124 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Topological Effects / Fusion
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Norman Houghton Stranger of Another Colour "Stranger of Another Color", blue-backed card fuses to the face of a red-backed selection, no signatures
Related toVariations Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Art Spring Matched Cards top and bottom cards are initialed, they fuse into one after deck has been cut, see p. 308 for reference
Related toVariations Aug. 1969 278
Gag Fusion two cards are said to travel together into the deck, they become a double facer, "originated, I think, in England some time ago"
Related to Dec. 1969 308
James G. Thompson Jr. Joint Signature "based on a card problem entitled Two-Card Quadrille", card signed on back by spectator as prediction, turns out to be later selection which is signed on the face
Variations Oct. 1970 365
Karl Fulves Future Minus odd backed card underneath cardboard, another card signed is put underneath as well, they become one signed odd-backed card
Related toVariations 1971 39
Roger Smith Card-O-Matic Writing one spectator signs back of a card and one face of another card, signatures end up on same card
Jan. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Mike Rogers Minus One odd backed card underneath cardboard, another card signed is put underneath as well, they become one signed odd-backed card
Inspired by Mar. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 20)
Karl Fulves Frame Analysis card predicted on other card, then performer signs a card on the face that is in case, spectator another on back, then the cased card has both signatures on front and back
1975 226
Richard Kaufman, David Arthur, Gene Maze Fusion two jokers become double backer which is examined, when peeled apart again they are two selections
Variations 1981 47
Richard Kaufman Layer by Layer two mates become double backer which is examined, when peeled apart again it splits into mates and a selection
1981 55
Paul Harris, Looy Simonoff The Beast With Two Backs prediction, then two cards fuse back to back
1981 113
Phillip Young Swiveled Six and Ace fuse to a Seven, Dr. Elliott's Change
1982 7
Phillip Young What Floor Please? Ace, Two and Three packet ambitious card, then Two and Three change into a Five and ace changes color
1982 21
Meir Yedid Signa-Fusion signed back and signed front of two cards
1982 86
Gary Ouellet, Meir Yedid, Guy Camirand, Paul Belanger Fused Thoughts ideas for Signa-Fusion
1982 97
Jay Sankey Transfusion (Stereo) open double backer, four of a kind production
1983 70
Karl Fulves Ah Ha two blank cards under spectator's hand fuse into one with drawing of named card, mirror writing
1983 107
Richard Kaufman Fusion two blank cards become double backer which is examined, when peeled apart again they are two selections, then blank again
Inspired by 1984 20
Peter Samelson New York Transpo signed card is only odd-backed card, transposes with card signed on back, then they merge into one card
Inspired by 1984 73
Ben Harris Signed Blendex odd-backed card finds signed selection, then becomes signed selection
1985 484
Steve Beam Making Faces fusion and split of two cards
1985 115
Jay Sankey Hotfoot ambitious sequence with signed card, then with second card, fusion
Related toVariations 1986 76
Eric Mead Signed Stunner spectator signs card on face, performer different one on back, both signatures on one card at the end
Variations Nov. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Ben Harris Blendex Odd backed card stabbed into deck by spectator to find selection. Odd backed card vanishes, appears fused onto the back of the selection. Magician then peels the fused card apart.
