206 entries in Bill / Transformation / Bill or Paper / Single / In the Hands
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Another Method folded bill changes
1937 26
Galli-Galli's Trick borrowed bill crumpled up and given in spectator's hand, it changes into newspaper, taken from spectator's pocket then, gag ending ("you gave me this bill?")
1937 28
John Scarne John Scarne's Bill Change ungimmicked
Related to 1943 106
Samuel Berland Berland's One to Four bill is cut in fourths, each change to new bill
1943 130
Making Money to Order cut paper to money
1943 133
Milbourne Christopher Paper Money crumpled piece of newspaper changes in a dollar bill
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 35)
Milbourne Christopher Paper Money piece of newspaper to bill
1945 161
Milbourne Christopher Money to Burn piece of newspaper is torn and rolled up into balls, one changes to rolled up bill which then vanishes in a flash
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christopher's "More Tips on Tricks"
May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Karrell Fox Jam Auction one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Milbourne Christopher Paper to Bill newspaper ball changes to bill
1949 6
Milbourne Christopher Bill (7)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
rolled up newspaper changes into bill
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Ricki Dunn IOU $1.00 spectator's Dollar bill is folded and he holds it, when he opens it up again he holds a paper with "IOU $1.00" written on it, pickpocket presentation
Also published here May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 306)
Bert Jacques, Gene Keeney Two Dollar Bill Tear two-dollar bill torn, halves change into one-dollar bills
Variations 1973 135
Larry West Buck-A-Reno four one-dollar bills, one changes into a Fiver
1973 143
Amedeo Vacca I Owe You bill transforms into paper in spectator's hand, to get tip
1974 90
Tenkai Ishida Ten Changes to Two Fives
1974 140
Lawrence Nudelman Changing a Large Bill ($100, $20, or $10) borrowed dollar bill is torn in half, each half changes into full with with half the original value
1975-1978 ca. 1
Lawrence Nudelman Accordion Changing a $1.00 Bill to a $5.00 Bill bill folded and unfolded according style, it changes, fake index
1975-1978 ca. 6
Lawrence Nudelman Changing $3 Into $7 three one-dollar bills, one of them changes into a five-dollar bill
1975-1978 ca. 5
Lawrence Nudelman $6 Becomes Two $5s a one-dollar and five-dollar bill change into two five-dollar bills after folding and unfolding
1975-1978 ca. 8
Lawrence Nudelman The Eight Dollar Count - (The Elmsley Count) four one-dollar bills, one changes into a five-dollar bill
1975-1978 ca. 4
Lawrence Nudelman A $1 Bill Becomes a $2 Bill bill folded and unfolded
1975-1978 ca. 4
Lawrence Nudelman Seven Dollars Becomes Three! Inflation? No, In Magic! a five-dollar bill and two one-dollar bills become three one-dollar bills
1975-1978 ca. 7
Geoffrey Buckingham The Newspaper and the Dollar Bill several newspaper pieces in bill-shape are brought out, spectator eliminates all but one which then changes into a dollar bill
1975-1978 ca. 9
Duke Stern The Seven Dollar Trick two one-dollar bill and one five-dollar bill, the fiver also changes into a one-dollar bill
1977 173
Mike Kozlowski The Hundred Dollar Bill Switch
  • The Effect and the Challenge
  • Possibilities
  • The How and the Why
  • Getting Ready
  • Mechanically Speaking
  • Both Sides Now
  • Presentation and...
