119 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Spelling Stack / Partial
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The "Spelling" Trick spelling every value in a thirteen-card packet
1889 75
The "Spelling" Trick from thirteen-card packet every value from Ace to King is spelled out
1890 31
Charles T. Jordan Cremo! Card Restoration Extraordinary card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Incomprehendo Speller set-up and one-way deck
VariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1928 15
Mental Spelling progressive spelling set-up
1935 17
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mindreading two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 1935 5
Ralph W. Hull Hull's "Joker" Spelling Trick No. 4, thirteen card packet, values are spelt out one by one, but when spectator tries it, he always gets the joker
  • A Variation
Also published here 1935 5
Knock-Out Spelling Trick No. 26, riffle shuffle, Hearts and Diamonds are removed, one suit is turned up one by one and each card spelled out from the other suit
1935 27
James Kater Thompson Kater's Improved Spelling Trick No. 28, one from a bank thought of and then spelled out
1935 29
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Related toAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Charles T. Jordan Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1937 47
Ralph W. Hull The Joker Spelling Routine thirteen card packet, values are spelt out one by one, but when spectator tries it, he always gets the joker
Also published here 1937 59
Theodore Annemann Spell It Yourself two decks, progressive set-up, out of hand selection procedure
1937 62
Charles T. Jordan Incomprehendo Speller set-up and one-way deck
Also published here 1937 63
Theodore Annemann Think of a Card one of eighteen, card spelled out, short card
1937 65
Charles T. Jordan Incomprehendo stacked, one-way backs
1937 165
Charles T. Jordan Cremo Card Restoration card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
1937 220
Charles T. Jordan C. The Spelling Cards three cards are spelt to
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Martin Gardner Use Your Head spectator shuffles packet, remembers bottom card ans spells it, packet pressed against performer's forehead where selection sticks
1942 10
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Silent Speller ten twelve-letter card set-up
1943 15
John Mulholland Magic Spelling three spelling-themed tricks:
  • I. Selection is spelled to
  • II. Values of entire suit spelled to in order
  • III. All court cards spelled to
1944 29
Magic Spelling - II all cards of a suit are removed from deck in a packet and each is spelled to in sequential order
1944 32
Magic Spelling - III similar to above, all court cards are removed from deck in a packet and each is spelled to in Jack-Queen-King order by suits
1944 34
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mentalism two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 1944 265
Dr. Ben B. Braude Ben Braude's Brain Twister spectator thinks of a number between one and thirteen and remembers first card with same value
Variations Oct. 1946 258
Dai Vernon The Magic Spell any thought-of card from packet can be spelled to
Variations Oct. 1946 259
Frederick Braue, Dai Vernon Vernon + Braue variation of Vernon routine, any thought-of card from packet can be spelled to, see p. 320 for correction, idea by Joe Schmidt on p. 342
Inspired by Dec. 1946 281
G. W. Hunter No. 6 "Spelling Be" red or black is spelled, spot or court etc, last card is selection, with variation by Bayard Brimshaw
1946 88
George G. Kaplan Yogi Spelling Test four groups of six progressive spelling sequences
1948 186
George G. Kaplan The Eighteen-Cards Spelling Trick one of eighteen cards thought of and then revealed with spelling procedure
1948 188
George G. Kaplan The Triple Spelling Trick with the corner-short
1948 191
Vern Schoneck Spellbound two variations of a speller, spectator thinks of a card in the deck, performer puts cards on by one on spectator's hand, who spells his card in his mind, the last letter is his card
Jan. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 142)
Ronald B. Edwards X-Spell-I-Mental mental speller
Oct. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 161)
Jiffy Speller progressive set-up
1949 61
Cardini Cardini's Mind Reading Card Trick No. 16, one of six cards thought-of, shuffled back in half the deck, then spelled to, six duplicates and progressive spelling set-up
1950 33
Edward Marlo Peek Spelling small progressive spelling set-up
Related to 1956 8
Charles T. Jordan Spelling the Spades Packet of Ace to King of Spades, spell Ace to King one after another, originally titled The Improved Chevalier Card Trick
Related toAlso published here 1956 23
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Tele-Mental one to four spectators get cards, think of one, mental speller
Apr. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 7)
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mindreading two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo Mental Spell (is this Paul Rosini's?) fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, progressive spelling set-up
1962 49
Dai Vernon Mental Spell "Chapter Seven", one of ten, multiple out
1967 41
Alex Elmsley Double Prediction two cards, progressive spelling set-up, one-ahead, sixteenth card principle
Also published here 1967 182