1986 31
Thomas Hierling Jumping Signature card signed on face between two Aces, card signed on back between other two Aces, one vanishes and other card is signed on both sides
1987 96
Father Cyprian Quick Change as fusion technique
1987 60
Gary Kurtz Two On One card signed on the back fuses with card signed on the front
1988 16
Gary Kurtz Psychological Fusion "a.k.a. Two on One", card signed on the back fuses with card signed on the front
Variations 1988 26
Wayne Dobson The Jumping Signature spectator signs card on face, performer another card on back, signature jumps on back of spectator's card
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Roy Walton Magic Sign spectator signs card on face, performer another card on back, signature jumps on back of spectator's card
Related to May 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Karl Fulves, Don Stewart on Splitting and Fusion for magicians, dated to 1950s
1989 33
Wesley James Forgery fusion of card with odd-backed card
Variations 1990 39
Karl Fulves One and Only red-backed card signed on back and put in wallet, blue-backed card chosen and signed, red card is removed and has now both signatures, using Z-fold Short Change Wallet
Related to 1990
Cheat Sheet (Issue 3)
Wayne Dobson The Jumping Signature spectator signs card on face, performer another card on back, signature jumps on back of spectator's card
Also published here 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. Opus Selection)
Jerry K. Hartman Middle Joint signed card fuses with card from different deck
Variations 1991 628
Tom Mullica The Signature Trick one card is signed on back and one on the front, signature from back is moved to other card
1992 161
Chuck Fayne Double Signed Card two spectators sign one card each on face and back, in the end one card is found with both signatures on face and back
1993 12
Aldo Colombini Apache two cards stuck together and are peeled apart again
Also published here Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Aldo Colombini Love Affair selection and unknown blue-backed card travel together and fuse into one card
Inspired by 1994 6
Darwin Ortiz Bold Fusion creating a double facer
Inspired byVariations 1995 139
David Acer Hot Hands copper and silver coins shown on both sides, they fuse into a copper/silver coin which is openly shown
1995 80
David Acer Mini Fusion deck shrinks to mini deck before selection (Six of Hearts) is replaced, Two and Four of Hearts found in mini deck and fused into poker sized Six, blendo
Inspired by 1995 92
David Acer Emotional Bonding spectator writes positive emotion on face of card, another spectator on the back of another card, the fuse
Also published here
  • Genii, July 1991
1995 106
Aldo Colombini Apache two cards stuck together and are peeled apart again
Also published here 1995 98
Steve Bedwell Siamese Signatures
1995 ca. 6
Paul Harris The Cincinnati Two-Face Blues fusion effect, impromptu with advertisement cards
1996 57
Harry Riser The Distraction Factor blank-faced card with Ace of Clubs printed on the back design pushed in deck, card next to it signed by spectator, eventually the blank face is now the signed face
1996 36
Cold Fusion
1996 3
Doug Conn Conn-Fusion Rules two cards marked on back fuse into double backer
Also published here June 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Frank Zak Restoration Fuse two cards removed, one signed by performer and one by spectator, both torn into quarters, they restore into one double faced card
Feb. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Doug Conn Conn-Fusion two cards marked on back fuse into double backer
Also published here 1997 10
Karl Fulves Red Snapper Ace through Seven of Spades put in frying pan, red-backed mystery card as well, then named card and put in from blue-backed deck, Ace through Seven removed again, only one card remains, it is now red-backed named card
1998 282
Edward Marlo, David Regal K.M. Move with Reverse Fingering as fisible fusion
1999 98
Doug Conn Conn's Fusion two cards marked on back fuse into double backer
Also published here 1999 170
Paul Cummins Fusion Bibliography
1999 174
Gregory Wilson The Name Tag Trick blank deck (“name tags”), spectator signs one, Ambitious Card sequence, signature vanishes and reappears, travels onto another card signed by performer on back
  • Alternative Final Phase: whole deck changes to spectator’s signed card, then changes back and card is produced from pocket
Related to
  • “Blank Ambition” (Seth Kramer, Ruminations, Vol. 1 No. 5, Nov. 1986, p. 4)
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
Jason Tang Meld
Related to Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Jon Racherbaumer Clarifying "Fusion" Confusion credit information
Related toAlso published here
  • Obiter Dicta: Dust-Motes In The Grid (May 1999, GeMiNi Network)
July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
David Acer The Acer File
  • Changes
pips move around on Five & Two of Clubs to Four and Three of Clubs, then fuse to Seven of Clubs, then split back to Five and Two of Clubs
