28 entries in Lapping Principles / Switches
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Mulholland II. Torn and Restored Napkin T&R napkin, balled-up torn napkin is lapped and full one is already in other hand, see p. 43 for standing alternative
1944 41
John Mulholland III. Transformation lapping used for transformation, “an olive can be transformed into a lump of sugar, a piece of paper can be changed into a potato chip, a blank domino can be turned into a double six”
1944 43
The Table Sweep
1947 2
Roger Crosthwaite The Hindu Needles based on Hans Trixer's version in "Pentagram", needles threaded in hand instead of mouth
1967 253
Albert Goshman Purse Switch seated
1968 3
Tony Slydini The Slydini Switch table edge
Related to 1976 105
Al Mann Metal-Kinesis spoon bends under handkerchief, Dick Van Brummer's "The Solid Ghost"
1976 9
Rick Johnsson, Ellison Poland Penny --- For His Thoughts more ideas with the IBGTH Switch, with bills, paper clips, billets, dice, coins, sponge balls, combs, business cards
1976 52
Rick Johnsson Raisin' Rabbits sponge rabbit vanishes and only leaves some dung in form of raisins
Related to 1976 75
Rick Johnsson You Bet Your Aspirin string in small aspirin box restores
1976 79
Harry Lorayne Magic Breath torn and restored napkin, lap switch
1977 289
Philip T. Goldstein Skyward two sets of four business cards with numbers are found to be in same order, propelled-lapping
Magick (Issue 212)
Tony Slydini The Slydini Switch II
Related to 1979 31
Stephen Minch Scoop Switch one of four rune sticks at table edge
1980 5
Card Switch on the table, lap
1981 4
Gary Ouellet The Ouellet Switch
Variations 1981 16
Norman van Tubergen Cube Power rubik's cube solves under cover, without touching, sound of moving cube can be heared
Magick (Issue 295)
Cup Lapping Switch cup for napkin
1983 10
Albert Goshman Card in Purse credit information, signed card vanishes and reappears in coin purse.
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 111
Albert Goshman Purse Switch seated
1985 114
Albert Goshman A.G. Bowl Routine sponge balls vanish and appear under bowl, bagel appears under bowl, coin appears under bagel.
1985 123
Tony Slydini Slydini Switch II using card cases
1986 30
Harry Anderson The Chicken and the Egg producing a chicken food and an egg, turning egg into fried egg
1993 24
David Acer The Spice Rack salt shaker is stretched, lapping switch
Inspired by 1995 58
Goutam Guha Basic Move 4 removing shell from ring, on table, lapping
1996 6
Edward Marlo, Wesley James Propelled Lapping Switch
2004 216
Bruce Bernstein The Bernstein Utility Switch "A Tribute to Slydini", as card on table is slid off and turned over
2021 153
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Card to bill card is lapped as bill is brought into view from behind table
2022 221