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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Forcieren durch den Blick forcing with the gaze, timing stop force
Variations 1910 5
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gleiche Gedanken (Erste Ausführung) two cards are selected from a deck, performer finds same card in second deck placed in his pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1910 6
Ottokar Fischer Karten Experimente only description of routines, card problems
  • Die Farbenwahl
  • Die verwandelten Asse
  • Die Zigarettentasche
  • Der geheimnisvolle Pique-König
  • Die fünf verwandelten Karten
  • Carte blanche
  • Der magische Fingerring
  • Die sonderbare Übereinstimmung
  • Karte und Banknote
  • Karte und Taschentuch
  • Karte und Uhr
  • Die magische Separation
  • Das Blumenrätsel
  • Das Kartenwerfen
  • Rübenzahl
  • Die Visitkarte
  • Das Spiel der Landsknechte
  • Die mysteriöse Karte
Related toVariations 1910 216
Edward Marlo Mental and Physical
  • #3 of "3 Mental Effects"
card thought of, another selection placed next to it, both found
  • Additional Ideas for Mental and Physical Choice
    • 1. Force
    • 2. Marked Deck
    • 3. Stacked deck
    • 4. One way deck on faces
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Matt Schulien Matt's Face Down Spread Force cards scrambled on table in wash, spectator takes one
Related to 1959 51
Matt Schulien The Mental Fan Force Routine cards run through with faces towards spectator who thinks of one, card named and found, detailed with outs
  • A Sample Routine
Related to 1959 78
Edward Victor, Fred Kaps Edward Victor's Color-Changing Coins (Spellbound)
Inspired byAlso published here 1960 (ca.) 1
Fred Kaps Okito Box Routine coins vanish from box and appear in hand
Also published here 1960 (ca.) 2
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Card Problems 11. Card And Watch
12. The Magic Separation
13. The Flower Puzzle
14. The Toss Of The Cards
15. Rubezahl
16. The Visiting Card
17. The Game Of The Lansquenets
18. The Mysterious Card
Related toVariations Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Derek Dingle Restoration Assembly combo
Related to 1982 187
Larry Jennings Direct Flight Card to Case card to box, slit case
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1982 8
José Carroll The Unwary Cheater or The Nine Card Monte, ungaffed
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 47
David Williamson Torn & Restored Transposition
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1989 72
José Carroll Cannibals! elaborate routine involving fake mustache and teeth, half eaten cards...
Related toAlso published here 1991 85
Guy Hollingworth Universal Card Scam
Related to 1999 219
Juan Tamariz Method to look for a card in the deck all cards reversed but top card
Related to 2004 129
Dani DaOrtiz ¿Cómo están las cosas? about the new magazine El Manuscrito, which was initially written for the Círculo de Ilusionistas Malagueños(C.I.M.) and then become independent from Nr. 4 on
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Dani DaOrtiz Viajando por E.E.U.U. about the journey though the USA, Miguel Angel Gea, Christian Engblom, Katia, 4F, Vanni Bossi, Alfonso Aceituno, Ed Ellis, Magic Castle, Rafael Benatar, Dean Dill, Johnny Thompson, Penn & Teller, Steve Forte, Michael Weber, Max Maven
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Dani DaOrtiz ¿Cómo están las cosas? on the C.I.M.
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz, Juan Tamariz La Verticalización en la magia the verticalization in magic, to be more visible, using camera and projector (notes by Juan Tamariz) and other
  • Campo ficticio de verticalización
  • Facilitando la verticalización
  • La copa de cristal: una solución
  • Preyector y cámara
Variations 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz Acercándonos un poco a Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser (primera parte) on Hofzinser
  • Su Vida
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz J.H. Hofzinser - Forzaje de la mirada on Hofzinser's forcing with the gaze, timing stop force
Inspired by 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz Problema de Hofzinser - Carta y Reloj on Hofzinser's card problem 11. Card and Watch, prediction of time and card, watch drawn on card using duplicates and red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz Twin Souls deck spread on the table and one chosen and turned face up, when squared and spread again the other three cards with the same value are face up at various places as well
Also published here 2007 26
Dani DaOrtiz Double Intuition two selections, spectator deals stops at card and counts value to find selection, then deck is dealt face down and second spectator stops at selection
2007 27
Dani DaOrtiz Triple Intuition Double Exposure adding a third selection
Also published here 2007 29
Dani DaOrtiz Imaginary Dices card at number, with invisible dice
Related to 2007 32
Dani DaOrtiz It's Not Another... Torn And Restored Card signed with matching corner, found restored in wallet
2007 33
Dani DaOrtiz Foreword
2008 5
Dani DaOrtiz Torn and Restored about the plot/effect
2008 7
Dani DaOrtiz The Duplicates
  • Duplicates, what for?