Also published here 1977 3
Karrell Fox Geld Auktion one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Ricki Dunn Der Meisterdieb spectator's Dollar bill is folded and he holds it, when he opens it up again he holds a paper with "IOU $1.00" written on it, pickpocket presentation
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Danny Korem The Million Dollar Bill Switch pendulum holdout
1980 37
Michael Ammar Presentation 1 for Bill Switch
1983 20
Gaëtan Bloom Presentation 2 for Bill Switch
1983 22
Gaëtan Bloom Presentation Three for Bill Switch
1983 23
Tony Miller Presentation Four for Bill Switch
Related to 1983 23
Michael Ammar Two Dollar Bill Tear two dollar bill splits into two one dollar bills and back
Inspired by 1983 41
John Cornelius Borrowed Bill Routine borrowed large denomination bill is folded and ignited, it vanishes in a flash, paper rolled up and ignited, it changes into rolled-up $1 bill in a flash, that changes into borrowed bill
VariationsAlso published here 1984 1
Roger Klause The $100 Bill Change
1984 1
James Rigali George Steps Out signed 1 dollar bill changes to 5 dollar bill
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Sol Stone Inflation bill switch
1985 351
James Lewis The Mismade Dollar Bill
  • The Torn and Restored Mismade Dollar Bill
  • Turning a Dollar Bill Inside Out
Related to 1985 19
Michael Weber $100 Blow-Off torn and restored bill as follow-up to bill switch
Also published here 1985 26
Jay Sankey Bill Fusion two 5$-bills become 10$ bill and back
Related to 1986 43
James Lewis Lottery Fever lottery presentation for 100% bill switch
Dec./Jan. 1986/1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
Jamy Ian Swiss The $100 Bill Switch Bit presentational idea
June/July 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Thomas Hierling Können Sie auch...?! ten to hundred bill change, then borrowed bill torn and restored with tape all over it
1987 63
Mike Bornstein Instant Money blank piece of paper changes into money
Variations 1988 22
Karl Fulves Notes on bill switches
Related to 1989 9
Jay Sankey The Company One Keeps multiple phase bill change routine
1990 34
Rocco Silano Mismade Bill Switch
1990 66
Roy Johnson Snap folded piece of paper visible changes to bill
  • Das Gimmick und seine Handhabung
  • Vorführ-Finessen
  • Ultra-Finesse
  • Die Herstellung des Gimmicks
  • Der "Zusammenbau"
1990 1
Jim Sisti Transmutation signed bill travels to coin purse, using bill switch technique
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1990
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Mike Bornstein Instant Money Number Two one-dollar bill of paper changes into larger bill, examinable
Inspired by 1990 7
Roger Klause Even Money borrowed Twenty Dollar Bill is split into two Tens, using $100.00 Bill Change
1991 63
Roger Klause Cheque cheque changed into dollar bill, using $100.00 Bill Change
1991 65
Roger Klause The Operator multi-phase betting game presentation, mis-indexed dollar bill
1. The Coin Con (Two-Copper/One-Silver routine)
2. The Bill Con (which hand is the bill in? bill travels to purse)
3. The Bill Change
4. The Total Con (Slow Motion Bill Transposition)
1991 89
Alexander de Cova $100 Bill Switch presentation with Topsy Turvy Bill intro
Also published here 1992 93
Steve Beam Community Property bill changes into other as well as the bill on a picture
Also published here 1992 785
Alexander de Cova $100 Bill Switch presentation with Topsy Turvy Bill intro
Also published here 1992 10
La Banca Four-Way Alchemy One Dollar bill changes into a ten, a twenty, a fifty and into a hundred dollar bill
May/June 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Barry Govan I.O.U. $20 20 dollar bill change into two tens, then paper changes into bill
Also published here
  • Barry Govan's "Close-Up Magic: Restaurant Style (Volume 2)"
Nov./Dec. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Harry Anderson The Inside-Out Bill mismade bill
Related to 1993 116
Gene Anderson, Dan Harlan Penned In dollar bill changes into piece of paper and will be found in pen, held by spectator
Mar. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Paul Diamond Paul's Bill Switch
1994 41
Gary Kurtz Counterfeit borrowed, initialed 20$ bill to obviously fake 100$ bill with same serial number and initials, changes into real bill in performer's wallet
Also published here 1995 6
Richard Sanders Richie's Double Bill Switch bill changes twice and then back
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1995 111
David Acer Around the World in 80 Dollars multiple currency changes
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 117
David Acer Money for Nothing photo of performer holding a dollar bill is shown, $20 bill changes into a $1 bill, bill on photograph has changed into $20
VariationsAlso published here 1995 118
Joel Givens T.I.P.S. "To Insure Proper Separation (from a spectator and his money)"
five-dollar bill changed to one-dollar bill, then check changed into four missing one-dollar bills in wallet
1995 11
Paul Harris Buck Naked 1$ bill changes to 5$ bill in presence of two other 5$ bills
1996 11
Paul Harris Buck Naked Fantasy two 1$ bills into 5$ bills
1996 15
Paul Harris Big Buck Naked two $2 bills in $100 bills
1996 19
Paul Harris Counterfeit Spectator printed signature on bill changes into spectator's name
1996 13
Helge Thun TesaBill bill signed and corner torn off, it becomes blank paper, bill now in tape dispenser, signature pulled off (letraline)
