314 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Spelling / Miscellaneous / Set-up
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew Speaking of Pink Elephants No. 8, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Related toAlso published here 1920 16
Charles T. Jordan The Incomprehendo Speller set-up and one-way deck
VariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1928 15
Eric F. Impey A New Spelling Bee Effect card chosen with involved procedure, spelled to
1928 8
A Baffling Spell card put on table is used to spell to second selection
1933 29
T. Page Wright Riffle Spell card spelled to after honest riffle shuffle, riffling them off one by one for each letter
1933 19
Tom Sellers The Cute Speller using packet with cards that spell with same number of letters
1934 20
George C. Hanneman A Different Card Spelling selection made, when suit and values are spelled, cards with same suit and value show up
Dec. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 15)
You Can't Miss No. 49, four piles handed out, four spectators choose a card from them which are later spelled out
1935 44
Audley Walsh The Card Phenomenon banks, automatic placement, see page 172 for improvement by Charles Larsen
July 1936
The Jinx (Issue 22)
Charles T. Jordan Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1937 47
The Double Speller two selections, out of hand selection procedure
1937 58
Tom Sellers The Whispering Speller cards in small packet are spelt apparently at random
1937 59
Frank Squires, Lloyd E. Jones Frank Squires' Speller answers to questions about selection are spelt out, selection shows up
VariationsAlso published here 1937 61
Theodore Annemann Spell It Yourself two decks, progressive set-up, out of hand selection procedure
1937 62
Charles T. Jordan Incomprehendo Speller set-up and one-way deck
Also published here 1937 63
Perfect Spelling Trick deck with four duplicate sets of thirteen different cards
1937 64
Card Spelling Deluxe very fair, deck with four duplicate sets of twelve different cards
1937 64
The Master Card Speller using a slick card
1937 98
Alice in Wonderland card turns over and is spelled to, double backer
1937 117
Charles T. Jordan Incomprehendo stacked, one-way backs
1937 165
A Spelling Trick short card
1937 312
Louis Nikola Spelling Bee trick with Nikola memorized deck
1937 391
Louis Nikola Spelling spelling out some cards with the Nikola memorized deck
Also published here 1937 395
Val Evans Multeffect Cards long-short paired deck used for a routine of eighteen different effects
Related toVariations 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Val Evans, Franz Christensen An Invitation to Lunch...with Beer picture cards with images are spelled out with story, always beer image shows up
Inspired by
  • Christensen's "Spell Hound" (Nov. 1936 Genii)
Aug. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 35)
Henry Christ The New Spell Me twelve card set-up or four sets of douplicates
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 37)
Robert Parrish The Version used by Robert Parrish as previous routine but setting a selection in spelling position
1937 41
T. Nelson Downs "The T. Nelson Downs Speller" three cards, stacked in three banks
1938 311
Theodore Annemann Spell it Yourself duplicates
1938 313
Jean Hugard A Card Fairy Tale and Automatic Spelling two riffle shuffles, suits are separated and used to tell story, match values, spell to values, ...
