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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
George G. Kaplan Coincidence? No. Prevision? Yes three decks, two shuffled and dealt face up, at one point same card appears at same position, this card is reversed in the third deck
Related toVariations 1945 94
Bob Hummer Hummers Mathematical 3 Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1951 1
Peter Kane The Blank Thought Deck blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, performer removes a blank card, all cards get faces and isolated card is thought-of one
Variations 1967 1
Peter Kane Royal Flush Flash Kings change into royal flush
Related toVariations 1967 2
Peter Kane Exploding Revelation black Jacks placed on tabled deck, they pivot over sideways and reveal selection
1967 4
Peter Kane Second from Bottom Master Move
1967 4
Peter Kane Aces A-Risin'! two Aces buried separately come to top
Related toAlso published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1963
1967 6
Peter Kane The Face Up Traveller selection from one packet to the other
1967 8
Peter Kane Glide Variation with break and wrist turn
1967 8
Peter Kane Miss-Show Principle Seven as Six as it is inserted in fan
1967 9
Peter Kane Classic Ace Assembly
1967 10
Peter Kane Single Shot card shoots out of incomplete faro deck, card gun
Related toVariations 1967 12
Peter Kane The Faro Finders Six of Spades to Eight of Spades lost and counted to, Aces as kicker
1967 14
Peter Kane Transportation of a Thought odd-backed
1967 15
Peter Kane Anent Pack Switches deck switch during out-of-hand slap, cased deck
Related to 1967 18
Peter Kane Tetradism
  • (1) Matching the Cards with freely chosen card
  • (2) all four-of-a-kinds produced
Variations 1967 19
Rick Johnsson, Walter Rollins Colors Revealed after a riffle shuffle, the spectator sorts deck in multiple stage in colors and pockets piles in six different pockets, performer knows number of cards in each pocket
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo Signature Transposition cards signed on face (!), signatures transpose, three methods
Related toVariations Spring 1970
Hierophant (Issue 3)
Allan Ackerman On Kane's Blank Thought Deck blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, performer removes a blank card, all cards get faces and isolated card is thought-of one
Inspired by 1970 1
Peter Kane The Incredible Shrinking Card Case
Also published here 1971 1
Peter Kane Red Oil - Blue Water 4&4, mixing climax
1971 2
Peter Kane Red - Blue - Transpo four red red-backed & four black blue-backed spot cards
1971 5
Peter Kane Jazz Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1971 8
Peter Kane Swindle Coincidence two decks shuffled by two spectators, they each chose a number card and count down to arrive at the same card
1971 10
Peter Kane The "My Best" Coincidence two decks shuffled and counted down until match occurs, this card is predicted
Inspired by 1971 11
Peter Kane About Face Faro half deck is pushed through other half (incomplete faro) and turns over
Variations 1971 13
Peter Kane The Faro Five Ace to Five given to five spectators who also select a card, all back in deck, after a few shuffles the reversed number cards are next to the selections
1971 15
Peter Kane The Lazy Gambler flourish deal vom incomplete faro position, performer gets Aces
1971 17
Peter Kane The Faro Card Puzzle "This is a 'faroation' of Vernons Card Puzzle"
1971 18
Peter Kane The Ring in the Card Case
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1971 19
Persi Diaconis Die Kartenpistole card shoots out of incomplete faro deck, card gun
Related toAlso published here
  • in "Zauberkunst" 1970, Nr.2.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 4)
Peter Kane Signature Transposition two cards signed on back by two people, signatures transpose
Related toVariations 1972 5
Peter Kane Finn Change card to bill, pocket card
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Brother John Hamman A Four-tunate Choice four Fours, two are freely chosen, they are odd-backed and the other Fours change to Queens
Related toVariationsAlso published here Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Ken Krenzel, Peter Kane The Bullet Trick
1973 132
Peter Kane Wild Card — Plus
Inspired by
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8, Apr. 1962)
1973 1
Peter Kane An Alternative Presentation
1973 6
Peter Kane Jazz Aces
Also published here 1974 123
Peter Kane Jazz Aces Variation with four quarters of a jumbo card
Also published here 1974 125
Peter Kane Slow Motion Ring Release move
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Fred Robinson Focus on the 38th IBM Convention, John Calvert, Frans Biemans, Peter Kane, David Wright, Ken Hawes, Andy Galloway, Bob Ostin, Frank Giles, Christopher Payne, Jean Fiahlo, David Carré
Oct. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Peter Kane Serial Number Tip how to get two bills with the same serial number
Jan. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Bob Driebeek On Slow Motion Ring Release ideas
Inspired by Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Fred Robinson Focus Leslie May, Peter Kane, Blackpool Convention
Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on the IBM Convention, Peter Kane, Bob Ostin, Roy Walton, Alex Elmsley, Flip, Jay Marshall, Walter Gydesen, Philip Fiahlo, Harold Bronhaut
