152 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Phone Effects / Medium at the Other end
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Bill Bournau Mind Reading by Telephone
1928 22
Bill Bowman Bowman's System for Mind Reading by Telephone
1928 23
Theodore Annemann Call Me Up Sometime person calls during the show and names the card someone selected
VariationsAlso published here 1934 2
Theodore Annemann Publicity Stunt any information is revealed by partner on other end of phone
Also published here Aug. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 11)
Harris Solomon Operator Calling ringing of phone divines (forced) selection
Also published here 1937
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
William H. McCaffrey The Telephone Trick assistant names card over telephone, see also "Fragment: Introduction for The Telephone Trick" on page 1150
Related toAlso published here 1938 566
Orville Wayne Meyer Phoned Thots mirage deck
Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 70)
Theodore Annemann Weird Wire medium phoned and tells one out of five designs, selected cards and word
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 89)
Theodore Annemann Publicity Stunt any information is revealed by partner on other end of phone
Also published here 1944 40
Harris Solomon Operator Calling ringing of phone divines (forced) selection
Also published here 1944 132
Theodore Annemann Weird Wire medium phoned and tells one out of five designs, selected cards and word
  • The E.S.P. Symbol Projection
  • The Word Projection
  • The Card Projection
Also published here 1944 327
George F. Wright Reversette spectator reverses one card behind his back, divined by medium on telephone
Variations 1945
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
George F. Wright An Addition to Reversette
Inspired by 1946
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Alan Barnert Phoney person on telephone knows card three times, three different methods
Related toAlso published here June 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 108)
Abril Lamarque Long Distance Mind Reading Code medium called divines card
Feb. 1946 194
Abril Lamarque Telephonic Telepathy code for telephone
Variations June 1946 223
Rowland D. Goodman, Abril Lamarque Telephonic Telepathy notes in Lamarque routine
Inspired by July 1946 237
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column on doing tricks over the radio, person calls in to reveal card
  • The Card Call
  • Card and Telephone
  • Variations P
  • Conclusion
Variations Aug. 1946 240
Eddie Clever, Gerald Kosky Telephonic Telepathy letters with ideas by Clever and Kosky on Lamarque's routine
Inspired by Aug. 1946 244
Gerald Kosky Telephonic Telepathy
  • Telepathy Made Easy
Nov. 1946 265
Jean Hugard, Jerry Lukins Telephonic Telepathy on the international response to Lamarque's routine, method by Lukins
Inspired by Jan. 1947 285
Der Telephontrick 52 names
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Die Fernsehkarte key card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
George G. Kaplan Dial two (forced via thrust stabbing procedure) cards are revealed over the phone
1948 181
George G. Kaplan Information, Please! on the phone revelation with a order of deck secretly used as list by medium
1948 182
Louis Tannen The Psychic Number 7 using telephone code
1948 188
Bob Somerfeld Telepaphone phone numbers are written on billets, one is selected, person at other end divines chosen card
Inspired by
  • Howard Savage's "The Phantom Phone" in "The Sphinx", June 1929
Related toAlso published here
June 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 153)
Al Baker Over the Phone medium names free selection, code
Also published here 1949 26
Al Baker Telephony card is forced
Also published here 1949 30
Al Baker Baker's Eight-Card Trick any eight cards taken and one chosen, other seven called out to assistant who then names selection, effect "Study in Stud" related but not the method
Also published here 1949 34
Steffi Storm The Wizard No. 21, Spectator freely selects card, performer calls friend over phone who announces name of selection
1950 42
Louis Tannen The Psychic Number Seven No. 142, Spectators picks one out of seven random cards, and names six on the phone. Person at other end divines the selection.
1950 272
Eddie Joseph The Mystery of the Unknown Card deck shuffled face-up/face-down, any face-down card chosen and mixed with some face-up cards, it is divined by medium
1951 16
Bob Beeching Telephone Fooler playing card divination, assistant counts loudly
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Theodore Annemann Telephone Mystery
1952 4
Bob Somerfeld Mind over Miles medium on phone divines ESP symbol, playing card and chosen headline from Newspaper
1952 13
John Hamilton The Deuce You Say!
