19 entries in Cards / Principles / Locator Cards / Short Cards / Short Side (narrow)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jim Wheeler Lost and Found deck in glass, spectator removes deck but selection remains inside, narrow card
The Jinx (Issue 107)
Theodore Annemann Impromptu Tricks Using A "Short" Card general remarks
A. Trimmed End
B. Broken Corner
C. Corner Short
1943 40
John A. M. Howie Ambitious Transpo
Variations June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 204)
Forcing The "Short" brief, short card
1952 19
Edward Marlo Marlo Short Card like single stripper card, with handling and method to locate it like tapping, airing, ...
Related to 1964
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 5 I Shuffled the Cards)
Norman Houghton 7:15 A.M. (after Ravelli) on delaying small stacks
Related to Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Bill Spooner Spooner's Supreme Control locator card control
1973 30
Charles T. Jordan Mephistopheles' Own using two narrow & short and two wide & long cards as key cards for double location with out-of-hand selection
Related to 1975 180
Hannes Höller Kurze Karte several methods of short cards, corner shorts
1978 130
Karl Fulves Disposal Technique getting bridge size card out of poker size deck
1979 4
Tonny Van Rhee Devil's 3-Card Monte using short and narrow cards
Related to July 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Thomas Alan Waters Narrowzarrow simplifying the shuffle with narrow short cards
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Edward Marlo Key Card Subtlety narrow or bellied card and tabled riffle shuffle after placement
1984 85
The Floating Key "This is a control which without question is the best of all methods of controlling a chosen card.", key card which is both narrow and short and punched
1985 21
Judson S. Brown Floater Key short & narrow
1985 16
Alex Elmsley The Colour-Changing Faro Shuffle first published in Jerry Sadowitz' "The Crimp", five times performer cuts to a card, royal flush but with different colored back
1997 9
Tom Gagnon Slug-O-Matic Deck wide/narrow combination, allows riffle shuffle stock control
  • Spectator Shuffles
2013 138
Tom Gagnon Shuffling Monkey spectator riffle shuffles deck with selection and two face-up Jokers in it, afterwards the Jokers sandwich selection, Slug-O-Matic Deck
Inspired by
  • "Monkey in the Middle" (Bill Goldman, marketed)
2013 142
Joshua Jay One Short Card shorting the bottom card of a memorized deck
2024 22