Paul Swinford Duo Spell two mentally chosen cards spelled out, see p. 206 for references and mention of Swinford & Cairy's "Computer Cards"/"Cyberdeck"
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1968 194
Edward Marlo Multiple Mental Spell four spectators spell down to mentally selected cards, stack, second method with bank of twenty-four duplicates (page 182)
1969 179
Edward Marlo Marlo's "Unknown" Speller see also page 162 for note by Ackerman
  • First Method (stay stack)
  • Second Method (stack)
  • Third Method (almost no stack)
Winter 1969 58
Jules Lenier Try It Again Ace through King packet, each value spelled to, spectator always gets Joker, last card blank
1970 2
Dai Vernon Vernon's Spelling Set-Up No. 30, cryptic
1972 13
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version of Horowitz Mental Spell No. 129, progressive set-up
Inspired by 1972 37
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Psychic Tap Trick No. 202, card thought of from a few, cards on table, performer taps different cards while spectator mentally spells his card, on last tap card the selection is found
Related to 1972 49
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Mental Spell Variation No. 377, two decks, from one deck spectator selects a card mentally, card is spelled out in both decks
Also published here 1972 104
Tommy Squire's Spell No. 391, Tommy Squire? Thomas? Squires?, set-up that perhaps allows to spell out different properties of a selection (color, suit, odd/even, high/low, value)
1972 106
Arthur Finley Finley's Automatic Spell No. 698, progressive set-up
Also published here 1972 188
Roger Smith Think-Spell - And the Great Invisible Pass thought-of card spelled to, then put in center and comes back to top, progressive set-up
1975 5
Charles T. Jordan Cremo! Card Restoration Extraordinary card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
  • Note by Annemann (pieces vanish in handkerchief)
Also published here 1975 106
Charles T. Jordan The Incomprehendo Speller set-up and one-way deck
Also published here 1975 139
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1975 141
Charles T. Jordan C. The Spelling Cards three cards are spelt to
Also published here 1975 196
Roger Smith, Steve Saunders, Ron Hicks The Spell of a Good Magician three thought-of cards spelled to, they then change to Aces to match a fourth card, faro
1977 9
Harry Lorayne Cast and Instant Spell progressive spelling set-up
1977 151
Tan Hock Chuan Spell your Card Spectator thinks of one card from a group of six, spells to find it
1977 13
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Also published here 1980 1
Peter Marshall Bicycle! with Bicycle cards, words on case are spelled to and royal flush comes out
Inspired byVariations Jan. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Max Abrams Max Abrams version for puzzling speller and highlighting mistake in original description
Related to 1981 112
Father Cyprian Shock Spell spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1983 12
Allan Slaight "1984" Card Trick story trick with spelling and selection
Also published here 1984
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Paul Swinford Duo Spell No. 84, two mentally chosen cards spelled out
Also published here 1984 126
Sam Leo Horowitz Mental Spelling progressive set-up
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 25 No. 6, July 1926
1989 xvii
Justin Higham Auto-Speller card thought of while deck is spread, suit and value spelled in two packets, then spectator deals random number of cards, bottom cards of the three piles match value, suit and card itself
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 3)
Alex Elmsley A Double Prediction two cards, progressive spelling set-up, one-ahead, sixteenth card principle
VariationsAlso published here 1991 311
Frederick Braue The Thought Stealer one of six cards, progressive spelling, using Braue Memorized Deck
1992 4
Frederick Braue, Dai Vernon Vernon Plus Braue thought-of cards from eight-card packet found via a spelling and down-under procedure
Related to 1992 4
Father Cyprian "Simplicity Speller" Notes No. 74, spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Also published here 1992 88
Charles T. Jordan Cremo Card Restoration No. 141, card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
Also published here 1992 173
Charles T. Jordan Incomprendo Speller No. 158, set-up and one-way deck
Also published here 1992 191
Karl Fulves "Incomprendo Speller" Notes No. 159, set-up and one-way deck, variation with two selections
Inspired by 1992 192
Edward Marlo Predicted Mental Spell spelling effect with predictions on billets
The Olram File (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves Birthday Value - Birthday Suit spectator spells birth month from one packet and birth day from another, suit and value are used to arrive at a card which is predicted
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Peter Duffie The Psychic Speller with packet of ten cards
1993 9
Philip T. Goldstein Twice in Half two cards removed from half deck and spelled down, card there predicted
Related to 1994 15
Philip T. Goldstein Van John
Inspired by
  • Tom Seller's "The Name Speller" (Immediate Magic)
Also published here
1994 99
Peter Duffie The Problem in Mind deck cut in two halves, spectator thinks of a card in one half and spell-counts it into other half to arrive at mate
Inspired by 1994 15