Jan. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 298)
Adriano Vaz Velho Neue Gedankenübertragung mittels Telephon one of twelve cards is divined by assistant over phone
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Walter Behm Neue Gedankenübertragung mittels Telefon apparently calling a random person
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Lewis Ganson Brainwave by Telephone presentation in which performer's wife is called
Also published here 1954 223
Alan Barnert Phoney person on telephone knows card three times, three different methods
Related toAlso published here 1956 203
Max Katz M. K. Telephone Code System coding a card with four cards, see Interlocutor reference for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Tony Corinda (25) Phoney Business no medium, four cards and a letter
1959 296
Paul Marcus Across the Void two cards are divined by medium over the phone, two deck switches
1959 327
Lewis Ganson Brainwave by Telephone performing idea for the brainwave deck
1960 50
Rolf Andra Medium-Telefon Experiment
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 6)
Max Malini Telephone Trick medium names selection
1962 76
Gaylord E. Hill Dunninger Rings
Oct. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 373)
P. Howard Lyons No Toll method for transmitting any information over phone to a medium
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Paul Curry Thoughts from Afar medium on telephone knows selected card
Related to 1965 183
Karl Fulves The Connection assistant phoned, he divines card
Also published here July 1966 44
Peter Alexis Scarlock's Card phoned person knows dealt poker hands
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1968 214
W.H. Radcliffe Mental Telephony medium reveals playing card, 52 names
1969 10
John Hamilton Additional Hamilton Ideas as telephone effect with possible lies
Inspired by Aug. 1970 354
Bascom Jones The Ultimate Telephone Test revelation recorded
Magick (Issue 6)
Sid Fleischman, Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Call Me Anytime long-distance call, force
Magick (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves A Telephone Mystery medium is called and names selection when order of deck is read out, distant key
1971 5
James G. Thompson Jr. Winged Thoughts code over phone
1972 33
Theodore Annemann Call Me Up Sometime person calls during the show and names the card someone selected
1972 36
Peter Alexis Scarlock's Card phoned person knows dealt poker hands
Also published here 1973 13
Karl Fulves ESPhone medium knows card, simple code
1974 11
Karl Fulves Double Binary "Fone Trix", phone number out from the start, selection and three other cards read to medium
Apr. 1975 951
Charles Nyquist, James G. Thompson Jr. Retrospective long article about the evolution of phone effects, reprinted from Sphinx, 1942
  • "20th Century Telepathy" (John Northern Hilliard)
  • John Percival, Benedict and Paul Rockwood versions
  • Fred D. Muth & elimination principle
  • "One By Swindle" (F. Jackson)
  • U. F. Grant
  • "Colored Silks" (Earl Thomas)
  • "Operator Calling" (Harris Solomon)
  • "Right Number" (Kent Arthur)
  • "The Phantom Phone" (Howard Savage)
  • "Winged Thoughts" (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
  • "Phoned Thots" (Orville Meyer)
Apr. 1975 952
Gerald Kosky Comprehensive Telephone Code counting method
1975 189
Gerald Kosky Telephone Telepathy
1975 191
Magic by Proxy No. 50, phone rings to give position of selection
1976 75
Orville Wayne Meyer Edge of Dark code for ESP signs, over phone
Magick (Issue 171)
Jack Kent Tillar IMP "Impromptu Multi Projections", color, number and playing card are divined by medium over phone
Magick (Issue 175)
Gerald Kosky Sniff code
Magick (Issue 196)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Ringer medium at other end divines cards
Magick (Issue 213)
Terry Nosek Psi Pow! during live TV-Show, medium is called who divines selection
Magick (Issue 233)
Edward Marlo, Paul Curry The Joker Reads Minds spectator thinks of card and reads order of shuffled deck, spectator should misread joker as selection, it is divined, six methods
Also published here 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Karl Fulves Parallel Lines "Leverage" over phone, medium is called and divines spectator's and performer's card, parallel principle, see also p. 17
Related to 1980 9
Karl Fulves Color Coding over phone
1980 18
Karl Fulves The King Speaks "Parallel Lines" with suit coding via a King of wanted suit
1980 19
Karl Fulves Parity Check "Parallel Lines" with color coding
1980 21
Karl Fulves Kings Encoded further strategies when clocking the deck for value and suit
1980 24
Karl Fulves Real World Considerations medium uses calculator to simplify math
1980 26
Karl Fulves Quint four cards removed by spectator, fifth one by performer, any card selected, other four read over phone, medium names selection
1980 28
Karl Fulves Name-O-Quint spectator pockets any card, then any three cards, performer adds fourth card, those are read to medium in any order who then names pocketed card
