202 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to Pocket / Multiple Cards / Travelers
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Just Once More - The Aces one palm
1933 16
The Migratory Aces with travelers finale
1940 252
The Run Around Aces stranger card
1940 378
Dr. Jacob Daley, Paul LePaul The Bashful Queens three Queens on the table change to indifferent cards. All four Queens are found in four different pockets
Related toVariations 1949 179
Dai Vernon The Travelers
Variations 1950
Stars of Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Cards to Pockets II three cards to three different pockets
1952 93
Milton Kort The Travelers (Lazy Man's Style) no palm, duplicates
Related to Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 293)
Roy Walton Eight Ladies? four Queens are found then placed on table where they change into Eights, Queens found in four different pockets
Inspired by 1955
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Travelers before Color Changing Deck as delaying technique
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Harry Lorayne Magician vs. Gambler cards to pocket finale
Related toVariations 1964 27
Dai Vernon The Migratory Cards Travelers
1970 12
Dai Vernon Telekinetic Cards Travelers with envelope finale
1970 34
Allan Ackerman Mass Transit only one palm
1971 26
Allan Ackerman Simplex Travelers
1971 29
Allan Ackerman C.T.A.
1971 30
Allan Ackerman Suggestions handling tips
1971 31
Edward Marlo New Aces To Pockets
Also published here Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Brother John Hamman Double Surprise Elevator Ace through Four of Spades in row on table, rise to top of packet, change to Hearts and the Spades cards are in three pockets and on chair of performer
Also published here Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Four Aces From Different Packets No. 33, probably means "pockets", not "packets", but no real details on structure
1972 13
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Psychological Matching Up Trick No. 340, with pocket finale, two cards can be pre-loaded
Related to 1972 95
Dai Vernon Special Notes No. 428, "Dai Vernon solution for 4 card packet routine", four-card control sequence with slip cuts, cards lost in center one by one, Vernon follow-up routine to produce them again from different pockets
1972 119
Edward Marlo Needed a Title Aces transform to Tens and to Aces, Tens from different pockets, standing and sitting version
1974 186
Dai Vernon Palming early version of "The Travellers"
1976 4
Edward Marlo The Sting Gambler vs. Magician, no palm cards to pockets climax
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Rick Johnsson Armchair Travelers Aces travel to pockets and change back color, seated
1976 25
Edward Marlo Marlo's Impact combo using Aces, envelopes with holes, Kings, pockets
  • 1st method
  • 2nd method (With No Gaffed Envelopes)
Inspired byVariations 1977 11
Edward Marlo Transposition - Transition - Reproduction fours to fives, combo
1977 322
Karl Fulves Sidelines credit information on the following plots
  • Magician Makes Good
  • The Travelers
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #9)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Travelers two methods
Related to 1977
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #9)
Dai Vernon Note Travelers as follow-up for Matching the Cards
1977 9
Gordon Bruce The Tired Travellers seated, two cards
Related to June 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Dr. Jacob Daley, Frank Garcia "Doc" Daley's Masterpiece: The Gambler and the Magician
Variations 1980 50
Edward Marlo Quadruple Fingertip Cards to Pocket four peeked cards to four different pockets, double facer with divided cards on one side
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Danny Korem Seven Signed Cards to the Pocket to pockets, teeth, wallet, pendulum holdout
Related to 1980 4
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Magician Vs Gambler cards to pocket finale, more thorough description
Inspired by 1980 16
Dai Vernon Card to Wallet as Travellers Climax
1980 7
Richard Kaufman Quadruple Fingertip Cards to Pockets duplicates and four-way-forcing deck
1981 140
Stephen Tucker QuadraQueen 3 matching the cards with Travelers finale, using a coin
Variations July 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 3)
David Solomon Pre-set Reset travelers kicker
Related toVariations 1982 82
Juan Tamariz Ases Viajeros last Ace appears in impossible pocket, various ideas, half of one Ace found in pocket other half in purse
1982 18
Steve Biller Mr. Biller's Wild Ride twisting with transformation kicker and cards to case, pockets, under spectator
Variations 1983 40
Edward Marlo No Palm Travelers signed, topit on both sides
1984 305
Edward Marlo Almost No Palm Travelers
1984 307
Jerry Sadowitz The Five of Diamonds oil and queens, followed by royal couples into pockets