Sep. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Fred Robinson Focus on Bob Ostin, IBM Convention Close-Up Show, Don Lees, Trevor Lewis, David Carré, Peter Kane, Rovi, Walt Lees, Bob Read, Alex Elmsley, Topper Martin, Flip, Philipe Fiahlo, Francis Giles
Oct. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill
Related to 1975 1
Peter Kane The Diamond Robbery sheeps & thieves with cards, two Diamond cards and one Jack under both hands, then two Jacks and four Diamonds under the hands
Related to 1975 2
Peter Kane, Gustave Southall Gil's Game spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select groups of one color
Related to
  • New Pentagram, June 1970
VariationsAlso published here
1975 4
Peter Kane The Chink-a-Chink Aces four piles in square formation with aces on top, O. Henry finish
1975 5
Peter Kane Acestack one shuffle and player number from Two to Eight
1975 7
Peter Kane The Royal Families
Variations 1975 10
Peter Kane The Blue Angels
1975 11
Peter Kane Card Transfer Move from packet to packet, with card perpendicular under small fan
1975 14
Peter Kane Disassembly odd-backed
1975 16
Peter Kane The Unkind Cut performer cuts deck in four piles, top and bottom cards are mates
1975 18
Peter Kane, Edward Marlo Cover-Up Cut Variation
1975 18
Peter Kane The Slightly Annoyed Card blue-backed Ace to Three, red-backed selection, blue cards change to duplicates of selection, then into red-backed Ace to Three, then normal again
Variations 1975 19
Peter Kane Divination, Discovery, Departure cards from one deck are found in another and change into original selections
Related toVariations 1975 22
Peter Kane, Edward Marlo The Sentimental Swiss Signature Switch two cards signed on stickers on face by spectators, signatures transpose
Inspired by 1975 24
Roy Walton Stretching a Point
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane's "Elongated Lady"
Also published here
1975 10
Roger Smith The I-F Lapping Move selection lapped by pushing joker in from other side
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 4
Peter Kane, Ken Krenzel, Francis Carlyle The Gun card shoots out of incomplete faro deck, card gun, presentation and patter
Inspired by 1975 5
Peter Kane The Poker Hand same as "Royal Flush Flash"
Related to 1975 155
Peter Kane Memory Jogger associating every playing card with a trick to remember one's repertoire
Variations 1975 2
Peter Kane Pack Jumps From Case rubber band in case
1975 23
Peter Kane The Ring in the Card Case
Also published here 1975 26
Peter Kane Holdout Case using case to get hold of small ball, coin, etc after some card tricks
1975 30
Peter Kane The Incredible Shrinking Card Case
Also published here 1975 31
Peter Kane, Gustave Southall Gil's Spiel spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select groups of one color
Also published here June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Peter Kane The Blushing Jokers four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then blue again, red/blue double backer
Variations 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Peter Wilker Ring + Schnur - Ein Effekt - Drei Methode ring and string
  • Methode 1 (Tenkai)
  • Methode 2 (Peter Kane)
  • Methode 3 (Ray Grimser)
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 4)
Frank Garcia, Peter Kane 7 Card Monte Gypsy Curse handling
1977 128
Peter Kane Reflections a mirror card changes into each of three selection, then changes to Joker
Jay Malbrough Ready, Aim, Faro! card shoots out of incomplete faro deck, card gun
Related to 1977 14
Ken Krenzel The Magic Bullet shooting card out of IF position
Related toVariations 1978 79
David Britland Instant Printing four blank cards printed, different versions
1. Two by Two
2. All together
3. A Spanner in the Works (face pips are accidentally printed on back)
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane's "Blank Amazement"
1978 4
Jerry K. Hartman Trick Pix Quick 3 Way with color changing deck, extension of Peter Kane's trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 19
Jerry K. Hartman Second Blush Blue jokers change to red, then change back
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 72
Peter Kane What's Up Deck deck vanishes
Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Peter Kane, Frank Garcia The Miracle Worker Returns aces cut to, change to royal flush
Inspired by 1980 71
Al Smith, Peter Kane Seconds Out mates of selected card are at the same position in three packets
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Al Smith (reviewer) An Audio Card Session with Peter Kane by Peter Kane Aug. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Walt Lees Editorial on Gordon Bruce, Ken Brooke, Peter Kane, Andrew Pargeter
Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Walt Lees (reviewer) Tetrad One by Peter Kane Dec. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Al Smith Jazlik 4&4
Inspired by 1980 37
Peter Kane Four Card and Deck Display backs
Related to 1981 36
Peter Kane Four Card and Deck Display final display in which four cards stick out at four corners of the deck
Related to 1981 18
Howard A. Adams Basic Cidentaquin ESP symbol is removed from deck and other cards turned over in pairs, two pairs match and they also match the chosen symbol
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Cidentaquin" in "Genii" Vol. 34, No. 12. August, 1970. P. 519.