  • a. The Fairy Tale
  • b. Matching Cards
  • c. Automatic Spelling
  • d. Super-Spelling
1938 320
The "Perfect" Spelling Trick four banks of duplicates with thirteen cards
1938 323
John Northern Hilliard A Suggested Routine of Spelling Tricks routine suggestion of tricks described in spelling chapter
1938 323
Charles T. Jordan 4. The Spelling Trick chosen card is spelled out, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Charles T. Jordan C. The Spelling Cards three cards are spelt to
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Louis Lam Square Magic square with words is cut, various words spelled to find selection
1939 25
Multi-Spelling Trick "The repeat Spelling of Mentally Selected Cards"
Variations 1940 347
Card on Parade selection is spelled as final of thirteen cards
1940 349
Jack Vosburgh Automaton Spell using one-way backs
The Jinx (Issue 130)
Theodore Annemann Trance Card Al Koran type deck for spelling routine
Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Fantastic Spell spectator spells out blank card, nude card and other funny cards
1942 9
Walter B. Gibson Super-Duper Speller clarification on page 90
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room credit information on the speller
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Eddie Joseph What's in a Name spectator's name and prediction written on paper for three spectators, they spell to their names and find the predicted card
1942 31
Martin Gardner Use Your Head spectator shuffles packet, remembers bottom card ans spells it, packet pressed against performer's forehead where selection sticks
1942 10
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Silent Speller ten twelve-letter card set-up
1943 15
Roger Barkann Magician's Nightmare selections is spelled out, with Duolette
Feb. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 29)
Franklin V. Taylor Headline Speller silent spelling
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 38)
Frederick Mosteller Bravo! five decks, multiple phase mental speller, suits spelled and values counted (count-spell), see Back Room reference for corrections
Related toVariations Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 49)
Jerry Sorensen Speller Idea full stack
Aug. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 66)
Tom Bowyer Routine with a Svengali Deck different effects with a svengali deck, reverse, spelling, counting, all alike
June 1944 54
Roger Barkann One Plus One Equals Three
Related to 1945 122
Tommy Dowd John Doe ... Magician speller, miscalling selected card, for magicians
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 90)
Dr. Ben B. Braude Ben Braude's Brain Twister spectator thinks of a number between one and thirteen and remembers first card with same value
Variations Oct. 1946 258
George G. Kaplan Yogi Spelling Test four groups of six progressive spelling sequences
1948 186
George G. Kaplan The Eighteen-Cards Spelling Trick one of eighteen cards thought of and then revealed with spelling procedure
1948 188
George G. Kaplan The Triple Spelling Trick with the corner-short
1948 191
Jack Yeager The Mental Magic Cards limited choice, spelling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Ronald B. Edwards Spellcast spelling to named card
July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 181)
Jiffy Speller progressive set-up
1949 61
Cardini Cardini's Mind Reading Card Trick No. 16, one of six cards thought-of, shuffled back in half the deck, then spelled to, six duplicates and progressive spelling set-up
1950 33
John Scarne Scarne's Red and Black Speller No. 102, performer locates red and black cards in packet by spelling its colour
Related to 1950 194
Eddie Joseph The Mystic Queen fair selection procedure, performer cuts deck a Queen, when this is spelled it leads to selection, five handlings (spelling different things, funny message on card)
1950 10
Ande Furlong Ande's Aces spectator deal cards on table to find Aces, last Ace is spelled
  • Variation
Variations Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Harry Levine Ande's Aces Addition spectator deal cards on table to find Aces, last Ace is spelled, using numbers on bill
Inspired by June 1951 802
Edward Marlo Effect No. 7 peeked-at card is spelled to and found reversed
1951 3
Theodore Annemann Improvement 8,000
1952 14
Edward Marlo Peek Spelling small progressive spelling set-up
Related to 1956 8
Tommy Dowd John Doe - Magician speller, miscalling selected card, spectator plays magician
Related toAlso published here 1956 108
Bill Nord The Magic of Manhattan cut the deck into two piles, one pile is counted, the two digits in the number of cards is added together to get a single digit, count down to that number in that pile to find selection, the phrase THE MAGIC OF MANHATTAN is spelled to find selection, ten-twenty force principle as control
Related toVariations 1956 20
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Snibbets Rusduck's system for Si Stebbins, speller
Related to Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Full Deck Speller spelling all cards in the deck
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Revolving Poker with spelling
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Patrick Page Beyond the Veil cut-to card is spelled out in second deck and produces same card
Variations 1959 316
The Final Spell selection turns over, then it is spelled out
1959 6
Jack McKenty Drink Up picture cards with images of drinks are spelled out with story, instead of beer water comes up, "drunk" as final gag
Inspired byVariations June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Norman Houghton Drank Up picture cards with images of drinks are spelled out with story, "drunk" as final gag, see also p. 33
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Edward Marlo Mental Spell (is this Paul Rosini's?) fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, progressive spelling set-up
1962 49
Rolf Andra Buchstabier Mirakel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 6)
Tony "Doc" Shiels Seven Sinners spelling James Bond enemies on cards, then psychometry