1980 31
Karl Fulves Fill The Blank three cards removed by spectator, fourth by performer, fifth by spectator and signed, read off to medium in any order which names the fifth card
1980 33
Karl Fulves Cubic Coding any five cards removed by spectator, then one chosen, other four cards read to medium over phone which names selection
1980 35
Howard A. Adams Matheight Mediumistic three phases using eight symbol cards, two mediums reveal two cards over the phone
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Howard A. Adams Matheight Tattletale medium over phone divines chosen symbol, among eight symbol cards
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Howard A. Adams Matheight Quartattler medium over phone divines four chosen symbols in order, among eight symbol cards
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Sid Fleischman, Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Der Telephonschocker! person called during performance, spectator hears performer's voice naming the selection
June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Charles Nyquist, James G. Thompson Jr. Mit Dank an A. G. Bell on phone divinations, credit information and references, outline of various methods
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, May 1942
Oct. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Thomas Alan Waters Zodiaxis medium on the other end divines zodiac from spectator
  • Tarotell (for Tarot card)
Inspired byRelated to 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Karl Fulves Telephone Puzzler impractical card counting over the phone
Related to 1982 37
Thomas Alan Waters Zodiaccent medium on the other end divines zodiac from spectator
Also published here 1982
Magick (Issue 300)
Charles Nyquist, James G. Thompson Jr. Mit Dank an A. G. Bell - 1. Fortsetzung on phone divinations, credit information and references, outline of various methods
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, May 1942
Apr. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Leif Reed Subtle Connection
Mar. 1983
Magick (Issue 317)
Thomas Alan Waters Zodiaccent medium on the other end divines zodiac from spectator
Related toAlso published here 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Dexter Cleveland Computer Cards with computer presentation, wizard card trick
1984 50
John Northern Hilliard Twentieth-Century Telepathy No. 21, name code
Variations 1984 31
Karl Fulves The Percival Code No. 22, alternate code systems
Inspired by 1984 33
William H. McCaffrey Calling Ms. Wizard No. 23
Also published here 1984 34
The Great Phone Mystery No. 24, spectator turns top and bottom card over behind his back and pushed them in, the cards face to face with the reversed cards are removed and one of them named by medium on phone
1984 34
Poker by Phone No. 26, one of five cards chosen and one turned over, phoned medium knows hole card and selection when other four are called off
1984 36
The Connection No. 29, any card chosen, medium phoned instantly names it, ringing recorded
Related toAlso published here 1984 39
Karl Fulves The Ultra Code No. 31, spectator chooses any flush and reads off four of the cards to a medium at the phone, fifth card named, problem by Fitch Cheney
1984 41
Max Katz Ein Telephon-Kartencode
Related to Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Fitch Cheney Strange Trick telephone trick with freely named card
1985 15
Philip T. Goldstein Phonex using Al Koran forcing deck
Oct. 1986
Magick (Issue 379)
Steve Beam Phony Magic 1 medium on phone names card, 52 friends
Related to 1989 478
Wayne Kyzer, Steve Beam Phoney Magic II phone rings, medium calls and is not called as usual
Related to 1989 496
Gerd Winkler Unmöglich spectator reverses a card in the deck, performer phones a medium which names card and position
1989 35
Peter Warlock The Hilliard Syndrome medium called, coding through name of medium
Variations Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Peter Warlock Childs Play card placed in box divined by medium, magnetic card box
Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Walter Brusa Afterthoughts on Peter Warlock's Hilliard Syndrome simplified coding
Inspired by Jan. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Sam Schwartz Innermost Thought same trick, using thirteen specific cards to optimize multiple outs, also as phone effect
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Who Calls? face-up/face-down mixed cards called to medium over phone who then names selection
1994 105
Tony Bartolotta Thotology random person phoned and asked to name any card, medium phoned asked for a number up to 52
Inspired by
  • "20th Century Telepathy" (John Northern Hilliard)
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Ted Lesley Medium in Your Pocket medium is called during radio show, host opens new deck, shuffles, cuts and put one card inside his pocket
Inspired by 1994 42
Ted Lesley European Chit Chat Spectator shuffles deck and cuts it, card is remembered and divined by calling medium