  • Real and False Signatures
  • False Signatures
2008 8
Dani DaOrtiz Getting false signatures (some ideas)
  • A. False prepared signatures
  • B. False prepared signatures on the deck
  • C. The marker does not mark...
  • D. Better you
2008 9
Dani DaOrtiz Real Signatures?
  • A. Spectator signes twice
  • B. Memorize spectators signature
  • C. Copying literally
Related to 2008 10
Dani DaOrtiz Double Plane Signature (dual reality)
Related to 2008 11
Dani DaOrtiz Restoration (Flash - pocket) signed card torn, pieces pocketed, immediately restored card removed from pocket
2008 15
Dani DaOrtiz Restoration (Flash - Deck Card Case) signed card torn, pieces put in case, immediately restored card shaken out of case
2008 16
Dani DaOrtiz Fake Torn Pieces Insertion torn quarters apparently put into case
2008 17
Dani DaOrtiz Throw-Out from Palm palmed card apparently shaken out of case ("la Extracción Sugerida de DaOrtiz")
2008 18
Dani DaOrtiz Matrix Restored card torn in quarters, chink-a-chink with pieces, then card restores itself at once
  • Restored Move (quarters picked up and card instantly restored)
Related to 2008 20
Dani DaOrtiz It is not a torn and restored card "Trilogy of the Double Tearing Move - Impromptu"
method to get a duplicate torn corner, see following applications
2008 25
Dani DaOrtiz Back in time number named, card at that position signed, torn up, pieces vanish except a corner, rest re-appears at same position
Also published here 2008 30
Dani DaOrtiz Plas! signed card restored between hands except corner, lapping
2008 31
Dani DaOrtiz Unique Williamson's routine with four selection, card changes with each restoration phase
Inspired by 2008 32
Dani DaOrtiz Gag - Strongest Magician card visibly changes into torn quarters
2008 36
Dani DaOrtiz Restored Card to the Shoe
2008 38
Dani DaOrtiz Instant Recomposition card torn into quarters, visibly restored
2008 40
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Fat Brothers (2-DVD set) by Dani DaOrtiz
with Christian Engblom and Miguel Angel Gea
Dec. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 12)
Dani DaOrtiz ¿Cómo están las cosas?
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Manuel Montes Añadido a la verticalización thoughts on the verticalization in magic
Inspired by 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz Indagando, tras la pista de Robert Houdin - primera parte on the life of Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin and why he was important
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz Las metamorfosis
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito editorial
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Sobre el Cull de Hofzinser - Primera Parte remarks on the cull, called Debex in spain
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Cull para Salida de un fallo spread cull force as out for classic force
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Cull reverse bringing a culled card to a higher position up in the spread
  • Cull reverse, en posición determinada
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Pepe Medy La lista mental list of objects, spectator thinks of object at thought of number, with additional idea by Dani DaOrtiz
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Una tertulia sobre Kaps - Curiosidades, anécdotas e historias de Camilo Vazquez sobre Fred Kaps anecdotes of Fred Kaps by Camilo Vazquez
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Tras la pista de Fred Kaps study of Fred Kaps
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Fernando Figueras, Arturo de Ascanio, Fred Kaps Ascanio entrevista a Fred Kaps - primera parte Fred Kaps interview by Ascanio, annotated by Figueras
Related to 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz Herb Zarrow
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Fred Kaps, Arturo de Ascanio, Fernando Figueras, Dani DaOrtiz Ascanio entrevista a Fred Kaps - segunda parte Fred Kaps interview by Ascanio, annotated by Figueras
Related to 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Pete Biro, Dani DaOrtiz, Miguel Ángel Gea, Antonio Iturra Pete Biro nos habla sobre Fred Kaps Pete Biro on Fred Kaps, Interview
  • Entrevista a Pete Biro
  • Fred Kaps visto por Pete Biro
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Las cartas de Hofzinser - La carta transparente (o la falsa carta transparente) on Hofzinser's transparent cards and how to make them
  • Creación de las cartas transparentes
  • A tener en cuenta
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Triple transparencia hofzinser transparent card routine, card reflection changes twice
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Cuatro y Seis Hofzinser transparent card as multiple out
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Transparencia real on using a transparent card, without second card value
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Mensajes, dibujos o miscelánea more ideas on Hofzinser's transparent card
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser, Dani DaOrtiz, Richard Hatch Los Cubiletes de J. Nepomuk Hofzinser on Hofzinser's Cups an Balls routine
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Dados Imaginarios card found at predicted number, using imaginary dice
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz, Howard Hamburg Dai Vernon - el hombre que engañó a Houdini on Vernon's trick that fooled Houdini
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz Ambiciosa progresiva multiple ambitious card phase, with multiple ambitious finale
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz Juanjo Barón
