242 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transformation / General Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
faire tirer des cartes par quatre spectateur; les nommer ensuite sans les avoir vues, et faire qu'une de ces cartes se metamorphose successivement en chacune des autres four chosen cards are guessed by the magician, then one of these cards will be transformed successively into each of them (miscalling)
1786 156
Faire qu'une carte choisie par un premier spectateur, et mêlée dans le jeu par un second, se trouve la première qu'un troisième spectateur choisira librement; la métamorphoser en une autre carte au gré d'un quatrième, & la faire reparaître un instant card turns several times into the cards that other select or name
1786 175
To allow several Persons each to draw a Card, and the Pack having been Shuffled, to make another Card drawn haphazard Change successively into each of those first chosen
Related to 1876 87
Multi-Pip Card & Application two versions, with general card type routine with two spectators
1889 48
Prof. M. Verbeck Multi-Pip Card double faced multi-pip card, ending clean with blank card
1889 50
Everybody's Card
1889 120
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack three selections, "General Pack"
1889 140
Changing Cards multi-pip card
Variations 1890 55
Das wiederholte Forcieren ein und derselben Karte "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
forcing the same cards to multiple spectators, general card application
May 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 5)
The New General Card
1897 162
Sylvesterzauber four cards selected and returned, one selection is taken from spectator's pocket, it changes into the other three selections one by one
Jan. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Ein Hofzinser'sches Kartenkunststück card changes into four selected cards one by one
Jan. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Eduard W. Lufa Die Generalkarte card changed into four selections one by one
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Carl Willmann Eine Kartenmetamorphose four cards chosen, fourth card changes into each of the other selections and back
Dec. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 12)
T. Nelson Downs The General Card several spectators choose a card, they are all the same, whole deck is shown the same, then different again
1909 71
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Das Herz-Ass
Also published here 1910 188
The Changing Card two cards chosen, a card changes to both cards
1911 106
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card, see page 99 for improvement by Charles W. Fricke
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
L. Vosburgh Lyons A Question of Power top card changes into three selections one after the other
Variations July 1936
The Jinx (Issue 22)
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack of Cards full deck changes to duplicates of three selections, deck of divided cards, with deck switch
1938 490
Edward Victor A Colour Change Card Effect three selections, indifferent card is changed into first selection which is changed into second and then third
1940 ca. 11
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card
Also published here 1945 128
Everybody's Card, I transforms into four chosen cards, platform
Related to 1948 281
Everybody's Card, II transforms into 3 chosen cards, platform
1948 286
Clayton Rawson Double Hallucination Four/Two of Hearts gaff
Inspired by Jan. 1948 384
Edward Marlo Reflection card becomes blank and changes to three selections
Variations 1953 36
Jerry Andrus Repeating Change card changes into three selections one by one, diminishing lift sequence
Related to 1956 29
Karl Fulves By Any Other Name two methods (gaffed card & Elmsley Count)
Related toVariations Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Charlie Miller The General Card
1967 20
Roy Walton Universals - The Universal Ghost joker transforms into three selection in packet, elmsley count
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Roy Walton The Universal Mexican odd-backed joker transforms into three selections
Inspired by Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo The Universal Acrobat blank card into three cards, then blank again
Related to 1968 72
Francis Haxton By Any Other Name Variation see also p. 1036
Inspired by Jan. 1968 155
Robert Parrish By Any Other Name Variation see also p. 1036
Inspired byVariations Jan. 1968 155
Johnny Thompson Les Quick Cartes three cards become duplicates of a selection, then another and a third selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Horace E. Bennett Universal Joker
Mar. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 8)
Allan Ackerman The Fickle Card's Fingered Fate card changes into three selections and vanishes
Spring 1970 121
Jules Lenier The Changing Card comment on routine in Guyot
Related to
  • Gilles-Edme Guyot's "Nouvelles Récréations mathématiques et physiques" (1799)
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 24)
Allan Ackerman The General's Universal Card gaffed
Variations 1971 6
David Reichler Double Hofzinser joker transforms into two selections, Reichler = Rosenthal according to reference
Related to Nov. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 13)
Edward Marlo Another Reflection blank card into three selections
Inspired byVariations 1971 42
Derek Dingle Universal Chameleon divided flap card
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Jon Racherbaumer Chronology Universal Card in print
