  • 1954-1958: Jay Marshall (issues 301-348)
  • 1960-1964: Don Tanner (issues 351-396)
  • 1965: Karl Fulves (issues 397-400)
Written by Karl Fulves, Norman Jensen, Jay Marshall, Don Tanner
Work of Various
230 pages (Spiralbound), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with drawings by Various
Language: English
551 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Dr. Daley Dies at Club newspaper article
301 Feb. 1954 1
Roy Benson Banished several coins vanish on knee and are caught again in the air
301 Feb. 1954 1
James F. Herpick Cork Tip, Please matchbox with hole, cigarette is pushed through, cigarette ends up bent in matchbox
301 Feb. 1954 3
Karrell Fox Impromptu Zombie floating roll, fork
301 Feb. 1954 3
Jay Marshall The Marshall Plan on the take over of the Phoenix from Bruce Elliott
301 Feb. 1954 4
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on The Jinx, John Petrie
301 Feb. 1954 4
John A. Petrie newspaper article on the passing of Petrie
301 Feb. 1954 4
Jay Marshall Dr. Jacob Daley 1897-1954 on the last day in the life of Dr. Daley
302 Mar. 1954 5
Dr. Jacob Daley Coin Thru the Table sequence, demonstration of rhythm
Also published here 302 Mar. 1954 6
Dr. Jacob Daley A Silk Trick three handkerchiefs are knotted together and the two knots placed in a glasses, knots dissolve
Also published here 302 Mar. 1954 7
Jay Marshall, Dr. Jacob Daley Double Tribute Dr. Daley's notes for the speech and the program of the Nate Leipzig memorial in 1954 in New York
302 Mar. 1954 8
Dr. Stanley Jaks Taped selected objects, one selected and put in a pill box which is attached to an index card with scotch tape, object is divined
Also published here 303 Mar. 1954 9
E. J. Norman Glassed prediction of a words selected from a newspaper, prediction in glass
303 Mar. 1954 10
Bill Simon Psychic Okito Box Okito Box for billet reading or Q&A
Related to 303 Mar. 1954 10
Don Tanner 1.35 Tip coins vanish, nesting gaff
303 Mar. 1954 10
George E. Arrowsmith With a Smile! ink and stains on handkerchief vanish
Inspired by
  • Cecil Lyle's "Handkerchief, Ink and Turnip Trick"
303 Mar. 1954 11
Kirk Stiles How to Learn Magic Tricks read instruction into tape recorder
303 Mar. 1954 11
Walter Essman Bang folding a paper snapper
303 Mar. 1954 11
Norman Jensen The Bird Cage on Fred Keating, Milbourne Christoher, Richard Himber, Orson Welles, Frank Garcia
303 Mar. 1954 12
Will L. Lindhost, 64, Dies; Dean of St. Louis Magicians newspaper article on the passing of Lindhost
303 Mar. 1954 12
Milbourne Christopher Mind Under Matter spectator writes name of playing card on a business card, card is divined, business card stolen with case
Also published here 304 Apr. 1954 13
Dr. Hale Rx cigarette production and story with Dr. Albert M. Wilson
304 Apr. 1954 14
Milton Tootle Tootle's Egg Trick coin vanishes and appears in a raw egg
304 Apr. 1954 15
Jay Marshall Channing Pollock, magician on Pollock including review in newspaper
304 Apr. 1954 15
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on Tommy Vanderschmidt, Milbourne Christopher, Norman Jensen, Chandu, John Gambling, Frakson, Sam Berland, Dai Vernon, Cardini, Bob Hummer
304 Apr. 1954 16
Howard Brooks The Babblings of Brooks ideas and jokes by Brooks
  • watch chain gag
  • wind up teeth
  • way to add a key ring
Variations 305 Apr. 1954 17
Review of Milbourne Christopher's Show complete set and newspaper clipping
305 Apr. 1954 18
Howard A. Adams Paged with any book, mathemtical
305 Apr. 1954 19
Ching - The Oriental Mystifier brief show review
305 Apr. 1954 19
