33 entries in Cards / Manipulation / Vanish / Packet
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Wie man ein Kartenspiel verschwinden lässt manipulative deck vanish, unload under armpit
May 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Paul Valadon Fake Transfer of Packet
1902 80
Carl Willmann Der Spaziergang einer Karte card(s) pushed into fist, false transfer
July 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Karl Meyer Die Eskamotage einer oder mehrer Karten "Schule der Magie"
false transfer with card or packet of cards, photograph illustrations
Feb. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 2)
John Hamley A Smart Production and Vanish of Cards hands empty, cards produced and vanished again, attached to outside of sleeve and stolen when sleeve is pulled up
1904 52
Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein Die "Wurfeskamotage" eines ganzen Kartenspiels false transfer of deck of cards, bounces back into throwing hand
Mar. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Vanish and Recovery false transfer with pack, brief
1909 19
Deck Vanish false transfer with riffle sound
1909 20
Small Packet Vanish with Excelsior Clip spring clip
1909 22
The Arm Spread
  • No. 1 - The Spread and Turn-Over
  • Variations for Finishing this Sleight
  • No. 2 - The Glide
  • No. 3 - The Back Arm Reverse
  • No. 4 - The Upright Spread
  • No. 5 - The Elbow Catch
  • No. 6 - The Turn-Over and Right Hand Catch
  • No. 7 - The Back Arm Catch
  • No. 8 - Vanish of Pack
  • No. 9 - The Half Turn-Over and Catch
  • No. 10 - The One Hand Catch
  • No. 11 - The Hat Catch
  • No. 12 - The Double Spread
  • A Routine for Arm Spreads
1933 39
Robert Parrish Deck Vanish in Tambourine solution
Inspired by Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Fan Steal Vanish manipulator style
Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
Fan Steal Vanish
1943 54
Arthur H. Buckley The Fan Vanish
1946 138
Arthur H. Buckley A Fan of Cards Disappears fake transfer using Clip Palm
1946 140
Edward Marlo Climax Sleeving complete
1954 22
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Manipulaciones de Cartas y Pañuelo card manipulation routine using a handkerchief
  • Aparición
  • Desaparición instantanea
  • Desaparición por hundimiento
  • Abanicos viajeros
  • Desaparición y lluvia
  • Desaparición bajo el pañuelo
  • Abanicos y lluvia final
  • Lluvia automática
1967 25
Peter "Peki" Kinnigkeit Manipulation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 2)
Vanish from the Left Hand packet of cards
1976 77
Fan Away Pack packet of cards vanishes when other hand waves fan over it
1976 72
Cliff Green, Richard Kaufman Free Hand Packet Vanish
1979 161
Bob Fitch Similar "Extras - Variations - 4)"
short note, object vanishes under cover of waving a fan of cards
1980 7
Ken Brooke Ken Brooke's Card Vanish packet of cards vanishes, sleeve
Also published here 1980 34
Another Vanish of a Pack of Cards with manipulation routine
1985 19
Ken Brooke Ein Kartenverschwinden packet of cards vanishes, sleeve
Also published here Dec. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
A Vanish and Production packet vanishes, false transfer
1991 156
Patrick Page Aus dem Stegreif Wegzaubern fan production and vanishes, then entire deck vanishes, dumping cards into jacket pocket
Also published here 1993 15
Tony Brent Small Flurries some cards are fanned over packet in other hand which changes into confetti
Dec. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note notes on the manipulations and packet vanish
Inspired by 1999 245
Ellis Stanyon Making One or Several Cards Vanish by Palming No. 20, false transfer of packet or card
Variations 1999 249
Deck Vanish false transfer
Nov. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 11)
Patrick Page An Impromptu Vanish fan production and vanishes, then entire deck vanishes, dumping cards into jacket pocket
Also published here 2011 42
Packet vanish with fan manipulator’s vanish of packet by waving fan over it
2018 203