  • Part 1: Transformation
  • Part 2: Fusion
  • Part 3: Fission
Also published here July/Aug. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 54)
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck "Double Signature Transpo"
deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Related toAlso published here 2000 60
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck "Double Signature Transpo"
deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Also published here 2000 5
Aldo Colombini Printing Ahead four blank cards, on one a back appears and on one the face of selection, then they fuse together
2000 7
David Acer Fission, Fusion, Confusion pips move around on Five & Two of Clubs to Four and Three of Clubs, then fuse to Seven of Clubs, then split back to Five and Two of Clubs
Also published here Nov. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 3)
David Knight The Blair Switch Project signature on face of a card and signature on back of other card
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Steve Beam Card Compression four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Also published here 2001 44
Marc DeSouza Twin Transpo X 2 two signed cards travel to wallet, one is held behind back and transposes with card held in front of back, then fusion
2001 37
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Also published here Nov./Dec. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Darwin Ortiz Ultimate Fusion
Inspired by 2002 168
Peter McLanachan Signature Transferral one card signed on back and one on face, they find each other, then signature from back is transferred onto other card
Also published here
  • Aldo Colombini's column in Genii, May 1996
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Roberto Giobbi Pasteboard Blendo
Also published here 2003 1174
Jay Sankey A Short Fuse Two of Clubs (signed on face) fuses with Ace of Clubs (signed on back) to form double signed Three of Clubs
Related to 2003
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Memorable Images)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Compression Agents two cards compressed into one composite (suit of one, value of other) card in sandwich, repeat
Inspired by
  • "Pair Dance" (Roy Walton, Connoisseur Conjuring website, 27th July 2000)
  • "Co-Sign" (Duffie/Robertson, Abracadabra)
2003 18
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Compression Agents Revisited four Twos compressed into two Fours, then one Eight, then into nothing, in sandwich
Inspired by 2003 20
Ori Ashkenazi Two Faces - One Heart
Sep. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 9)
David Acer Changes pips move around on Five & Two of Clubs to Four and Three of Clubs, then fuse to Seven of Clubs, then split back to Five and Two of Clubs
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 21
Wesley James Forgery fusion of card with odd-backed card, credit information
  • Method 1
  • Method 2
  • Method 3 (Preferred Method) - "final"
  • Clean-Up Procedures
  • Further Approaches
  • Progeny (selected references for the plot)
Related to 2004 5
Philip T. Goldstein, Dan Tong Goldstein and Tong Tip tip for "Forgery"
Related to 2004 12
Derek Dingle Derek Dingle Approach tip for "Forgery"
Related to 2004 13
Frank Garcia Frank Garcia Touch tip for "Forgery"
Related to 2004 13
Jay Sankey Short Fuse Two of Diamonds initialed on face, Ace of Diamonds on back, they fuse together into a Three of Diamonds (blendo) initialed on both sides
Inspired by 2004 39
Kostya Kimlat Marriage a la Mode Anniversary Waltz variation
  • The Honeymoon
2004 14
Al Schneider A Marriage of Cards
  • The Schneider Technique
with handkerchief, half deck of double facers and double backers
Oct. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 10)
Peter Gröning, Michael Powers Signed Sealed and Delivered unknown card signed on back, sandwiched with red Jacks and put in card case, another card is signed on face, cased card turns out to be signed on both sides later
  • Signed, Sealed and Delivered the Easy Way
Inspired by 2006 80
Michael Powers Back to Back card signed on face, it is shown to have a blank back, another selection signed on back is shown to have blank face, cards fuse to normal card with both signatures
2006 144
Jean-Jacques Sanvert French Fusion face-to-face and back-to-back phase
Inspired by Jan. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 1)
Tyler Wilson Running Man signed card travels from packet to packet, then fusion of face and back of two signed cards, ungaffed handling for Doc Eason's "Anniversary Waltz", credit information
  • Director's Cut - Alternate Ending
Also published here 2007 7
Dan Buck, Dave Buck, Chad Nelson Shake & Bake Anniversary Waltz
2008 44
Chad Nelson Married and Single
2008 7
James Ward Sentimental Journey two cards signed, they are found and suddenly no longer signed, fused double facer with both signatures found in wallet, rest of deck blank
Inspired by
  • "Anniversary Waltz" (Doc Eason, Chris Carter)
2008 68
Jon Allen 1709 Walkabout without table