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage Tommy Vanderschmidt, Russell Swann, Earl Adcock, Don Alan, George Carolly, Sid Bergson, Milbourne Christopher, Norman Jensen newspaper clipping
305 Apr. 1954 20
Ricki Dunn IOU $1.00 spectator's Dollar bill is folded and he holds it, when he opens it up again he holds a paper with "IOU $1.00" written on it, pickpocket presentation
Also published here 306 May 1954 21
Gerald Kosky Beans three beans are swallowed and brought back, then they travel from one hand to the other
Also published here 306 May 1954 22
Tom Fitzgerald Cute Coins eight-pointed star, coins have to be moved, puzzle, see also p. 48 and p. 52
Also published here 306 May 1954 22
Stewart James Touchosen red/blue doublebacker, see also p. 48
306 May 1954 23
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on Roy Benson, Bob Orben, Cardini and Mahatma
306 May 1954 24
Roy Benson Dollar Poof flash bill gag
Also published here 306 May 1954 24
Cardini Smooth Coins making soft coins
Related to 306 May 1954 24
Martin Gardner Mity Match two paper match routines, vanishing / appearing spots on match
  • Multiplying Spots
  • Diminishing Spots
307 May 1954 25
Frank Garcia Now U See It Now U Dont pop-up move with sponge ball
Also published here 307 May 1954 26
Howard Brooks Trickles from the Babbling Brooks
  • crystal ball joke
  • joke on jumping cigarette
307 May 1954 26
John Hamilton Code in the Chest coding card using case and table
307 May 1954 26
Howard A. Adams Da Da Da Dumm murder games using three spectators
307 May 1954 27
Norman Jensen The Bird Cage on J. G. Thompson, Frank Garcia, Bob Nelson, Tommy Vanderschmidt
307 May 1954 28
Dr. Hale Salt Trick Gimmick impromptu gimmick from gum package wrapper
307 May 1954 28
Harold Blump The Effering Narg Ball balls in box change
307 Spoof Issue 1954 1
Harold Blump The Malipsing Cards joke
307 Spoof Issue 1954 2
Harold Blump The Back of Blumps Hand joke thimble trick
307 Spoof Issue 1954 2
Harold Blump Presenting Your Next Editor "Icky" Schneider joke
307 Spoof Issue 1954 2
Chardri Rosim Ardian The Birdcage spoof birdcage
307 Spoof Issue 1954 4
Jay Marshall The Society of American Magicians short description of
  • Clarke Crandall
  • Lee Le Roi
  • Don Alan
  • Johnny Platt
  • Johnny Paul
308 May 1954 29
Don Alan Pop Corn Swallowing like needle swallowing, for children
308 May 1954 29
Jack Chanin Sucker Coin Go sucker paper coin fold
308 May 1954 30
R. M. Jamison The Mystic Card of Fu message appears on a blank card, which names position of selection in deck
308 May 1954 30
Jack Avis Your Choice Again coin transposition, one coin in handkerchief
Inspired by
  • "Your Choice!" (Jack Avis, Pentagram, Feb. 1953)
308 May 1954 31
Shuttle Pass to show two coins
308 May 1954 31
Dr. William E. Belanger Pop! invisible card thrown at assistant, shirt rolls up and selection is found pinned on undershirt
308 May 1954 31
Ronald B. Edwards 200% Profit coin under glass, with water and paper match transforms
308 May 1954 31
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Francis Ireland, Sam Margules, Karl Mundt, Richard Himber, Robert Orben, The Mad Magician
308 May 1954 32
Roy Benson The Capsule watch chain gag idea
Inspired by 308 May 1954 32
Paris in the the Spring bar stunt, reading sentence, two times "the"
308 May 1954 32
Walter Essman Sealed card is marked with a seal turns out to be selection
309 June 1954 33
Ronald B. Edwards Think of a Number business cards with number written on them, chosen number is spelled and card with same number is found
309 June 1954 34
John Murray Thimble Snake mini snake rises from thimble with miniature selection, inspired by an idea with static electricity by C. B. Yohe
