255 entries in Ring / Finger Rings / Penetration / Ring and String
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stanley Collins Bovine Bunkum rings on loop of string become free under handkerchief
1920 49
Charles T. Jordan The Acme Ring Release ring knotted on cord, released under handkerchief
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der Ring an der Schnur string knotted on handkerchief, borrowed finger ring found knotted on string
1930 32
Minoe Pretty Bauble duplicate ring
Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 67)
Stewart James Sefalaljia miniature spirit cabinet, ball moves, ring on tape, cigar lights itself, milk vanishes
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 69)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Fourth Dimensional Sewing
Inspired byAlso published here July 1940
The Jinx (Issue 100)
Charles T. Jordan C. T. Jordan's Mystifying Knot Trick ring knotted on cord, released under handkerchief
Also published here 1941 ca. 36
Louis Tannen Tannen's Ring, Knot and Rope borrowed finger ring travels from handkerchief in knot on rope
Variations 1942 344
Harry Burns String-Ring with duplicate ring
June 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 11)
Stewart James Sefalaljia Jr. ring on string bit with safety pin from "Sefalaljia", under handkerchief
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 21)
Ring, Rope And Pin borrowed ring penetrates rope
Related toVariations 1943 81
Tom Osborne "Ring and Spirit Knot" ring put in knot under handkerchief
1943 83
The Ring in the Knot ring put in knot under handkerchief
1943 86
Charles Nyquist, James G. Thompson Jr. Sefalaljia III ring tied on string, without cover
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 26)
John Mulholland Rings and Strings two strings tied and knotted around a borrowed pencil and finger rings, spectator holds strings and rings are freed
Related to 1944 24
John Mulholland Paper Card Through String string is threaded through a hole in a business card, under cover of handkerchief card is removed from string with hole intact, duplicate card
Related to 1944 131
Stewart James Sefalaljia miniature spirit cabinet, ball moves, ring on tape, cigar lights itself, milk vanishes
  • The Ball in the Glass
  • The Knotted Handkerchief
  • The Ring on the Tape
  • The Smoked Cigar
  • Drinking the Milk
Also published here 1944 105
Joseph L. Barnett St(R)ung
Related to 1945 155
Charles Nyquist Sefalaljia III ring tied on string, without cover
Variations 1945 183
Marty Williams Ring in the Shoe String Tie
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Jean Hugard, Ken De Courcy Ringing a Rope finger ring placed in hat, rope lowered in hat and ring is found knotted on center on rope
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1949 603
Tyro Ringing a Rope
Inspired by Mar. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 10)
James Torry Buttonholed string is tied on button hole of a jacket, ring penetrates string
Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 263)
Eddie Joseph The Double Knot knotting ring on cord while ends are held, under handkerchief
1952 31
Walter Essman Bones miniature skull on chain, like ring and string
July 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 286)
Charles Nyquist Sefalaljia III ring tied on string, without cover
Also published here 1953
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 1)
Horace E. Bennett, Jardine Ellis, Bertram Millidge, Franklin V. Taylor Combination shoelace and Ellis ring penetration, second phase, finger ring becomes entangled
Related toAlso published here 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 330)
Hans E. Trixer The Ring on String under handkerchief
Inspired by 1955 24
Jim Ryan Ryan's Rope, Ring and Rod ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 337)
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein alter Trick im neuen Sonntagskleid string with ring on it is cut and restored, ring back on string
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Dr. William Weyeneth Wie kommt der Ring aus der Schnur? ring of string under handkerchief, magnetic
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Fred Kaps Ring Off String ring is released of a string behind a book
Related to 1960 (ca.) 7
L. Vosburgh Lyons Fourth Dimensional Sewing
Also published here Aug. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Paul Curry On and Off washer penetrates string under handkerchief
1965 165
Horace Goldin The Witch-Doctor's Coin chinese coin and string routine, two routines (originally from Sphinx)
1966 463
J. W. Sarles Quadrangular Cup first cup, then ring is magically threaded onto rope under handkerchief
May 1966 36
J. W. Sarles The Golden Ring ends of rope in cup, ring thrown inside, penetrates rope
June 1966 38
Ben Christopher Ambulating Glass ring penetrates ribbon underneath wrapped glass, then glass penetrates table
Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Bob Ostin The Coin on the Pipe Cleaner coin with hole appears on pipe cleaner wrapped around hand
Variations 1968 21
Jim Ryan Rope, Ring and Rod ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here 1968 135
Ken De Courcy Rope-It finger ring placed in hat, rope lowered in hat and ring is found on center on rope
Variations 1968 137
Jean Hugard Ringing a Rope finger ring placed in hat, rope lowered in hat and ring is found knotted on center on rope
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 138
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Ghost Ring under handkerchief, duplicate
Magick (Issue 12)
Marconick Ring on Ribbon ring on ribbon vanishes inside ring box and appears againg
Also published here 1970 25
, Joseph L. Barnett Borrowed Ring on Loop of String featuring cut and restored string
Related to 1972 159
Han van Senus Another Ribbon Penetration borrowed ring
1972 219
Scotty York Ringer
Related toVariations Feb. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Ken Beale Ring Sation two rings on string, one comes off, originally published by Lou Tannen, with variation:
  • The Hard Way
see also p. 565 for background information, see p. 608 for comment by Paul Brian
Related to Oct. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Harvey Rosenthal Ring Off see p. 608 for comment
Inspired by
  • "Ring" (Ray Grismer, Genii, May 1971)
Mar. 1973 601
Dr. Dan McDonald Repeat Ring Release multi-phase, duplicate ring with slit
Also published here 1973 11
Ray Grismer Ring three phases, first in Genii 1971
Variations 1973 18
Dr. J. Konstantin Garmisch Jump Master finger ring on loop jumps from one strand to the other
Magick (Issue 68)
John Carney Ring Off Rope ring off rope on finger of the other hand, lapping
1973 (ca.) 2
Peter Kane Slow Motion Ring Release move
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Mitchell Dyszel Swindle Ring
Also published here Feb. 1974 705
Al Schneider Introduction ring off rope, three times
Inspired by
  • Dan MacDonald's "Repeat Ring Release" in Jerry Mentzer's "Close-Up Cavalcade", 1973 p.11
1974 1
Al Schneider Phase One similar to Clifton's Ring Move
Related to 1974 2
Al Schneider, Paul Kelly Phase Two
1974 3
Al Schneider Phase Three knotted
1974 5
Tenkai Ishida Ring Off Rope
1974 92
Scotty York A Ring Trilogy two ring on string phases, then ring penetrates finger and is linked to safety pin, slit ring
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 21
Scotty York Ringer reprint from Kabbala
Related to 1975 27
Mitchell Dyszel Ringschwindel
Also published here June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Ernst Bölliger, Bob Ostin Chinesische Münze + Pfeifenreiniger coin with hole appears on pipe cleaner wrapped around hand
Inspired by 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan The Acme Ring Release ring knotted on cord, released under handkerchief
Also published here 1975 263
Frank Garcia Pin-Up Time "(Ring on Rope or Optical Illusion)"
with safety pin
1975 ca. 5
William Zavis Ring Ab! three phases
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Aug. 1973
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Peter Wilker Ring + Schnur - Ein Effekt - Drei Methode ring and string
  • Methode 1 (Tenkai)
  • Methode 2 (Peter Kane)
  • Methode 3 (Ray Grimser)
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 4)
Bob Ostin, Ray Grismer Ring and Cord variation on Ray Grismer move
Also published here 1976 ca. 7
Harry Lorayne The Ring-String Thing ring and string under handkerchief
Inspired by 1977 281
Roy Johnson Ring 'n Rope
  • Phase 1 - The "Bluff" Release
  • Phase 2 - The Pull Out
  • Phase 3 - The Drop Release
  • Phase 4 - The Climax (ring knotted into rope)
Inspired by
  • routine in book "Tokyo Trickery"
1977 32
Roy Johnson The Houdini Ring duplicate ring with slit, four phases
Inspired by
  • "Johnson Ring Trick", marketed ca. 1970
1977 41
Karl Fulves Further Applications 1. tranposition of two cards inside wallet
2. ring and string routing in which stringed ring vanishes from wallet
1978 8
George Blake A Ring and a Loop o'String ends of short string are tied to thumb and first finger of a spectator's hand, ring penetrates onto string, using Himber Ring
1978 ca. 12
George Blake Sefalaljia - By Hand! finger ring through string
1978 ca. 13
Bill Wisch Chain(R)ing using chain instead of rope
Oct. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Tony Slydini The Ring On The String behind standing book, ends kept in view, string torn and twisted together again
1979 76
Tony Slydini New Rope Methods
  • The Gypsy Ring (finger ring tied onto knot with three knots vanishes and reappears)
  • Part One
  • The Gypsy Ring Method
  • The Elusive Knot
  • Exploiting the Switch
  • A Reference Note
Slydin Rope Switch, seated
Variations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue Close-up Folio No. 12)
Karl Fulves Borrowed Ring/Examined Rope (extra sheet)
