Written by Roy Walton
Work of Roy Walton
169 pages (Hardcover), published by L. Davenport & Co.
Illustrated with drawings by Gordon Bruce
Language: English
130 entries
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Roy Walton Introduction
Chapter 1
Roy Walton Stage Shout three Queens whisper the name of two cards to performer, then one selection travels from deck to Queens and the other vanishes from Queens
Inspired byRelated to 1
Roy Walton Informer four quarters on table with an unknown indicator card in front of each, spectator cuts off a pile of each quarter, the indicator cards predict how many cards have been cut off of each pile, in second phase two poker hands are constructed from two piles
Also published here 2
Roy Walton Truth & Consequences five cards, lie detector presentation
Also published here 5
Roy Walton Progressive Poker Ace reversed, after faro another Ace is next to it, after more faros all Aces are found, then a full house, then a Royal Flush is dealt
Also published here 6
Roy Walton The Royverse
Also published here 7
Roy Walton A Simple Trick Using The Move wrong card reverses, then card is spelled to and it shows up reversed, Royverse application
Also published here 8
Roy Walton Ten Paces to the Right selection ten cards away from face-up Ten spot, faro
Also published here 9
Roy Walton Colour Flight two named cards transpose in two decks, involved the open exchange of two Jokers from the two decks
Roy Walton Kangaroo position and card at that position are thought of, card turns up with down-under-deal, non-faro method
Also published here 11
Roy Walton Kings at Large card peeked at, black Kings cut face-up into deck, top half turned over, rest of deck turns over and Kings sandwich selection
Also published here
  • in Austrian magazine in 1970
Roy Walton Long Shot four spectators select the only red cards from about half the deck
Also published here 13
Chapter 2
Roy Walton Obsolete Prediction four packets of four cards with different order of red and black cards, chosen one matches the prediction
  • E.S.P. Version
Also published here 16
Roy Walton Twice Removed four Twos found by spectator
Also published here 18
Roy Walton Christ Force Handling
Also published here 18
Roy Walton Travelling Man two sets of four Kings with different backs, named King transposes
Inspired byAlso published here 19
Roy Walton Card Number spectator counts off some cards to make a selection, it ends up sandwiched by cards of the same value as the number of cards originally counted off, faro, inspired by a plot by Gene Nielsen
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here 22
Roy Walton Detective Story packet has more sides than it should
Also published here 23
Roy Walton Match Maker six four-card packets are tabled, spectator makes three groups of two packets each, those turn out to have the same red-black order each
Roy Walton Mental Four four cards thought of from four packets of four cards each, found after some dealing
VariationsAlso published here
  • Genii, 1954, Vol .19 No. 3
Roy Walton Past Help four cards thought of from four-card packets are found by spelling the names of four famous magician
Inspired byAlso published here 27
Roy Walton Inflated Ace face-up Ace in center of deck changes to three kings, another King comes from center to top
Also published here 29
Roy Walton On The Side Of The Angels packet cut off half the deck and counted, two cards remembered (one using the number), they end up at the same position in two piles
Inspired byAlso published here 30
Chapter 3
Roy Walton The Collectors three Kings collecting two cards
Also published here
  • Abra, Feb. 1969, Vol. 47 No. 1203, p. 99
Roy Walton Laydown Spread Switch
Also published here
  • Abra, Feb. 1969, Vol. 47 No. 1203, p. 99
Roy Walton Ambush odd-backed collectors cards
Also published here 34
Roy Walton Upside Down Collectors five cards collect the Aces, faro
Also published here 37
Roy Walton Right Number two mates find mate of selection, faro & stay stack
Also published here 39
Roy Walton Future Shock two prediction cards tell suit, value and position of a selection that is chosen with ten-twenty force, mates show up as well
  • With a Borrowed Deck
Also published here 40
Roy Walton Sans Wizard card thought of from half the deck, half shuffled reversed in other half, selection vanishes and reappears (after perhaps multiple attempts), card named at the end
Inspired byAlso published here 42
Roy Walton Simplicity Lead In two cards removed and replaced anywhere in spread are located
Also published here 44
Roy Walton Ambitious 1-2-3-4 ambitious sequence with Ace through Four, one of them changes to selection
Also published here 44
Roy Walton Divine Dice three dice shaken in match box (sure shot), one card at a rolled value is chosen, then card is found at total of three rolled dice
Roy Walton Round and Round five indifferent cards and four Kings are used, one indifferent card is put with the Kings and the rest transpose
Chapter 4
Roy Walton Strange Prediction four cards set aside as prediction, card chosen and lost, the four cards are shown to have the same shape, back color and thickness of selection and the last one is the selection