Simon Aronson Spell Check three cards spelled to consecutively starting with random card, selection at end of last spell, declining letter spells
1995 139
Scott Robinson Sigh Stebbins spectator spells guesses about selection, with value of last card selection is found
1995 49
Jerry K. Hartman Hot Thought two spectators think of a card from deck, one spectator "think-spells" to his card as performer removes cards from deck and card on last letter is his card, second spectator uses tiny sword to stab into deck next to his card, multiple decks needed
Related toVariations 1995 265
Peter Duffie Elucidation one of thirteen thought of
1997 11
Peter Duffie Ouija card spelled to, spelling piles reveal four-of-a-kind
1997 14
Joe Rindfleisch Mental Spell packet routine
Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Ellis Stanyon Reversible "Spelling B" No. 1, spelling three chosen cards
1999 99
Ellis Stanyon The Alternate Card Trick - Simple No. 2, spelling through all values in thirteen-card packet
1999 100
Chas. Shepperd The Magic Spell early spelling trick
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, March 1908
2000 66
Philip T. Goldstein Forked Tongue first questions are answered truthfully, then spectator can decide
Inspired by 2000 17
Karl Fulves Fate in Numbers No. 30, numbers rolled by dice spelled out, corresponding values are revealed
2001 46
Al Leech Spell and Count simplified handling (Clue trick originally from Sept. 1966 MUM)
Inspired by 2004 28
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Double Killer Speller two selections, using Killer Count
2004 10
Juan Tamariz Spelling a Thought-of Card
2004 44
Joseph K. Schmidt Computer Virus Killer "A Novel Revelation of Two Thought Cards"
two spectators think cards from a five-card and six-card group, involving virus gag card
  • The History (credit information and references)
Inspired byVariations 2005 429
Karl Fulves Virus Variation
Inspired by 2005 431
Peter Duffie Here Lies the Truth hands-off spell lie detector
Also published here
  • Best of Alchemy Card Magic (compiled by Paul Halls, 2002)
2005 42
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie R & D's Count Spell Extra composite card, count-spelling to any card composed by suit and value separately chosen
Prolix (Issue 2)
Harry Riser One Way to Spell
Also published here
  • MUM, March 2000
2006 68
Philip T. Goldstein Van John
Also published here 2007 50
Jacques Terrien The Missing Card unknown card placed under wallet, card selected by dealing and stopping at a card and taking its suit, then spelling to another card to arrive at a value, that card is found inside wallet and unknown card is blank, four-way out
Related to Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Jack Parker Gut Feeling one of four poker hands chosen, card thought of, everything collected and thought-of card is spelled to
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Second Deal website, Nov. 2002
2007 21
Jerry K. Hartman Princesst spectator A thinks of card in packet, spectator B randomly picks card from packet and loses it in deck, spectator A’s card is seen to not be in packet anymore, it is in correct spelling position in deck
2007 365
Jerry K. Hartman Spells and Spear-Its two spectators think of a card in deck, first spectator mentally spells out his card as magician deals and final card of spelling is his card, second spectator stabs cocktail sword into deck next to his card
Inspired by 2007 373
Arthur Finley Finley's Automatic Spell No. 698, progressive set-up
Also published here 2007 29
Karl Fulves Shark Hunt seven four-card packets, spectator exchanges some packets, cards gathered, spelled through values from deck
Inspired byVariations 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Allan Slaight "1984" Card Trick story trick with spelling and selection
Also published here 2008 85
Karl Fulves Jinx Extra spelling to find four-of-a-kind
Inspired by
  • "Quickie Set Up Effect" (Theodore Annemann)
Prolix (Issue 7)
Michael Weber Tip of the Trunk packet of cards, two selections made and spelt, then divined, part of Spelephant routine
Inspired by 2010 258
Tom Gagnon Double Miracle card thought of from a group, another card selected, one card spelled to and the other found at named number, using Versatile Spread Control
2011 58
Nick Trost The All-Fair Mental Spell with credit information on spelling though-of cards
Also published here
  • The New Tops, June 1965
2013 699
Harapan Ong Count or Spell random values are counted or spelled to as the spectator wishes, leads to four Aces
2018 234
David Solomon Perfect Spelling card chosen from a list of playing cards is spelled to, progressive spelling set-up
2018 113
Sylvain Juzan The Winning Triplets three cards thought of from packet, three more cards selected and lost, thought-of cards are spelled out without actually finding them, other three selections are then on top, using Triple Dealing Principle (with credit information)
2021 53
George McBride Computer Cards count-spell of a thought-of cards from
Inspired by 2022 32
Bertie Mac Producing the First Fifteen Cards spelling rules for top section in Echo Stack
Oct. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Vidar Strat The displacement cards shown to spectator one by one without the performer looking, spectator says stop and remembers card, it is spelled to, featuring a spread displacement of the selection to a wanted position, optionally with set-up
2024 78