Inspired by 1979 1
Stephen Tucker Concorde string through envelope and finger ring placed inside, ring is found threaded on string
Jan. 1979
The Talon (Issue 3)
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move ring on string, vanishes, appears on other hand
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 103
Earl Nelson Earl's Ring Move false threading of ring onto rope
VariationsAlso published here 1979 108
Steve Beam Spirit Genetilia nut and string, routine
1979 91
Bill Wisch Ring On! borrowed finger ring travels onto gold chain while spectator's hold end
Inspired by 1979 7
Marconick L'anneau sur le ruban ring on ribbon vanishes inside ring box and appears againg
Also published here 1979 8
Michael McGivern (Ring) Knot Really
Also published here Apr. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Bob Hyans Ring-A-Ding
July 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Robert L. Brooks, Earl Nelson Ring Through Rope credit correction on page 564
Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Algonquin McDuff Penatring
Aug. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein Brasso Profundo finger rings on a cord, penetrate brass nut under handkerchief
Dec. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Bill Robbins Bluff Ring small ring vanished from rope and reappears in sleeve or hooked over ear
Related to 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 28)
Bob Hummer Hummer's Ring and Cord ring off and on string with handkerchief
Also published here
  • a part of Martin Gardner's column in "Hugard's Magic Monthly"
1980 85
David Britland Cabbalistic Cord ring threaded on string under handkerchief
Inspired by 1980
The Talon (Issue 6)
Ken Brooke Ring Off multi-phase penetration routine with ring, safety pin, rope, handkerchief, wand
  • Trick No. 1. "The Wand through the Handkerchief"
  • Trick No. 2. "The Ring on the Rope"
  • Trick No. 3. "The Ring Off the Rope"
  • Trick No. 4. "Ring Off the Wand"
1980 189
Johnny Cooper I Fooled Magicians with this One
1980 28
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Die Nussbaumersuite: Eine Ringbefreiung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Scotty York Stand-Up Ring Routine stand up version, with half ring
Related toAlso published here 1980 15
Mitchell Dyszel Easy Ring Off Rope
Mar. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Ray Grismer Knotty ring knotted on rope penetrates it
Arcane (Issue 3)
Jim Ryan Ryan's Rope, Ring and Rod ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here 1981 19
Jim Ryan Bow Tie Knot ring and rope
1981 19
G. W. Hunter Shoelace Knot ring and rope
1981 22
Stephen Tucker Ringo ring off rope, with glass
Nov. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 7)
John A. M. Howie Verschnürt two shoe laces link and unlink, several phases, with pen and finger ring
Inspired byAlso published here May 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Robert L. Brooks Ring Strip
Sep. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Ray Grismer, Peter Kane Watch, Look and Listen ring and string routine with ring to card case finish
1982 76
Peter Kane Another Ring Off with fake ends
1982 109
Philip T. Goldstein Scissoring rope is cut to remove finger ring and restored
1983 120
Peter Samelson Ring True penetration in spectator's hand
Also published here Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Gary Ouellet The Homing Ring four phases, ring jumps back on finger several times
1983 4
Gary Ouellet Swindle Ring ring vanishes from string and appears on finger, seated
  • The Rear Shift Lap
1983 16
Gary Ouellet, Emile Clifton Boomering Clifton's ring move variation, ring ends up on finger of the other hand
1983 21
Guy Camirand, Gary Ouellet Ring Drop ring on string, french drop
1983 26
Tony Miller In-De-Pendant ring off chain with medal on it
Jan. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Mark Lefler Challenge for Two ring from looped chain (as worn around neck)
July 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Jack Mitzman "Pinch" Knot with Ring
Aug. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Dick Koornwinder Ring & Tube tube rolled from magazine, thread with both ends visible lowered into tube, finger ring thrown in, it penetrates onto string
1984 6
Stephen Tucker Yuletied
Jan. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 33)
Daniel Kalanowski Way Out scissors or ring penetrate ring, phase with extra piece
Mar. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Routine for the Himber Ring performer's ring links with borrowed ring, also onto cord
1984 5
Jim Ryan Ryan's Rope, Ring, and Rod ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here 1984 21
Dr. Dan McDonald Repeat Ring Release multi-phase, duplicate ring with slit
Also published here 1984 26
Scotty York A Ring Trilogy two ring on string phases, then ring penetrates finger and is linked to safety pin, slit ring