1972 3
Jon Racherbaumer Comments defining:
  • Everywhere & Nowhere
  • The General Card
  • The Universal Card
Related to 1972 4
Edward Marlo The Hypnotic Card four cards selected, a fifth card changes into all four one by one
Variations 1972 7
Edward Marlo Favorite Universal blank card changes into three selections one by one
  • The Clean-Up
  • Added Variation
  • Added Thoughts & Suggestions
1972 8
Edward Marlo Universal Solutions four solutions
Related to 1972 13
Edward Marlo Universal VI odd-backed universal card, two decks in play
1972 15
Edward Marlo Tout's Universal odd-backed universal card from an apparently all blank second deck
1972 16
Jon Racherbaumer The Chameleon Card Joker changes into three selections one by one and back, with back-change as well
1972 17
Johnny Thompson Universal Combine card changes into three different selections in three different ways and back
Also published here 1972 19
Edward Marlo Hypno-Versal Way blank card changes into three selections one by one and back
Variations 1972 20
Bruce Cervon Cervon's Universals odd-backed card changes into three selections one by one, three different routines with different gaffs
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1972 21
Edward Marlo More Universals ungaffed, two methods
1972 26
Edward Marlo Not Quite Ambiguous Universal with two selections
1972 28
Jon Racherbaumer Full-Circle Universal
Inspired by 1972 29
Edward Marlo Open-Faced Universal
1972 31
Brother John Hamman Hamman's Universal Variants two methods
1972 33
Jerry K. Hartman Looking Glass Queens Joker amongst Queens packet takes on each Queen’s identity in succession, then vanishes from packet
Inspired by 1972 63
Karl Fulves The Looking Glass Aces five cards with Joker, which changes to four aces one at a time and vanishes, for credits see reference
Related toVariations 1973 22
Karl Fulves Impromptu Universal five cards with Joker, which changes to four aces one at a time and vanishes
Related to 1973 104
Jerry K. Hartman Post-Hypnotic Card Four cards selected, a fifth card changes into all four one by one
Inspired by 1973 72
Jerry K. Hartman Descardes I Ace of Spades changes to look like three selections
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1973 74
Jerry K. Hartman Descardes II
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 76
Edward Marlo Think Universal with thought-of cards, rough-smooth red-blue Menetekel Deck
Also published here 1974 68
Karl Fulves Double Switch joker changes into first, then second selection, second deal lap application
1975 96
Jerry K. Hartman Imagic Universal Card Plot, Joker changes into Ace, Two and Three of Clubs one by one
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 48
Mike Rogers The Universal Card ala Ascanio
1976 19
Gene Castillon The Undulating Universal
1976 21
Harvey Rosenthal A Strange Double Revelation joker transforms into two peeked cards
Variations 1976 4
Roger Smith A Simple Universal
1976 3
Edward Marlo Think Universal with thought-of cards, rough-smooth red-blue Menetekel Deck
Also published here 1976 23
Rick Johnsson Universal Card - N.F.A. using The Kick Change three times
1976 73
Peter Kane Reflections a mirror card changes into each of three selection, then changes to Joker
John F. Mendoza, Derek Dingle, Bruce Cervon The Uneral-Geniversal Card odd-backed Ace of Spades changes into four selections one by one
1978 16
Jerry K. Hartman Mirror Image Universal Card has mirror on face
Inspired byVariations 1978 28
Roy Walton Revolving Universal Joker face up in spread, it changes into two selections one by one
Also published here 1978 7
Roy Walton Universal Aces three Aces and Joker in packet, Joker changes into each of the Jokers so two of each are seen with each count, then Joker changes into fourth Ace
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 17
David Stahl The General Travelers three cards selected, one is signed, card changes into all three selections one by one, selections vanish and end up in cellophane of card case, under mat and in pocket, duplicates
1978 8
John Cornelius Apocalypse Variations Or Additions applications
Inspired by Nov. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Roy Walton Walton's Universal universal packet
Also published here 1979 5
Harry Lorayne The Changeling sequence in which a card changes multiple times
1979 41
Richard Kaufman Fantastamazing Aces freely held card changes to each Ace one by one
1979 179
Richard Kaufman Salamander
1979 181
Roy Walton Penny Lane card put between two kings, all three cards are the same, repeated with other card, then kings change into selections
Also published here 1979 10
Larry Jennings The General Card ungaffed, three selections
VariationsAlso published here June 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Gene Maze The Sincerest Form of Flattery with three duplicates and two blank cards, universal card
1980 59
Richard Kaufman A True Blue Chameleon odd-backed universal card
1980 69
Philip T. Goldstein Masque joker transforms into three selection one by one, last phase is a transposition
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 1
David Britland Alien odd backed card, mirror face as kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980
The Talon (Issue 6)
Robert Walker, David Solomon Cosmic Card double faced divided card
Dec. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Walt Lees Everywhere and Goodness Knows Where joker changes into three selections
Inspired by 1981 20
Johnny Thompson Les Quick Cartes three cards become duplicates of a selection, then another and a third selection
