill Simon coin vanish in The Gen
Also published here
2015 199
Bill Simon, Benjamin Earl Gone Steal Handling
Inspired by 2016 23
Kainoa Harbottle Stacked Coins Palm Transfer Transferring stack of coins from finger clip to clipped by thumb
Related to
  • "Pendulum Hanging Coins" (Kainoa Harbottle, New York Coin Magic Seminar Vol. 5, DVD)
2017 59
Geoffrey Latta The T.P. Bottom Steal "Tenkai Pinch", stack of coins held at fingertips, bottom coin stolen away, with shell handling
Inspired by 2017 39
Chong Huang Display Steal coin at right-hand fingertip drops into hand and is replaced with double coin at back of left-hand fist
Feb. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 2)
Hand-to-hand transfer coins from left heel grip to right thumb palm
2018 113
Heel clip and transfer coin transferred from hand to hand
2018 171
Heel clip steal from left heel clip to right finger palm, different technique than on p. 171
2018 175
Danny Goldsmith The Click Steal
July 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 7)
Michael Rubinstein Discrepancy Steal
2020 58
Michael Rubinstein The Click Steal Back fan of three coins placed in other hand, one coin stolen back
2020 60
Michael Rubinstein The Clip Steal Back fan of three coins placed in other hand, one coin stolen back
2020 61
Geoffrey Latta, Scott Weiser Heel Clip Steal
2020 313
John Carney, John Ramsay Stack Steal
2021 18
Paul Morris The Bottom Steal Bottom coin of a pile is stolen in classic palm of other hand
Inspired by 2021 138
Ross Bertram Back Clip Steal as ring is removed from thumb, a coin from the fingers is stolen back
Also published here Oct. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Wrist Transfer Steal
Feb. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Deep Back Clip Steal
Apr. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Ben Daggers Tabled Steal to finger palm, while stack of coins is spread on table
2022 55
Al Baker Steal from a Fan coin pulled in hand from fan of coins
June 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 6)