May 1966 36
Allan Slaight Faroyal Aces lost and spelled out, Queens found, Kings spelled, Jacks found, selection spelled to, faros in between
  • Setting the Stack
  • Alternative Location
Inspired byAlso published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Jack the Bartender's Deal card spelled to (Two Spades), Two of Spades found, then the TWO pile are all Twos, SPADE pile is Royal Flush in Spades (first shown to Eddie by unknown bartender)
Related toAlso published here 1968 18
Edward Marlo Marlo's "Unknown" Speller three methods, stack and almost no stack, see also page 162 for note by Ackerman
Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Roy Walton The Wacky Card Trick with five poker dice
Also published here 1969 24
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny I Predict: You Pock prediction of two cards, one written down and one is spelled to
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
T. Page Wright Spell Down spelling of a card, spelled value includes other three cards with same value and spelled suit only cards with same suit
Magick (Issue 4)
Paul Swinford Son of Faro Spell CCCC
1971 58
Carl Sten Stenquist's Mexican Money Gimmick
1971 60
Earl Keyser 22-Card Faro Spelling Trick
Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves Computer cards spelled out, the deck is always wrong, color-changing back kicker
Inspired by Nov. 1972 570
Frank Squires Frank Squires' Speller answers to questions about selection are spelt out, selection shows up
Also published here 1972 114
Frederick Braue Frank Squires' Speller with any Card answers to questions about selection are spelt out, selection shows up
1972 114
Tommy Squire's Spell No. 391, Tommy Squire? Thomas? Squires?, set-up that perhaps allows to spell out different properties of a selection (color, suit, odd/even, high/low, value)
1972 106
Jochen Zmeck Das J.-Z Buchstabierspiel four eight-card blocks repeat itself, all cards spell with eight letters
Inspired by
  • Duke Stern effect
1972 8
Jerry K. Hartman, Joseph K. Schmidt Thinking Spell Spell to two selections, down under deal
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 63
Gerald Kosky Psychic Spell card is selected by riffling through the deck, two short cards
1975 80
Gerald Kosky I Spell Your Card card is selected by riffling through the deck, two short cards
1975 81
Gerald Kosky Tricky Mentalist six cards set-up
1975 82
Charles T. Jordan The Incomprehendo Speller set-up and one-way deck
Also published here 1975 139
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1975 141
Charles T. Jordan 4. The Spelling Trick chosen card is spelled out, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1975 192
Charles T. Jordan C. The Spelling Cards three cards are spelt to
Also published here 1975 196
Charles T. Jordan "Speaking of Pink Elephants!" named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Also published here 1975 198
Nick Trost Compute-a-thot Three spot in inserted into packet, selection is found by spelling or counting or next to Three
1976 33
Tan Hock Chuan Children's Speller Spelling trick with picture cards for children, spectator spells and gets wrong card, magician always gets the right card
1977 36
Gene Castillon Noah's Mix Up! spelling trick with card packet with pictures of animals, see also page 59
May 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Simon Aronson Spelling f), built into the Aronson Stack, spelling bank
Also published here 1979 11
David Britland Acepell four Aces are produced, first by spelling a cut to card
July 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Roy Walton The Wacky Card Trick with five poker dice
Also published here 1981 15
Derek Dingle Colour Changing Any Card Speller peeked card is spelled to - different back
1982 104
Phillip Young Gas spelling trick, ABC cards among deck form the word Rolaids
1982 23
Father Cyprian Shock Spell spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1983 12
David Austin That'll Do Nicely! card is found under credit card in deck, credit card appears, spelling variation
Also published here May 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Stephen Tucker Quad-Spell four cards, each spectator mentally spells his card and finds one of the other cards
July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Frank Simon Riff-Spell mate of selection spelled to, then other two cards of same value found as well
1983 112
Allan Slaight "1984" Card Trick story trick with spelling and selection
Also published here 1984
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Stewart James Doublethink spelling trick with story line, works with Si Stebbins
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Roy Walton Triple Alliance
Inspired by
  • "Spelled Prophecy: 2" (Charles Hudson)
Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein, Patrick Page Shuffled Speller cut-to card is spelled out in second deck and produces same card, ungaffed approach for Patrick Page's "Beyond the Veil"
Inspired by 1984 7
Peter Duffie Ghost Hunters Ace through Four of Diamonds appear one by one and their values are spelled to to find random cards, those cards are shown as four blanks and then change into the Ace through Four themselves
Inspired by
  • "Chiefly Yourselves" (Roy Walton, Linking Ring Parade)
1984 1
Gerald Deutsch Colorful Spell card is spelled to, reversed itself, color changing backs kicker
1985 110
Frederick Braue Frank Squires Speller answers to questions about selection are spelt out, selection shows up
Inspired by 1985 20
Tom Bowyer Svengali Routine selection made, card divined, then it turns over, then appears at named number and at randomly spelled card, spectator stabs next to it
1985 28
Peter Wilker, Olaf Spell Immer dieses Bier picture image cards are spelled out with story, always beer image shows up
Inspired by 1986 1
Henry Christ Spell Detector small setup
Related to 1988 235
Bob King Under Your Spell spectator cuts to any card and loses it, performer spells to it underneath handkerchief and it shows up at last letter
Also published here 1989 16
Richard Vollmer Spell to setup??