Also published here 1984 31
Scotty York Stand-Up Ring Routine stand up version, with half ring
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 35
Earl Nelson Another Ring Move
Also published here
  • Genii, April 1978
1984 38
Dan Garrett The Faustus Ring
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1984 39
Steve Dusheck Walkoff ring vanishes after being knotted on rope
1984 40
Steve Dusheck A Routine for Walkoff spectator's ring knotted on rope transposes with performer's, with Himber Ring
1984 41
Michael McGivern (Ring) Knot Really
Also published here 1984 42
Stephen Tucker Concorde envelope with two holes and rope through them, borrowed ring tossed in envelope, when rope is torn out the ring is on the rope
Also published here
  • "The Geminii Book" (Martin Breese)
1984 56
Peter Samelson In The Hand-Off
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1984 15
Jim Ryan Seil, Ring und Zauberstab ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here
  • Cover, Sep. 1950
Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Fred C. Baumann Steal Ring ring vanishes from knot
June 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Scotty York, Danny Korem, Chuck Morris, Dan Garrett Three Round Ringer three phases
Related to 1985 92
John A. M. Howie Verknüpfungen two shoe laces link and unlink, several phases, with pen and finger ring
Also published here Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Deane Stern Pendu ring is tossed onto cord
1986 118
David Gripenwaldt Spellbound Ring Change ring on string visibly tranforms in different ring
1986 127
Bob Hummer Ringe two impromptu magic items and gags with rings
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Mac McDonald The Ring and String ring knotted on string under handkerchief, one-handed
1986 17
Mark Sicher Through the Rope duplicate ring
May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Gary Ouellet Boomering ring vanishes from rope and reappears on finger
Aug. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Rajneesh Madhok No St"ring" attached penetration onto a string
Also published here May 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Mike Bornstein Finger Ring Pass Through ring vanishes and instantly reappears on rope
Dec. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Marc DeSouza Dead Ringer ring on string move
Inspired by 1989 479
Mark Sicher Rope to Finger
July 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 7)
John Bannon Revolutionary Penetration coin with hole frees itself from shoelace, ungimmicked
1990 59
John Bannon Coin of Voodoo marked coin with hole vanishes from cord, reappears in coin pouch/purse
1990 136
Emile Clifton, John Bannon Clifton's Ring Move Variation
1990 136
Ringo No. 10, ring threaded on rope penetrates rope and table
1990 20
Karl Fulves Spirit Knots No. 55, rope and ring put in paper bag, three knots appear in rope and ring is tied in chosen knot
1990 114
Séance No. 56, rope tied into loop, borrowed rings penetrate onto it, extra piece
1990 117
Bret Young Swinger ring swings on string freely while already being off
Inspired by 1990 164
Dan Fleshman Ring and String Routine three phases
Variations 1990 45
Rajneesh Madhok Handy Sefalaljia Ring penetrates onto Cord
May 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Michael Close The Ring, Shoelace, and Straw Routine ring travels from hand to hand, penetrates string, string penetrates straw
Related to 1991 20
Dan Garrett The Faustus Ring three phases
Related toAlso published here 1991 24
Bob King On Again Off Again five-phase routine
1991 1
Ray Grismer Off
1991 3
Wayne Osinski Excellent Ring Appearance ring appears in Knot
Jan. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Stephen Tucker Give me a Ring opening Sequence
Aug. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Dan Garrett The Faustus Ring three phases
Also published here 1992 24
Giovanni Livera Rope Nut Knot nut & rope routine, nut appears under salt shaker as finale
1992 2
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
1992 5
Robert L. Brooks Ring Strip Plus
Sep. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Alexander de Cova Der Ring-o-matic Effect ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Jean-Pierre Vallarino French Liberation finger ring off string on padlock
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova Das gibt es nicht! ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 1993 14
Alexander de Cova Das gibt es nicht! ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 1993 15
Alexander de Cova Ring-o-matic ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 1994 94
Eric Wolf Hidden Loophole knotted finger ring off string
Dec. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Roy Johnson Die Schlüsselschnüre key through string
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Baltazar Fuentes Mock Ring Off Rope challenge phase
1996 30
Karl Fulves Insto Transpo "Methods?"