Related to 1984 24
Larry Jennings Ambidextrous Travellers for the Elmsley credit see p. 48 of Marlo's Magazine 6
Related toVariations 1986 233
Alfonso Aceituno The Vanishing Traveler travelers with deck to pocket climax
Related to June/July 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Roberto Giobbi Ein abgekartetes ... Risiko matching the cards with Travelers finale, stand-up presentation with glasses
Inspired by 1987 4
Steve Draun The Nouveau Travellers old structure, new sleights
Also published here 1987 13
Thomas Hierling Reset vs. Gambler Aces change to Kings, then back and Kings found in pockets
Inspired by 1987 31
Roberto Giobbi Die Ärmelwanderung der Asse travelers with last card to wallet
1987 30
José Carroll Travellers... Through the Case signed Aces from cased deck to four pockets
  • Variations
    • First Variation
    • Second Version (Lightning Version)
VariationsAlso published here 1988 105
Edward Marlo Ace 2-3-4 to Pockets ambidextrous travelers
Inspired by 1988 48
Edward Marlo The Effect multiple sandwich with queens, change to kings, they vanish, queens and kings in four pockets
1988 53
Jerry Sadowitz The Card that doesn't go to Pocket card to pocket with repeat in which deck except selection travels to different pockets
1989 64
David Williamson Double-Time Travelers two aces produced at a time
Inspired by 1989 64
Karl Fulves Excursion Aces pushed into different parts of deck, deck slapped, only Aces remain and deck traveled to four pockets, posed as problem
1989 37
Randy Wakeman A Frantic Tumble & A Shy Goodbye transformation kicker and Aces in different pockets
Inspired by 1989 144
Bruce Cervon, Alex Elmsley The Fabulous Cards to Pocket three cards, clean without duplicates
Inspired by 1990 59
Hippie Torrales Queen's Tour Queens change backs and to Aces, Queens travel into pockets
Mar. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 3)
John Bannon Tourist Class Travellers
Related to 1990 25
John Bannon Travelling Jack's Sideshow Aces jacks vanish from their packets, fourth packet transforms into aces, jacks from pockets
1990 28
Michael Ammar The Pocket 'o Mystery three cards to pant pockets and fly
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Alexander de Cova Traveller's Triumph using body servante
1990 20
Wesley James WJ Travellers
1990 5
David Solomon One, Two, Three, Four Exchange four signed Jacks on the table change places one by one with the Ace, Two, Three and Four of Clubs previously placed in four different pockets. Then, the Ace, Two, Three and Four travel back to the pockets again.
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 7
Michael Powers Squeezing the Jacks twisting routine with four Jacks, they change into Aces, Jacks are found in different places
Inspired by 1990 16
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - Fourth Effect four spectators think of four cards like before, they vanish and are produced from four pockets
1990 196
Larry Jennings Gambler’s Kings to Magician’s Pockets Kings change to Aces, Kings produced from different pockets,
Also published here 1990 4
Larry Jennings Up in Smoke only four cards in hand, they vanish with a puff of cigarette smoke and reappear in four pockets, two methods
Also published here 1990 12
Edward Marlo Gambler Versus Olram
June 1991 11
Jon Racherbaumer Cabbages & Kings Aces removed, change to Kings one by one, back to Aces and Kings from pocket, then packet elevator, then Open Travellers
Inspired by 1991 1
Jerry K. Hartman Travellers' Aid using pockets and wallet
Variations 1991 222
Jack Carpenter Multiplex Reset Reset combined with double Travelers
  • Preliminary display sequence
  • Reset phase
  • The Double Travelers Phase
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1992 21
Alexander de Cova Traveller's Triumph using body servante
1992 148
Jack Carpenter Multiplex Reset Reset combined with double Travelers
  • Preliminary display sequence
  • Reset phase
  • The Double Travelers Phase
Also published here Nov. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Steve Draun Nouveau Travelers old structure, new sleights
Also published here 1993 122
William Goodwin Pickpocket Collectors Kings in hand, three selections in different pockets, selection appear between Kings, Kings vanish and travel to pockets
1993 1
Peter Duffie Mind Games Aces change to Kings between two Jokers one by one, then back to Aces, Kings at different places
Inspired by 1993 20
Larry Jennings Walking Man four cards signed and lost, they travel into both shoes, and both socks
Apr. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Vicente Canuto, Harry Lorayne, Frank Garcia El Mago Contra el Tahúr with cards to pocket finale
Inspired by 1993 178
Alex Elmsley En Voyage Ace to Three travel to pocket one by one, then all to different pockets
Variations 1994 233
Darwin Ortiz The Showdown with card to wallet and folded to key case
