Written by Edward Marlo
Work of Edward Marlo
71 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
95 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Edward Marlo Foreword
Edward Marlo Faro Divider dividing a deck/packet into four piles with an equal number of cards
Edward Marlo Off Center Faro Divider method of dividing deck in four packets of non-equal size of known number
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Controls
  • For Two Cards
  • For Three Cards
Edward Marlo The Un-Weave Faro shuffle that retains groups on bottom or top without weaving them
Edward Marlo Faro Straddle Shuffle definition of in and out for an odd deck
Edward Marlo The Riffle Weave alternating top ten cards during riffle shuffle
Edward Marlo The Clocked Faro tips to speed up consecutive faros
Edward Marlo The Incomplete Faro definition and basic peek procedure
Edward Marlo No Key - Faro Aces without key cards and counting
Related to 5
Edward Marlo Bluff Spacing
Edward Marlo Marlo Placement Cull spread cull procedure to set cards at desired positions from top, e.g. Aces at positions 6-15-19-25
Edward Marlo Key - Faro Aces setting aces as keys for a multiple control
Related to 8
Edward Marlo Marlo Simplex Placement Cull spread cull procedure to set cards at desired positions from top, e.g. Aces at positions 6-15-19-25
Edward Marlo Any Number of Hands shuffled deck, any number of hands named, performer looks through deck, when cards are dealt, the named value four-of-a-kind is in the named hand
Edward Marlo In One Riffle Shuffle stacking four cards in one shuffle, also at different distances, stacking with side-jogged blocks on one side
Edward Marlo Ace Spell aces placed on top, after one riffle shuffle and one faro they can all be spelled out
Edward Marlo Correction on Faro Fooler #12 two separated face up cards come together to sandwich selection
Related to 12
Neal Elias, Edward Marlo Packet Handling for Faro Fooler #12 two separated face up cards come together to sandwich selection, two more methods, see also page 13 for further handling details:
  • Regarding Three Selections and Crimp Card
  • On Packet Handling
  • The No Key Card Triple Selection Discovery
Related to 12
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 1 Aces lost in deck, performer cuts deck in four piles with Aces on top, Kings on bottom, faro
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 2 Aces and Kings lost in deck, performer cuts deck into four piles with Aces and Kings on top and bottom of each, faro
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 3: Faro Speller after spectator's shuffle, performer spells to several cards
Edward Marlo Multiple Placement Glimpse glimpsing four cards, each thirteen cards apart, at once
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 4: Miracle Location with the chance for a miracle effect
John S. Frazee Shuffle Force principle that spectator shuffles top card to bottom in small packet overhand shuffle
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 5: Mental Eliminator one of thirteen memorized cards
Edward Marlo Marlo's Double Discovery two locator cards discover two chosen cards, faro
Edward Marlo Scoop Up Finesse eliminating transfer cut by scooping up deck with top card
Edward Marlo On the Re-Stacking Pack two spectators decide for numbers and remember the cards at their number four times with faros in between, each has a four of a kind
Inspired by 18
Edward Marlo Another Effect is the Following as a number force or book test
Inspired by 19
Edward Marlo 1835 two selections show up at same position in two piles, faro
Edward Marlo Pull Down Control procedure that sets two peeked-at selections at positions nine (or x) from top and bottom
18-35 Principle
Edward Marlo Overhand Placement Control procedure that sets two selections at positions nine (or x) from top and bottom with overhand shuffle
Edward Marlo Thought Determinator "Is your card in this pile?", memorized deck, faro
Related to 21
Edward Marlo Faro Fan Constraint to apparently give a free choice to think of a card, but only half the cards are visible
Edward Marlo Marlo Faro Control - Two Card Faro Control using a locator card
Edward Marlo Three Card Faro Control using a locator card
Edward Marlo Four Card Faro Control using a locator card
Related to 25
Edward Marlo Five Card Faro Control using a locator card
Edward Marlo Six Card Faro Control using a locator card
Edward Marlo Seven Card Faro Control using a locator card (doesn't work? see following version for eight cards)
Edward Marlo Eight Card Faro Control using a locator card
Edward Marlo Nine and Ten Card Faro Control using a locator card
Edward Marlo Opening Procedure for a ten-card-location routine
Edward Marlo Alternation using an eight card faro control to set-up for a Matching the Cards type routine
Edward Marlo Miracle Location with one suit from ace to king set-up, faro and non-faro handling
Edward Marlo A Matching Routine stay stack routine with six phases
