108 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Tabled Card is Named Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To allow a Person secretly to think of a Card, and, even before such Card is named, to select it from the Pack, and place it singly upon the Table one in fifty-two, or switch
1876 110
Hugo Schrader Der forcierte Gedanke two decks, one card placed on top of one deck as prediction, spectator remembers any card and its position in other deck, it matches prediction, then card travels into the other deck as clean-up anti-climax
Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke (La Pensée Quand-Même) tabled card is named card, with tray index
Also published here 1910 47
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der Gedanke two decks on table, spectator removes thought-of card from other deck
Related toAlso published here 1910 53
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke performer tables card, spectator thinks card from another deck, it disappears and the prediction card on table is correct
Also published here 1910 78
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke (Zweite Ausführung) card removed by performer and wrapped in handkerchief, card thought of from second deck vanishes and travels to pocket, wrapped card is also thought-of card
VariationsAlso published here 1910 82
Eric F. Impey One Ahead deck from blue deck put out as prediction, matches card that spectator choses from red deck, red/blue double backer
1931 3
Ralph W. Hull A Mental Card Mystery tabled card turn out to be free selection, requiring two Jokers, top change and mexican turnover
Related toVariations 1932 15
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin With Unprepared Cards, Without Forcing card laid face down on table proves to be card mentally selected
1938 325
Ralph W. Hull The Three of Clubs card on table turns out to be any card named, different switches
Related toVariations 1938 327
Crystal Thought duplicate, mexican turnover
Related toVariations 1940 335
Tom Sellers Think Of A Card
1941 6
Edward Marlo The Wishing Card Trick cards placed on table turns out to be any card named
Also published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 78)
Edward Marlo The Wishing Card Trick cards placed on table turns out to be any card named
Also published here 1953 5
Roy Walton A Nervy Card Trick card from other deck matches free selection, both cards change to other matching cards, Mexican Turnover
1957 33
Edward Marlo Roughed Mene-Tekel Coincidence card thought of in blue deck matches card chosen from red deck
Related to Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Harry Lorayne Mentalamazement any card thought of, magician places card on table, correct one (switch)
1962 225
Theodore Annemann The Thought Card from "Annemann's $50 Manuscript" (ca. 1932)
duplicate & Mexican Turnover
Related to Oct. 1967 129
Edward Marlo, Burling Hull Variation on Hull's Prediction tabled card turns out to be any named card, sticky substance
1968 114
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Future Card "Domination Of Thought"
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Edward Marlo Another Visit any named card on table, borrowed deck, seven methods
Related to Spring 1970
Hierophant (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo A Logical Approach any named card on table
Related to Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Alan Keith Clean-Up card on table is any named card
Related to 1971 47
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe The Lost Trick of R.W. Hull "An Article On The Hypnotic Joker"
two spectators select face-down cards at table them, then name any cards, they match
Related to Feb. 1971 400
Gerald R. Blount Crooksville Chicanery two spectators select face-down cards at table them, then name any cards, they match
Related toVariations June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Double Backer Effect No. 194, odd-backed prediction card on table is shown to be selection with Mexican turnover (odd back not mentioned, but doesn't make much sense otherwise)
1972 47
Edward Marlo A Sandwich Approach sandwiched card on table turns out to be later selection, seven methods
Related toVariations 1975
Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Karl Fulves Named Trap card sandwiched in beginning turns out to be named card
1975 97
Edward Marlo think as i think card tabled, spectator think of card from other deck, they match, roughed red-blue menetekel
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Still Visiting
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Edward Marlo marlo's deal switch thought-of card appears between tabled mates, featuring a switch
VariationsAlso published here 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Jon Racherbaumer Macho Matcho card placed on table, matches freely named card from other deck, roughed red-blue menetekel, red-blue double backer
Inspired by 1976 22
Karl Fulves Soliloquy single card on table turns out to be later signed card, sleeving, see also top of p. 36 for lapping method
1977 33
Karrell Fox Foldup Chance gag, folded card in spectator's hand is supposed to be named card, but it is not
1979 86
Karl Fulves Mental Stud
  • Poker Problem #2
spectator names any card which turns out to be hole card
1981 17
Tommy Wonder Elizabeth 3rd named card predicted in clear envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Tim Gan 1 in 52 card is sandwiched, then card is named, it is the sandwiched card
Inspired by Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Michael Close, Stewart James Coda Chrome based on "Chronothot" from New Tops, prediction from odd-backed deck is put on table and matched named card, gaffed decks and double backer