1996 22
Doug Edwards It's All An Illusion No thumbtip
1997 65
Steve Mayhew A $100 Bill Switch Routine a $1 bill changes into a $5, a $20 changes to a $1, stack of $20 changes to $1s, then a $5 changes to a $20, presentation for all the changes
Also published here 1997
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Richard Osterlind Osterlind on the Hundred-Dollar Bill Switch
  • Economic Expansion
  • Twe for the Money
1999 14
Hiroyuki Sakai The Fishy Five ten dollar bill and five dollar bill with slit, the one with slit is folded so it looks like two, it then changes into the ten dollar bill and the one with slit is found in wallet
Feb. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 2)
Peter Kane Coupon to Currency coupon change to bill
Also published here
  • Lecture Notes
Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Toshio Akanuma, Shintaro Fujiyama Kaushi To Senyen: White Paper to 1,000 Yen
May 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 5)
Mark Benthimer Arnold bullet produced from dollar bill, then small silk streamer, then it changes into a hundred dollar bill
1999 158
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 1999 96
Diamond Jim Tyler Birthday Bill holes appear in bill which form a message
Inspired by
  • "Punchline" (Timothy Wenk, marketed)
Also published here
Nov. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Ali Bongo Ali Bongos Trinkgeldtip inducing tips
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Bob Read Papiergeld newspaper snippets change to bill, corner missing, newspaper piece from floor changed into missing corner
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Diamond Jim Tyler The Birthday Bill holes appear in bill which form a message
Also published here Mar./Apr. 2000
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 58)
Paul Chosse Bar Bill Stunt bill changes into mis-made bill ("quartered bill")
2001 2
Paul Chosse, Ron Bauer Drawn Instead of Quartered "Presentation Two", bill changes into bill with drawing on it
Also published here 2001 17
Michael Powers, Ron Bauer The Powers' Payoff "Presentation Three", bill changes into "Inverted Dollar" with center upside down
Inspired by
  • "Inverted Dollar" (Mike Powers, Close-Up Variety Pack)
2001 18
John Cornelius The IncrediBill Routine borrowed large denomination bill is folded and ignited, it vanishes in a flash, paper rolled up and ignited, it changes into rolled-up $1 bill in a flash, that changes into borrowed bill
Also published here 2001 129
Roger Klause The $100 Bill Change
2001 129
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 2001 23
R. Paul Wilson Washington Thinks card thought from Koran deck appears on borrowed bill
Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Nathan Kranzo Check Please corner torn from check made out for $5.50, corner visually changed into half dollar, rest of check changed into $5 bill
2001 3
Christian Scherer Der neurotische Geldschein 10$ bill turns into a 100$ bill, then a part of the bill is extracted and burnt, in a flash it changes into coins the value of the 10$
Related to 2002 43
Andrew J. Pinard Autograph Collection borrowed bill signed by performer, turned into mis-made bill and back
Also published here Winter 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 61)
Jay Sankey Cornered Circular hole in bill becomes square hole
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Jay Sankey Nothing Moved Circular hole in bill moves into/out of a circle drawn with a Sharpie on the bill
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Jay Sankey Instabank Cheque changes into hundred dollar bill
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Eric Mead Bunny Bill Swindle using Bob Neale's bunny bill fold, kids are conned out of 9$ in the process
Also published here 2003 13
Jon Allen Cash In Hand (Palm-up Bill Switch) bill switch done palm up
Also published here 2003 9
Jon Allen Inner Space (Internal Switch) post-it message put on bill changes, bill switch
Also published here 2003 12
Jon Allen Memento real bill and bill on polaroid transform into other bills
Also published here 2003 13
Jon Allen Changing Faces (Oralgami) paper with text is folded several times and unfolded again, text is longer than paper has surfaces
Also published here 2003 15
Jim Sisti Transmutation change purse is set aside, borrowed signed bill changes into another bill, signed bill found in purse, using bill switch technique
Also published here July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
David Acer Make This Disappear "THIS" written on bill changes to "DISAPPEAR", then bill vanishes
2004 217
Axel Hecklau Der 5-Euro Flip bill transformation, to other bill
2004 39
Jay Sankey Personal Check check changes to bill using $100 Bill Switch
Variations 2004 74
Jay Sankey Genuine Counterfeit corner torn off piece of white paper, paper changes into bill with missing corner, white corner fits, using $100 Bill Switch
2004 78
Joshua Jay Inflated Transposition bill transposition with surprise $100 dollar bill ending
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 25
John Lovick, Mike Kozlowski, Roger Klause, James Lewis, Michael Ammar, Bruce Cervon, Michael Weber, Jamy Ian Swiss, Gregory Wilson, Jay Sankey, Paul Gertner Performance Issues and Answers comments on each question by several of the listed creators
  • Top Tip or Not to Tip?