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1995 128
Aaron Fisher Here, There, and Everywhere first the Kings travel to the pockets, then the whole deck disappears, leaving only the Kings and a previously selected card
Also published here 1995 10
Jack Carpenter Pocket Interchange one by one the four Aces change into the Kings that were previously placed into pocket, Aces are shown to have jumped to both pockets (two in each), then Kings instantly vanish and are produced from both pockets, all Kings and Aces can be signed
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 3)
Larry Jennings, Steve Ehlers, Eric T. Dockery, Jack Carpenter Pocket Interchange Revisited handling variations of "Pocket Interchange" (see reference)
  • Dockery's Finesse (small touch)
  • Ehlers' Display Sequence (updated handling to set up)
  • Jennings' Reset Sequence (variation of entire Interchange sequence)
  • Final Observations (see p. 12)
Inspired by 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Steve Bedwell Subtle Travellers using tube from breast pocket to outer pocket
Related to 1995 ca. 9
Michael Close Stupid Travelers comedy presentation, ambidextrous travelers in which spectator has jacket on and removes cards as finale
Variations 1996 110
Jon Racherbaumer While Waiting For Godot Aces change to Kings and back, kings to pocket, followed by more routines, see below
Related to 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
James Swain Gambler's Miracle four Kings on table change to Aces, Kings in different pockets
Inspired by 1996 52
Baltazar Fuentes Phantom Kings Kings change to Aces, three Kings removed from pockets, Aces change into last King, Aces from different pockets, three duplicates
1996 7
Michael "Miki" Scheid Eine königliche Komödie Matching the Card with Travelers finale
  • 1. Akt: Exposition - Drei Könige treten auf
  • 2. Akt: Irrung und Verwandlung
  • 3. Akt: Katharsis
Inspired by 1996 130
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces to Pocket travellers-combo, duplicate Ace
  • Version One
  • Version Two
Variations 1997 195
Ken Krenzel Gravity Travelers
1997 161
Steve Bedwell Repeat Cards to Pocket travelers, using tube from breast pocket to outer pocket, with repetition
Related to 1997 1334
Karl Fulves Commuter Cards "Unsolved Mysteries"
two-deck travelers, spectator distributes Aces in his pockets, performer makes Aces vanish from his deck and pulls them out of matching pockets, posed as a problem
Variations 1997 147
David Solomon Unhappy Student (A, 2, 3, 4 Exchange) with Travelers kicker, three double facers
VariationsAlso published here 1997 107
Tom Craven Solution to Commuter Cards two-deck travelers, spectator distributes Aces in his pockets, performer makes Aces vanish from his deck and pulls them out of matching pockets
Inspired by 1998 201
Guy Hollingworth Travellers
Variations 1999 62
Guy Hollingworth Packet Travelers selection vanishes from Ace packet and appears in pocket repeatedly, then only selection remains and Aces are found in different pockets, posed as a problem
Variations 1999 84
Milton Kort Travelers Without Palms Lazy version of Travelers
Inspired byRelated to 1999 109
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note simplified Travellers with only one palm, four Aces are paper clipped and put in trouser pocket, then removed from different pockets
1999 35
John Lovick Multiplex Interchange Kings placed in pocket, one by one the Aces change into Kings, they change back to Aces, Kings are produced from both pockets, the Aces instantly vanish and are produced from both pockets
  • Silverman Alternate Display Sequence (p. 38): alternative procedure to get into trick
Inspired byRelated to 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Gregory Wilson King-Size Travelers Travelers without jacket (Kings travel to front pants pockets and back pockets) and without deck, two Kings begin preloaded - see reference
Related to 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
Tom Stone Ambivalent Travellers travelers with two torn cards (four pieces)
Also published here 2000 4
Barry Price LightSpeed Cards To Pocket with a "LightSpeed Device" in the pocket that isn't explained in detail
Variations 2000 38
Barry Price Chanel No. 2 with a "LightSpeed Device" in the pocket that isn't explained in detail
Inspired by 2000 44
Barry Price Impossible Triple Revelation three signed cards to three different pockets
2000 27
George McBride Home to Roost two cards travel to two different pockets, repeat
Inspired by 2000 34
John Cornelius Instant Travelers one palm, topit
2001 15
Brother John Hamman Double Surprise Elevators Ace through Four of Spades in row on table, rise to top of packet, change to Hearts and the Spades cards are in three pockets and on chair of performer
Also published here Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Marc DeSouza I'd Give My Right Arm To Be Ambidextrous with repeat, stop watch presentation
