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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Gaëtan Bloom Occamitis card is found with the aid of a razor blade
Jan. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Gaëtan Bloom Prestidigitational Prediction card is put in a book, card predicted and words on the page divined
May 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Gaëtan Bloom Hank to Egg Exposed without fake egg
Also published here July 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number One by Gaëtan Bloom Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1982 Lecture Notes by Gaëtan Bloom Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number Two: Gaetan on Cards by Gaëtan Bloom (written by Paul Stone) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number Three: Potty Bicycle Pumps by Gaëtan Bloom (written by Paul Stone) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Gaëtan Bloom Presentation 2 for Bill Switch
1983 22
Gaëtan Bloom Presentation Three for Bill Switch
1983 23
Gaëtan Bloom One-Card Card Castle card stands on its edge, uncredited
1983 190
Michael Weber, Gaëtan Bloom Flash Link really linked, see credit correction on page lxix
Winter 1983/1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. Winter Extra)
Gaëtan Bloom The Bloom vs. Kulagina Match all matches jump out of box, invisible thread
Variations 1986 46
Gaëtan Bloom The World's Best 2-Card Tricks two cards signed by performer and spectator, torn up, oil and water phase with pieces, one card restored
Nov. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Gaëtan Bloom Introduction
1986 1
Gaëtan Bloom Padlock Connection Loop of rope wrapped around neck, locked padlock thrown backwards behind magician, ends up linked on loop of rope
1986 2
Gaëtan Bloom The Watch Trick Magician able to tell time accurately from a picture of a watch drawn on the wrist
1986 4
Gaëtan Bloom The Card on the Human Wall deck thrown on a styrofoam board hung on spectator's back as a human wall, selected card is left stuck on wall. Card then changes into second selection
1986 6
Gaëtan Bloom Impossible Is Not French card balances on edge, torn card balances on torn edge
Variations 1986 8
Gaëtan Bloom Prestidigitational Prediction Freely selected card tossed into book, performer divines first few words of the page, then reveals prediction matches selected card
1986 10
Gaëtan Bloom The King of Yoyo gimmick to make performer look like a yoyo master
1986 13
Gaëtan Bloom Bloomentalism out of six objects, performer predicts which object spectator will place in left pocket
1986 14
Gaëtan Bloom S.T.O.W.R.C.T. - The Signed, Torn, Oil, Water, Restored, Card Trick one red, one black card torn into several pieces and mixed. Red and black pieces separate, and one of the card restores
1986 17
Gaëtan Bloom Potty Bicycle Pumps chinese sticks effect with two bicycle pumps
1986 25
Gaëtan Bloom Dedication
Jeff Busby Gaetan Bloom's Visible Monte intro, also "Escorial Monte"
1986 1
Gaëtan Bloom The Basic Move featuring The Bloom Gimmick (two cards together with a strip that only open with special handling), one of two cards vanish when thrown together on table
1986 2
Gaëtan Bloom Visible Monte - The Routine routine in which spectator cannot find money card, then there is no money card, then a double faced card, then Flash Vanish of money card
1986 6
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Visible Monte by Gaëtan Bloom Mar. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 8)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Replacement Cards for Gaetan Bloom's Visible Monte by Gaëtan Bloom Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves What From Whom credit discussions
  • Bob Farmer's "Tsunami"
  • Gaetan Bloom's "Visible Monte"
  • "Jumbo Mondo Monte"
  • response to "Shuffle Off" manuscript
  • Flip Flap by The Magic Hands
Related to 1988
Interlocutor (Issue 51)
Gary Kurtz, Joe Monti, Meir Yedid, Shinkoh Nagisas, Mark Mitton, David Oliver, Gaëtan Bloom Extra for Experts tips and ideas for the Twisting Arm Illusion by various people
1989 5
Gaëtan Bloom RemarKable! spectator writes name of a card next to any number on a list and writes other cards to the other positions, performer divines selection
Aug. 1990
Magick (Issue 444)
Michael Close, Gaëtan Bloom Bloom in Your Hand thread set up to balance card on hand and making matches fly from matchbox
Inspired by July/Aug. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Gaëtan Bloom L'Arme Fatale... ou Bonjour les "Amis"!!!
