74 entries in Dice (small) / Transformation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Kartenwürfel playing card change to three-inch die
1896 161
The Changing Dice
  • Improved Methods
also with all black and white sides, three-sided shell
Related to 1903 514
Carl Willmann Der seine Farbe verändernde Würfel color changing die in hand of spectator, shell
Jan. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Triple Dice Routine two in hand one in pocket, with surprises (shrinking dice, coin appearance)
1943 9
Edward Marlo The Thumb Twister paddle move, with misspotted die
1943 28
Edward Marlo The Dice Switch Routine color changes
1943 43
Edward Marlo Simple Dice Routine
  • bar bet with four dice (snatching paper away from stack of dice)
  • number divination (7-principle) with three dice
  • magnetic dice with two dice
  • number divination with two dice
  • paddle routine with one die
  • color changing die
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Dr. Theodore Sack Sack's Spotted Sorcery three phase routine with dice, pips on dice change
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 152)
Walter Essman Single Control dice change color
Dec. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 295)
Dr. Theodore Sack Sack's Spotted Sorcery three phase routine with dice, pips on dice change
Related toAlso published here 1953 50
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Three Dice Trick three dice picked up and number arrangement on them changes, paddle move with three dice in pyramid configuration
VariationsAlso published here 1953 8
Gerald Kosky How Many? two in the hand one in the pocket with dice, involving blank and large die
Also published here 1954 69
Ali Bongo Deolali Dice short two-dice routine with cup, they grow in the fist as climax
Also published here 1954 74
Milton Kort Dice / Dice / Dice Dice routine, multiple phase, change color, chink-a-chink, grows in size
1962 57
Horace E. Bennett Unfair Shake two in the hand (here dice cup) one in the pocket, then die change color and size twice, as a kicker a shot glass appears under the cup
Variations 1967 113
Bob Ostin The "Sky Hooks" Routine coin is put on invisible sky hook where it also becomes invisible, then it appears again and finally changes into a die
1968 1
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Würfelverkleinerung die shrinks when covered with shell, die then change back to normal size
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 6)
Senor Carlos M. Mora Color Changing Die inside cup
1969 204
Bill Spooner Eenie, Meenie, Miney, --- No Moe three-quarter inch die shrinks in stages and vanishes
1969 205
Dr. Theodore Sack Sack's Punktehexerei three phase routine with dice, pips on dice change
Also published here Oct. 1973
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Tenkai Ishida Three Dice Trick three dice picked up and number arrangement on them changes, paddle move with three dice in pyramid configuration
Also published here 1974 124
Barry Govan Technicolor Dice two leather dice cups, red and green die, transposition and stuff with giant die climax
Inspired by
  • "Chromo Cups & Balls" (Milt Kort)
1975 53
Edward Marlo Marlo Visible Change
1975 56
Barry Govan, Ian Baxter Dice Interlude color change phases with giant die climax
1975 58
Stewart Judah, Paul Swinford Sack/Judah Dice
Inspired by Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Father Cyprian A Dice Opener two in the hand one in the pocket, using Lin Searles squashed die and pop-up die under close-up mat, six phases
Also published here Apr. 1975 956
Jan Torell Dice Card jumbo card changes to jumbo die
1975 18
Peter Wilker Bitte Genau Aufpassen two in the hand with three dice, large die as climax
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 2)
Friedrich Merkel Chip in Würfel chip changes into die
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 5)
Harvey Rosenthal The Diminishing Die die diminishes several times, with metamorphosis change
1976 6
Harvey Rosenthal Color Changing Die die changes color multiple times, metamorphosis change
1976 7
Harvey Rosenthal New Theory Square-Circle die changes into sponge ball, metamorphosis change
1976 8
Die to Canary a large die is placed in a crystal casket and transforms into a bird, under handkerchief
1976 56
Bob Ostin Sponge Ball to Dice
Also published here 1976 ca. 4
Bob Ostin Spellbound Variation climax for Vernon routine, coin changes to big dice
1976 ca. 7
Cinco Dados Cambian Su Color color change of five dice, using cup
1977 94
Bill Scott Somersault "Three Dice Tricks"
four dice in dice cup, thrown into air, dice change into one large die
The Chronicles (Issue Close-up Folio No. 11)