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
John C. Wagner, Ralph W. Hull Whispering Wagner two thought of cards are found
Inspired byVariations 1987 20
Edward Marlo "The Blue Thought" odd-backed card tabled, card named, another card removed from another deck and brought to odd-backed card which turns out to be named card
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Mar. 1964
1988 57
Edward Marlo Siamese Strangers
  • First Method (stranger card)
  • Second Method (double facer)
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Nov. 1964
1988 106
Jon Racherbaumer Strange Siamese Strangers two cards tabled, they turn out to be later selection and though-of card
Inspired by 1990 115
Justin Higham Influential Ace pocketed card turns out to be free selection, handling has an Ace of Spades on the table as helper card
Inspired by Aug. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo Complete Mental Secret odd-backed card is touched and tabled, any named card removed from other deck, they match, roughed red/blue menetekel, roughed red-blue double-back deck
Related to Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
David Harkey Whiplash
1991 121
Michael Vincent Ultra Clean Sandwich named card appears between tabled sandwich cards à la Marlo
1994 98
Alexander de Cova Blank Thought Surprise blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, previously tabled card is named card
Variations 1994 17
R. Paul Wilson Your Card? card put on table, any card named, it says "Your Card" on the tabled card, named card in wallet, or card changes into named card
1995 15
Tommy Wonder Elizabeth III named card predicted in clear envelope
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1996 64
Karl Fulves Nameless a jack transforms into any named card in packet of aces
1997 127
Frank Csuri Double Back Think double lift on deck
1997 15
Dean Dill In Case of Emergency card tabled, then any card named, "52-on-1" card produced from pocket, then tabled card shown as named card
1997 37
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Card Force card placed on the table
Related toAlso published here 1997 26
Tomas Blomberg Blabbering Blomberg two thought of cards are found
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Tomas Blomberg Hull Scam Handling magician divines selected card and thought-of card
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Richard Osterlind Miracle Thought Projection card placed on table, spectator names a card, it matches, repeat, psychological gambit
1999 37
Joshua Jay Card, Clip, Gasp Spectator names a card, paperclipped folded card shown to be it
Inspired by 1999 107
Roger Crosthwaite DOT Revised card put in breast pocket, card thought of, it is shown to be the one
Inspired by
  • Domination of Thought (Hofzinser)
1999 91
Ralph W. Hull, Roberto Giobbi Any Named Card card placed on table is any named card, mexican turnover application
2000 826
Robin Robertson Aldo Colombini's "Chance" Revisited two prediction cards, any card named, two Twos removed, both predictions shown as named card one by one, then they change to other two Twos
Inspired by
  • "Chance" (Aldo Colombini, The Linking Ring, Apr. 1986)
2000 39
Reinhard Müller, Karl-Heinz Ritter Double Face Spezial intro to tricks with double faced deck with same card on every back
Related to 2001
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Reinhard Müller Eine unfehlbare Vorhersage prediction written on face of a card, double faced deck with same card on every back
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Pre-Determination Of Thought
Also published here 2002 51
Karl Fulves Further Notes on the plot and Robert-Houdin's version
2002 56
Sam H. Sharpe The Three Of Clubs
Related to 2002 56
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Thought two decks on table, spectator removes thought-of card from other deck
Also published here 2002 58
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Domination Of Thought #1 performer tables card, spectator thinks card from another deck, it disappears and the prediction card on table is correct
VariationsAlso published here 2002 73
Karl Fulves Domination Of Thought #2 card removed by performer and wrapped in handkerchief, card thought of from second deck vanishes and travels to pocket, wrapped card is also thought-of card
Also published here 2002 76
Roberto Giobbi Crystal Thought commentary
Related to May 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 5)
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Mere Coincidence? any card named, a card is touched and it is the named card, switch
2002 19
Wesley James The Vibratory Prediction card chosen from face-up spread matches mate prediction
  • Preferred Method ("beta")
2004 410
Dave Campbell An Open Prediction red/blue double backer, partial roughing
2004 347
Juan Tamariz Prediction prediction of named card, with odd backed card
  • A. The Hofzinser Mehod
  • B. With a Regular Deck and Two Jokers
  • C. With a Regular Deck, without Jokers
  • D. With a Stranger Card
  • E. A Stage Version: "The Joker"
2004 91
Stephen Bargatze A Little Lie performer tables unknown card, spectator's card is lost, spectator lies about his card and names any card, selection found and tabled card turns out to be lie card
  • Presentation #1: Bluffing at Poker
  • Presentation #2: For a Married Couple
Related to
  • "Lie to Me" (Garrett Thomas)
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Jon Racherbaumer Hull Scam magician divines selected card and thought-of card, duplicate
Variations 2007 98