Inspired by 2001 95
David Acer The First Ace Revisited alternative handling
2001 110
R. Paul Wilson Travelling Tales
Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Aaron Fisher Here, There, and Everywhere first the Kings travel to the pockets, then the whole deck disappears, leaving only the Kings and a previously selected card
Also published here 2002 119
Darwin Ortiz Hitchcock Travelers signed tabled Aces are removed from pockets, cards on table have changed to previous selections
Inspired by
  • "Private Conference" (René Lavand, Magic from the Soul)
Related to
  • Strong Magic, p. 201
2002 112
Bob King Challenge Cards to Pocket
2002 6
Bob King Magician v. Gambler four Queens produced and signed, then matching the cards with travelers finale
Related to 2002 15
Peter McLanachan The Square-Go matching the cards after losing signed four-of-a-kind, travelers finale
Inspired by Jan. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Aldo Colombini Narrow Margin spectator cuts to three Aces, then a Ten, Aces are changed to Tens, then to Kings, Aces found reversed in center and Kings in different pockets
Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue)
Tom Stone Tracking Mr. Fogg thoughts on the Ambidextrous Travelers plot
  • Footprints
  • Passepartout
  • The Wager
  • Introducing Fix
Also published here 2002 1
Tom Stone Ambivalent Travellers Travelers with two torn cards (four pieces)
Also published here 2002 4
Tom Stone Warning - Bridge out further thoughts on the Ambidextrous Travelers plot
  • Slap!
  • A Sinister Man (includes letter exchanges with Stephen Minch)
Also published here 2002 13
Tom Stone Mr. Fogg four signed cards travel into one pocket, then in different pockets
Also published here 2002 18
Kris Nevling Quartered Travelers quarters of a card are found in four different pockets
Also published here Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Wesley James Named Travelers "final", named four-of-a-kind appears on top, then travelers
2004 125
Wesley James Follow That Card II "alpha"
  • Phase I: Ace through Four of Clubs & Spades are sympathetic, with additional red cards in play
  • Phase II: repeat variation
  • Phase III: follow the leader with the two four-card packets
  • Phase IV: four spades put in different pockets, clubs vanish and reappear with spades as pairs in pocket
Inspired by
  • "Follow That Card" (Bro. John Hamman, marketed item)
2004 208
Justin Hanes Fast Forward Aces deck vanish finale
2004 13
Dave Campbell Lazy Travellers single palm, duplicates
2004 313
Larry Jennings Gambler's Kings To Magician's Pockets Kings change to Aces, Kings produced from different pockets
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2005 11
Larry Jennings Up In Smoke only four cards in hand, they vanish with a puff of cigarette smoke and reappear in four pockets, two methods
Also published here 2005 50
Allan Ackerman Finesse the Finessed Travelers including a deck switch
Related toVariations 2005 23
Allan Ackerman The Prequel and Sequel Aces transpose with card in pocket, McDonald's Aces is performed, Aces travel to pockets, designed to ring double facers in and out
Also published here 2005 32
Allan Ackerman An Impromptu Finesse the Finessed
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 53
Allan Ackerman No Palm Travelers Kings signed and lost, then cut to, change to Aces, Kings from pockets, handling updated in 2005
Also published here 2005 24
Allan Ackerman A Double Jack Twisting, Reset, traveler climax
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2005 29
Joshua Jay Overlap Travelers
2005 107
Erik Nordvall Twisting Travellers Four Queens turn face down one by one and then change to Aces. Two Queens found in the deck, two Queens in two different pockets. Then Aces are gone, and found in four different pockets.
2006 7
Darwin Ortiz Deck to Pocket Climax for Travelers
2006 96
Harvey Cohen Simple Travelers
2007 253
Edward Marlo New Aces to Pockets
Also published here 2007 190
David Solomon Unforshadowed Re-Set travelers kicker
Related to Mar. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Steve Reynolds Mr Fogg Tracked Down Travelers with a minimal-palm approach
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 65
Aaron Fisher Steal Your Face: The Real Bicycle Thief
  • Tension, Focus, and Design in Card Magic
only Kings in hand, they travel to different pockets
  • On Chuck Smith's Final Card
Inspired by July 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 7)
Tom Stone Tracking Mr. Fogg thoughts on the Ambidextrous Travelers plot
  • Footprints
  • Passepartout
  • The Wager
  • Introducing Fix
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 79
Tom Stone Ambivalent Travelers Travelers with two torn cards (four pieces)
Also published here 2010 83
Tom Stone Warning - Bridge out further thoughts on the Ambidextrous Travelers plot
  • Slap!