Also published here 1981 1
Johnny Thompson KF + BC + EM2 = Another Universal card changes into three different selections in three different ways and back
Also published here 1981 35
Roy Walton Penny Lane card put between two kings, all three cards are the same, repeated with other card, then kings change into selections
Also published here 1981 173
Derek Dingle The Universal Card gaffed (divided flap) and impromptu handling
1982 17
Richard Kaufman Generally - More Specifically
1982 74
Jerry K. Hartman "Image-ician" using diminishing lift sequence
Also published here 1982 214
Richard Kaufman, Harry Lorayne General-ly
1982 231
Philip T. Goldstein Universal Prediction different back prediction changes to selection several times
1982 19
William Goldman Joker-Mania three cards are selected, blue backed card changes into selection, all cards change into jokers
Jan. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Roy Walton Walton's Universal universal packet, blank cards
Also published here 1982 47
Curtis Kam Condens-ace-tion
Inspired by 1982 33
Francis Pelkey Xerox three cards chosen from blue deck, red-backed card changes into each one one by one, then selections's backs become red as well
Variations 1983 1
Brother John Hamman The Universal Trio three odd-backed cards put on three selection one by one and change to matching four-of-a-kind
1983 185
Stephen Tucker Mr. Universal thoughts on Universal Card plot, with printed gag cards (13 of spades, 3 1/2)
July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
David Britland Alien odd backed card, mirror face as kicker
Also published here July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Michael Powers Deduce is Wild four Twos put in case, three cards signed and put on table, one Two removed and it changes into each selection one by one, then selections transpose with remaining three Twos in case
1983 1
Jerry Sadowitz Hard Man
1984 17
Meir Yedid Royal Miracle Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 1984 72
Peter Duffie Across The Universe face card of deck changes into several selections that are reversed in spread, using spread half pass
Related toVariations 1984 1
Daryl Martinez Universal
Inspired byAlso published here Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Michael Louis, Daryl Martinez Chameleons All odd-backed packet changes to duplicate of three selections
1985 471
Edward Marlo, Randy Wakeman The Card of a Thousand Faces "based on an unpublished Marlo routine"
VariationsAlso published here 1985 62
Louis Falanga Casino Kings two kings travel to the top, take the identity of three random cards and change into two selections, the kings are found reversed in the pack
1985 43
David Britland The Impressionist "Can you have a playing card with four faces? Of course not..."
Universal Card (Joker changes into each of three selections) that disappears at the end
Inspired by 1985 49
Ben Harris The Impressionist card changes into three selections one by one
1985 66
Ben Harris The Return of the Alien combo of odd-backed elevator, universal card, three-card vanish, color changing backs
Inspired by 1985 7
Bruce Cervon The Universal Card odd-backed card changes into three selections one by one, blank card as climax
1985 (ca.) 7
Larry Jennings The General Card ungaffed, three selections
Also published here 1986 113
Randy Wakeman Generally Speaking
1987 16
Bruce Cervon The Universal Card three Methods, also gaffed (divided card, flap gimmick)
Also published here 1988 57
Bruce Cervon Universal Vanish one of the Selections vanishes cleanly
1988 71
Bruce Cervon Vanishing Universal Universal Card vanishes
1988 75
Larry Jennings The Changeling four Twos change to other four of a kind multiple times when one card is exchanged
Variations 1988 181
Edward Marlo A Routine of Surprises indifferent card changes into two selections one by one and back, selections are in two pockets
1988 159
Roy Walton Revolving Universal Joker face up in spread, it changes into two selections one by one
Also published here 1988 61
Roy Walton Universal Aces three Aces and Joker in packet, Joker changes into each of the Jokers so two of each are seen with each count, then Joker changes into fourth Ace
Also published here 1988 115
Doug Edwards Velocity Changes
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Brother John Hamman Universal Card nine selections, double backer, double facer
1989 209
Randy Wakeman The Card of a Thousand Faces odd-backed card changes into three selections one by one, then becomes blank, two duplicates
Also published here 1989 130
Randy Wakeman The Card of a Thousand & One Faces gaffed
Inspired by 1989 133
Roy Johnson Identity Crisis Ace of Spades changes into duplicates of three selections one by one
Inspired by
  • "Chamiversal" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra)
Also published here
1989 78
Justin Higham Multi-Change Routine three cards change to other four-of-a-kinds multiple times when one card is exchanged
Variations 1989 20
Harry Lorayne, Art Altman Cryptic Triptych three selections, top card changes to each one
1990 151
Art Altman Triple Change three selections, top card changes to each one
1990 153
Edward Marlo The Double Change card changes into two selections
1990 21
Edward Marlo Any Deck Universal
1990 45
Marc DeSouza The Thing three selections, odd-backed general / universal card ends up blank
1990 567
Philip T. Goldstein Vicinity small packet of cards turn into three selections then into four Aces
Also published here
  • "Vicinity" in "Linking Ring", February 1984.
