16 entries in Dice (small) / Transposition
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Die and Orange large die and orange transpose
1876 423
The Vanishing Canary Bird and Cage large die, bird cage and bird travel around
1876 424
Louis Haley, Charles T. Jordan New Coin Trick No. 6, "a la Hang Ping Chien, With Apologies"
six coins under handkerchief on table transpose with die underneath table, coins with wax surface
Also published here 1920 12
Edward Marlo Dice Transposition three red and three white dice
1943 7
Stewart Judah Dice Go two red dice in one dice cup transpose with two green dice in second cup, see also p. 508
Related to
  • "Patriotic Dice" (Walsh/Mishell, Dice Dexterity, p. 15)
Feb. 1972 485
Barry Govan Technicolor Dice two leather dice cups, red and green die, transposition and stuff with giant die climax
Inspired by
  • "Chromo Cups & Balls" (Milt Kort)
1975 53
Karl Fulves Copper Caper "Okito Box Notes Nr. 6" (actually part 7)
four copper coins in box transpose with die
July 1975 979
Charles T. Jordan, Louis Haley New Coin Trick "ala Hang Ping Chien, With Apologies"
six coins under handkerchief on table transpose with die underneath table, coins with wax surface
Also published here 1975 204
Karl Fulves Jumping Dice two dice between two fingers apparently change places
1977 55
Ken Brooke Spots That Pass blank dice and normal dice with spot, they transpose
1980 196
David Britland Conan transposition of coins and a die under cover of a cone
Jan. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Yoichi Akamatsu Dice Exchange red and white dice in tube are pushed with wand, they change places
1990 67
J. B. Bobo Traveling by Boxcar Pair of white dice transpose with pair of red dice
Variations 1999 269
Milton Kort No Caboose Transposition of pair of red and white dice, no extra dice required
Inspired by 1999 273
Milton Kort Changing Trains Red dice transpose with white dice, then change to green
1999 277
Bob King Cube Route two different-colored cubes behind screen, they transpose, then change to different color
2000 15