Variations 31
Edward Marlo Added Note for Matching Routine stay stack routine, alternative phases
Edward Marlo Double Peek Matching full stack
Edward Marlo Stay Stack Peek two cards peeked at, behind back performer reverses card, it's between the two selections, Marlo's Peek Deck
Edward Marlo Secret Incomplete Faro Condition very fine unsquared condition
Edward Marlo All Around Square Up with deck in secret incomplete faro condition
Edward Marlo Impromptu Peek Deck stay stack, secret incomplete faro condition
Edward Marlo Faro Double Control openly controlling aces while secretly controlling other cards (e.g. kings)
Edward Marlo Aces and Numbers Variation
Inspired by 37
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, for correction see Facsimile reference
Related to 37
Edward Marlo Lessinout Stack Handling see also page 38
Edward Marlo Triple Faro Control openly controlling aces while secretly controlling two more sets of four-of-a-kinds
Edward Marlo Changing of the Cards performer cuts deck in four face up piles, spectator chooses one, face cards of the other three piles are changed to match selection, faro
Edward Marlo The Marlo Peek Deck marked deck, memorized deck
Edward Marlo Thought Togetherness performer and spectator thinks of a card, they are next to each other, memorized deck, faro
Edward Marlo Ace Finders values of four unknown cards locate Aces
Gambler's Bubble Peek
Edward Marlo Marlo Miracle Aces classic faro Ace cutting ("estimation aces"), last Ace found at named number
Related toVariationsAlso published here 44
Bob Veeser A Subtlety for the Spectator Cuts the Aces two Aces are on one pile, bluff sequence, packets assembled one by one and top cards tabled
Variations 46
Edward Marlo Bluff Ace Cutting packets assembled one by one and top cards tabled, bluff
Inspired byRelated to 46
Edward Marlo Marlo's Four Card Miracle four selections, faro control, cut to the Aces with selections
Bob Veeser Acetimation estimation presentation, nail nicked Ace
Bill Simon Acetimation estimation presentation, faro setting
Edward Marlo Acetimation estimation presentation, faro setting, aces on bottom of packets
Edward Marlo Marlo Slide Count basically culling a card to bottom while counting packet, brief
Alex Elmsley Elmsley's Ultra Mental ungaffed
Related to 52
Alex Elmsley Faro Fan
Edward Marlo Marlo's Handling Variation Brainweave
Related to 53
Plunger Principle
Edward Marlo, Alex Elmsley Marlo's Faro Jogs handling possibilities for Alex Elmsley's Faro Fan idea
  • Five Methods
  • Side Jog to Angle Jog
  • Angle Jog to Side Jog
  • Table Faro Angle Jog
  • Up Jogging the Reversed Card (two methods)
Inspired byRelated to 54
Edward Marlo Marlo's Favorite Brainweave
Inspired by 58
Edward Marlo Tabled Faro Fan Set-Up using table faro or only even riffle shuffle to get into Faro Fan configuration
Related to 59
Edward Marlo Treatise of an Original four Aces turn over in spread at once at different positions, faro, tabled and in-the-hands-method
Related to 59
Edward Marlo Faro Ribbon Spread Hide-Out
Edward Marlo Instant Reverse thought-of card (of about twelve) turns over, faro hide-out
Edward Marlo Premeditated Prediction card is fairly selected from shuffled deck, card is predicted in matchbook, using index of twelve matchbooks and statistical principle
Variations 61
Edward Marlo For Nonsmokers card is fairly selected from shuffled deck, duplicate is reversed as prediction in second deck, using statistical principle and faro hide-out
Inspired by 62
Edward Marlo Fixed Faro Jog beveling a deck with jogged cards and placing rubber band around it, so it can be put in pocket without disturbing jog condition
Edward Marlo Never Miss Prediction free selection is reversed in second pack, faro hide-out
Edward Marlo Marlo's Brainwave one of ten thought of, this is reversed and odd-backed, faro fan
Edward Marlo Odd Thought spectator thinks of only odd-backed card in deck, no rough smooth, faro fan
Edward Marlo Oddity Handling named card is odd-backed card, faro fan
Related to 66
Edward Marlo Thoughts on Blind Choice two selections from one deck match two reversed prediction cards in second deck, four methods with different gaffed decks (Ultra Mental Deck, deck with twenty-six different cards duplicated, Audley Walsh's Dream Deck / Koran Deck)
Inspired by
  • "Blind Choice" (Jack Avis, The Gen, June 1962, p. 44)
Edward Marlo Physical and Mental performer places physical selection next to mental selection (one of twenty-six), two phases, half forcing deck, faro fan
Related to 68
Edward Marlo Uses for Half Forcing Deck see at bottom
Edward Marlo Easy Logical Procedure
Inspired by 69
Edward Marlo Ultra Repeat with repeat phase and face-up/face-down challenge location as clean-up, retaining divided deck (odd/even)
Inspired by 69
Edward Marlo The Ultra Equivoce Brainweave, any card can be thought of
Inspired by 71
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2010.