  • "Bill Switch" or "Bill Change"?
  • What's the Best Way to Learn the Bill Switch?
  • Fast or Slow?
  • Do You Justify the Folding?
  • Is There a Magic Moment?
  • Can You Create Belief, or Do People Always Know You Merely Switch Bills?
  • Any Final Thoughts?
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
R. Paul Wilson, Jeff Ezell Gift Certificates, Coupons, Keno, Lotto, etc.
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Michael Weber Ma Bill bill to phone bill
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Gregory Wilson Benjagami presentation for bill change
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Norm Barnhart George Washington's Special Talent presentation for bill change
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Gregory Wilson Faux Flaw presentation for mis-made bill
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Brian Campbell Picture Perfect photo of spectator appears on bill
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Bob Ostin The Wishing Paper paper with a lot of holes changes to bill
2005 170
Eric Mead The Bunny-Bill Swindle using Bob Neale's bunny bill fold, kids are conned out of 9$ in the process
Also published here 2006 49
Michael Powers Double Your Money borrowed Five Dollar Bill changes to Ten, then transposition
Inspired byRelated to
  • Michael Powers' version on video Top Secret Close-Up (1992)
2006 216
Thom Peterson, Jay Sankey George of the Jumble torn and mismade-restored bill
Related to Nov. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 11)
John Lovick, Mike Kozlowski, Roger Klause, James Lewis, Michael Ammar, Bruce Cervon, Michael Weber, Jamy Ian Swiss, Gregory Wilson, Jay Sankey, Paul Gertner Chapter 2: Performance Issues and Answers comments on each question by several of the listed creators
  • Top Tip or Not to Tip?
  • "Bill Switch" or "Bill Change"?
  • What's the Best Way to Learn the Bill Switch?
  • Fast or Slow?
  • Do You Justify the Folding?
  • Is There a Magic Moment?
  • Can You Create Belief, or Do People Always Know You Merely Switch Bills?
  • Any Final Thoughts?
Also published here 2006 9
Richard Sanders Richie's Double Bill Switch Fiver bill borrowed, becomes Ten, then Twenty, then Five
Also published here 2006 144
Richard Sanders Three Fold Ten to Fifty to One to Ten dollar bill
2006 146
David Acer Around the World in 80 Dollars multiple currency changes
Also published here 2006 146
Rod Chow The Full-Show Double Bill Change bill changes twice
2006 147
William Goldman The Chameleon Bill bill changes several times during folding
Also published here
  • lecture notes "3", 1995
2006 151
Gregory Wilson Foreign Affair bill changes several times during folding
Also published here
  • In Action! Vol. 3 (DVD, 2005)
2006 153
Gregory Wilson Take Five bill changes several times during folding
2006 154
Gregory Wilson Illegal Tender blank piece of paper changes gradually into bill during folding
2006 155
John Lovick Chapter 12: Miscellaneous Methods intro
2006 157
Self-Contained Bill Change
2006 157
Rod Chow The Melt Change
2006 162
Rod Chow Instant Transmutation folded twice only
2006 166
Nourdine Le Petit Prince change in folded condition done one-handed and visual
Also published here
  • Imagik, July 1994
2006 170
John Lovick Chapter 13: $1 to $100 Routine intro
  • First Option
  • Second Option
  • Third Option
2006 181
Richard Hatch Power of Suggestion
2006 183
Allan Zola Kronzek Hypnotizing Ben
Also published here
