53 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Deck / Siamese
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Divino No. 5, deck dealt into two piles, card at position in one half remembered, deck pocketed, number named, card at that position is selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1920 11
Charles T. Jordan Diabolical Transposition two thought cards across with two decks, stacked, siamesa
VariationsAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Improved Guesser No. 11, with twenty-five duplicates
Related to 1935 15
Charles T. Jordan Diabolical Transposition two thought cards across with two decks, stacked
Also published here 1937 210
Sam Leo Horowitz The Twenty-Five Card Trick twenty-five duplicates
Related toVariations 1938 142
Charles T. Jordan A Complete "Silent Thought Transmission" Act medium divines various pieces of information, bills, dice, playing cards and names, placement on table code
Also published here 1944 325
T. Page Wright, William Larsen The L.W. Stop Mystery spectator thinks of any card in half the deck, all shuffled together and pocketed, spectator removes cards one by one and performer stops him at selection
VariationsAlso published here 1945 95
Alex Elmsley Late Night Location spectator cuts off a pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, packet returned and deck faro shuffled, selection found, stay stack with duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Al Koran Double Deal dealing five people the same cards, set up, twenty-five duplicates, siamesa
Related toVariations 1968 119
Rolf Andra, T. Page Wright Stop Mystery performer stops at selection while spectator deals through cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 2)
Roy Walton, Charles T. Jordan Colour Me Jordan two decks, mentally selected cards appear in other halves of the deck which are in spectators pockets
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 35
Jochen Zmeck Perfekt wie Dunninger... card freely chosen from one deck behind back, performer finds duplicate in different deck removed from different pocket
Inspired by
  • idea from Max "Arcanus" Schybol
Related to
1974 28
Tony Griffith, Al Koran The Princess Trick twenty-five duplicates
Inspired by 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Roy Walton Gefärbter Jordan two decks, mentally selected cards appear in other halves of the deck which are in spectators pockets
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Glenn G. Gravatt New Divino
Inspired by 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan Diabolical Transposition two thought cards across with two decks, stacked, siamesa
Also published here 1975 103
Charles T. Jordan Divino deck dealt into two piles, card at position in one half remembered, deck pocketed, number named, card at that position is selection
Also published here 1975 147
Charles T. Jordan A Complete "Silent Thought Transmission" Act medium divines various pieces of information, bills, dice, playing cards and names, placement on table code
Also published here 1975 227
Roy Walton Jordan Plus Colour two thought cards across with two odd-backed decks, odd-backed siamesa
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 33
Roy Walton, Charles T. Jordan Colour Me Jordan two decks, mentally selected cards appear in other halves of the deck which are in spectators pockets
Also published here 1981 128
Karl Fulves Girl Thots two spectators think of a card from a half-deck each, they're found in indirect way by removing a card and showing that the card is missing, two siamesa decks
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 8
, Karl Fulves The Master Mind No. 68, deck put in pocket and apparently removed from other pocket, odd-backed siamese
1984 100
Frederick Braue, Jean Hugard FB Adaptation of Hugard's Telepathy card travels to other half, twenty-six duplicates (1937)
Inspired by
  • "Telepathy" (Jean Hugard, Sphinx, June 1935, p. 101)
1985 28
Frederick Braue, Jean Hugard Telepathy card travels to other half, twenty-six duplicates (1937)
Inspired by
  • "Telepathy" (Jean Hugard, Sphinx, June 1935, p. 101)
1985 29
Dan Tong Psi-cloned spectator selects a card, same card is found inside wallet, 26 duplicates
June 1987
Magick (Issue 391)
Roy Walton Jordan Plus Colour two thought cards across with two odd-backed decks, odd-backed siamesa
Also published here 1988 146
Jon Racherbaumer, Niberco Late-Night Arising freely and fairly lost selection rises, using handkerchief, stay stack with dupliates
Inspired by 1990 40
Jon Racherbaumer Sudden Sandwich challenge sandwich, stay stack with duplicates
Inspired by 1990 43
Simon Aronson Adding the Aronson Kicker prediction kicker
1990 175
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The L. W. Stop Mystery spectator thinks of any card in half the deck, all shuffled together and pocketed, spectator removes cards one by one and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 1991 293
Charles T. Jordan Divino No. 29, deck dealt into two piles, card at position in one half remembered, deck pocketed, number named, card at that position is selection
Also published here 1992 37
Charles T. Jordan Diabolical Transposition No. 128, two thought cards across with two decks, stacked, siamesa
Also published here 1992 160
Karl Fulves "Diabolical Transposition" Notes No. 129, two spectators think of a card from a half-deck each, they're found in indirect way by removing a card and showing that the card is missing, two siamesa decks
Also published here 1992 161
Alex Elmsley Late Night Location spectator cuts off a pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, packet returned and deck faro shuffled, selection found, stay stack with duplicates
Also published here 1994 372
Bob King Another Late-Night Session spectator peeks at a card in incomplete faro condition, fairly lost, selection found, repeat, power stack with duplicates
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 30
Justin Higham Corrected Prediction card peeked at, it matches a prediction in wallet
  • Method One (prediction same color)
  • Method Two (prediction odd-backed)
  • Method Three (deck changes back color as climax)
Inspired byRelated to 1999 87
Bob King Another Late-Night Session performer cuts to fairly lost selection, twenty-six duplicates, incomplete faro
Inspired by 2002 4
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Equinox 26 cards repeated, named card or mate is fan forced
2004 15
Paolo Cavalli An Unusual Stacked Deck siamese deck combined with Eight Kings
2004 19
Jack Avis 5x5 Mental Routine, A Handling
2006 97
Michael Powers Hide and Seek selection fairly lost, faro
Inspired by
  • "The Cardician is In!" (Doug Canning, Card Capers)
Related to
2006 108
Michael Powers Heisting Histed Heisted twenty-five duplicates
  • Non Gaffed Ideas
  • Heavily Gaffed Methods (jumbo cards)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2006 112
Mark Elsdon KiLocator fair selection and loosing procedure out of performer's hands, faro
Related to 2006 150
Karl Fulves Crossfire spectator names card from half the deck and a number, performer as well from other half, when counted to, the other cards shows up at the numbers
Prolix (Issue 8)
Bob King Another Late Night Session spectator peeks at a card in incomplete faro condition, fairly lost, selection found, repeat, power stack with duplicates
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 120
Helder Guimarães Sort of a Miracle one of twenty-six, siamesa
Also published here 2015 53
John Hostler Noeyeon Protocol
  • Noeyeon Prediction (Ungimmicked)
  • Neo Noeyeon (Gimmicked)
card pocketed by performer, spectator deals down and stops, mate of pocketed card (ungimmicked) or odd-backed duplicate (gimmicked)
2016 112
Helder Guimarães Sort Of a Miracle one of twenty-six, siamesa
Also published here June 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 6)
John Hostler Reciprocal Discovery two spectators face on stage and select a card from two decks, they match, SBS
  • 20/20 Variation (No Glasses)
Related to 2018 39
Johnny Thompson The Genii Stop Trick spectator thinks of card in half the deck, spectator deals cards one by one after naming his card, performer stops the deal at selection
Inspired by
  • "L. W. Stop Mystery" (Wright & Larson, Genii, Vol. 1 No. 1)
2018 127
Michael Powers Heisting Histed Heisted 3.0 twenty-five duplicates, with additional ideas
Inspired by 2019 288
Ramón Riobóo Premonition and Divination Divine a card, predict another card
2019 347
Ramón Riobóo Guaranteed Premonition Prediction from blue deck matches selection from red deck, teaches version with regular deck
2019 353