OICUFESP (Issue 8 - 21 Cidentaquin Variations)
Roy Walton Son of Tetradism Minus 48 mates of selected card are at the same position in three packets, faro
Inspired by 1981 213
Derek Dingle The Gypsy Curse using larger cards
Variations 1982 46
Peter Kane Queens of Jazz odd backed
Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Peter Kane One-Two-One Load for the Cups and Balls loading sequence
Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Peter Kane Kabbala Aces aces lost and found, ending with wallet
Sep. 1982 4
Ray Grismer, Peter Kane Watch, Look and Listen ring and string routine with ring to card case finish
1982 76
Walt Lees Editorial on "What Puzzle Me", Martin Breese, Bob Farmer, Peter Kane, Barrie Richardson, Pat Page
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Larry Jennings "....Always Cut the Cards" cards are cut into deck with spectator
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1982 4
Peter Kane Peter Kane's Jazz Aces
Also published here 1982 15
Peter Kane Jazz Aces Variation with four quarters of a jumbo card
Also published here 1982 18
Peter Kane Mister-ee Five by Five one suit added to a deck to make a 65-card deck, selection matches coincidence when two piles are turned up in unison, faro, constant stack
Inspired byVariations 1982 7
Peter Kane A Glass Balloon and Card Sequence balloon sits on mouth of glass, deck balanced on top, balloon is popped and deck drops onto glass, selection found folded in glass
1982 11
Peter Kane The Eightsome Reel selection spelled to, but wrong suit shows up, repeated three more times until finally selection shows up face-up
Inspired by
  • "Double Spell" (Wilford Jonson, But Not to Play, p. 55)
1982 13
, Peter Kane An Ancient Coin Con Game stack of coins sits on table, betting on orientation of bottom coin
  • With Cards (deck shuffled face-up/face-down, betting on orientation of bottom card)
1982 15
Peter Kane Any Four Different Coins Across international, one extra coin
1982 17
Peter Kane A Glass and Coin Sequence coaster placed on glass, coin penetrates coaster into glass
Inspired by
  • Jack Griggs's marketed effect with gimmicked coaster
1982 21
Peter Kane A Coin, Glass and Handkerchief Sequence glass wrapped tightly in handkerchief, coin penetrates and is heard in glass
1982 25
Peter Kane A Glass and Card Sequence card appears folded in glass
Also published here
  • An Audio Card Session with Peter Kane, Magicassette, Martin Breese
1982 29
Peter Kane The Dustbin Box at the end of Okito box routine, a lot of various items are dumped out of it, close-up production
1982 31
Peter Kane A Coin Penetration shot glass held on deck of cards with larger glass over it, copentro with that set-up that is held in the hands
1982 34
Peter Kane The "Sleeper" Routine copper coin in one hand, three silver coins in the other, silver coins join copper one by one, last silver transposes with copper
1982 37
Peter Kane The Elongated Lady
Variations 1982 40
Peter Kane My Complicated Trick spectator remembers small number and card at that position in one half, then position of that card after a shuffle, both halves faroed together and sum of both numbers counted down to, that card predicted
1982 45
Peter Kane Cards as Calculators
1982 48
Peter Kane A Very Attractive Lady ungaffed, eight black spot cards and a Queen, spot cards change to Kings and Jacks
Inspired by
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8)
1982 53
Peter Kane The Thumb Switch drag switch
Inspired by 1982 56
Peter Kane Passing the Alternation two packets with each four red-backed and blue-backed cards, one packet separated and one alternated, that state transposes
1982 60
Peter Kane Four-As-Four Concealing Two Count end grip
1982 62
Peter Kane The Four Flusher poker hand with four Spades and a Heart, changes into four Hearts and a Spade
1982 64
Peter Kane The Three Silver and Three Copper Transposition one by one, shell
Inspired by
  • Paul Rylander, The Sphinx, Vol. 49 No. 11, 1950
1982 66
Peter Kane Son of Tetradism mates of selected card are at the same position in three packets
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1982 71
Peter Kane The Expanding Deck playtime deck in case, changes to poker-sized case