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz Kaps on Coins on Fred Kaps' video and notes "Kaps on Coins", translation of
  • Cambio de color de monedas, de Edward Victor
  • Rutina con la caja Okito
Also published here 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz Problemas cartomágicos on Hofzinser's card problems
Related to 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Recuerde y olvide de Hofzinser two versions of Remember and forget
  • primera versión: fiel al original
  • segunda versión: para un espectador
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Kaps on Kards on Fred Kaps' video and notes "Kaps on Kards", translation of
  • floritura y pase (salto Le Paul)
  • pase al cuadrar por arriba (por arrastre del pulgar)
  • descarga deslizante (al regazo en mezcla)
  • volver al mezclar (volteo carta superior)
  • falso corte snap-out
  • floritura del giro en el falso corte (Charlie Miller)
  • falso corte con doblez
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Cards are my Business selection from small packet is found, presentation with short messages written on business cards
2010 59
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz Curiosidades: Pepita de Oliva y su relación con Hofzinser on Pepita de Oliva and Hofzinser
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz Triunfomania - primera parte two techniques for Triumph
  • Mezcla en las manos (overhand shuffle to show face-up and face-down cards)
  • Giro del montón superior (secret reverse of half the deck)
Also published here 2010
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz Kaps on Kards on Fred Kaps' video and notes "Kaps on Kards", translation of
  • empalme en giro (Tenkai)
  • empalme de la carta superior (Hugard)
  • empalme al coger la copa (Kaps)
  • vistazo inferior (Buckley)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz, Christian Engblom, Juan Tamariz Tertulia en San Fernando - Primera Parte interview of Juan Tamariz by Engblom and DaOrtiz
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Dani DaOrtiz, Christian Engblom, Juan Tamariz Tertulia en San Fernando - Segunda Parte interview of Juan Tamariz by Engblom and DaOrtiz
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Dani DaOrtiz Williamson, ¡un estilo de vida! on David Williamson
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Dani DaOrtiz The "Magic" of Fred Kaps about the book on Fred Kaps by Ken Brooke
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Dani DaOrtiz Maquinilla eléctrica, de Fred Kaps picture of the razor used by Fred Kaps in his Razor Deck Routine
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Dani DaOrtiz, Luis Garcia Concepciones Magicas - primera parte on the Ascanio's and Tamariz' conception of magic
  • Concepción mágica de Arturo de Ascanio por Luis Garcia. La Atmósfera Mágica
  • Concepción mágica de Juan Tamariz, por Luis Garcia. La Emoción del Misterio
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Dani DaOrtiz La Vida Vista a través de Gafas de Pasta on Luis Piedrahita and his magic
2011 138
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks Genii's 75th anniversary celebration, Dani DaOrtiz, Max Maven's Thinking In Person, Earle Oakes passing
Nov. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 11)
David Britland The Card Magic of Dani DaOrtiz
Nov. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz Twin Prediction value of two cards added, sum used to count to previous selection
Variations Nov. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz Hofzinser's Remember and Forget with three spectators
Nov. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz Out of this World in Two Piles
Nov. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Dani DaOrtiz Técnicas Cartomágicas de Gabi Pareras
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Dani DaOrtiz Jugando con Palos (y con percepción) two principles, secretly removing only cards from one suit, and showing a packet which is in numerical order to look shuffled
  • 1. Separación a la vista y secretamente, de un palo de la baraja
  • 2. Enseñada de un palo mezclado (realmente ordenado)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Dani DaOrtiz, Howard Hamburg El Corte Diagonal slit in card case, moves and ideas, dated to 1972 and apparently shown to Cervon and Jennings
  • Preparación del estuche
  • Sacar carta al insertar la baraja
  • Insercción de una cara (sin baraja)
  • Insercción de una cara (con baraja en el interior)
  • Insercción de una cara (desde el empalme)
  • Traslado de cartas a la baraja
  • De la baraja al empalme del tahur
  • Orientación de la ranura
  • Versión de la doble firma
Related to 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Dani DaOrtiz Daniel Garcia short introduction in Daniel Garcia
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Dani DaOrtiz Triunfomania - parte II Psicología Básica de "El Triunfo" / basic psychology of the Triumph
  • La Imposibilidad
  • Visual o Racional
  • Fases (inicio - Final y Expositiva - Mágica) - Ascanio
  • Final visual
  • El desenlace
Also published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 18)
Dani DaOrtiz Anotaciones personales de Pepe Carrol annotations in books by Carrol
  • The Complet Works of Dereck Dingle (!)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 18)
José Carroll, Dani DaOrtiz, Woody Aragón Canibales - Versión Original de Pepe Carrol original version of the Cannibals, reprint from set of lecture notes
  • Introducción (Woody Aragón)
  • Los Canibales (Pepe Carrol)
Related to 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 18)