Inspired by 309 June 1954 34
Mo Howarth Mo's Miser different Miser's Dream Bucket design
309 June 1954 35
Norman Jensen Kolar Kut? rope in paper tube is cut and restored
309 June 1954 35
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Gen Grant's Money Maker, George Coon's Stir Crazy, Chicago convention, Karrell Fox, Bob Orben, Senator Crandall, a nailwriter gag by Dr. Stanley Jaks
309 June 1954 36
Sam Leo Horowitz Tilt Dr. Daley story, small packet palm with injog
Related to
  • "A Palm" in "The Sphinx" May 1947, p. 79
310 June 1954 37
Bill Bowman Clipped clipped, two paperclips on folded bill link, see p. 56 for variation with three clips
Related toVariationsAlso published here 310 June 1954 38
Fred W. Smith Letter to Jay Marshall
310 June 1954 38
Tommy Vanderschmidt From the File two selections travel from a ten card pile to another
310 June 1954 39
Russell "Rusduck" Duck E-Z Poker thumb count stacking of a poker hand
310 June 1954 39
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Bob Hummer, John Platt, Frank Garcia, Roy Benson, Al Keller, Gene Gordon
310 June 1954 40
Karrell Fox They're All Aces - Take a Card any card ideas and gags
  • Old Money (bill with beard)
  • Bedroom Eyes (beds on glasses)
  • Genii Weenie (hot dog from Aladin lamp)
  • Bounced (rubber check joke)
  • Candelabra (original way to light three matches on a matchbook)
  • Nose Nonsense (spoon on nose gag)
  • Fan Fun (fan gag)
311 July 1954 42
Jay Marshall The Professor Dai Vernon biography
311 July 1954 43
Dai Vernon The Vernon Poker Routine half deck set-up, see also p. 63
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 311 July 1954 45
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Kirk Stiles, Audley Walsh, Carl Ballantine, Art Lyle, John Paul, Jack Chanin, Cliff Green, IBM Convention in Louisville, Vic Torsberg, Jimmy Lake, Francis Ireland, Business Cards
311 July 1954 48
Robert Orben How to Watch a Card Trick joke list
311 July 1954 48
Richard Himber, Karrell Fox Candlerama ideas for Himber's Eternal Light, candle relighting itself
  • Directions for Himber's Eternal Light
  • Light Race
  • Liberace
  • Happy Birthday
  • Flight of Light
  • Candle and Match Combination
  • Truth Candle
  • Karrell Fox
312 July 1954 49
George Sands An Oddity paper slips with numbers on each side are arranged by the spectator, see 2022 reference for credit information
Related toAlso published here 312 July 1954 50
Tom Ransom No Bop Balloon needle through balloon
312 July 1954 51
Dick Piser In a Flash ball is wrapped in paper, paper is lighted with a match and changes into a silk
312 July 1954 51
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Tony Ravielli, Michael Zerance, T. S. Ransom, Jeanne Vernon
312 July 1954 52
Channing Pollock The Interlocked Production
Also published here 313 Aug. 1954 54
Jesse J. Langston Jr. Zombie zombie with big billiard ball
313 Aug. 1954 55
Sydney Bergson Sid's Seer sponge with alcohol dispenser for sealed message reading
Related to 313 Aug. 1954 55
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on marriage of Jay Marshall and Frances Ireland, Silhouette of Francis Ireland by Dai Vernon, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bob Hummer, Fred Keating, The American Magician, Jay Palmer, Karrell Fox, Lloyd Jones, Frank Chapman
Related to 313 Aug. 1954 56
Irving "Thimblini" Garfinkel Pushing Sponges Thru the Knee
313 Aug. 1954 56
Don Tanner Memento small blank cards are numbered, on one side a sticker appears and under it a miniature version of the selection can be found
314 Aug. 1954 57