David Berglas The Invisible Multiple Tossed-Out Decks imaginary decks are tossed out, everyone thinks of a card, performer names lots of cards and people sit down except a few, their card matches previously selected and tabled card
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
Christopher Williams Dropped Card Trick some cards dropped to floor, spectator thinks of a card and places foot on a card, it's the chosen card, cull and double lift
2009 83
Tyler Wilson *69 selection is divined and transforms into named card, memorized deck, telephone game presentation in which card is whispered around and changed in the process
Also published here 2010 141
Tyler Wilson Sideways Eight card on table is shown to be any one named, memorized deck
2010 87
John C. Wagner WWII (Whispering Wagner Version 2) two thought-of cards are tabled before they are named, with third card that performer thought of
Inspired by Apr. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 4)
Tom Stone With Great Powers... using suitcase and table top
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Card Force card placed on the table
Also published here 2012 113
Tom Stone A La Puga! card in glass is any named card, featuring black art switch
Inspired by
  • "Card and Glass" (Miguel Puga)
Mar. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 3)
Kevin Ho JK gag
2014 20
Kevin Ho Trickroll'd gag
2014 26
Peter McKinnon Arthur prediction card tabled, it cannot be turned over (double backer), then changes into named selection, optional ending in which it cannot be face down
2014 13
Jim Steinmeyer The Emperor's New Deck deck is shown blank on both sides, on normal card is shown and set aside, it eventually is shown to be a named card, twenty-six blank-backed red cards
  • Variation: The Emperor & The Instant Stooge
Also published here 2014 15
Jim Steinmeyer The Emperor's New Deck
  • Conjuring
deck is shown blank on both sides, on normal card is shown and set aside, it eventually is shown to be a named card, twenty-six blank-backed red cards
  • Variation: The Emperor and The Instant Stooge
Also published here Sep. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 9)
Helder Guimarães The Choice to Change named card appears sandwiched between tabled Jokers
Related to
  • "Empanada" (Armando Lucero)
Also published here
Dec. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 12)
Mike O'Brien Do As You Want card in breast pocket is shown to be later freely named card
Feb. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer Guess What? with a physical and a mental selection, Solomon's Time Warp Wallet
Inspired by 2017
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Benjamin Earl Test Conditions Prediction named card predicted in pocket
2017 21
Bob Farmer I Predict a Red Backed Card odd-backed tabled card turns out to be later thought-of card, red/blue double backer
  • The Spectator Picks the Mystery Card
2017 24
Akira Fujii The Lone Card card placed under the close-up mat, any card named, mat lifted and card shown to be named one
June 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 6)
Benjamin Earl Stepping Stones
  • Step One: card pocketed is shown to be named card
  • Step Two: pocketed card transposes with a second named card in the hands
  • Step Three: "Be Honest" handling
Inspired by 2019 1
Tom Gagnon Clipped Thought unknown card with paper clip set aside, it turns out to be named Ace, then changes to another named Ace, then all Aces are in clip, ribbon spread techniques used
Inspired by 2019 104
Tom Gagnon Devilish Thought using Devilish Switch, duplicate
Inspired by 2019 409
Helder Guimarães The Choice to Change named card appears sandwiched between tabled Jokers
Related to
  • "Empanada" (Armando Lucero)
Also published here
2019 72
Patrick G. Redford Goodnight Elizabeth Elizabeth IV, but spectator is able to correctly guess both cards in a clear folder
Inspired by 2019 224
Jon Racherbaumer Hull-Bullish
  • Exhumations
card on table turns out to be any card named, involving another selection
Inspired by Feb. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 2)
Will Houstoun A Video Chat Card Trick card placed in card case, it turns out to be named card
The Neat Review (Issue 4 - Everywhere & Nowhere 2022)
Shimpei Katsuragawa In the Pocket two cards put in different pockets, then two cards are named, they turn out to be the pocketed cards
2022 93
Nick Diffatte, Tyler Erickson You've Got Fail envelope brought out, any card named, envelope torn open but card not shown, another card chosen and found, then card in envelope shown as originally named card
2022 47
Tyler Wilson Call Girl selection is divined and transforms into named card, memorized deck, telephone game presentation in which card is whispered around and changed in the process
Also published here 2022 690
Alex Pandrea Expertalk: Alex Pandrea on the Thought-of Card handling of Three of Clubs trick with duplicate Jokers
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2010
2022 982
Joshua Logan, John Bodine, Brian Hart Freak Out tabled card is named card, not really but with graphic image on card that gets a reaction
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2012
2022 1160
Juan Tamariz Unique Double Prediction performer takes two prediction cards from shuffled deck, card freely named, one prediction is a joker (gag) and the other one matches the card
  • First Improvement (memorized deck)
  • Second Improvement (top change substitute)
  • Third Improvement
  • Fourth Improvement
2022 9
John Carey The Unknown Future unknown card tabled, any card named, two Jokers taken out of the deck to turn over unknown card which is named card
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)