54 entries in Cards / Sleights / Flourishes / Springing the Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Spring the Cards from one Hand to the Other
1876 37
To Spring the Cards from Hand to Hand
1889 33
Electric Deck with ribbon, only mentioned
1889 34
Das Hochmischen No. 28, springing cards upwards from hand to hand
1895 33
Hochmischen der Karten
Sep. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Die Kartenbrücke oder "Die Kunst, sämtliche Karten des Spieles von einer Hand zur anderen spazieren zu lassen"
"Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
Dec. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Springing the Cards normal method briefly explained, then waterfall cascade:
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
1909 28
The Cards sprung from Hand to Hand
1911 99
Jack Merlin Production of Chosen Card by Riffling Pack from One Hand to the Other selection is at place where spectator stops, springing cards from one hand to the other
Also published here 1927/28 5
The "Spring" Shuffle
Related to 1933 17
Spring Revelation cards sprung from hand to hand, selection flies out
1933 4
Franz Massopust Shuffle-fancy spring riffle shuffle
Related to 1933 9
The Spring Palm top card during spring flourish
1936 131
A Startling Transformation side-jogged double turns over during spring flourish, Cascade Change
1936 134
Nate Leipzig The Flying Card when doing waterfall flourish, only selection drops to floor
1938 231
Sprining the Cards - A New Method
1940 166
The Cascade
1942 194
Cascade Production from Boy's Nose
1942 196
Cardini Cardini´s Location maintaining break while springing the cards, see also page 208
1946 51
Edward G. Love Springing the Pack from hand to hand
1946 40
Springing the Cards
1948 44
Springing the Cards Control
1951 25
Jerry Andrus Fountain of Cards kind of spring from incomplete faro shuffled deck in perpendicular condition
1957 7
Jerry Andrus Spray Flourish card spring out of hand into two fountains from incomplete faro shuffled deck in perpendicular condition
1957 7
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Riffle Genuine Shuffle, cards are sprung into released cards from the other
Related to Apr. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 7)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Retaining Top & Bottom Cards
Apr. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 7)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Retaining Entire Order
Apr. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 7)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Riffle Cut cutting the deck while shuffling
Apr. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 7)
Nate Leipzig Spring Card Location while cards are sprung from hand to hand, card jumps out
1963 189
Val Andrews We're Not All Perfect! No. 6, cards sprung to table as flourish but they land on floor, gag
1970 (ca.) 6
The Springing Cards cards are sprung into the air, chosen card is caught
1972 9
Dr. Jacob Daley Side Steal And Hand Spring Move Riffle No. 530, card side stolen from center, then added to top after spring
1972 149
David Berglas Palm Spring wrong card put side-jogged in the deck, when cards are sprung from hand to hand, card changes to selection
Variations 1976 37
Springing the Deck
1976 75
Pat Hazell Down the Falls, Up the Back popular sight gag in which cards are sprung behind back from hand to hand
Variations 1986 134
David Berglas Kartengag cards are apparently sprung to other hand or spread on table, only mime with riffle sound, gag
1992 16
Vicente Canuto El Acordeón springing cards from hand to hand
1993 197
Vicente Canuto 1.- Control por Acordeón bridging cards while springing the deck
1993 201
Spring Flourish
1995 17
Springing the Cards
1996 397
The Flying Card cards sprung into other hand or hat and selection flies out, it starts side-jogged
1997 2
Ellis Stanyon Springing the Cards from One Hand to the Other No. 1, no details
Variations 1999 296
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note springing off the thumb, and combination with palming cards
Inspired by 1999 297
Cardini Spring Break holding break while springing, spelling trick application
Related to 2001 127
Steve Forte Spring Street Aces Revelation springing deck and stopping at specific card
2001 1
Rune Klan One Back Up! follow-up for the sight gag as location
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Hover Spring Special type of spring, requires different grip
2008 40
Michael Lam 下马威 (Show It Off) Extension on the "springing cards behind the back" gag, cards apparently spring down and back up again
2014 10
Daniel Madison Shotgun Card pops and flies out of a card spring
Inspired by 2014 13
Steve Forte Spring St. Aces Production stopping at an Ace during springing flourish
2017 43
Steve Forte spring-spread
2020 998
Rune Klan One Back Up! follow-up for the sight gag as location
Also published here 2022 121
Tyler Wilson Covert Palm Spring side-jogged card is switched when cards are sprung from hand to hand, as switch
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, May 2011
2022 1031
Steve Forte Spring St. Aces Production stopping at an Ace during springing flourish
2023 62