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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Manuel Manuel's Coin Star
Variations 1943 137
Manuel The Four Coin Flourish roll out
Related to 1943 139
Dai Vernon Five Coin Star
Related to 1957 98
Dai Vernon The Vernon Poker Demonstration half deck set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1957 223
Edward Marlo The Havana Deal or "The Myth of Manuel Pedro" commentary on the Havana Stud Bottom Deal, no technical description
1959 20
Charlie Miller The Torn Card seated, direct
Related toVariations 1961 22
Terry Lynn The Seven Penny Trick seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, repeated twice
Related toVariations 1966 413
Fred Kaps I am in Debt Ace to Four, then cards are removed, always add up to ten
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 5
Ron MacMillan The Coin Star
Related to 1981 68
Ross Bertram Anecdotes
  • About Anecdotes
  • Let There be Light (Bulbs)
  • Marquis
  • Russell Swann
  • Manuel
  • Dai Vernon, Silent Mora and I - 1947-
  • From Faucett's Notebook
  • Believe It or Not or One For Ripley
  • On 'Second' Thought
  • Up Our Sleeves
  • An Historic Site
  • The Quite One
  • Getting Henry's Goat
  • Frakson
  • Frakson, Again
  • George Marquis
  • Early Vernon
  • The Sports Fan
  • Wasn't I Lucky!
  • And Now
1983 xvii
David Roth Roth Palm Change
Variations 1985 12
Manuel Muerte Visuell Bill Switch as Guido Schmalriede, visual bill change
Gimmick (Issue 5)
Dai Vernon, Manuel Five Coin Star
Inspired byRelated to 1987 204
Rolf Huber Jahreskongress '87 der "Magischen Nordlichter" e.V. in Hamburg on the magic convention in Hamburg, Jan Maraux, Manuel Muerte, Punx, Hegimada, Christoph Joachim Schröder, Johmeidü, Dondo Burghardo, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Alex Elmsley Cross-25 two selections made out of performer's hands, re-matrixing
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 363
Ravi Pazhur Guido Schmalriede aka Manuel Muerte
1991 73
Manuel Muerte Karte(n) unterm Glas
1991 74
Ravi Pazhur Guillaume le Grand & Senor Manuel Muerte
1991 79
Manuel Muerte, Guillaume le Grand Magic Fingers finger falls off hand, gag divination of thought-of number
1991 80
Manuel Muerte Zeit ist Geld four coins counted into spectator's hand, one is magically removed, instead of traveling back it travels under spectator's watch
Inspired by
  • "Watch the coin" (Mark Sicher, Try'll like it, 1990)
Related to
1996 18
Ted Lesley Editorial on Tel-Aviv, Jeff McBride, Guy Bavli, Roy Oron, Lior Manor, Gerard Senehi, Caligostro, Emmanuel A. Rosen
Aug. 1997 2
Rainer Pfeiffer, Helge Thun, Manuel Muerte The Fruit Cups two-cup routine with two different colored balls
1998 35
Manuel Muerte It's Shoe Time Selected card and a wine-glass appear inside performer's shoe
1998 69
Manuel Muerte Vorwort
1998 1
Manuel Muerte Großvaters Zigarren card under cigar case, then card to mouth, then card folded into cigar case
1998 2
Manuel Muerte Die wandernde Socke card travels to card case, then sock is found in card case and card in performer's shoe, shoe load while standing
1998 8
Manuel Muerte Die Münze und der Stift coin appears, coin and pen sequence, coin in pen cap, pen grows to giant pen, jumbo coin falls from its cap
1998 12
Manuel Muerte Der fliegende Fingerring finger ring vanishes and appears on performer's finger, repeat, then ring on stick, duplicate ring on pull
1998 19
Manuel Muerte False Transfer with Ring
1998 21
Manuel Muerte Geldschein in Zigarette bill in cigarette, bill switch intro
1998 25
Scotty York, Manuel Muerte Cigarette Switch hand to hand
Variations 1998 25
Manuel Muerte Der Tüchersprung twentieth century silks with coat hanger, using tube section of hanger
1998 28
Manuel Muerte Del chinesische Ling
  • Effekt 1 (borrowed finger ring vanishes and appears at intersection of two crossed chopsticks)
  • Effekt 2 (finger ring changes into scissors under silk, scissors used to open Chinese take away food with ring inside)
1998 31
Manuel Muerte Professionelles Close Up
1998 35
Manuel Muerte Rollenfindung finding your character
1998 38
Manuel Muerte (Mis)direction: Täuschung durch Selbsttäuschung on misdirection
1998 40
Fred Kaps, James Swain I am in Debt cards total ten although one by one is removed
Related toVariations 1999 108
Lee Earle Lee Earle at the Editor's Desk on Jean-Yves Prost, Topper Martyn, Yuka Onosaka, Luis de Matos, Fred Masschelien, Marco Fida, Tony Binarelli, Aldo Colombini, Roberto Giobbi, Ron Pataki, Tristan, Manuel Erminy, Mike Porstman, Dennis Marks, passing of Al Mann
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Manuel Muerte The Pen-Ultimate Coin coin is marked with marker, both vanish and reappear, then grow to jumbo coin and pen
Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Michael Close (reviewer) Monkey Joe Trick by Emanuele Biscosi Nov. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Paul Curry The Problem of Card 13 spectator selects twelve cards from the the deck, which are all the same suit as a card previously removed, see also Hofzinser's first problem "Choice of Color" (Magic Christian: "Non Plus Ultra - Hofzinsers Kartenkünste Band 2" p. 317)
Variations 2001 237
Manuel Muerte GiddyUp, GetAway Palm card from center palmed reversed into left hand
Jan. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Paul Green In the Trenches story by Jose Manuel Guimaraes
Summer 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 63)
Manuel Llaser Llaser Open Prediction double-push off & spread technology to switch out reversed card
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Manuel Rodríguez Saa aka "Conde de Waldemar"
2003 29
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Profesor Alba - Manuel Alba Roja
2003 62
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Tiempos Modernos on Manuel Lorente Vázquez, Joan Font
2003 94
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Y Más Nombres on Joaquin Navajas, Alberto Cuartero, Manuel Cuesta, Luis Boyano, Juan Escolano, Luis Arza, Juan José Hidalgo, Paco Rodas, Faustino Palmero, Manolo Tena, Justo Alvarez Ascaso, Anthony Blake, Ignacio Grassa, May Roger, Juan Gurrea, Rafael Benatar, Donald Lehn, Ramón Riobóo, Armando Gómez, José de la Torre, Juan Mayoral, Paco Herrero, Sebastián Pons, Jorge Haddad, Alberto Reyes, Charly Miret, Carlos Vaquera
2003 97
Juan Tamariz Contributors on the collaboration with Carmen, Manuel Cuesta, Ramón Riobóo, Jim Krenz, Ramblar, Ariston, Rafael Benatar, Alan
2004 xxiii
Juan Tamariz, Manuel Cuesta Deal of a Complete Suit magician tries to find selection gets all the cards from chosen suit in a three-hand deal
  • A. The Heart Suit
    • Resetting the Stack
  • B. Other Versions for Producing the Heart Suit (Cuesta & Tamariz)
  • C. The Club Suit
  • D. The Spade Suit
  • E. The Diamond Suit
2004 39
Manuel Cuesta, Juan Tamariz Back-to-Back Deals - After Dai Vernon's Formula
  • Climax with a Surprise
  • Climax for Technicians (Tamariz)
Inspired by 2004 60
Sobre la magia quote by Manuel Delgado
2004 3
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Done by Misdirection by Manuel Muerte Jan. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 1)
David Solomon Doubly Open
Inspired by 2007 172
Paco Valero, Manuel Montes La editorial
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Manuel Montes ¡A trabajar! about the magic in Malaga and request for participation
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Manuel Montes Sobre el control de la atención - Primera parte on the control of attention, first part
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Pepe Medina, Manuel Montes Dados Enigmáticos picture with dice and arrows, real die is placed and moved, number is divined, with additional idea by Manuel Montes
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Paco Valero, Manuel Montes La editorial
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Manuel Montes El Juego de Aladino deck is cut in three parts, one part is counted, a card remembered and later found by performer
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz, Juan Tamariz La Verticalización en la magia the verticalization in magic, to be more visible, using camera and projector (notes by Juan Tamariz) and other
  • Campo ficticio de verticalización
  • Facilitando la verticalización
  • La copa de cristal: una solución
  • Preyector y cámara
Variations 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Manuel Montes El arte de la magia thoughts on magic as an art
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Manuel Montes Paco Rodas - El Maestro y Amigo portrait of Paco Rodas
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Manuel Montes Rota y recompuesta a lo Charlie Miller
Inspired by 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer On the Slant
  • "The Library at Night" (Alberto Manuel, 2006)
  • "Funny Peculiar" (Mikita Brottman, 2004)
  • "Mirroring People" (Marco Iacoboni, 2008)
Aug. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 8)
Paco Valero, Manuel Montes La editorial
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Manuel Montes Añadido a la verticalización thoughts on the verticalization in magic
Inspired by 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Manuel Montes Estructurar-Construir unda Rutina on how to structure a performance / act
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Juan Manuel Marcos Cartas al tacto weighting card, three phases, finding selections
Related to 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Manuel Montes Cortando por los ases - versión por descarga
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Manuel Montes Mezcla Zarrow en mi manejo
