28 entries in Paper / Snow Storm
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Fahnenfabrik in der Hand colored tissue paper to snow storm, then flags appear in hand
July 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Flags and Paper Shavings tissue paper changes into snow storm, then flags produced
1903 351
Michaelis Hermann Melot Herrmann's Papierschnitzel-Kunststück tissue paper changes into confetti, then spring flower bouquet appears
Nov. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli IV. Mimikry routine with tissue paper and hat
  • 1. Die Papierfabrik in der Hand (paper ball changes to confetti with fan, snow storm)
  • 2. Vergehen und Erstehen (paper ball travel to cone inside a hat)
  • 3. Die sich vermehrenden Bälle (ball multiplies under hat and inside balls are presents for spectators)
  • 4. Das japanische Schmetterlingsspiel (butterflies are formed from paper and they start to fly with the aid of a fan, thread on forehead)
1903 86
Louis F. Christianer A Trick with Tissue Paper torn and restored paper strip, snowstorm finale
1915 7
Louis F. Christianer A Tissue Paper Mystery red and white sheet of tissue paper, centers are torn out and restored mis-made into the wrong papers (white has red center and vice versa), then restored correctly, snow storm finale
1916 36
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verzauberter Schnee. No. 18, with fan
1926 60
Franklin M. Chapman Fan It! snowstorm first with red then wit white paper, wet paper and fan
Sep. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Winter-Time in China snowstorm in china
1941 301
Dai Vernon Snow Storm in China
1941/49 38
Jean Hugard Hugard's Butterflies butterflies are torn from a napkin, then snow storm with butterflies done with fan and water
Also published here Aug. 1943 9
Jean Hugard Hugard's Butterflies snow storm, with paper butterlies
Related toAlso published here 1945 247
Hen Fetsch Snow Time milk poured in paper cone changes to confetti, with fan
1946 10
U. F. Grant Grant's Winter Time in China
May 1949 11
Charlie Miller Night Club Routine canary production, glass with drink produced and vanished, egg stuff, snow storm
1961 98
Marconick The Dancing Rings and Umbrella Finale rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 1968 30
Tenkai Ishida Dance of the Butterfly paper butterflies held in air with fan
Related toAlso published here
  • "The Sphinx".
1974 136
Faucett Ross Snowstorm in China Paper with Chinese characters torn and restored, dropped in water, taken out with chopsticks, fanned and turns into huge paper storm
1975 52
Joachim "Marnac" Wolf Schneesturm aus China self made snow storm packet, routine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Marconick Le final des anneaux dansant sur le parapluie rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 1979 3
Russell Sharp Magie aus Japan tissue paper torn and crumpled up, it animated up and down in glass, then is shown restored, then a phase with paper streamer, then snowstorm
Also published here
  • Pentagram, Mar. 1958
Mar. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Jean Hugard Hugard's Schmetterling butterflies are torn from a napkin, then snow storm with butterflies done with fan and water
Also published here May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Keiichi Yamamoto Notes on Wazuma historical notes and ideas on three routines
  • 1. Flying Butterfly and Hyoko
  • 2. Goldfish Fishing & Goldfish Transportation
  • 3. A Tune of a Fan
1990 103
Marconick Finale mit tanzenden Ringen und Regenschirm rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 1992 54
Alexander de Cova Der Schneesturm
  • Die Präparation des Schneesturms
Also published here Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Harold F. Puff Silk to Egg - Fifth Method: Egg, Silk, and Confetti
Also published here
  • "Kling Klang Konfetti" (Harold Rice, Encyclopedia of Silk Magic, Vol. 2, 1953, p. 1326)
2002 195
Marcelo Contento Contento's Egg Routine egg in glass, covered with handkerchief, egg through handkerchief, changed into confetti, more eggs produced
Also published here
  • M-U-M, Vol. 82 No. 9, Feb. 1993, p. 25
2002 287
Alexander de Cova Der Schneesturm
Also published here 2002 12