Related to Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Mike Rogers High Tech Wizard coding with extension number
Mar. 1998 6
Lewis Ganson Brainwave per Telephon presentation in which performer's wife is called
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note two cards chosen and hidden somewhere, performer divines hiding place and identity of one card, the other is heard on answering machine when a phone number is called
1999 110
Bob Miller The Wizard Goes Cellular card chosen, performer's phone rings and person at other end names selection
Related to Jan. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Simon Lovell Waiting for God "God" calls on the performer's cell phone and names card and position
2000 113
Paul Curry Thoughts from Afar medium on telephone knows selected card
Related to 2001 223
Karl Fulves Cupid's Hotline No. 32, four-of-a-kind taken out, then one of those four, medium divines suit, office and home phone numbers are written down in the beginning
2001 68
David Regal Party Line
2002 88
Lewis Jones Mystral coding method over the phone
  • Cards
  • Dates
  • Words (The AIR code)
  • Drawings
2002 274
Karl Fulves Payphone Test
Charlatan (Issue 7)
Sid Fleischman It's a Trick
  • Mail
performer's answering machine divines card
Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Al Baker Over the Phone medium names free selection, code
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Telephony card is forced
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Baker's Eight-Card Trick any eight cards taken and one chosen, other seven called out to assistant who then names selection, effect "Study in Stud" related but not the method
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
David Ben Psychic Cellular cell-phone guesses the chosen card
Also published here 2003 100
David Ben Cocktail Wizard
2003 102
Michel Huot Cellular Fun three cards chosen, name of first selection appears on cell phone screen, second spectator holds phone over a few cards and it rings over selection, third spectator phones a given number which answers with third selection
2003 25
David Ben Psychic Cellular cell-phone guesses the chosen card
Also published here Nov. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
J. W. Sarles Calling The Wiz bit of business for classic telephone trick
2004 355
Wonder Man Fred Fan-Tastic spectator removes a group of cards and performer names all but three, second spectator selects a card from different deck which matches one of the remaining cards, one card is divined by calling friend of performer and last one matches prediction in box
  • Das Finden einer Karte durch einen Zuschauer
  • Die telefonische Wiedergabe der Karte
  • Die Vorhersage der letzten Karte
2004 209
Karl Fulves Telephone Puzzler expanded text from 1982 edition
Related to 2005 47
Karl Fulves Calling Ms. Modulo two poker hands, performer and spectator each decide on a hole card, medium tells hole card after hearing other four cards
Inspired by
  • "Telephone Stud" (Wallace Lee, Math Miracles, 1950)
Related to
2005 15
Karl Fulves Mind's i two piles, two spectators each remove a card and put it in other pile, performer knows both after looking through one of the piles, also over phone
2005 27
Karl Fulves Phone Detective previous "Clockwork" deck as telephone trick
2005 55
Karl Fulves Telephone Stud further credits for "Calling Ms. Modulo"
Related to 2005 66
Karl Fulves Moe By Phone and further references for the plot
2005 67
Karl Fulves Age Related four cards chosen, additional card placed in box, medium names hidden card after some of the others are called, inspired by Age Cards trick
2005 6
Karl Fulves Transliterate medium is called and described spectator and names chosen card
2005 93
Theodore Annemann Call Me Up Sometime person calls during the show and names the card someone selected
Also published here 2005 27
Steve Beam Sans Cards binary code using objects to transmit card to medium
2006 218
Max Maven Phonomenon spectator selects card by cutting off cards and dealing into three pile, then remembering the bottom card of one of the piles, deck assembled and order read off to medium at the phone which then divines card
Inspired by Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
William H. McCaffrey, Roberto Giobbi The Telephone Trick medium is called who reveals name of selection
Related to 2006 14
Stewart James Card V Four cards in a group of five will secretly code the identity of the fifth card, done over telephone
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Tops, Dec 1961
2007 139
Joshua Jay Call The Wizard person called who divines selection, force
2008 50
Alain Choquette Cell Mate phone numbers on back of cards, spectator choses card face-up and face-down, dials phone number and person names other selection
2013 23
Robert Cassidy Celluphone during show medium is called
2013 323
Michael Weber, Tim Trono With an Accomplice person is called that divines the card
  • A Sample Demonstration
2021 6