Mar. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Richard Vollmer Spell to, two setup??
Mar. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Richard Vollmer Tell-Tale Deck card selected, features of it (color, suit) are spelled to, setup??
Dec. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 12)
T. Page Wright A Novelty Spelling Mystery selection lost, "Ace" spelled into one pile, "Spades" into another, then Ace of Spades shown, first pile are other three Aces and second pile all Spades
Also published here 1991 223
T. Page Wright The Triple Surprise Speller card freely chosen, then spelled to, at the end a card of same value, suit and card itself show up
1991 224
T. Page Wright The Miracle Spelling Deck card selected out of hands and deck pocketed, performer reaches into pocket and takes out cards one by one spelling the selection and finds it, repeat with the spectator spelling the card out of the performer's pocket
1991 227
Jerry K. Hartman, Joseph K. Schmidt Thinking Spell Spell to two selections, down under deal
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 459
Doug Canning Midnight Speller challenge, setup??
Oct. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 10)
Karl Fulves A Martian Chronicle
1992 75
Bob King Under Your Spell spectator cuts to any card and loses it, performer spells to it underneath handkerchief and it shows up at last letter
Also published here 1992 19
Gavin Ross Self Portrait business card appears in deck, name on it spelled to locate selection, selection also predicted on back of business card
Variations June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Father Cyprian "Simplicity Speller" Notes No. 74, spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Also published here 1992 88
Charles T. Jordan Incomprendo Speller No. 158, set-up and one-way deck
Also published here 1992 191
Karl Fulves "Incomprendo Speller" Notes No. 159, set-up and one-way deck, variation with two selections
Inspired by 1992 192
Charles T. Jordan The Spelling Trick No. 203, chosen card is spelled out, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1992 241
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew Speaking of Pink Elephants No. 206, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Also published here 1992 243
Doug Canning UNCANNY deck in pocket and one card after the other is removed, spectator mentally spells his card and last letter matches selection
1993 132
Karl Fulves Birthday Value - Birthday Suit spectator spells birth month from one packet and birth day from another, suit and value are used to arrive at a card which is predicted
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Dave Campbell Auto-Matic Speller three cards cut into packets and spelled to, banks of cards with the same number of letters
Also published here June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Peter Duffie Card Count-Down card thought-of from twelve-card packet, suit spelled, pairs dealt, value counted down in rest of the deck to find mate
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Doug Edwards Spell Motivator Royal Flush Finale
May 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Alex Elmsley Paraspell two cards, faro-version of Stewart James' "Evolution of a Dream"
1994 353
Philip T. Goldstein Twice in Half two cards removed from half deck and spelled down, card there predicted
Related to 1994 15
Philip T. Goldstein Half in Twice full-deck version
Inspired by 1994 18
Philip T. Goldstein Van John
Inspired by
  • Tom Seller's "The Name Speller" (Immediate Magic)
Also published here
1994 99
Peter Duffie The Impromptu Imposition suit and value of selection found by cuts, selection is then spelled to
1994 21
Simon Aronson Spelling f), built into the Aronson Stack, spelling bank
Also published here 1994 124
Dave Campbell Freely Cutting and Spelling three cards cut into packets and spelled to, banks of cards with the same number of letters
Also published here Nov. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Peter Duffie, Arthur Carter Carter's Fooler deck shuffled by spectator, deck cut into four piles, performer removes one from each pile, values are spelled and mates found
Inspired by
  • "Impossible Coincidence" (Arthur Carter, Magigram, Nov. 1975)