Dani DaOrtiz Incauto Bribón anecdotes on Carrol performing the The Unwary Cheater
Related to 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 18)
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Utopia (4-disc set) by Dani DaOrtiz Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz 10th Open Prediction
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
three predictions from second deck are on table, any number named, the card is counted to and the card at that position completes a four-of-a-kind with the predictions, "every tenth" principle
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz Packet Lap
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz Time Moves in Reverse
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
number named, card counted to, it is torn and vanishes, found restored at same position minus one corner
Related to May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz Double Tear tearing the corner off a double card
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks David Sousa, Joe Kardwell, Colonel Nedly Lostmore, Teller
Related to June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz The Psychology of Triumph
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
  • The Impossibility
  • Visual or Rational
  • Time Between Phases
  • Final Visual
  • The Outcome
Also published here July 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz In the Hands Shuffle 1
Also published here July 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Turning the Upper Packet 1
Also published here July 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Some Thoughts About the Magician's Choice
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!

  • The Importance of the Question
  • The Spectator Anticipates
  • Movement Toward the Background
  • Ambiguity to Afford Alternatives
  • Forcing Decisions
  • Sentence Construction
  • Offering Two Choices and Placing Greater Emphasis on One of Them
  • The Only Option Among Many
  • The Logic of the Sentence
  • Question on a Secondary Layer
  • Direct Request, Final Ambiguity
  • Forcing by Making Use of Expectations or Assumptions
Also published here Sep. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Dani DaOrtiz Sobre un juego de Fred Kaps introduction
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Dani DaOrtiz Miguel Puga - Mago Migue portrait of Mago Migue
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 21)
Dani DaOrtiz Sobre David Britland brief intro on David Britland
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 21)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
Dani DaOrtiz El juego de las 3 tazas mathematical monte using three cups
Related to 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
Justin Higham Palmist's "Business-Card" Prophecy Joker is stabbed two cards that add up to named number between ten and twenty
Inspired byRelated to
  • Dani DaOrtiz effect in Utopia DVDs
2012 10
Dani DaOrtiz The Suit Freely Thought Of
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
solution to Hofzinser problem
Feb. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 2)
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Fat Brother 2: The Magic Continues by Dani DaOrtiz, Christian Engblom, Miguel Ángel Gea Mar. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz The Fan Force
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
spectator remembers as cards are spread before his eyes
  • Increasing the Sense of Need
Also published here Apr. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Fishing
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!

  • The Way It's Usually Done
  • Eliminating the Sensation of Fishing
  • Let the Fishing Begin
  • Elimination Based on Location
  • Elimination Based on Characteristics
Also published here June 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 6)
David Regal (reviewer) The Mirage by Dani DaOrtiz June 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz Two Deck Coincidence
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
spectator reverses card under table, another takes a card from the deck which is in his pocket, they match
Also published here Sep. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz Under-the-Table Force spectator reverses a card below the table
Sep. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 9)
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Lennart Green & Dani DaOrtiz by Lennart Green, Dani DaOrtiz Sep. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz Oil and Water Done in the Spectator's Hands
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
Also published here Nov. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 11)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Dani DaOrtiz Sobre Biktor on Biktor Chávez
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Dani DaOrtiz La Carta Doble - Acercamiento básico al manejo on the double card handling
  • Adquisición, Manejo y Dejada
    • Adquisición
    • Trabajo
    • Dejada o abandono
  • 1. Omisión verbal y visual (Omisión de la doble)
  • 2. Las Enseñadas Fotográficas
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 24)
Dani DaOrtiz Acerca de Blaine on David Blaine
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 24)
David Blaine, Dani DaOrtiz, Christian Engblom Entrevista a David Blaine
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 24)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 25)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 26)