John A. M. Howie Match Box Bet lifting the tray of a matchbox on its cover with only the first and fourth finger
Variations 314 Aug. 1954 58
Sydney Bergson Lucky Blue and Red
314 Aug. 1954 58
Sydney Bergson A Religious Paper Tear drawing of Jesus Christ is torn and restored
314 Aug. 1954 58
Dick Piser Whisk-A-Way shot glass appears and vanishes
314 Aug. 1954 59
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Felsman's Magical Review, Fred Keating, Chan Canasta
314 Aug. 1954 60
Louis Tannen Idea for Himber's Eternal Light
314 Aug. 1954 60
Leslie P. Guest Rabbit from a Hat with small parachute as misdirection
315 Sep. 1954 61
Al Koenig, Mike Modrako The Printer's Hat folding a printer's hat from a newspaper
315 Sep. 1954 62
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Cy Endfield, Stan Musial, Francis Carlyle, Frank Garcia, Roy Benson, Ballantine, Dante, Don Alan, Del Ray, John Platt, Bert Allerton, Meyer Silberstein, Jack Miller, Leslie Guest, The Seven Circles, Frank Joglar, Raymonde
315 Sep. 1954 64
Gaylord E. Hill Gaylord's Impromptu Bill Vanish rolled bill secretly behind ear
Also published here 316 Sep. 1954 66
Stewart James Vernon Variation
Inspired byVariations 316 Sep. 1954 67
Walsh Lecture on Audley Walsh's lecture
316 Sep. 1954 67
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Martin Gardner, Victor Jory, Fred Keating, Howard Brooks, John Thornton, Val Andrews, Stewart James, The Impromptu Trixter
316 Sep. 1954 69
Bob Weill, Ralph Hinkson The Jinx Fake Issue Reprint from 1939
317 Oct. 1954 70
Jay Marshall The Jinx on The Jinx and Theo Annemann
317 Oct. 1954 71
Edward Marlo Marlo's Move with sponge balls, sequence
318 Oct. 1954 78
Charles Smith Knickle Head nickel on forehead, has huge thumbtack/nail on back when removed
VariationsAlso published here 318 Oct. 1954 79
Don Alan Walsh Production Table Bit
318 Oct. 1954 79
Don Alan A World of Gags gags with small globe
318 Oct. 1954 79
Harry Lorayne Fourtitude Four-spot as locator, faro
VariationsAlso published here 318 Oct. 1954 80
John Murray A Flash Gordon Stunt Flash Gordon them, Flash Paper
318 Oct. 1954 80
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Herb Rungie, Martin Gardner, The Wizard, Dr. Stanley Jaks
318 Oct. 1954 81
Stewart Judah The Divertisements of Stewart Judah article, see following items
319 Nov. 1954 82
Stewart Judah Variation of Mutus Nomen shuffling sequence, different phrase
Related toVariations 319 Nov. 1954 82
Stewart Judah On Flesh Color and Handkerchief Ball Gimmick Malini anecdote, using brass ball
319 Nov. 1954 83
Stewart Judah On the Paper Snapper
319 Nov. 1954 83
Stewart Judah On Cigar-Go Vanish in paper cone
319 Nov. 1954 83
Max Malini Adhering Cigar
319 Nov. 1954 83
Hubert Lambert, George Blake Clipped on a Ribbon variation of clipped with, thread and ribbon
319 Nov. 1954 84
Duane Duvall Paper Clip Progression Clipped variation wit two, three an four paper clips
319 Nov. 1954 84
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on Harlan Tarbell, Walker Fleming, Gerrie Larsen, Bill Magini, Chap's Scrapbook, Jean Hugard, Senator Crandall, Bob Orben, Frank Werner, Bob Hummer
319 Nov. 1954 85
Mallory Van Slyker, George Sands Birds of a Feather four coins assemble in corners of handkerchief
VariationsAlso published here 320 Nov. 1954 86
Don Alan Flash String Ideas gags and ideas
  • No.3 card is found with flash string and stripper deck
320 Nov. 1954 87
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Forever Royal
Variations 320 Nov. 1954 88
Flash String Idea for cut and restored string
320 Nov. 1954 88
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Houdini, Irv Desfor, Senator Crandall, Blackstone, Don Alan, Johnny Paul