1990 14
Philip T. Goldstein Impressions
1990 129
Philip T. Goldstein Masque joker transforms into three selection one by one, last phase is a transposition
Also published here 1990 135
Jon Racherbaumer Backing the Universal Card blank card changes into each of three selections
  • Lay Audience Approach
  • Magician's Approach
Inspired by 1990 82
José Carroll Reflections four Aces change six times, Universal Card plot with Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1991 9
Alex Elmsley The Great Pretender card in the middle of Kings changes to multiple selections
1991 69
John Bannon Duet To It two cards transform to resemble other cards, then become two previous selections, two handlings with and without duplicates
Inspired byVariations 1991 113
Jerry K. Hartman Alikely Story Universal Card, with sticker
Inspired by 1991 342
Jerry K. Hartman Imagic Universal Card Plot, Joker changes into Ace, Two and Three of Clubs one by one, refined description
Also published here 1991 344
Jerry K. Hartman Descardes Ace of Spades changes to look like three selections, with variation
  • Descardes Deux
Also published here 1991 349
Jerry K. Hartman Image-ician using diminishing lift sequence
Also published here 1991 352
Jerry K. Hartman, Philip T. Goldstein Masque Backwards joker transforms into Ace, Two and Three, one by one
Inspired byRelated to 1991 354
Justin Higham Easy-Change Routine three cards change to other four-of-a-kinds multiple times when one card is exchanged
Inspired by Apr. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Routined From Scratch two cards appear between sandwich cards one by one on top of deck, then the packet general card plot (three cards change to other four-of-a-kinds multiple times when one card is exchanged), followed by poker deal, set-up during first effect
Inspired by Apr. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 10)
James Swain Seven Jokers three jokers placed reversed between four others turn into selections before reverting back into jokers
1992 103
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Carte Universelle with color changing back kicker
1993 57
Alex Elmsley Pockets Full of Miracles card is looked at by three people, everybody sees a different card. they all come from different pockets then
1994 211
Michael Vincent Michael's General Card Joker changes into three previous selections one by one
1994 123
Aldo Colombini All the Best two black Jacks change to match selections
1994 111
Aldo Colombini The Card That Gets Confused odd-backed card changes into three selections one by one, then becomes a gag card with various pips printed all over the face
Inspired by 1994 149
Peter Duffie Widespread on the pack
Inspired by 1995 93
Peter Duffie A Hint of a Tint Universal Card with color changing deck kicker
Inspired by 1995 97
Edward Marlo Diminishing Universal blank cards change into several selections one by one and back, two methods (one roughed)
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Dec. 1972
1995 95
Edward Marlo Another Universal Joker changes one at a time to three selected cards on the table, then becomes blank, using card shelf
1995 173
Brad Henderson Universal Mexican Joker changes into two signed selections one by one, then other cards change into Jokers, full deck becomes Jokers
1995 25
Jerry K. Hartman Blow Away Change card face up on deck changes when performer blows on it, clearly explained here because description in Card Craft (see reference) was a bit confusing,
trick applications (p. 73):
  • two selections, top card is turned face up and changes into first selection, then into second selection, then changes back into original card
  • three selections, first appears on top, changes into second and then changes into third
Also published here 1995 72
Jerry K. Hartman, John Bannon Duet for Three two cards transform to resemble other cards, then become two previous signed selections
Inspired by 1995 252
Paul Cummins Commercial Universal two spectators
1996 1
Dominique Duvivier Chameleon Chameleon cards, cards transform as per Universal Card plot, but start printing magician's fingers on it
1996 117
Pablo Domenèch Las Tres Cartas (Utilizando la Naturalidad Condicionada) with three plus one selections
1996 82
David Solomon Full-Face Universal Card Joker changes into three selections one after the other
1997 121
Richard Bartram, Jr. Uniwild joker changes into three selections, then all four card become duplicates of each other, in the end selections are normal again and Joker is blank
1997 14
Bruce Cervon Triple Change general card in sandwich
1998 34
Pit Hartling Chameleon joker changes into three selected cards and back, double faced divided gaff
1998 79
Jack Avis The Wishing Envelope two cards chosen, indifferent card put in envelope that has a corner cut off, it changes into one selection, then into the other