  • A Sinister Man (includes letter exchanges with Stephen Minch)
Also published here 2010 92
Tom Stone Mr. Fogg four signed cards travel into one pocket, then in different pockets
Also published here 2010 95
John Guastaferro, Alfonso Aceituno Post-Production: An optional kicker
Inspired by 2010 13
Troy Hooser Troy-velers Travelers, four signed cards, travel to pockets and wallet, with one transformation
Inspired by 2010 98
Steve Reynolds Mr. Fogg Tracked Down Travelers with a minimal-palm approach
Also published here Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Darwin Ortiz Doppelganger travelers, suits according to spectator's wishes
Inspired by 2012 197
Allan Ackerman Another Ride on the Mass Transit
Also published here 2012 61
Juan Tamariz The First-Class Tourists
2012 10
Benjamin Earl Travelling Isolation
2013 15
Steven Hamilton Tough Travellers ambidextrous travelers in which spectator has jacket on and removes cards as finale
Inspired byVariations 2013 49
Michael Vincent A Study of a Classical Plot discussion of Travelers and the evolution of this routine
2013 7
Michael Vincent The Ultimate Travelers routine comprised of the following three phases
Inspired by 2013 13
Michael Vincent Phase Three: The Travelers - The Ultimate Challenge clean, set up during previous phase
2013 23
Michael Vincent Credits and Inspirational Sources comments on various published handlings of "The Travelers" and card to pocket routines
2013 31
Christian Scherer Die fehlende Seite travelers routine, using topit
Also published here 2014 306
Benjamin Earl Followers for finale deck vanishes and leaves last Ace behind
2015 12
Karl Fulves The Bicycle Thief four Kings signed on back are placed in different pockets, then performer cuts to four Kings in deck which do not have signatures, then the signatures appear on them, they are lost and then removed from the pockets
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Roberto Giobbi Flashback (Cutback) plot idea
Hidden Agenda (Issue May 12)
Roberto Giobbi A Comedy of Errors Queens change into other matching set, Queens from different pockets, standup staging with glasses
2016 144
Dai Vernon The Travelers updated handling
Inspired by 2018 176
Dai Vernon, Paul LePaul Card to Envelope Finale
Related to 2018 180
Johnny Thompson Travelers Suggestions
  • wallet finale (Ron Wilson's Washington Wallet)
  • using selections
  • using named four-of-a-kind
  • without jacket into back pockets
2018 182
Allan Ackerman Traveling the Crossroads Aces signed, spectator selects four cards with turn out to be Jacks, all cards lost and Aces travel into different pockets
Inspired by
  • "Cross-Road Travelers" (Steve Reynolds, Seek 52)
Also published here
2019 81
Yves Carbonnier Jack et les Joueurs de Poker magician vs. gambler, Aces change to Kings, then to Eights, Aces found in pockets and Kings in sealed envelope
2019 128
Helder Guimarães Ode to Impossibility with three signed cards
2019 144
José Carroll Travelers through the Card Case signed Aces from cased deck to four pockets
  • Variations
    • The First Variation
    • The Second Version (The Lightning Version)
Also published here 2019 166
Bébel In the Pocket! Aces travel from center of deck to four pockets, then change to Kings, Aces back in center of deck
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 2 (Spring #2))
Andi Gladwin Castle Jacks
  • Even More Memory Man (shuffled deck apparently memorized, naming position of selection, finding four-of-a-kind)
  • Glassical Assembly (Jacks signed and put in glass, three removed one at a time to make them vanish on deck, reappear in glass)
  • Travelers (with deck vanish finale)
Inspired by 2020 187
Steve Reynolds Travelers Introduction comments on the plot
Output (Issue 8)
Steve Reynolds Off-Beat Travelers dummy cards in pocket
Inspired by 2020
Output (Issue 8)
Steve Reynolds Tech-Less Multiplex Reset Interchange effect, then both quartets brought together, one vanishes and is back in pockets
Inspired by 2020
Output (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo Easy and Convincing Gambler's Kings to Pockets Kings change to Aces, Kings produced from different pockets
Inspired by 2020
Output (Issue 10)
John Carney Four Gone bare-handed routine, four Aces appear and vanish one at a time, then come from different pockets