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Manuel Montes Problema de Marlo reversed card in the deck changes to selection, solution to a Marlo problem
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Manuel Montes Póker conection poker demonstration, control of chosen card ending with Royal Flush
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Manuel Montes Pensadiciosa thought is selected from small packet, shuffled with deck and selection appears on top
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Manuel Montes El retorno del angel card is found at number reversed, repeated
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Manuel Cuesta Fakes, Gimmicks y Otras Historias distinction between fakes and gimmicks and their use, essay
2011 17
Manuel Montes Pensamiento en Color four cards with red backs and four with blue backs, two chosen cards change places, with repetition
  • Para Unidas Circular - Efecto de retorno
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Jan Logemann Bill Switch
Inspired by 2013 13
Joaquín Matas, Juan Manuel Marcos, Jorge Blass El Hilo Roto y Recompuesto tips on the Hindu Thread, with thicker thread
2014 32
David Regal (reviewer) Fate in Your Hands by Manuel Llaser Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
Manuel Montes Secuencias Alnumeradas three selected cards are found at named number, then four-of-a-kind is found
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 29)
Manuel Montes El Público Ante la Magia on the audience
  • El arte mágico y la magia para el público
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
Juan Manuel Marcos Predicción para hoy cards total ten although one by one is removed, four cards as prediction used
Inspired by 2016
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 32)
Alexander de Cova Master Silks discussion of various methods and approaches
  • Das Al Baker Prinzip
    • Das Aufnehmen der Tücher
  • Der Joe Berg Stand
  • Die Sache mit dem Stuhl
  • Das Entknoten der Tücher
    • Manuelles Entknoten
    • Entknoten mit Gimmick
    • Die zweite Variante
    • Ein besseres Gimmick
Inspired byRelated to 2016 24
David Oliver (reviewer) The Yarn by Manuel Llaser Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Manuel Manuel's Phantom Cigarette
2018 275
Ryan Matney (reviewer) Signs by Manuel Llaser Mar. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 3)
Iñaki Zabaletta, Manuel Llaser A Través de la Baraja coin penetrates coin box and deck and falls into glass, when repeated coin is found inside the deck next to selection
2019 31
Iñaki Zabaletta, Manuel Llaser El Problema de las 13 Cartas spectator selects twelve cards from the the deck, which are all the same suit as a chosen Ace, cards then change to other suit, with Cambio al Voltear
Inspired by 2019 103
Shiv Duggal (reviewer) Manuel Llaser Live (Penguin Live) by Manuel Llaser May 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 5)
Mike Pisciotta, Manuel Llaser Ideas for using The Devil's Lunch Sack
  • Lunch 1
  • Lunch 2
  • Map
  • Music
  • Book Test
  • Magazine Test
  • Cards
  • Money
  • Drawing Duplication
2020 7
Michael Rubinstein Jean Emmanuel Francis mini bio
2020 390
Jean Emmanuel Francis Aegean Coins three Chinese coins transpose with three silver coins
2020 390
Jean Emmanuel Francis Multiple Coin Palm Change
Inspired by 2020 391
Mark Phillips (reviewer) The Frog by Manuel Llaser Oct. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 10)
Dani DaOrtiz Soul Mates randomly selected card is placed face up in deck, its three mates magically turn face up in deck
Inspired by
  • “an effect by my great friend Juan Manuel Marcos… published in several magazines…”
Also published here
2021 131
Gema Navarro Artistas del Blanco y Negro - Magas españolas en la posguerra on Spanish female magicians, Pilar Rocafort, Manuela Rejas, Ramona, Los Magicus, Teresa Gutsens, Anita Vargas
  • La primitiva
  • Luisa Mariscal
  • Profesor Alba y Tivolina
  • Deyka
  • Miss Rivelles (Madrid 1927 -¿?), "La Reina de la Magia" (Maria Diaz Rivelles)
  • Linda Baker, "Mujer de Hierro" (Angelita Villa Garzón)
Maese Coral (Issue 2)
Pepe Lirrojo Manuela de Rejas, artista de la escoba on Manuela de Rejas
  • El rechazo
  • La guerra
  • La maleta del mago
  • El carnet de maga
  • Violetta Ritter
  • The Valviolet
  • Fuego
Maese Coral (Issue 2)
Manuel Cuesta Jesferh y las "Varietés. Su secreto on Jesferh
  • Análisis de su magia
  • Carrera profesional y su gran secreto
  • Su relación con el mundo de la magia
Maese Coral (Issue 3)
Manuel Llaser Llaser Open Prediction double-push off & spread technology to switch out reversed card
Also published here 2022 69
Friedrich Roitzsch Instructions for a Miracle signed card appears bound in spiral-bound booklet
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 37
Friedrich Roitzsch Instructions for a Miracle signed card appears bound in spiral-bound booklet
Inspired byAlso published here 2023 87