1998 129
Roy Walton All Hands on Deck Joker changes into two selections, "in hands approach to Gene Finell's Free Cut principle"
1998 74
Peter Duffie Uni-Versatile a Jack changes into an Ace, Two and then Three, then the cards become the four Aces
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Tomas Blomberg Universal Colors two red-backed unknown cards are on the table, blue-backed Ace through Three of Spades removed, two more cards signed and lost, red-backed cards change to two Aces, then Twos, then Threes of Spades, then are shown to be the signed selections
Variations Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Jim Steinmeyer The Thespian Card
  • Conjuring
three cards put aside, then three cards chosen and lost, the three cards from the beginning are shown to be indifferent, then they change into the selections and back, then one of the cards changes into all three selections one by one and back to an indifferent card, card with half card flap
Feb. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Peter Duffie Uni-Versatile black Jack becomes Ace, Two and Three and back, then Ace to Three change to other Jacks, Universal Card plot
1998 5
David Regal The Crystal Ball Blank card changes into two selections, then fades back to blank.
1999 111
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack No. 45, three selections, "General Pack"
1999 183
Ellis Stanyon Everybody's Card No. 9
Variations 1999 217
Roy Johnson Identitätskrise Ace of Spades changes into duplicates of three selections one by one
Inspired by
  • "Chamiversal" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra)
Also published here
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Jason England Double-Change Routine Joker changes to first selection, then second selection
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
John Hostler The Wild Card Joker changes into mates of three cards
Inspired byVariations 2000 82
Michael DeMarco Hue-Niversal odd-backed universal cards
Inspired by Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Daryl Martinez Universal
Also published here 2000 13
Don England The Universal Card of Escorial three cards
2001 125
Peter Duffie The Universal Base Ace of Spades put on bottom of deck, it changes into the mates of three selections, other Aces show up as climax, bottom deals
2001 7
Brother John Hamman Chameleon Blues two blue-backed cards become like three pairs of red-backed cards one by one
Inspired byVariations Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
William Goodwin All in One ungaffed
2002 57
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Ace Of Hearts
Also published here 2002 141
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Shape shifters two Jokers change both into selections and back
2002 192
Steve Shephard Your Card card changes into three selections one by one
Also published here
  • Genii, May 1946
Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues-2 three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs, using Gemini Count
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
David Ben Everybody's Card, III
Inspired byVariations 2003 128
Karl Fulves Double Hofzinser comment on effect and David Reichler = Harvey Rosenthal
Related to 2003 59
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Repligator Universal Card plot, odd-backed blank card changes into three selections one by one, then into signed selection
2003 43
Miguel "MagoMigue" Puga Zelig, Historia de una Carta Mutante Joker changes into three selections
2003 342
Robert Herritt All Backed Up three double-backed cards are shown, a Seven is chosen and the three cards change into other Sevens, then repeat with an Ace
Also published here July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2004 150
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues-2 three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs, using Gemini Count
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 152
Jack Avis The Fulves Problem Universal Card Plot, odd-backed, red-blue double backer
2006 70
Miguel Gómez La carta general (para manipuladores) Joker turns into three selections
2007 178
Miguel Gómez La carta general (con carta trucada) with gaffed cafd
2007 182
Nick Trost Trost on Hamman's "Magic Cards" general cards with a four-card-packet of Jokers
Inspired by 2008 8
Dani DaOrtiz Unique Williamson's routine with four selection, card changes with each restoration phase
Inspired by 2008 32
Patrick Martin The Enigma Card card changes into three selections one by one, then becomes blank
Inspired by
  • "Steve Shepard Presents - Your Card?" (Genii, May 1946)
May 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 5)
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Las metamorfosis brief description of Robert-Houdin's General Card