Miguel Ángel Gea, Dani DaOrtiz Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Problema 8 - La extraña Coincidencia
  • Primera Parte - Sobre el problema
    • Soluciones
    • Saltándose el Problema
    • Mi solución
  • Segunda Parte - Versión DaOrtiz
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 26)
Justin Higham Poker Charade with drawing
Inspired byVariations 2013 34
Dani DaOrtiz, Tom Crosbie Think of A Card! DaOrtiz routine included in Shadow Stack, divination of card
2013 195
Joe Williamson, Dani DaOrtiz Method of Named Card Control named card appears face-up on the deck
Related to 2013 197
Dani DaOrtiz The Strange Coincidence (A Hofzinser Problem)
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
two-part routine
Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
David Regal (reviewer) Her Majesty's Spell by Dani DaOrtiz Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
Dani DaOrtiz Production on Request
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
spectator removes a bunch of cards, they are counted and ten cards, performer reaches into face-down ribbon spread and quickly finds all four Tens
Apr. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz Ribbon Spread Jog "Force" job and ribbon spread turnover, four cards at once, as self-force
Apr. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 4)
Dani DaOrtiz More Imaginary Dice
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
number with invisible die is chosen and card at that position remembered, two real dice thrown for card at any number
Inspired by
  • effect by Roberto Giobbi
Related to
June 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz The HLG Force
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
"Hommage to Lennart Green", face-up/face-down mess made on table, spectator takes a card
Related toAlso published here Aug. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 8)
Pavel, Dani DaOrtiz Verbal Card Force classic force from imaginary deck, cards named by performer
Related to
  • "Forzaje Psicológico" (Dani DaOrtiz, Libertad de Expresion)
Also published here
Oct. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Card Stab performer tosses face-up card next to selection
  • Self-Working Version
  • A Manipulative Tweak
  • A Semi-Automatic Version
Dec. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 12)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 27)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 28)
Dani DaOrtiz Golpecitos red cards used, number used to count on cards on table one by one, several matches
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 28)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 29)
Dani DaOrtiz Cartas Lanzadas - dos versiones throwing card next to selection, two methods
  • Versión automática
  • Versión manipulativa (manejo de la doble)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 29)
Dani DaOrtiz elManuscrito
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
Alexander de Cova Enthymemata Key Cards, Dani DaOrtiz
Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Semi-Automatic Ace Production Spectator chooses where to cut the pack to separate it into packets. The top card of each packet is an ace.
Related to
  • Second Method (1876)
  • "How to Have Someone Think of a Card and Guess What it is" (Horatio Galasso, Giochi de Carte, 1593)
2015 120
Dani DaOrtiz The Absent Player Spectators shuffle the deck, decide the number of poker hands to be dealt, and which hand will win. Despite their choices, the designated player receives a royal flush.
2015 122
Dani DaOrtiz Orderly Chaos
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
deck shuffled, card chosen and lost, performer takes out a few cards and eliminates all except selection, a pile chosen by spectator earlier consists of all other cards of same suit in order
Inspired by
  • handling on first Fat Brothers DVD
Feb. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz Doubly Impossible
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
card chosen and card thought of from blue-backed deck, chosen card vanishes from hands and appears at named number in deck, thought-of card vanishes and appears in a second red-backed deck
May 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz The Gun lapping technique, here to make a card vanish from the hand
May 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 5)
John Guastaferro Bermuda Aces three indifferent cards place on table in triangle configuration, one Ace appears under them, other three cards change to Aces
Related to
  • "5, 4, 3 and More" (Dani DaOrtiz, Que Raro DVD, 2005)
Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Reloaded (4-disc set) by Dani DaOrtiz Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz, Miguel Ángel Gea, Juan Tamariz Identical Thoughts
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
two cards are selected from a deck, performer finds same card in second deck placed in his pocket, handling with different back colors
Inspired by Nov. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 11)
Alexander de Cova Sans Staccus incomplete effect description, two halves set in front of the spectator, second card known secretly in both, those cards divined or predicted
Inspired by
  • a Dani DaOrtiz routine with stack
2015 192
Roberto Giobbi Catchphrases of Famous Performers list, Charles Bertram, Max Malini, José Frakson, Dante, Kalanag, Silvan, Juan Tamariz, Horace Goldin, Dr. Giovanni, David Devant, Bruce Cervon, Allan Ackerman, Tommy Cooper, Paul Daniels, Sirdani, Dani DaOrtiz
Hidden Agenda (Issue Nov 2)
Dani DaOrtiz Expectations
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!