Also published here
  • lecture notes "A Real Live Card Session with Peter Kane"
1982 73
Peter Kane The Growing Deck small deck stretched to regular size
1982 75
Peter Kane The Red/Black Blues after a riffle shuffle the deck is separated in packets, red/black distribution predicted
Inspired by 1982 77
Peter Kane The "Kabbala" Aces four Aces signed and lost, reproduced and last Ace from wallet
1982 82
Peter Kane Glide Variation with break and wrist turn
1982 83
Peter Kane The Toss Switch coin dumped from shot glass onto table, changes visually
1982 85
Peter Kane The Magic Eight number and card at that position remembered, ein eight-spot is seen face up and used to find selection
1982 87
Peter Kane A Triple Coincidence three red-backed prediction cards match three cards chosen from blue deck
1982 89
Peter Kane Alignment Move Variation
1982 91
Peter Kane Second Place
1982 94
Peter Kane V.C.C.P. duplicated
1982 97
Peter Kane On a Shoestring Chinese coin penetrates Okito Box onto string
Also published here
  • Northern Lights magazine
1982 100
Peter Kane The Piggy Bank Robbery or, How to Alienate a Small Child coin travels from piggy bank into glass
1982 102
Peter Kane With an E.S.P. Deck
  • 1. assembly à la Card Puzzle
  • 2. esp divination
1982 104
Peter Kane The Swindle Slice two pieces of paper are inserted in deck by spectator, section between them removed, number and a cards predicted, when counted down in that section the card lies there
1982 106
Peter Kane Another Ring Off with fake ends
1982 109
Peter Kane How to Make a Divided Card two-ended picture card
1982 118
Peter Kane The Gossips
1982 120
Peter Kane Rooms and Travellers eight cards are paired with Ace through Seven despite being one card too many, story presentation
1982 128
Peter Kane The Nudest Nudist Deck with card case transformation kicker
  • Printing the Card Case
1982 130
Peter Kane Chameleon Quartet Ace through Four of Clubs tabled, then Ace through Four of Spades found, Spades change into Clubs and Clubs into Queens
Related to 1982 136
Peter Kane Just Four Aces additional Three as Ace
1982 140
Peter Kane Spider Vanish with Card
1982 143
Peter Kane The Fan Transfer card transferred from one hand to under small fan in other hand
1982 144
Peter Kane The Court Jesters four blue-backed Jokers change to red-backed Jokers, red/blue double backer
1982 145
John Anders Kaning Mercury card folded to card case
Inspired by Mar. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Al Smith (reviewer) Kane by Peter Kane Mar. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 9)
David Britland The Blues Brothers assembly with Aces, color changing back kicker
Inspired byVariations 1984 9
Walt Lees Peter Kane
1984 86
Peter Kane Seance Shuffle deck under handkerchief starts to shuffle itself
1984 86
John F. C. McLachlan A Test of Flirtatiousness four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then blue again
Inspired by 1984 36
Jon Racherbaumer Flicks and Kicks coin vanishes and reappears in card case, flicking coin under card case as it is apparently picked up, card case has small legs on one side
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Sep. 1980
1984 151
Peter Kane Sally "The Amazing Elasticated Lady" (for long)
stretching Queen to almost five inch long card
  • The Visible Stretch
1984 ca. 1
Peter Kane Almost Triumphant incomplete face-up/face-down shuffle, halves stripped apart, selection is sticking out and seen to be five inches long when pulled out
Also published here 1984 ca. 3
Peter Kane Rising Higher selection rises from deck, then is pulled out and seen to be extra-long card
1984 ca. 5
Martin Lewis For Faster Service, Please Take a Number Multiple selection routine with four cards - spectators insert number tags into deck to find their selections
Inspired by 1985 20
John Bannon Be-Bop Deluxe transformation kicker
Inspired by 1986 31
John C. Wagner Factory Misprints four blank cards are printed one by one
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane's "Blank Amazement"
Also published here
1987 113
Edward Marlo Packet Switches - Second Method drag/peel switch
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1965
1988 130
Peter Kane It all started...
1988 ca.