  • Destiny, Chance and Free Will (2000)
2006 184
Eric A. Maurin Trick Question
2006 186
Tim Trono Birthday Bill
2006 187
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 2006 196
Andrew J. Pinard Autograph Collection borrowed bill signed by performer, turned into mis-made bill and back
Also published here 2006 198
Gregory Wilson Signature Piece borrowed bill signed by performer, turned into mis-made bill and given to spectator
2006 200
Danny Archer Bill Mis-Made mis-made bill shown, turned into normal bill
2006 201
Lance DeLong The Mis-Made Frog bill folded into frog, when unfolded it is a mis-made bill
2006 202
Jim Sisti Transmutation signed bill changes to dollar bill, signed one found in purse
Also published here 2006 207
Scotty York Change for a Twenty Twenty dollar bill changed into two Ten dollar bills
Also published here
  • Greater Magic Video Library Vol. 49, Bar Magic, 1994
2006 241
Jason Randal Any Bill Called For bill changes into named bill, index
2006 243
Jon Allen Internal Switch post-it message put on bill changes, bill switch
Also published here 2006 248
Gregory Wilson Curious George selected card appears in thought bubble drawn on a bill, bill switch
Inspired by 2006 249
Richard Sanders Fast Forward bill borrowed and serial number recorded, bill transforms into old worn-out bill with notes on it, has same number
Also published here
  • Visi-Bill (video, 2002)
2006 252
Gregory Wilson, David Gripenwaldt Tax Bill bill changes into bill with holes, one of the missing pieces is changed into coin
2006 253
Marvyn Roy Tip for Tat borrowed Twenty vanishes, a One dollar bill changes into that Twenty
2006 255
Steve Mayhew Das Kapital routine with several consecutive bill changes with borrowed bills
Also published here 2006 256
Jamy Ian Swiss Quadradical Currency combination routine with bill changes, torn and restored to mis-made bill, borrowed signed bill to wallet
Inspired by 2006 258
Robert E. Neale Trust Me routine with change and fake explanation
2006 262
Gary Kurtz Counterfeit borrowed, initialed 20$ bill to obviously fake 100$ bill with same serial number and initials, changes into real bill in performer's wallet
Also published here 2006 264
Gregory Wilson Front Money bill printed on only one side, changed into real bill
2006 266
Gregory Wilson Completely Legal Counterfeit white paper with small square of bill printed is changed into regular bill
2006 268
Eric A. Maurin Shred of Evidence corner torn off One dollar bill, changed into Five dollar bill and corner still fits
2006 269
Nathan Kranzo Blank corner torn off blank piece of paper, corner is seen to be part of a bill, rest changed into matching bill
2006 270
Nathan Kranzo Reality Check check for $10.25, corner torn off and changed into quarter in a flash, rest is changed into Ten dollar bill
2006 271
Jay Sankey Do Not Fold words on bill travel from one side to the other
2006 275
Gregory Wilson Up Front and Back Down words on bill travel from one side to the other
2006 277
David Acer Picturesque photo of performer holding a dollar bill is shown and put in Himber wallet, $20 bill changes into a $1 bill, bill on photograph has changed into $20
Inspired byAlso published here
  • This is a Circle, 2001 lecture notes
2006 278
Jon Allen Memento real bill and bill on polaroid transform into other bills
Also published here 2006 279
Tony Chapek, Michael Weber, Michael Powers Reversal of Fortune topsy-turvy bill, then picture of George Washington has turned upside down on bill
