47 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Think a Card / Five Card Mental Force
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dai Vernon The Vernon Five-Card Mental Force No. 35
1935 33
Dai Vernon The Five Card Mental Force
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 30
Dai Vernon Vernon's Psychological Force Five Card Mental Force
1938 343
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon's Mental Force
1940 271
Eddie Joseph Thought Transference five card mental force, card to pocket out with four duplicates
1942 23
Ormond McGill, Dai Vernon Psychological Locations first three cards, then five cards (Vernon's "Five Card Mental Force" credited here to Arthur Buckley)
Related to 1951 23
Dick Johnson Group Reception version of Vernon's Five Card Mental Force, on stage, majority of audience chose same card out of five
1961 31
Dai Vernon Vernon Five Card Mental Force
Variations 1962 20
James Steranko Take Five spectator removes any five cards, remembers one and performer divines it, risky
1962 25
Gerald Kosky Vernon's F.C.M.F. outs for the Five Card Mental Force
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 386)
David Bornstein You Find One! card with odd back placed on table
Inspired by June 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 62)
Edward Marlo Five Card Mental or "I Have It" one of five
1968 107
Edward Marlo Simple Mental Five card thought from five-card packet is divined
1971 36
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Trick With Five Cards No. 597, "They usually choose the 5H which is in the middle.", one of five cards thought of, it vanishes and reappears in packet face up
1972 166
Gerald Kosky On My Mind card ends up at impossible location, Himber wallet
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 87)
Gerald Kosky Vernon's F.C.M.F. out for Five Card Mental Force
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 71
Gerald Kosky Tele-Mental one of five thought of card starts to move by itself
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 133
Nick Trost An Out for the Vernon Force Using odd back
Inspired by 1976 10
Allan Slaight Fource of Hearts Vernon's Five Card Mental Force combined with prediction in envelope, Himber Wallet
Inspired by 1976
Magick (Issue 160)
Dai Vernon 5 Card Mental Force
Also published here 1976
Magick (Issue 165)
Paul Rylander The Ultra Effect prediction on slip, for five card mental force
Inspired by 1976
Magick (Issue 169)
Karl Fulves 5-Card Mental Force Vanish card vanishes
1977 10
Allan Slaight Five-Card Mental out
Related toAlso published here 1978 1115
Allan Slaight Slaight's Sequel mental speller
Also published here 1978 1116
Dennis Marks The Ultimate Out combination of Vernon's Five Card Mental Force and Phantini's Mind Stripper, as an out
Related to June 1982
Magick (Issue 307)
Edward Marlo Vernon Mental Force Handling
1983 47
Thomas Alan Waters Tricessive one behind triple prediction, ESP Symbol, vowels and one of five cards
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychl)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott, Dai Vernon Cicar-Dai! Vernon's Mental Force done as a "Major Effect" for the entire audience, with jumbo cards
Inspired by Apr. 1985
Magick (Issue 350)
Don Hendrix Tidal Wave using 52 on one jumbo card with post it on back with prediction of chosen card
Feb. 1987
Magick (Issue 385)
George Pughe Adaptation of Vernon's Five Card Mental Trick
1994 1054
Allan Slaight Five-Card Mental No. 23
Also published here 1995 41
Harry G. Franke Vernon's Mental Force, Certain(ly)
Feb. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Dai Vernon The Five Card Mental Force
Also published here 1999 26
Jack Avis Outs for Vernon's Mental Force 1. The spelling solution
2. The Mexican solution
3. The Siva solution
4. The display count solution
2002 49
David Acer Five Card Mental Farce
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 8)
Max Maven Suggested Confessions for a Road Warrior reply to the Five Card Mental Force article
Related to Oct. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 10)
Richard Killion, Looy Simonoff, Frank Tougas, Werner G. Seitz Messages
Related to Dec. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 12)
Luke Jermay A Darker Dai Routine for Five Card Mental Force
Inspired by
  • "Terasabos" (Rick Maue, Book of Haunted Magick, 2000)
2002 29
Jerry K. Hartman Vernon Certain one of five cards thought of, handkerchief put over them, performer removes four cards, mental selection remains
June 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 15)
David Acer Confessions of a Road Warrior #12: Five Card Mental Farce
Also published here 2004 345
Jack Parker Thought Provoker poker-themed out for Vernon's Five Card Mental Force
Inspired by 2007 77
Allan Slaight Five-Card Mental out
Also published here 2008 62
Allan Slaight Slaight's Sequel mental speller
Also published here 2008 63
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2016 36
Tom Frame Psyboards card thought of from five-card packet is only odd-backed card
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2005
2022 428
Jerry K. Hartman Psyboards Variation multiple outs
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2006
2022 471
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2022 865