Peter Kane Kane's Variant mathematical monte with five objects and without turning back
  • The Basic Principle
Inspired byVariations 1988 ca. 1
Peter Kane The Three Time Loser spectator can apparently win money but never does, using Ace through Five layout
1988 ca. 3
Peter Kane The Great Purse Swindle spectator can apparently win money but never does, using five flat purses and ten cards
1988 ca. 5
Peter Kane The Psychic's Game Show five keys, one selected with Kane's Variant procedure and it's the only one that opens the lock to a prize
  • The Stacked Deck Extra (apparently random cards chosen for selection procedure)
1988 ca. 7
Peter Kane We'll Call You one of five colored cards chosen, medium is phoned and divines color
Variations 1988 ca. 9
Peter Kane An Objective View variation with five random objects
Inspired by 1988 ca. 10
Peter Kane Personalization of Kane's Variant procedure
1988 ca. 10
Peter Kane Inspirational Source
1988 ca. 11
Peter Kane Gun Revelation
Related to 1989 46
Randy Wakeman All That Jazz
Inspired by 1989 62
Bob King Chinaman's Chance three silver coins travel to china coin in other hand, transformation kicker, Peter Kane's Sleeper Coin principle
Variations 1990 10
Jon Racherbaumer, Paul Diamond The Zen Two-Shooter bullet trick, repeat feature, credit information
Inspired by 1990 88
Gordon Bruce Ring in Box finger ring to card case
Inspired byVariations May 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Clear-Cut Jazz Aces "non-confusing version of the Peter Kane effect"
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Trick Pix Quick 3 Way with color changing deck, extension of Peter Kane's trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 359
Al Smith Wells Farogill two phases
Inspired by 1991 18
Peter Duffie Changing Sides two cards signed on back, they transpose
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1991 7
Peter Kane Watch the Ace!
Also published here
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8)
1992 2
Peter Kane Full Circle full deck version, twenty-six double facers
Inspired by
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8)
June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Peter Kane The Magic Square Ace through Nine taken from deck, magic square build on table, then all backs have changed
1992 2
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill, pocket card
Also published here 1992 5
Peter Kane The Pincushion Lady marked card partially covered with business card and impaled with pen, shown unharmed
1992 6
Peter Kane The Amazing Floating Lady Queen floats above deck, two methods (impromptu and gaffed)
1992 8
Peter Kane Finga-Flinga card wrapped around second finger, card removed with finger which is then missing, finger put back
1992 10
Peter Kane The Double Dropper two coins penetrate a card into a glass, sucker shell gag
1992 12
Peter Kane Kane's Index rubber-banded deck with cards perpendicular every five cards, memorized deck
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge item in Hugard's Magic Monthly
1992 13
Peter Kane Kane's Patent Card Finda special odd-backed card made from two hinged cards in deck, selection is found inside it, faro
Inspired by 1992 14
Peter Kane Almost Triumphant incomplete face-up/face-down shuffle, halves stripped apart, selection is sticking out and seen to be five inches long when pulled out
Also published here 1992 15
Peter Kane The Amex Aces 2&2 mini oil and water routine with Aces, then one Ace changes into a bill and the other in a credit card
1992 16
Peter Kane Full Circle done with full deck
Inspired by
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8, Apr. 1962)
1992 18
Justin Higham Techno Aces transformation kicker
Inspired by May 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 3)
Dean Nicholas Handling of Peter Kane's Gypsy Curse written up by Anthony Owen
Inspired by Jan. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Simon Dixon (reviewer) Kane by Peter Kane June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Vicente Canuto, Peter Kane Viajes de Damas Una a Una
1993 265
Peter Kane Di-a-Monte monte routine with dice
July 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Alexander de Cova Blank Thought Surprise blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, performer removes a blank card and it becomes named card in mirror
Inspired by 1994 26
Peter Kane Board-Ring ring passes through hole in wooden board which is too small, Himber ring
1994 10
Peter Duffie No Two Ways About It two signatures transpose
Inspired byRelated to 1995 226
Peter Duffie Changing Sides two cards signed on back, they transpose
Related toAlso published here 1995 229
Darwin Ortiz The Unholy Three cards from one deck are found in another and change into original selections
Inspired by 1995 39
Tommy Wonder, Peter Kane A Three-Cup Load loading sequence
1996 98
Peter Duffie M.I.M.C. two spectators sign two cards with different backs, the two signatures on the faces transpose
Inspired by 1997 106
Paul LePaul, Peter Kane, Nate Leipzig, Roberto Giobbi The Acrobatic Aces four Aces are visibly produced, Gymnastic Aces phase
1998 694
Peter Kane The Card Gun
1998 695
Gavin Ross The Information Pack half deck is pushed through other half (incomplete faro) and turns over, full suit visible with selection missing, with variation by Peter Duffie