  • Meeting Expectations and Eliminating Expectations
  • Manipulating Expectations
  • Allowing an Effect to Speak for Itself or Letting the Spectator Come to His Own Conclusions
  • Final Thoughts
Jan. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 1)
Dani DaOrtiz The Third Time
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
on the Rule of Three
Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz A Thought-Of Selection
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
one spectator is thinking a value by cutting of a small pile and counting it under the table, another one of a suit
June 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz In Series
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
several cards chosen, they correspond to the serial number of a borrowed bill, Hofzinser inspired
Inspired by
  • "One Second for the Magic" (Dani DaOrtiz, Jugeteando lecture notes)
Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Switch of the Bill with deck of cards
Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Editorial
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 31)
Dani DaOrtiz Editorial
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 32)
Alexander de Cova 1. Aktive Techniken zum Tarnen und Verschleiern
  • 1.1 Autorität, Überzeugung, Aufrichtigkeit
    • Vito Lupos Einstellung
    • Leichtigkeit
    • Wiederholung
    • Überzeugung
    • Aufrichtigkeit
    • Borers Frechheit
    • Bluff und Aufrichtigkeit
    • Dani DaOrtiz
    • Fazit
  • 1.2 Natürliche Bewegungen und Aktionen
  • 1.3 Schlussfolgerungen
  • 1.4 Wiederholung, Zusammenfassung
  • 1.5 Gewagtheit oder Frechheit
  • 1.6.1 Nachahmen
  • 1.6.2 Verheimlichen
  • 1.7 Finte, Kniff, List
  • 1.8.1 Tempo
  • 1.8.2 Pause
  • 1.8.3 Time Misdirection
  • 1.8.4 Der passende Moment
  • 1.8.5 Aufeinander folgende Aktionen
  • 1.8.6 Gleichzeitige Aktionen
    • Die 30-Zentimeter-Regel (see also book Burners 2)
  • 1.9 Beweise entfernen
  • 1.10 Falsche Beweise einsetzen
  • 1.11 Andere Methode
  • 1.12.1 Partielle Überprüfung
  • 1.12.2 Einzelne Überprüfung
  • 1.12.3 Aufeinanderfolgende Überprüfung
Also published here 2016 66
Dani DaOrtiz The Fourth Coincidence
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
selection lost, spectator stops dealing through deck three times, the three cards match three prediction cards as mates, when adding together all values one can count to the initial selection
Feb. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz Three as Two Display including springing double off finger and flicking them against each other
Feb. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 2)
Nathan Coe Marsh (reviewer) LAP by Dani DaOrtiz, Yann Frisch June 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz, Jorge Luengo A Selected Card and a Thought-of Card
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
a card is chosen and one thought of, spectators switch positions of cards, performer names both
Related to July 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz Introduction
2018 7
Dani DaOrtiz The Object discussing the type of bottle
2018 9
Dani DaOrtiz Card in Bottle - Professional Routine signed
2018 12
Dani DaOrtiz Card Under the Bottle (or Glass)
2018 17
Dani DaOrtiz Color Change Inside a Glass card inserted in glass, changes after one-handed fan is waved over glass
2018 17
Dani DaOrtiz, Javier Natera Using a Waist-Pouch
2018 23
Dani DaOrtiz Cop Handling during cut from hand to table
2018 25
Dani DaOrtiz One-Hand Folding of the Card rolling
2018 25
Dani DaOrtiz Card in Bottle - Semi-Automatic Handling and Practice card was signed earlier
Related to 2018 32
Dani DaOrtiz Final Notes
2018 36
Alexander de Cova 1. Aktive Techniken zum Tarnen und Verschleiern
  • 1.1 Autorität, Überzeugung, Aufrichtigkeit
    • Vito Lupos Einstellung
    • Leichtigkeit
    • Wiederholung
    • Überzeugung
    • Aufrichtigkeit
    • Borers Frechheit
    • Bluff und Aufrichtigkeit
    • Dani DaOrtiz
    • Fazit
  • 1.2 Natürliche Bewegungen und Aktionen
  • 1.3 Schlussfolgerungen
  • 1.4 Wiederholung, Zusammenfassung
  • 1.5 Gewagtheit oder Frechheit
  • 1.6.1 Nachahmen
  • 1.6.2 Verheimlichen
  • 1.7 Finte, Kniff, List
  • 1.8.1 Tempo
  • 1.8.2 Pause
  • 1.8.3 Time Misdirection
  • 1.8.4 Der passende Moment
  • 1.8.5 Aufeinander folgende Aktionen
  • 1.8.6 Gleichzeitige Aktionen
    • Die 30-Zentimeter-Regel (see also book Burners 2)
  • 1.9 Beweise entfernen
  • 1.10 Falsche Beweise einsetzen
  • 1.11 Andere Methode
  • 1.12.1 Partielle Überprüfung
  • 1.12.2 Einzelne Überprüfung
  • 1.12.3 Aufeinanderfolgende Überprüfung
Also published here 2018 45
Asi Wind Gang of Four slop shuffle triumph, in second phase a card is chosen from the face-down spread, when deck is gathered and re-spread, all mates turned over
Inspired by
  • "Twin Souls" (Dani DaOrtiz, DVD Que Raro)
2019 27
Dani DaOrtiz Oil and Water in the Spectator's Hand 4&4
Also published here 2019 1