1994 9
Simon Aronson Quad-Mates Revisited four cards put in deck at four positions, next to mates, Gemini Twins with four cards and spelling of random words
Inspired by
  • "Quad-Mates" (Simon Aronson, MUM, May 1979)
Related to
1995 73
Simon Aronson The Trained Deck selection cut into deck, three chosen cards added, selection at this position, repeated, then selected card is spelled by spectator in his head while performer deals, performer stops at selection, Multiple Card Sum Stack
Related to 1995 123
Simon Aronson Spell Check three cards spelled to consecutively starting with random card, selection at end of last spell, declining letter spells
1995 139
Simon Aronson Lazy Memory ideas for applying the memorized deck to the Lazy Man's Card Trick
  • Memorized Doubly Lazy
  • Spelling to the Second Selection
  • "Sessions" Lazy Memory
Related to 1995 162
Joel Givens Personalized Pasteboards name of spectator is spelled to find selection
  • Self-Working Method
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 16
Steve Beam Name that Trick made-up name is spelled to find selection, presentation for Personalized Pasteboards
Inspired by 1995 19
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1995 46
Scott Robinson Sigh Stebbins spectator spells guesses about selection, with value of last card selection is found
1995 49
Claude Rix Propriétés du chapelet modèle methods to go from Claude Rix stack into Vernon's Poker Demonstration, a spelling routine, a sucker trick and Guy Lammertyn's oil and water
  • Adaption de la routine de Dai Vernon
  • Routine de cartes épelées
  • L'erreur réparée
  • La routine de l'huile et l'eau de Guy Lammertyn
Inspired by 1995 15
Aldo Colombini Knock Spell three cards are spelled to, Royal Flush shows up
Also published here
  • Magigram
1995 140
Joel Givens Personalized Pasteboards name of spectator is spelled to find selection
  • Self-Working Method
Also published here 1995 10
Joe Rindfleisch, Jed B. Smith The Joe Blow School of Magic comedy presentation
Nov. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 11)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Novelty Spelling Mystery "A Larsen & Wright Gold Seal Mystery"
Further Than That precursor, 1940
Related toAlso published here
  • Page Wright's Manuscript, 1991, p. 223
  • Genii Bonus Number One, Genii, April 1940
Underworld (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Imogenetic three cards chosen and face up on table, another card made with suit and value of two of those cards, that card found via spelling and other cards from that value as well
Inspired by
  • "Genimo" (Alan Francis, Abacus, Vol. 4 No. 7)
1996 11
David Austin So wird es klappen card is found under credit card in deck, credit card appears, spelling variation
  • Die Stephen-Tucker-Version
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Jerry K. Hartman Feinting Spell
Jan. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Nick Trost This Is Your Card - With a Punch Spelling location with five cards, produce four Aces
Inspired by 1997 154
Peter Duffie The Card of the Oracle Spelling to two cards
1997 116
Peter Duffie Spell-Raiser Card reversed in deck, spell the card to find selected card
1997 123
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Up -spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 1332
Doug Edwards Houdini Casts A Spell Spell "Harry Houdini" a few times to divine selected card placed in pocket (suit then number)
1997 25
Peter Duffie Ouija card spelled to, spelling piles reveal four-of-a-kind
1997 14
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 14
Martin Joyal Pattonology finding card by spelling answers to questions
Related to 1997 161
Martin Joyal The Humming Speller selection is divined and spelled to
Inspired by 1997 166
Stewart James Jack The Bartender's Deal card spelled to (Two Spades), Two of Spades found, then the TWO pile are all Twos, SPADE pile is Royal Flush in Spades (first shown to Eddie by unknown bartender)
Also published here 1997 101
Karl Fulves V-Real spectator cuts, card made up from suit of top and value of bottom card, spelling "virtual reality", card shown, it changes into made-up card (allusion to lie speller "Lie, Si")
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 8)