rope through cup's handle, finger ring dropped in cup, now cup drops and ring is on rope instead, posed as problem
1996 54
Rainer Pfeiffer Der Oedipus Komplex screw-nut and rope routine
Related to 1996 7
Dan Garrett Ring & String Move
1996 7
Dan Garrett Faustus Ring three phases
Also published here 1996 6
Curtis Kam Ring, Ring & Rope using extra ring with slit
1996 93
Robert L. Brooks Ring Strip Deluxe
Apr. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Ring In Bottle "Unsolved Mysteries"
finger ring on rope, rope tied around bottle and pulled, rope penetrates bottle and ring is inside bottle, posed as a problem
Variations 1997 146
Richard Bartram, Jr. Deep Fried Himber Rings rings on a ribbon
1997 129
Earl Nelson Earl's Ring Move
1997 131
Bob Miller Fisher Ring finger ring appears in knot
  • Caught Again! (alternate method)
Also published here Dec. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Bob Miller The Relentless Ring and String Routine
  • I. The Introduction
    • 1. The Knot Disappears
    • 2. The Knot Appears
    • 3. The Ring Appears: The Fisher Ring Method
    • 3. The Ring Appears - alternate method
  • II. The Main Routine
    • 4. The Spectator Pulls the Ring Off of the String
    • 5. The String is Pulled Through the Ring
    • 6. The Ring Jumps Onto the String
    • 7. The Ring is Pulled Off of the String
    • 8. The Ring is Tossed Onto the String
    • 9. The Ring Disappears and Reappears on the Other Hand
1997 1
Bob Miller Fisher Ring finger ring appears in knot
  • Caught Again! (alternate method)
Also published here 1997 3
Ray Grismer Off
1997 5
Earl Nelson Another Ring Move
1997 6
Rajneesh Madhok No String Attached penetration onto a cord
Also published here 1997 7
Bob Miller Dip Move Handling
Inspired by 1997 9
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move ring on string, vanishes, appears on other hand
Also published here 1997 9
Bruce Cervon Ring Again! almost challenge conditions
1998 163
Earl Nelson, Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
1998 110
Joshua Jay Strand, Hand, Wedding Band ring appears on string in spectator's hand on string, penetrates, vanishes and reappears on string
Also published here Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Terri Rogers BlockBuster Solid metal ring penetrate through ribbon that is threaded onto solid block of wood
1998 104
Joshua Jay Strand, Hand, Wedding Band ring appears on string in spectator's hand on string, penetrates, vanishes and reappears on string
Also published here 1999 51
Barrie Richardson A String and Two Borrowed Rings two borrowed rings and a loop of cord link and unlink a few times, with paper cup
  • Phase One: The Rings Link
  • Phase 2: The Ring Off Cord
  • Phase 3: The Rings On Cord
Also published here
  • Club 71, Halloween 1993
1999 139
Jerry MacGregor Star Ring borrowed finger ring vanishes and appears on performer's fourth finger, threaded onto rope and back on finger, threaded onto spoon and back on finger
1999 203
Earle Oakes Lock-A-Bye Baby lock off cord
Inspired by Nov. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Rainer Pfeiffer Straight from the Shoulder screw-nut and rope routine
Related to Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Horace E. Bennett Ellis-Ring-Kombination shoelace and Ellis ring penetration, second phase, finger ring becomes entangled
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Marc DeSouza Quad-Ringle Plus ring & string routine with ring to card case finale
Inspired by 2001 71
Ray Grismer Ring Move #1
2001 74
Marc DeSouza Thumb Ring
Inspired by 2001 76
Scotty York Ringer
2001 79
Jim Ryan The Hunter Bow Knot
2001 81
Eckhard Böttcher Das Konfutse-Wunder borrowed finger rings, blocked by nut on rope, are freed
  • Das Konfutse-Wunder, diesmal ganz einfach
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Eckhard Böttcher Noch ein Platzwechsel nut on rope, finger ring free, they transpose
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Alexander de Cova Ring-o-matic ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 2002 14
Tom Stone RingBound borrowed ring is threaded on thread, transforms into cheap ring
Also published here 2002 14
Al Baker Ring Trick
2003 732
Patrick Schlagel Ring and Rope Sequence
Jan./Feb. 2003
The Penumbra (Issue 5)
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move ring on string, vanishes, appears on other hand
Also published here 2003 105