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz Las metamorfosis
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Pristine Universal Card blank card changes into three selections one by one
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Scotty Johnston What A Pity Mr. Bond selection changes into three selection one by one and back
2008 23
John Guastaferro Relay three fair selections, card turns over and changes into selections one by one
2010 28
Al Schneider Universal Card three selections, odd-backed universal card
2011 491
Gabi Pareras Reflejos Aces change into Tens, Queens, Twos and back to Aces
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Peter Duffie Scopic Joker changes into Ace to Three of Clubs one by one, name of selection appears on back of Joker as finale, Karl Fulves General Card plot
Inspired by
  • "Kaleidoscop" (Roy Walton, marketed 1975)
2012 25
Steven Hamilton Fleeting Images blank card becomes three selections one after the other
2013 139
Roberto Giobbi General Card Joker transforms into three chosen cards one by one
2013 24
Kiko Pastur Solo Imágenes Four Aces change to various cards and back to Aces
Inspired by 2014 182
Guy Hollingworth General Card brief, Multiple Topless Change
2015 10
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, Roberto Giobbi Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin's Birthday
Related to
  • "Les métamorphoses" (Robert-Houdin, Comment on devient sorcier)
Hidden Agenda (Issue Dec 7)
John Hostler Royally Wild Joker changes into mates of three cut-to cards, then Joker splits into two cards to complete Royal Flush with the three cards
Inspired by 2016 78
Yohei Kawabata Waltz General Card effect, inspired by Quick 3 Way. Small Ambitious sequence at the start. End with selection jump to pocket
2017 21
Roberto Mansilla La Carta General treatise on the General Card plot, bibliography
2017 81
Roberto Mansilla La Carta de Todos joker changes into three selections
Inspired by 2017 99
Perseus Arkomanis Faces of Man Joker transforms into three selections before returning as a Joker
Related to Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Johnny Thompson Les Quick Cartes three cards become duplicates of a selection, then another and a third selection, duplicate
Also published here 2018 83
Johnny Thompson KF + BC + EM2 = Another Universal card changes into three different selections in three different ways and back to blank
Also published here 2018 123
David Britland Alien
  • Cardopolis
red-backed card takes on identity of three blue-backed selections, then is shown to be the Joker, packet handling, Universal Card Plot
Related to Dec. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 12)
Helder Guimarães Unexplained Understandable "Preserving the Mystery"
unknown card in glass, three cards chosen, Joker transforms into each selection, all chose the Queen of hearts, it is shown as card in glass
2019 334
Nancy Colwell Everybody's Card General Card with three selections
Inspired by
  • "Everybody's Card" (Magic Without Apparatus, 1914)
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
José Carroll Reflections four Aces change six times, Universal Card plot with Aces
Also published here 2019 95
David Britland, Jerry K. Hartman Predator
  • Cardopolis
three cards chosen, a blank card becomes a duplicate of each one (Universal Card), it becomes a double backer and a Joker next
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Sorcerer #3, 1988
June 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 6)
Tom Dobrowolski Snowstorm in Chicago three odd-backed cards are shown to be duplicates of a selection, then they change into a second selection, then a third, then all selections along with the deck become blank
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Max Malini General Card method guess, based on Hoffmann
Related to 2022 284
Bob Farmer Hallucination 2.0 three spectators peek at top card, all claim to have seen different cards, card really is blank, three seen cards are found in a folded piece of paper
Inspired by 2022 10
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card, see page 99 for improvement by Charles W. Fricke
Also published here 2022 20
Robert Herritt All Backed Up three double-backed cards are shown, a Seven is chosen and the three cards change into other Sevens, then repeat with an Ace
Also published here 2022 205
Jeff Altman Jeff Altman's Four Card Trick a card changes into four selections one by one
2022 51
Victor Piña Comodín Cameleón Joker transform to three selections one by one and back to Joker
2022 8
Pedro Bryce Mi Bola de Cristal Divination of the four chosen cards looking at the Joker. Then the Joker changes into each of four selections and back into Joker. Rashomon Principle.
2023 31