Gavin Ross Straight Through The Heart indicator card chosen and number up to twelve thought-of, suit of indicator and number as value used to arrive at a card, indicator card spelled to and the card is found
Inspired by 1998 89
Roy Walton Ghostly Spells sixteen-card packet mated via spelling famous magicians
Variations 1998 125
Joshua Jay Combined Interests Magicians performs a medley of his favourite tricks all in one trick (spell to selection, prediction, card to pocket (fail), four Ace production)
1999 70
Doug Conn Three Peace's - Peace spectator cuts deck into piles, top card of chosen pile is put in case, some answers are spelled and another card chosen, the cards give color, suit and value of card in case
1999 153
Ellis Stanyon Reversible "Spelling B" No. 1, spelling three chosen cards
1999 99
Philip T. Goldstein The Partagas Spell characteristics of card spelled to, sucker, mates of selections show up as a climax
July 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 7)
Roger Crosthwaite One-Way Estimation Speller
1999 81
Andy Nyman Dead Of Night three cards in different positions remembered, they are spelled out with increasingly more stringent conditions
Also published here 1999 20
Chas. Shepperd The Magic Spell early spelling trick
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, March 1908
2000 66
Steve Beam The Macho Magician Versus Wussy Gambler matching value and suit are spelled of selection, then four Aces are found as a kicker by spelling
2000 46
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 140
Simon Aronson Queenspell Spell the red Queens' names to find two selections
Related toVariations 2001 12
Simon Aronson Alternative Spellings Alternative spellings for Queenspell
Inspired by 2001 16
Simon Aronson Face Up Queenspell Variation on Queenspell with Queens reversed
Inspired by 2001 17
Simon Aronson Breathing Spell Spelling four other cards to find two selections
2001 161
Simon Aronson Aces Awry (Producing the Aces) Tries to spell suit of selection, but wrong 3 times - finally gets the value (Ace), and produces all four Aces
Variations 2001 198
Simon Aronson Four on a Match (Producing the Fours) Finds selection (a Four) through spelling, then finds all Fours
Related toVariations 2001 209
Simon Aronson The Mind Reading Deck, Part 6 (Producing the Sixes) Find selection by spelling, produce all the Sixes as a climax
2001 217
Simon Aronson The Mind Reading Deck, Part 9 (Producing the Nines) Find selection by spelling, produce all the Sixes as a climax
Variations 2001 220
Simon Aronson Mirror Nines Variation of Mine Reading Deck Part 9, with reverse Aronson stack
Inspired by 2001 221
Simon Aronson Direct to the Nines Extra idea to find Nines in fast way
Inspired by 2001 222
Simon Aronson Two by Four (Producing the Twos) Spell to three Twos, final Two produced with flourish
Variations 2001 226
Simon Aronson Spelling All Four Twos
Inspired by 2001 229
Joshua Jay Joshing With The Threes Finds selection by spelling, then produces all the Threes as climax
2001 236
Simon Aronson Take Two Double spelling effect
2001 254
Simon Aronson Threespell (using the UnDo Influence Control) Queenspell with Threes in Aronson
Inspired by 2001 257
Simon Aronson 52 Pickup Full deck spelling sequence
2001 263
Simon Aronson Sequence Spell Deck Switch
2001 263
Karl Fulves Fate in Numbers No. 30, numbers rolled by dice spelled out, corresponding values are revealed
2001 46
Mel Bennett The Honeymooners Queens mates by spelling names from deck
2001 135
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Also published here 2001 34
Marty Kane Stellar Speller spelling some number phrases, the amount of card matches, card and matching suit found
  • Variation
Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Could You Spell That? spelling ideas from Si Stebbins stack
  • Si Spell
  • Die Spell
  • Sly Spell
  • Lie Spell
Inspired by 2002 260
Jon Allen Against All Odds spelling to find a card, matches prediction, all other cards are the same
Also published here 2003 20
Chris Wardle What's In A Name? two piles dealt, then a name spelled from both piles, the cards on the last letter are duplicates, or mates in a variation
  • What's In A Name Variation - Using the "CW Mene-Tekel" Deck
2003 9
