Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
12 pages (Loose-leave collection), published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
14 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves After Jordan "This material was compiled in 1963 but never published."
Karl Fulves Known Unknown chosen card in black packet vanishes and appears in red packet at same position
Inspired byAlso published here 1
Karl Fulves Curvature different coins and cards removed and remembered by spectators and shuffled back, performer blindfolded, all cards located and coins as well, coins leaves circular impression
Inspired byRelated to 2
Karl Fulves Nail Punch Location one or more cards, punched with fingers in different places
Salt Punch pressing card on salt grain on table
Karl Fulves Trackinback old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer, riffle shuffle connection
Inspired byAlso published here 3
Karl Fulves Submarine Ace Ace sinks down next to chosen card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 4
Karl Fulves Non-Sight Location performer names several cards from shuffled deck, using a card with torn-off corner
Inspired byAlso published here 5
Karl Fulves Late Arrival two decks with same back, random selection buried in one deck appears on top of other deck, impromptu duplicate from other deck
Inspired byRelated to 6
Karl Fulves Open Switch one deck in each hand, when performer turns around they're switched
Karl Fulves, Charles T. Jordan The Up-Down System out-of-room four spectators seal cards in envelope, performer divines them in dark room, featuring stacking system
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 7
Karl Fulves Girl Thots two spectators think of a card from a half-deck each, they're found in indirect way by removing a card and showing that the card is missing, two siamesa decks
Inspired byAlso published here 8
Karl Fulves Twist and Break a card breaks into two pieces as finale
Father Cyprian Shock Spell spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 12
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2016.