Inspired by 2020 118
Steve Reynolds Beyond the Wild Travelers Reset combined with double Travelers
Inspired by 2021
Output (Issue 15)
Steve Reynolds Updated SRO Travelers no palm, preliminary production sequence
Inspired by
  • "Ambidextrous Card Shark" (Steve Reynolds, S.R.O., 2010)
Output (Issue 20)
John Graham MVG Magician vs. Gambler, signed cards to pockets and wallet as climax
Inspired by 2021 29
Jeremiah Zuo The Hollingworth Problem selection vanishes from Ace packet and appears in pocket repeatedly, then only selection remains and Aces are found in different pockets
  • The First Trip to a Pocket
  • The Second Trip to a Pocket
  • The Kicker: The Distraction Cards Travel
Inspired by Aug. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Francisco Mousinho Burly Travelers four cards produced with story (no quartet), then ambidextrous travelers in which spectator has jacket on and removes cards as finale, last card sewn into jacket pocket
Inspired by 2022 35
Kris Nevling Quartered Travelers quarters of a card are found in four different pockets
Also published here 2022 144
Helge Thun Die Taschen voller Geschenke seven cards selected, six are found in different ways and lost again, then those six cards are removed from different pockets, last card folded in match box
2022 47
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Vallarino's Pocket Queens lost in deck and deck is cased, Queens removed from different pockets
2022 244
Manu Jo A Performative Ace Hold Out Aces are placed in pocket, case, reversed in deck and on top of deck, they change into Kings where they are, then Aces are found in pocket, case, reversed in deck and Kings fuse into final Ace
The Neat Review (Issue 5 - Paris 2022)
Helge Thun Duplikat Travellers travelers in which deck travels to pocket, another card appears folded in matchbox and one in another deck that a spectator has been holding from the start
2023 64
Pedro Bryce La Leyenda del Mago contra el Tahúr Four signed Aces instantly travel to pockets and the last signed Ace is found inside wallet held by spectator from the beginning.
Inspired by 2023 63
Luke Jermay Departure chosen signed four-of-a-kind travels from deck to different pockets that have previously been shown empty, two dummy signatures on duplicates
2023 15
Allan Ackerman The Prequel and the Sequel Aces transpose with card in pocket, McDonald's Aces is performed, Aces travel to pockets, designed to ring double facers in and out
Also published here 2024 82
Fenik, Allan Ackerman Reverse 2001 Queens assemble, change to Aces, Aces vanish, Queens are at original positions and Aces in different pockets
Inspired by
  • "Blast 88" (Fenik, The Code)
2024 87
Allan Ackerman No-Palm Travelers Kings signed and lost, then cut to, change to Aces, Kings from pockets
  • Additional Thoughts (using one palm, or topit)
Also published here 2024 93
Allan Ackerman Another Ride on the Mass Transit
Also published here 2024 134
Allan Ackerman Traveling the Crossroads Aces signed, spectator selects four cards with turn out to be Jacks, all cards lost and Aces travel into different pockets
Also published here 2024 168
Allan Ackerman A Double Jack Twisting (Maxi-Twist), Reset, traveler climax
Also published here 2024 78
Allan Ackerman, Alfonso Aceituno An Impromptu Finesse the Finessed
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2024 118
Jamie Masterson Jamie's Wild Ride
  • Phase One: Purist Twister
  • Phase Two: Aces to Queens
  • Phase Three: Aerial Queens to Pocket
  • Phase Four: Signed Aces from Pockets Climax
2024 131
Alexander Hansford Whilst Out Of Sight (A Reset) Jacks placed in four pockets, Aces in hand change to Jacks, Aces shown in pockets, all eight cards lost, Jacks travel to four pockets once more
  • Alternative (better) Andy Frost Ending (Andrew Frost)
  • Alternative Fully Clean Transposition
2024 20
Alexander Hansford Thought Of Card To Pocket thought-of (and removed by the spectator before it is lost again) card travels to pocket, it is placed under the card case and vanishes from there to again travel into the pocket along with its three mates, deck vanishes and found in pocket
2024 84
Alexander Hansford Sudden Travelling Light signed cards, only one palm
2024 116
Christian Scherer The Missing Page travelers routine, using topit
Also published here 2024 319