2009 99
Tyler Wilson Running Man signed card travels from packet to packet, then fusion of face and back of two signed cards, ungaffed handling for Doc Eason's "Anniversary Waltz"
Also published here 2010 85
Tyler Wilson Fusion Plot Credits
2010 91
Román García El Enigma del Huevo y la Gallina red-backed card is unseen, signed and put it spectator, blue-backed card is signed and placed in the deck, card in pocket has both signatures
2010 25
Jon Racherbaumer Honeymoon Fusion with regular deck
2010 201
David Acer Changes pips move around on Five & Two of Clubs to Four and Three of Clubs, then fuse to Seven of Clubs, then split back to Five and Two of Clubs
Also published here 2011 129
Rich Aviles Wake-Up Call spectator cuts deck into four piles, top four cards removed, bottom four cards have three Aces and an indifferent card, the four removed cards are fused into final Ace
  • Alternate Ending (Royal Flush)
Inspired by 2012 1
Shannon Clark A Mysterious Signature Mystery Card plus Fusion
2012 14
Edward Oschmann Foo Shunned
Dec. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 12)
Takanobu Ishida Card Tapestry Aces are fanned, one is named and Aces are found glued together in a row with chosen Ace reversed
2013 82
Tomas Blomberg Matest
  • Phase one- two spectators select the same card
  • Phase two- ungaffed handling for Doc Eason "Anniversary Waltz"
2014 66
Steve Beam Compresión de Cartas four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Also published here 2014 5
Henry Harrius Face to Face Anniversary Waltz effect, cards fuse to form double backer signed on both sides
Inspired by 2016 10
Giancarlo Scalia 1 Punto in + Five split to Four and Ace and fused back
2016 10
Ryan Schlutz Boxy Waltz selection travels into case, then transposes with second selection, then fusion finale
Also published here 2018 5
Jason Ladanye Game Changer fusion with spectator and performer signed cards, presented as "whose card hits the table first during the deal wins" bet
Inspired byRelated to 2018 37
Jan Logemann Aphrodites Walzer two signed cards fuse
2019 15
Jan Logemann Doppelt hält besser two odd-backed signed cards are torn, two halves each fuse together back to back, red/blue double backer
2019 18
Allan Ackerman Highland Fusion without double facer
Inspired by
  • "Mental Fusion" (John Carey, Carey Scene #3, 2018)
Also published here
2019 62
Ryan Schlutz Boxy Waltz selection travels into case, then transposes with second selection, then fusion finale
Also published here 2020 77
Peter Gröning A Little History credit information on the Fusion effect
2020 9
Peter Gröning Resigned two cards signed on front and back by two spectators, the fuse into double-facer, performer left with two back-signed duplicates
Variations 2020 11
Peter Gröning Half Resigned two cards signed on front and back by performer and spectator, the fuse into double-facer, performer left with back-signed duplicate
2020 20
Peter Gröning Resigned in Color two cards from two decks signed on front and back by two spectators, the fuse into double-facer, performer left with two back-signed duplicates
2020 26
Peter Gröning Resigned by Remote Control two cards signed on front and back by two spectators, the fuse into double-facer, performer left with two back-signed duplicates, handling away from deck
2020 29
Peter Gröning Torn Between Two Worlds selection torn in half, both halves signed by two spectators, they fuse into half a SBS double facer
2020 89
Peter Gröning Signed, Sealed and Delivered unknown card signed on back, sandwiched and cased, later it has the signature of a later signed card as well
VariationsAlso published here
  • TheSecondDeal website, July 1999
  • The Linking Ring, Vol. 82 No. 3, Mar. 2002
2020 108
Edward Marlo Addition and Subtraction center pip of a Five vanishes to make a Four, Ace shows up and back and forth blendo type sequences
Output (Issue 19)
Steve Ehlers Walk Around Waltz
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2007
2022 606
Tyler Wilson Running Man signed card travels from packet to packet, then fusion of face and back of two signed cards, ungaffed handling for Doc Eason's "Anniversary Waltz"
Also published here 2022 696
Christopher Congreave Signature Interlude performer's signature travels on back of spectator-signed card, then deck vanishes except signed card
Inspired by
  • "Simple Fusion" (John Carey, DVD)
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2011
2022 1066
Manu Jo A Performative Ace Hold Out Aces are placed in pocket, case, reversed in deck and on top of deck, they change into Kings where they are, then Aces are found in pocket, case, reversed in deck and Kings fuse into final Ace
The Neat Review (Issue 5 - Paris 2022)
Prakash Puru Heat! two selections are signed on the face, they fuse into one between the hands of two spectators, fair handling
Apr. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 4)
Allan Ackerman Highland Fusion without double facer
Also published here 2024 159
Rune Carlsen Fusion Waltz
Inspired by
  • "Anniversary Waltz" (Doc Eason)
2024 62