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Aug. 1985
2006 282
Stevie Ray Christian One in a Million handing out a fake million-dollar bill
  • As an Encore
  • Upon Receiving a Tip
  • Special Occasions
  • Something Special for a Boss or Other Bigwig
  • For Children
2006 289
R. Paul Wilson, Jeff Ezell Gift Certificates, Coupons, Keno, Lotto, etc.
Also published here 2006 290
Michael Weber Ma Bill bill to phone bill
Also published here 2006 290
John Lovick Origami on combining bill changes with origami
Related to 2006 290
Gregory Wilson Benjagami presentation for bill change
Also published here 2006 291
Norm Barnhart George Washington's Special Talent presentation for bill change
Also published here 2006 291
Gregory Wilson Faux Flaw presentation for mis-made bill
Also published here 2006 292
Jim Artle Drinker's PSA presentation for mis-made bill
2006 292
Ron Bauer Drawn Instead of Quartered bill changes into bill with drawing on it
Also published here 2006 293
Brian Campbell Picture Perfect photo of spectator appears on bill
Also published here 2006 294
Kostya Kimlat Gigabyte Switch writing on piece of paper changes with bill switch, corporate presentation
2006 310
Jon Allen Oralgami paper with text is folded several times and unfolded again, text is longer than paper has surfaces
Also published here 2006 311
Patrik Kuffs Boggled letters are jumbled on piece of paper, spectator makes up a word and that word appears after bill switch technique
2006 314
Joshua Jay Inflated Transposition bill transposition with surprise $100 dollar bill ending
Also published here Feb. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Nathan Kranzo Ideas for the Orange $10 Bill ideas with the new, different-colored dollar bill (2006)
  • Orange-Flavored Bill (transformation, using tic tacs)
  • Kool-Aid Bill (transformation)
  • Orange Silkworm ala Vernon (orange silk produced from bill)
Dec. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. Annual 2006)
Phil Labush, Sam Schwartz All in One fake 100 dollar bill is transformed into a fake 50, 20, 10 and 5, then a real 1 dollar bill
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Joshua Jay Inflated Transposition bill transposition with surprise transformation ending
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 51
Tony Slydini Paper Money torn paper pieces change into bill, thumb tip steal subtlety
Prolix (Issue 6)
Jon Allen Palm-up Bill Switch bill switch done palm up, visual
Also published here 2009 70
Jon Allen Inner Space post-it message put on bill changes, bill switch
Also published here 2009 76
Jon Allen Oralgami paper with text is folded several times and unfolded again, text is longer than paper has surfaces
Also published here 2009 78
Roberto Giobbi, Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Lyophilized Money burnt white paper transforms into bill, then into higher denomination bill, inspired by Robert-Houdin's "La pièce fusible"
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 21)
Cameron Francis George's Secret card lost, bill is folded and unfolded, a hole is now where the head on the printing was, portrait is stuck to back of selection, it vanishes again and bill is restored
Inspired by
  • "Sticky Greatness" (Cameron Francis, The Budget, Dec. 2010)
2010 87
David Acer Around the World in Eighty Dollars bill changes into two different currencies one after the other and back
Also published here 2011 29
David Acer Money for Nothing photo of performer holding a dollar bill is shown, $20 bill changes into a $1 bill, bill on photograph has changed into $20
Also published here 2011 137
Christian Scherer Der neurotische Geldschein 10$ bill turns into a 100$ bill, then a part of the bill is extracted and burnt, in a flash it changes into coins the value of the 10$, improved handling
Related to 2014 221
Tomas Blomberg Bills Witch ten-dollar bill changes into a twenty-dollar bill, three different handlings, gaffed bill
  • First folding method
  • Second folding method
  • No-fold method
2014 41
Tomas Blomberg Double Bills Witch twenty-dollar bill is split into two ten-dollar bills
2014 49
Tomas Blomberg, Paul Harris Double Bills Witch Routine twenty-dollar bill is split into two ten-dollar bills, one of them changes back into a twenty
2014 52
Steve Mayhew Das Kapital a $1 bill changes into a $5, a $20 changes to a $1, stack of $20 changes to $1s, then a $5 changes to a $20, presentation for all the changes
Also published here 2014 271
John Lovick The 100th Dollar Bill Change no thumb tip
2016 25
Daniel Garcia Love Note bill visibly transforms into folded origami finger ring
Also published here 2018 30
Fritz Alkemade Moneyball bill travelling effect, end with bills fusing into a single bill of twice the value
July 2019
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 2 (Winter #2))
Helge Thun Rollmops Reloaded 20 bill changes into 100, 20 is found in case wrapped around signed selection
Inspired by 2019 8
$100 Bill Switch torn Ten dollar bill changes into to Fives
2021 173
Nancy Colwell Feathers and Bricks Dollar bill splits into 2, then becomes 1 bill, then seems to increase in value before returning to original value
Inspired by 2021 13
Max Malini Bill Switch as Practical Joke tip changes into newspaper piece
2022 135
Daniel Garcia Love Note bill visibly transforms into folded origami finger ring
Also published here 2022 46
John Lovick, Gregory Wilson Illegally Yours blank paper is folded and unfolded, gradually becomes a bill with faded printing first
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2006
2022 503
Joshua Jay Conceptual Currency paper with chosen bill value is shown, corner accidentally ripped off, it changes into bill minus the corner which is then restored
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2011
2022 1058
Jonathan Friedman Money Talk
  • WWPD
folded bill is initialed, a word appears on top of it out of the letters that are printed on the bill with accordion-like folding
  • Historic (the word is "HISTORIC")
  • Scene of the Crime (the word is "THEATER")
Apr. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 4)