Dani DaOrtiz Coincidence Between Two Decks spectator reverses card under table, another takes a card from the deck which is in his pocket, they match
Also published here 2019 8
Dani DaOrtiz Under-the-Table Force spectator reverses a card below the table
2019 9
Dani DaOrtiz Back at The Time number named, card at that position signed, torn up, pieces vanish except a corner, rest re-appears at same position
Also published here 2019 16
Shiv Duggal (reviewer) Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz May 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 5)
Ryan Matney (reviewer) Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz Aug. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz Dual Reality two piles, cards are dealt, two cards remembered and lost again, one is turned over and other is found at same position in second pile
2020 20
Dani DaOrtiz OBDA Count
2020 234
William A. Wells (reviewer) Dani's Collection of Weapons by Dani DaOrtiz Sep. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz Introduction
  • Foreword to the English edition (p. 15)
  • Preface to the English edition (p. 17)
2021 13
Dani DaOrtiz Preface to the English edition
2021 17
Dani DaOrtiz Chapter One. Attitude & concepts
  • Attitude (p. 23)
  • Some Concepts We Will Work With (p. 27)
2021 21
Dani DaOrtiz Attitude
  • Attitude
    • Every person is a world unto himself
    • Internalizing
    • The spectator is not your enemy, avoid intellectual conflicts (p. 24)
    • Feel it, believe in it
    • Carelessness
    • Creating the feeling of freedom through your attitude
    • The importance of actions
    • Direct and indirect influence (p. 25)
    • Do not lie
2021 23
Dani DaOrtiz Some Concepts We Will Work With
  • Some Concepts We Will Work With
    • The trick begins after the force, not before
    • The magician’s advantage
    • The human brain cannot process two pieces of information at the same time
    • Read the expressions of your audience
    • The golden sentences and golden questions (p. 28)
    • What the spectator questions
    • Avoid the feeling of revision
    • Subliminal roads
2021 27
Dani DaOrtiz Chapter Two. Psychological Forcing and the Psychology of Forcing "Theory, subtleties, strategies and general study"
2021 31
Dani DaOrtiz Classic Force. Cards are spread in the hands much detail on the Classic Force, including the technical explanation, as well as psychological and verbal touches to enhance it
  • Classic procedure
  • My contributions. Some psychological remarks regarding the classic force
    • Breaking the rhythm
    • Subliminally indicating the card (breaking the rhythm) (p. 34)
    • Openly handing the force card (part one)
    • Openly handing the force card (part two) (p. 36)
  • Holding the deck face up (Tamariz, DaOrtiz) ( p. 37)
  • Getting the force card ready (p. 39)
    • Weave shuffle setup (for magicians)
2021 33
Juan Tamariz, Dani DaOrtiz Holding the deck face up (Tamariz, DaOrtiz) face-up Classic Force of any card in shuffled deck, desired card is located and set for the force “in real time”
2021 37
Dani DaOrtiz Weave shuffle setup (for magicians) setting break above force card via in-the-hands-weave shuffle
2021 39
Dani DaOrtiz The Seventh Card and Its Psychological Nuances
  • In the hands of the magician
  • In the hands of the spectator
  • On the table (p. 42)
2021 41
Dani DaOrtiz In the hands of the magician dealing stop force of seventh card, performer deals, psychological details
2021 41
Dani DaOrtiz In the hands of the spectator dealing stop force of seventh card, spectator deals, psychological details
2021 41
Dani DaOrtiz On the table deck spread on table, top cards pushed over one at a time, spectator forced to stop on seventh card
2021 42
Dani DaOrtiz Miscellaneous Forces and Some Psychological Remarks miscellaneous forces of a card (or cards) based on spectator saying stop during deal, spelling out names, or thinking of card in spread
  • PPT (person, place, or thing)
  • The magical blow (as a psychological mistake)
  • Stop anytime (pretending to misunderstand) (p. 46)
  • Using a high/low card setup for two spectators (p. 47)
  • Creating a force number with absolute freedom (p. 49)
2021 45
Dani DaOrtiz PPT (person, place, or thing) spectator thinks of anything (PPT) and deals a card for each letter of its name, always arrives at force card
2021 45
Dani DaOrtiz The magical blow (as a psychological mistake) force card is made to turn up cleanly at the end of spelling any long name
2021 45
Dani DaOrtiz Stop anytime (pretending to misunderstand) spectator deals through shuffled deck face up and stops on force card, any card from shuffled deck can be forced (no setup), can still arrive at force card even if spectator stops a few cards away
2021 46
Dani DaOrtiz Using a high/low card setup for two spectators one spectator asked to think of low card and other to think of high card, from random point in deck a few cards are shown to each spectator, both cards are forced
2021 47