Earl Nelson Earl's Ring Move false threading of ring onto rope
Also published here 2003 109
Charlie Frye Eccentricks string in ring and string routine vanishes in flash of fire with the ring
July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Bob Ostin Ring And Cord variation of first phase of Grismer's ring and string routine
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 89
Jack Avis Finger Ring Release (Harvey Rosenthal)
Inspired by 2006 213
Michael Powers Ring Transpo ring on string transposes with ring on performer's finger
2006 220
Brian Nordstrom The Rign extra ring
  • Part One: Off
  • Part Two: On
  • Part Three: Gone (and back on finger)
Dec. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 12)
Stewart James Sefalaljia One-man miniature spirit cabinet

Phase one: ball and glass placed in cabinet. When cabinet opened, ball is magically inside the glass now
Phase two: Handkerchief tossed inside the cabinet knots itself
Phase three: Finger ring of spectator magically threads onto a piece of rope that has both ends outside of the cabinet
Phase four: cigar placed inside the cabinet lights up and smokes itself
Phase five: Bottle of milk placed inside cabinet, liquid slowly disappears
Related toAlso published here 2007 31
Stewart James Sefalaljia Jr. Just the ring and string portion of Sefalaljia, but done under a handkerchief
Related toAlso published here 2007 36
Jörg Alexander Weber Ring und Geschenk ring & string routine with borrowed finger ring, then ring vanishes and travels into nest of boxes
Also published here 2008 56
Earl Nelson Earl's Ring Move
2008 60
Fred Kaps Kaps Knot finesse
2008 63
Mark Leveridge The "Squeeze" Ring Off Cord
Related to
  • "The Ring and String Routine" (Mark Leveridge, Master Routine Series No. 6, 1991)
2008 67
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
2008 69
Joe M. Turner Unwedding Ring
Jan. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 1)
Wayne Houchin WH Ring String ring through string inside a small envelope
June 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 6)
Jon Allen Ring off String Move ring links onto string
Related to 2009 172
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
2010 24
Tom Stone Ringbound borrowed ring is threaded on thread, transforms into cheap ring
Also published here 2010 39
Roberto Giobbi A Touch for Clifton's Ring Steal
Secret Agenda (Issue July 3)
Troy Hooser The Bottomless Box Objects produced from bottomless box, strange things happen when placed in it (Produce crystal balls, linking ribbons, spongeball routine, ring links on ribbon)
Inspired by 2010 41
Alexander de Cova Ring-o-matik ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
2011 8
Earle Oakes Ring Vanish ring knotted on rope vanishes
2012 209
Ray Grismer Thru
Also published here
  • Genii, Aug. 1975
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Tom Crosbie Ring on Ribbon ring penetrates ribbon
2013 43
Mike Caveney Idiot Rings linking two finger rings, starts out as rope and ring routine, involving a saw that links onto rope
2013 159
Alexander de Cova Ringomatic ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here Mar. 2013 31
Curtis Kam Ring on Chain borrowed ring through chain
Inspired by Sep. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 9)
Alexander de Cova Ringomatic ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 2015 21
Slip Knot with Finger Ring
Also published here 2016 55
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
2016 56
Jörg Alexander Weber Ring and Giftbox ring & string routine with borrowed finger ring, then ring vanishes and travels into nest of boxes
Also published here 2017 27
Earl Nelson Earl's Ring Move
2017 30
Fred Kaps Kaps Knot finesse
2017 31
Mark Leveridge The "Squeeze" Ring Off Cord
Related to
  • "The Ring and String Routine" (Mark Leveridge, Master Routine Series No. 6, 1991)
2017 32
Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
2017 33
Jon Allen Ring on String Move ring links onto string
Inspired byRelated to 2017 6
John Guastaferro Ring It On ring links onto string that has been tied in a loop
Jan. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 1)
John Graham The Ring borrowed finger ring travels to key chain twice, then ring & string routine, ring ends up in sealed envelope
Inspired by 2021 51
Earl Nelson Earl's Ring Move false threading of ring onto rope
Also published here 2021 59