Related toVariations 49
Edward Victor Undercount from Top of Deck with sound
Roy Walton The Spread Half Pass
Also published here 50
Roy Walton Four Card Brainwave
Also published here 53
Roy Walton Tricky Tuition fake explanation, spectator places four black cards among twelve red cards in position for a deal, when cards are dealt, those cards change to Queens
Also published here 54
Roy Walton Game Law deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, groups of four cards each are dealt, spectator never gets a packet with four cards in same orientation
  • Elaboration (an alternative presentation)
Also published here 56
Roy Walton Royal Marriages
Also published here 57
Roy Walton Fleeting Image two cards peeked at, two random cards turned over in different parts of deck, they come together to find first selection, then one travels back down and changes into second selection, then comes from pocket
Also published here 60
Roy Walton Revolving Universal Joker face up in spread, it changes into two selections one by one
Also published here 61
Roy Walton Taking Flight selections from between Aces to between Queens in center
Also published here 63
Roy Walton Through The Centuries Of Time
Also published here 65
Chapter 5
Roy Walton Chiefly Yourselves four cards are lost in the deck and their values used to find a good poker hand, the cards find themselves and one more
Also published here 67
Bruce Elliott A Lesson in Magic card is produced with variation of Leipzigs twirl Cut
Also published here 68
Roy Walton Second Time Around three cards chosen, found reversed, other cards on either side
Also published here 70
Roy Walton Outward Bound four Twos transpose with five random cards, those cards change into a royal flush
Also published here 71
Roy Walton Strip-Out Addition credited to Charlie Miller
Roy Walton Count Me In three four-card packets as predictions, three packets made, spectator assigns them packets to the prediction groups which add up to the amount of cards in the packets
VariationsAlso published here
  • Danny Tong's lecture notes
  • Abra, Dec. 1975, Vol. 60 No. 1558, p. 444
Roy Walton Play It Again Sam piano card trick, signed card travels across
Also published here 74
Roy Walton "Roy"-al Monte
Also published here 75
Roy Walton Ascanio Spread Variation
Roy Walton Denary Deceit packet out of this world with the help of a ten
Also published here 77
Roy Walton Isolator card selected, cards dealt in two piles by spectator, colors separated except selection, faro
Also published here 78
Roy Walton Treble Trouble two cards, odd-even and pointer divided deck
Also published here 79
Roy Walton Palmist's Prophecy number of cards chosen from top of deck is predicted via sum of playing card values
  • The Repeat
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, June 1973
Chapter 6
Roy Walton Oversight Aces are placed aside, stacking sequence shuffled with rest of deck, Aces apparently forgotten, they are placed on top and immediately dealt to the performer in five-handed game
Related toVariations 82
Roy Walton The Bridge transposition of red and black cards
Also published here 83
Roy Walton The Attractive Joker selection appears under Joker on face of deck, repeat in which Joker changes into selection
Also published here 85
Roy Walton Friendly Persuasion separating in suits, unusual procedure
Also published here 87
Roy Walton Border Crossing two cards in two decks transpose
Also published here 89
Roy Walton Giant Card in Wallet gag followed by card to wallet
Also published here 90
Roy Walton Once Upon a Time... Jack and Queen of Hearts removed and put under handkerchief, Jack transforms into rubber frog
Also published here 92
Roy Walton The Arrangement
Also published here 93
Roy Walton Another Prediction Trick deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here 94
Roy Walton Carousel
Also published here 95
Roy Walton Pocket Princess
Also published here 96
Chapter 7
Roy Walton Imperfect Clones two red Queens and two Jokers removed, the Jokers change to odd-backed duplicates of the Queens
Variations 98
Roy Walton The U.S.A. Trail one of five cards is remembered and then located, the other four cards change to Aces
Also published here 99
Roy Walton Simple Coincidence spectator stabs prediction card in deck, its value is counted down from that spot to arrive at mate of prediction
Bill Simon Business Card Prophecy Move
Roy Walton Found-Two Cards two card location with a riffle shuffle by the spectator
Also published here 102
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Oil and Water 4&4
Also published here 104
Roy Walton "Caught In Time" clock trick with mate prediction
Also published here 105
Roy Walton Bloodhound eight-card packet, two cards are mated with help of Joker and reverse faros
  • Full Deck Version
  • Stay-Stack Version
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1980
Roy Walton A/Aces
  • Three For Ascanio
Aces turn face down, change to Queens, Aces back in deck
Also published here 109
Roy Walton, Paul Swinford A/Rainbow
  • Three For Ascanio
small packet then deck change back color
Also published here 110
Roy Walton Five-Card A/Spread