Karl Fulves Coin Problems (B) coin in drinking glass changes to copper coin or to die, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 22)
David Stahl Gem-Hernia-Maker variation for "Gem Buster" routine, flat die is stretched to bigger disc
1978 14
Les Scheyer A Dice Interlude front and back of die is shown and transforms
Also published here Apr. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne, Kirk Stiles Double Surface a value is shown on three sides
Apr. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Mary Wolf The Cone and Coins Routine Cylinder & Coins with cone and die which grows as finale
1980 115
Mary Wolf Die to Half Dollar metamorphosis style
1980 121
El Duco Golden Dice three black dice change into golden dice under handkerchief
1980 7
Jeff Busby Phantom of the Dice Table color changing die routine with cup, die behind ear holdout
  • Phase One: "It's Right Ear"
  • Phase Two: A Handy Switch
  • Phase Three: Into the Darkness
  • Notes
  • Further Notes
The Chronicles (Issue 29)
Les Scheyer Ein Würfel-Interludium front and back of die is shown and transforms
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Kurti Freitag Vienna Dice Change pips on dice change, paddle move
1982 19
Bobby Bernard Bernard Switch Coin transforms into a pair of dice
1982 39
George Schindler Dice-A-Rubik two dice transform into small Rubik's cubes when thrown
1982 30
George Schindler Quick Change Cube small Rubik's cube changes into normal die, pull
1982 31
John Ryan Hologram-Itis two dice are put in glass disc and become a hologram
Aug. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Martin Lewis Dice Propagation Chop Cup routine with dice, dice change color, produce large dice, final load is lots of small dice
1985 133
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai's Three Dice updated routine, three dice picked up and number arrangement on them changes, paddle move with three dice in pyramid configuration
  • Basic Technique
  • Routine
Inspired by 1988 1
Father Cyprian High Rollers (A Dice Opener) two in the hand one in the pocket, using Lin Searles squashed die and pop-up die under close-up mat, six phases
Also published here 1989 25
Bob King Bob King Dice Routine two in the hand (here dice cup) one in the pocket, then die change color and size, as a kicker a shot glass appears under the cup
Inspired by 1991 6
Paul Gertner The Big or Little Die Trick die grows and shrinks
1994 119
Steve Dusheck Dice-O-Matic die placed in hand, spectator names any color, die transformed into many multi-colored small dice
1994 68
Michael Skinner Taking Our Lumps applications for sticking things behind table edge: broken and restored match, dice transformation (to sugar)
1996 16
Ali Bongo Deolali-Würfel short two-dice routine with cup, they grow in the fist as climax, described by Lewis Ganson
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Gene Gordon Three Dice Monte routine with two white dice and one red die, traveling and transformations, large red die finale (or vanish)
Inspired by Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Milton Kort Changing Trains Red dice transpose with white dice, then change to green
1999 277
David Regal Spot Remover Moving spots from side to side of a die, similar to Sack Dice Routine but with one die
1999 86
Ellis Stanyon The Card Changes to a Die No. 38
1999 181
Bob King Cube Route two different-colored cubes behind screen, they transpose, then change to different color
2000 15
Tony Bartolotta Educated Dice routine for Sachs/Sack's Dice, credit information on paddle move
2000 27
Gerald Kosky Wieviele? two in the hand one in the pocket with dice, involving blank and large die
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Dice Duo blue and yellow dice transform into larger green die, pendulum pull
2002 227
Charlie Frye Eccentricks spots travel from die to pen, die is then blank and pen spotted
Aug. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Bob Ostin Sponge Ball to Dice
Also published here 2005 135
Alberto de Figueiredo Dados al whisky dice stacking routine, die vanishes, changes color and in the end filled shot glass appears
Inspired by 2009 174
Hiroshi Sawa ダイス爆弾 (Dice Bomb) Dice Bomb gimmick, big dice inside clear glass shaken and splits into many small dice
2013 46
Christian Scherer Davids Spleen ball, cone and handkerchief variation, with cup, big die and silk
Inspired by 2014 286
Alexander de Cova Dice-Opener routine with four dice, jumbo dice finale
2015 80
Chris Wardle Don't Play With Your Food sugar poured in hand, it becomes a sugar cube, pepper poured in hand with cube, it changes into a sugar cube die, then vanishes
Inspired by
  • "The Evaporating Sugar" (Brad Stine & Gregory Wilson, Magic for Dummies)
Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)