Al Leech Spell and Count simplified handling (Clue trick originally from Sept. 1966 MUM)
Inspired by 2004 28
Dave Campbell Automatic Speller three cards cut into packets and spelled to, banks of cards with the same number of letters
Also published here 2004 63
Allan Slaight The Deck Will Tell spelling words color, suits and value and always finding matching cards to selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2004 155
Doug Canning Midnight Speller counting and spelling, to find selection
Variations 2004 168
Ron Frost PAIRanormal Two decks, find selections in each deck with spelling, predicted selection too
2004 85
Ron Frost Spellology II Small packet spelling trick, two cards are spelled two amongst five cards, the other three are shown to be blank
2004 108
Ron Frost Scrambled Identity Alphabet cards, mixed, end up spelling name of company
2004 139
Wayne Dobson Spell Check card chosen from one deck, then spelled to in another deck
2004 14
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Double Killer Speller two selections, using Killer Count
2004 10
Juan Tamariz Sha-La-La-La-La (A Multiple Musical Location) selected cards are found by spelling and singing, evolution of routine
Inspired by 2004 106
Juan Tamariz, Dr. Jacob Daley Total Spell spelling to named card, with variations
2004 182
Juan Tamariz Spelling to Four Cards
2004 184
Father Cyprian The Book on Spells freely chosen card is spelled out with four piles, card and mates found
  • The Cut
  • The Shuffle
Related to 2004
Discoverie (Issue 9)
Cushing Strout, Stewart James Invisible Setups Idea to combine spelling with ladder stacks to find card
2005 13
Cushing Strout Taking Another Look at the Dead Man's Hand After spelling some words, magician deals the Dead Man's Hand to the spectator
Inspired byRelated to 2005 27
Cushing Strout The Bohemian Scandal Storytelling of a Sherlock Holmes story, uses plunger principle somewhere and some spelling
2005 33
Cushing Strout One the Other Side of the Mirror Wacky storytelling trick for Alice in Wonderland
2005 39
Harry Riser One Way to Spell
Also published here
  • MUM, March 2000
2006 68
Harry Riser Spelling Penelope penelope, faro
Also published here
  • MUM, Aug. 1995
2006 137
Jack Avis A Little Extra with the Multi Spell optional card to wallet/pocket addition
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 44
Jack Avis The Magic Card spelling location with ten-card packet
2006 95
Jack Avis A Little Extra with the Multi-Spelling optional card to wallet/pocket addition
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 173
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Digging Deeper two selections, silently spelled and spectator think stop
Inspired by
  • Paul Hallas' "Magic" in "Son of Totat"
2006 31
Steve Beam Even Deeper two selections, silently spelled and spectator think stop
2006 34
Stewart James Spell of Mystery spectator cuts the deck anywhere, top two cards are used to form a card (value and suit), magician then spells to find the card
Related toAlso published here
  • Marketed by SJ, June 1929
2007 11
Stewart James Oraclew Magician divines a thought of number, predicts the card at the position of the number, and spells spectator's name to locate another selected card
Also published here
  • New Tops, Jan 1967
2007 156
Philip T. Goldstein Van John
Also published here 2007 50
Jerry K. Hartman Princesst spectator A thinks of card in packet, spectator B randomly picks card from packet and loses it in deck, spectator A’s card is seen to not be in packet anymore, it is in correct spelling position in deck
2007 365
Joel Givens Personalized Pasteboards names of spectators are spelled to find selection
Also published here 2007 xxxix
Karl Fulves Holding Pattern three eight-card piles, spelling some phrases, red Aces show up
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Novelty Spelling Mystery Further Than That precursor
Also published here
  • Genii Bonus Number One, Genii, April 1940
Prolix (Issue 5)
Allan Slaight Faroyal Aces lost and spelled out, Queens found, Kings spelled, Jacks found, selection spelled to, faros in between
  • Setting the Stack
  • Alternative Location
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 33
Allan Slaight "1984" Card Trick story trick with spelling and selection
Also published here 2008 85