Written by Bruce Bernstein
Work of Bruce Bernstein
66 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
24 entries
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Chapter 1 - I Know What You're Thinking
Bruce Bernstein Picture Duplication drawing on card placed in small envelope which is then crumbled into ball
Also published here 7
Bruce Bernstein Another Picture Duplicated impression on table, clown white
Also published here 9
Bruce Bernstein Into the Infinite tossed out deck, three people write their cards down, all cards are divined on billets, then two billets are burnt and card on remaining billet is found predicted in envelope
VariationsAlso published here 11
Chapter 2 - Haven't We Met Somewhere Before?
Bruce Bernstein Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
Related toAlso published here 15
Bruce Bernstein Croiset Revisited performer writes two-digit number on envelope and people start to guess number, one person is correct and he is fully described inside envelope
Related toAlso published here 17
Bruce Bernstein Just In Case prediction of name of heckler
Also published here 19
Bruce Bernstein A Practical Swami Gimmick thumb tip swami, with holdout
Related toAlso published here 20
I Knew This Would Happen
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
Also published here 25
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 26
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
VariationsAlso published here 28
Bruce Bernstein Clinical PSI all possible combinations of three coin tosses are written on various billets, performer and spectator each select one and performer wins with at about three to one odds
Also published here 31
I'm Thinking Of Good Vibrations
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 35
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Emotions emotions written on five cards, performer divines who thinks of which emotion
Also published here 40
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Reading psychic reading, reading statements
Related toAlso published here 42
A Discovery of Switchcraft
Bruce Bernstein Thumb Tip Switch & Double Vision several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated, using Bernstein's thumb tip switch
Also published here 47
Bruce Bernstein One-Handed Switch using thumb tip
Also published here 50
Bruce Bernstein Pad Switch several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated, using Bernstein's pad switch
Also published here 53
Post Script
Bruce Bernstein Mentalism - A Personal View thoughts and theory on mentalism
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2024.