1995 5
Gaëtan Bloom "L'Opticien Aux P'tits Soins" Le Fruit D'Or de Montaneuf
1995 7
Michael Close, Gaëtan Bloom Ring Fright ring transposes with car key
1996 98
Max Maven How I Spent My Summer Vexation
  • Parallax

  • I of the needle (On the Destruction & Restoration plot; on the Gipsy Thread / Hindu Thread and versions by Peter Samelson, Eugene Burger, and Gaetan Bloom)
Related toAlso published here July 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Gaeton Bloom's Flying Ring by Gaëtan Bloom
by Vernet
May/June 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 47)
Gordon Bean (reviewer) Tales from the Planet of Bloom, Volumes 1-3 by Gaëtan Bloom Dec. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 12)
Michael Close (reviewer) Tales from the Plant of Bloom Volumes 1-3 by Gaëtan Bloom Dec. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Inexhaustible Sponge by Gaëtan Bloom Sep. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 9)
Michael Close (reviewer) The Inexhaustible Sponge by Gaëtan Bloom Aug. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Michael Close (reviewer) The Intercessor by Gaëtan Bloom Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Dan Garrett Torn and Re-Born corner torn off card, rest torn in tiny pieces and dropped in envelope, when opened again the card is restored, corner now initialed, rest torn again in pieces and pieces put in purse, when purse is opened it has a folded business card inside with "look in the envelope" where the restored card now is, laminated in plastic, Gaetan Bloom's Intercessor
2002 13
Gaëtan Bloom Silk to Egg - Eleventh Method: The Gaëtan Bloom Treatment without fake egg
Also published here 2002 201
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Invisible Watch by Gaëtan Bloom July 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 7)
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Wink by Gaëtan Bloom July 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 7)
Kevin James Gaëtan Bloom: Clever and Seriously Funny
Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Bits of Bloomese facts about Gaëtan Bloom
Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Kevin James The Bloom Files photograph collection of Gaëtan Bloom
Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Gaëtan Bloom Confetti Bags three bags of confetti, spectator takes one, two and three different pieces out of the bags without the performer looking, performer divines the choices
Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Gaëtan Bloom Lasso Rope cards in hat, rope put in and selection comes out knotted on the rope
Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Michael Close (reviewer) Wink by Gaëtan Bloom July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Michael Close (reviewer) The Invisible Watch by Gaëtan Bloom July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Gaëtan Bloom Houdini and the Hudson River hole torn in borrowed bill and bill threaded onto rope, it penetrates the rope
2006 246
Roberto Giobbi, Gaëtan Bloom Guest Book using a guest books while working at tables
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Nov 28)
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Bloomeries by Gaëtan Bloom July 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 7)
Gaëtan Bloom A Meeting in Spain on Tom Stone
2010 7
Gaëtan Bloom The Duviviers: An Appreciation on Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier
June 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 6)
John Lovick (reviewer) Full Bloom by Gaëtan Bloom Nov. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 11)
Gaëtan Bloom Intercessor Subtlety switching matching corner back in at the end
Also published here Feb. 2013 21
David Regal (reviewer) The Intercessor 2.0 by Gaëtan Bloom Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
Gaëtan Bloom Intercessor Subtlety switching matching corner back in at the end
Also published here 2015 13
Alexander de Cova Hung-up! card on rope with signed card
  • Version I
  • Version II (Gaetan Bloom inspired)
Inspired by 2015 42
Alexander de Cova Plastic is Fantastic silk vanishes in hand which is sealed in a clear plastic bag
Inspired by
  • similar silk vanish by Gaetan Bloom
Also published here
2015 243
Roberto Giobbi Magic Guest Book guest book for bigger audiences and as inspiration
Related to 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue Jan 11)
Alexander de Cova Plastic Is Fantastic silk vanishes in hand which is sealed in a clear plastic bag
Inspired by
  • similar silk vanish by Gaetan Bloom
Also published here
2017 65
Ryan Schlutz The One With The High Five card torn in half and halves mixed in paper carton, two halves chosen by spectator, they match
Inspired by
  • "Intercessor" (Gaëtan Bloom)
Also published here
2018 29
Joaquín Navajas La carta que se mantiene en pie convincing handling for Gaëtan Bloom's Standing Card
Inspired by 2019 175
William A. Wells (reviewer) Gaëtan Bloom Live by Gaëtan Bloom Sep. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 9)
Bob Farmer Inspired By Hummer list of effects using the Hummer Addition/Subtraction Principle
  • The Total Is! 1976 (The Magic of Gerald Kosky)
  • The New Math Miracle 1978 (Larry Becker, World of Super Mentalism)
  • Numeral-oh-gee 1979 (Amazing Randi, Apocalypse)
  • Stunumbers 1983 (Shigeo Futagawa, Self-Working Number Magic)
  • Stargazer 1986 (David Britland, Psychomancy)
  • Prediction 1991 (Shigeo Futagawa)
  • A Sense Of Freedom 1992 (Peter Duffie, Ulterior Motifs)
  • Numb...bers 1994 (Peter Duffie, Cards In Principle)
  • Bird Watcher 1997 (Tenyo)
  • Card Conspiracy 2003 (Peter Duffie, Robert Robertson)
  • Speed Dating 2011 (Michael Weber, Tim Trono)
  • Real Secrets Jelly Bean Estimator 2012 (Michael Weber, Tim Trono)
  • Lotto Envelopes 2012 (Michał Kociołek)
  • Papa’s Theatre 2013 (Gaëtan Bloom, Full Bloom Volume One)
  • Doubling Down 2015 (Steve Beam, Semi-Auotomatic Card Tricks Vol. 9)
  • Card At Any Sum 2017 (Ryan Schlutz, False Anchors)
  • Lucky You 2019 (Michał Kociołek, Plots & Methods)
  • Flat Dice 2019 (Michael Breggar)
  • RNG 2020 (Ryan Schlutz, False Anchors Volume Four)
2022 44
Max Maven How I Spent My Summer Vexation
  • I of the needle (On the Destruction & Restoration plot; on the Gipsy Thread / Hindu Thread and versions by Peter Samelson, Eugene Burger, and Gaetan Bloom)
Also published here 2023 177
David Regal (reviewer) The Amazing Standing Card by Gaëtan Bloom Jan. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 1)