Inspired by 1998 94
Bob King No Vacancy hotel room story with six Jokers and Ace through Five
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane trick
1999 6
Peter Kane Coupon to Currency coupon change to bill
Also published here
  • Lecture Notes
Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Jerry Mentzer Memory Jogger associating playing cards with a trick to remember one's repertoire
Inspired by 2000 58
Jerry Mentzer Nine Way Variant nine cards in square, one chosen via instructions, winner/loser written on other side
Inspired by 2000 129
Marc DeSouza Quad-Ringle Plus ring & string routine with ring to card case finale
Inspired by 2001 71
Darwin Ortiz, Peter Kane, Fred Kaps Beat the Devil ungaffed Gypsy Course handling, tarot cards
2002 196
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Royal Display four selections shown in display with cards outjogged from deck, they form a royal flush with face card, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
  • Part 1 - the Force
  • Part 2 - the Display
Inspired byAlso published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Paul Richards The Final Stretch card stretches wrapped in bill
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi Slow Henry
Inspired by 2003 1239
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Shifty King two spectators sign the backs of two cards, the signatures transpose, without deck
Inspired by 2003 28
Wesley James Watch the Wild Ace "final", double-face & split-faced, indifferent cards change into an ace of each suit, then all into aces of clubs
Inspired by
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8)
2004 461
Peter Kane Single Shot from incomplete faro
2004 123
Dave Campbell The Grow More, Grow Less Card credit information
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane's "Elongated Lady"
2004 279
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Royal Display four selections shown in display with cards outjogged from deck, they form a royal flush with face card, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
  • Part 1 - the Force
  • Part 2 - the Display
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 146
Peter Kane Card Wrap tapestry prediction with red and black cards, odd-colored cards in final spread are predicted
Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Jon Racherbaumer Peter Kane
May 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 5)
Harold Cataquet A Tribute to Peter Kane
  • Clever Devil Corner
Aug. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 8)
Bob Ostin Clear Deception sympathetic matchbox variation, without thread, with additional idea by Peter Kane
2005 149
Peter Duffie A Royal Enigma #1
Inspired by 2005 10
Jack Avis Magic Bullet Effect incomplete-faro shoot-out with odd-backed card
Inspired by 2006 93
Michael Powers The Mystery Card blank cards get some business logo
Inspired by
  • "Gypsy Curse" (Peter Kane)
2006 147
Michael Powers Red Shift four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then whole deck is red-backed, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2006 152
John C. Wagner Factory Misprints - Basic Handling four blank cards are printed one by one
  • The Convincing Cleanup
Inspired by
  • "Blankety-Blank" (Peter Kane)
VariationsAlso published here
2006 3
Justin Higham Illogical Acid-Jazz Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2007 18
Nick Trost Pinochle Pentaquin selection matches coincidence when two piles are turned up in unison, uses Pinochle deck
Inspired by 2009 498
Nick Trost Gil's Game Revisited spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select pairs of one color
  • Another Presentation
Inspired byVariations 2011 645
Karl Fulves Pivot Point two decks in new deck order, card peeked in blue deck, card taken from red deck, it is odd-backed selection which is missing in blue deck
Related to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Tom Gagnon Electrostatic Recall card pivots outwards from incomplete faro condition, pin through close-up mat as gimmick
Inspired by
  • "The Shooting Joker" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 20 No. 8)
Also published here
2013 108
Nick Trost Gil's Game - Odd and Even spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select pairs of one color
Inspired by 2015 1277
Yves Carbonnier 3. La Carte Revolver gun trick
Inspired by
  • "The Shooting Joker" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 20 No. 8, April 1963)
2019 180
Tom Gagnon Hof-Sendser Aces Jazz Aces presented as hole card switch demonstration, using transparent Hofzinser card over phone flashlight
Inspired by 2019 12
David Regal (reviewer) Stretching Queen by Peter Kane Sep. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 9)
Larry Jennings Two Trips to the Hotel
  • Version One
  • Version Two
Related to 2020 518
Mark Zellinger Rattled rattle box made out of card case
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, July 2012
2022 1129
Allan Ackerman Grandson of Tetradism
  • Phase One (card chosen, three equal piles made, mates of selection are at fifth position in each pile)
  • Phase Two (mates are found again with more random unequal packets)
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