Dani DaOrtiz Creating a force number with absolute freedom deck is dealt and spectator stops at a few cards, at each stop he is given choice of surrounding cards, stopped-at cards’ values are forced, good for five cards (can be less or more), includes what to do if a card is passed
2021 49
Dani DaOrtiz Working with Small Groups of Cards
  • Issuing the order before stating your intent
  • One of four (on the table) (p. 52)
  • One of three when turning cards face up (the magician never touches the cards) (p. 54)
2021 51
Dani DaOrtiz Issuing the order before stating your intent forcing one card of four face-down cards, not sure-fire
2021 51
Dani DaOrtiz One of four (on the table) one of four cards laid out on table is forced based on spectator naming one, two, three or four
2021 52
Dani DaOrtiz One of three when turning cards face up (the magician never touches the cards) one of three face-down cards is forced
2021 54
Dani DaOrtiz Verbal Forces. Forcing numbers, cards, or positions details on psychological forces of numbers, values, suits and specific cards
  • Numerical estimation by a spectator
    • Number 18 (p. 56)
    • Making number two more likely to be selected
  • Spectator’s estimations of the deck (p. 57)
  • Verbally forcing a card (first system) (p. 58)
  • Verbally forcing a card (second system)
  • Verbally forcing a card (third system)
  • Going for a suit (p. 59)
    • Going for hearts
2021 55
Dani DaOrtiz Numerical estimation by a spectator how to verbally force most numbers, low and high, and how to always arrive at the desired number
2021 55
Dani DaOrtiz Number 18 verbally force the number 18
2021 56
Dani DaOrtiz Making number two more likely to be selected verbally force the number 2, brief trick application of force
2021 56
Dani DaOrtiz Verbally forcing a card (first system) specific card is forced from an imaginary deck of cards, cards named by performer, see references for later applications in book
Related toAlso published here 2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz Verbally forcing a card (second system) similar to first system (above) but only value is forced, not suit, allowing more overall sense of freedom
2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz Verbally forcing a card (third system) from shuffled deck, a few cards are shown and named aloud for spectators to note, one of them is a force
2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz Going for a suit some points on verbally forcing any suit
  • Going for hearts (additional info on forcing hearts, or diamonds)
2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz Magician’s Choice. Some ideas detailed information on the psychology, verbal strategies and nuances of equivoque and general forcing procedures and creating the illusion of freedom
  • The importance of the question
  • The spectator acts early
  • Keeping the real purpose in the background
  • Using ambiguity to normalize (p. 62)
  • Forcing choices
    • Building sentences
    • Offering two choices while highlighting one of them (Would you rather…) (p. 63)
    • One option of many
    • Sentence logic (p. 64)
    • Question in the background
    • Direct request ending with ambiguity
  • Forcing via expectations (p. 65)
Also published here 2021 61
Dani DaOrtiz Deceiving Via Visual Perception strategies to visually (and verbally) deceive audience to feel things are not under control, some force applications
  • Visual subtext
  • Visual disorder force (on the table) (p. 68)
  • You, me, and him (p. 70)
  • HLG force (Homage to Lennart Green force) (p. 71)
2021 67
Dani DaOrtiz Visual disorder force (on the table) packets are cut from deck and dropped on table until spectator says stop, spectator takes top card of tabled pile which is a force
2021 68
Dani DaOrtiz You, me, and him two spectators and performer each decide on a number, cards are dealt from top corresponding to all three numbers, card arrived at is forced
2021 70
Dani DaOrtiz HLG force (Homage to Lennart Green force) deck is messily mixed on table (washed), some face up and face down, spectator touches a face-down card, it is forced, relies on psychology and a casual switch if necessary
Also published here 2021 71
Dani DaOrtiz Forcing from a Fan as You Spread the Cards for the Spectator “Think-A-Card” spread force, card from middle is forced and then controlled, card’s identity can be predetermined, many touches that make it work, psychology, how to handle when it misses
  • Control or force
  • Starting situation
  • Spreading the cards (p. 78)
  • Getting to the selection
  • Controlling the card (p. 79)
  • Initial position for the force
  • How does it work… (p. 80)
    • A. Increasing urgency (p. 81)
      • The speed of the selection
      • The specific order
    • B. Apparent nonchalance
      • The surprised technique
  • The importance of a thought-of card…
  • Facing mistakes (p. 82)
  • Cards and cards...
  • Conclusion... (p. 83)
Related toAlso published here 2021 77