  • Three For Ascanio
Also published here 112
Roy Walton A/Poker
  • Three For Ascanio
Also published here 112
Roy Walton Great Minds Think Alike three spectators choose a value and a suit by counting down, they all end up with the same card
Chapter 8
Roy Walton Universal Aces three Aces and Joker in packet, Joker changes into each of the Jokers so two of each are seen with each count, then Joker changes into fourth Ace
Also published here 115
Roy Walton Fake Pickup top card of left-hand half flipped face up and then apparently picked up under right hand packet, really a cover-card from right hand dropped onto it
Also published here 116
Roy Walton Jokers Rule two odd-backed Jokers find two selections, then change into them
Inspired by
  • Jerry Sadowitz effect
Roy Walton The Marriage Brokers with two Jokers
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • Genii, Sep. 1973
Roy Walton A Changeable Nature red Ace face up in center, changes to other red Ace, then both red Aces, then black Aces, then all four Aces, then Tens, then Kings are reversed in Center
Also published here 120
Roy Walton Three's Company three mates to top card turn over together in center
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1980
Roy Walton Separation spectator shuffles a packet with red and black cards and the Joker, packet is shown to have the colors separated and the Joker is between them
Inspired by
  • Karl Fulves problem
Related to
Roy Walton Turnover Palm Addition Move deck turned over as cover
Roy Walton As You Were order of Ace-Four changes several times
Also published here 124
Roy Walton Out Of This World Post-Script card changes from red to black in fake explanation
Roy Walton Offset Aces four blank cards become aces when Ace of Spades is introduced
Also published here 127
Roy Walton Split Up nine-card assembly with all picture cards
VariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1980
Roy Walton Second Thoughts On Gilbreath color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
Also published here 130
Chapter 9
Roy Walton Past And Present no-palm card to envelope in pocket, all cards from named suit removed in order, one chosen and that one travels, is already gone
Also published here 132
Roy Walton Second Thoughts On Gilbreath "Again" color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
  • Alternative Presentation (no seconds required)
Also published here 134
Roy Walton Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Also published here 135
Roy Walton Named Card Shuffle
Also published here 136
Roy Walton Playmate blank cards print to match a selection, some other blank cards match as well
Inspired by
  • Stewart Judah effect
Roy Walton The Magic Lesson four selections from fifteen-card packet made and found with down-under deal
Also published here 139
Roy Walton Snap Royalty five cards change into Royal Flush, using Snap-Over Change
Also published here 140
Roy Walton Snap-Over Change of a sandwiched card
Also published here 141
Roy Walton Imprint blank cards become duplicates of selection
Also published here 143
Roy Walton The Witch-Doctors card shrinks between four Kings
Also published here 144
Roy Walton Jordan Plus Colour two thought cards across with two odd-backed decks, odd-backed siamesa
Also published here 146
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Also published here 148
Roy Walton Nomad Card two cards selected by counting cut-off heaps, odd-backed card in deck transforms into both selections, faro
Also published here 149
Chapter 10
Roy Walton Lucky At Cards fifteen-card packet made from three royal flushes, one card chosen, performer finds the four cards to complete the royal flush
Inspired by
  • Howard Adams routine from Genii
Roy Walton Your Very Own suits sort themselves
Also published here 152
Roy Walton Duo Colours shuffled deck location, spectator has to count number of red cards in a dealt packet and count through the black cards in the rest of the deck to that number
Also published here 153
Roy Walton Good Mixers 4&4, odd-backed, instant mix, then backs change to a different color
Also published here
  • Abra, Dec. 1975, Vol. 60 No. 1558, p. 441
Roy Walton A Martian Plot story trick, black kings backs change color, they find their mates and the color of the back changes back
Also published here 156
Roy Walton A Straight Shuffle spectator can shuffle, you get a straight
Also published here 159
Roy Walton Drop Outs
Also published here 160
Ron Ferris Fall Out Move card(s) fall on table from incomplete faro shuffled deck
Also published here 161
Roy Walton Confidence Trick two parts, first gag ("your card is face up") then surprise twist
Related toAlso published here
  • Abra, Dec. 1975, Vol. 60 No. 1558, p. 438
Roy Walton Twice Two packet pocketed and another one counted, spectator remembers card at that position, it is found by counting and a mate of a prediction is also found
Roy Walton Back Into Time similar to "Time Machine"
Also published here 165
Roy Walton Runaround small packet multiple ambition, Aces appear, Joker transposes with four Queens
Also published here 166
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2021.