320 Nov. 1954 89
Roy Benson The Back of Benson's Hand card vanish and production, hands in prayer position are opened twice, illustrations by Dr. Jaks
321 Nov. 1954 90
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on Houdini, Howard Brooks, Carl Ballantine, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Martin Gardner, Francis Carlyle, Woodfield's Magicana, Lloyd Chambers
321 Nov. 1954 91
Martin Gardner Airing the Deck deck is aired and held in proper angle to simulate full deck
321 Nov. 1954 92
Horace E. Bennett Half Dollar Through Saucer and falls into glass
322 Dec. 1955 94
Horace E. Bennett Cut and Restored Rope with borrowed ring
322 Dec. 1955 95
Horace E. Bennett Knife Through Coat with pocket knife and newspaper
322 Dec. 1955 96
Horace E. Bennett Coin Extraction silver and copper coin in Handkerchief, named coin is pulled out
322 Dec. 1955 96
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Horace Bennett, Houdini, Grant's Inner Circle Magazine, Martin Gardner, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bill Griffiths, Mello Jones
322 Dec. 1955 97
Peter Graef, Jay Marshall Keller, The Worlds Greatest Magician notes on Kellar's programm from October 1900 and his tricks
323 Dec. 1955 100
Bill Frazee Squawks on Harry Blackstone, The Shinx, Kellar, Sam Bailey
323 Dec. 1955 102
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Bunny Elliott, Roy Benson
323 Dec. 1955 193
Nate Leipzig Nate Leipzig's Grindstone shown by Joe Scott, knife grinder with a plate on table's edge
Related to 324 1955 104
Stewart Judah, George Karger, Al O'Hagan, Jesse J. Langston Jr., G. E. Emme, Stewart James, Paul Curry, Ronald B. Edwards Clipped Again more ideas and tips for Bowman's Clipped
Inspired byRelated to 324 1955 105
Stewart James The Corsican Silks clipped variation, handkerchiefs attached to paper clips
Inspired by 324 1955 105
Anonymous Holy Potatoes piercing a potato with a straw, seen and described by Paul LePaul
Related to 324 1955 106
George Coon Winding the Pack gag
Related toAlso published here 324 1955 106
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Don Alan, Neil Forster, Gen Grant, Roy Benson, The Escape Wizard, Jean Hugard, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Eddie Clever, John Braun, Audley Walsh
324 1955 107
Audley Walsh Reflection manuscript on shiners
  • 1. The World Beater
  • 2.The Spy Glimmer
  • 3. The Little Slicker
  • 4. The Fade Away
  • 5. Big Way Shiner
  • 6. Holdout Glimmer
Related to 325 1955 108
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Jean Hugard, Roy Benson, The Wizard Monthly, Doc Baldwin, Audley Walsh, John Hilliard
325 1955 111
Nate Leipzig, Roy Benson The Leipzig Drop ball vanish
326 1955 112
Roy Benson Deck Switches on table with handkerchief
326 1955 112
Max Malini Confusion Deck Switch multiple deck openly on table, switch by confusion by tabling one deck and later picking up another
Also published here 326 1955 114
Roy Benson The Birdcage on Jay Marshall, Fred Keating, Kuma, Bob Lewis, Johnny Platt, Louis Tannen, Bruce Elliott, Cecil Lyle, Chris Carlton, Bill Neff
326 1955 115
Roy Benson CU + AG
327 1955 116
Roy Benson Capsule making a pull with a film container
327 1955 117
Roy Benson Al Baker Anecdote
327 1955 117
Roy Benson On Black Photographic Tape
327 1955 117
Roy Benson Tape Recording spectator locates card
327 1955 117
Roy Benson Dragnote
327 1955 117
Roy Benson The Shell Turn
327 1955 118
Roy Benson About this Issue on Connye Shearer, design and illustrations
327 1955 118
Roy Benson The Birdcage on John McManus, Dr. Morris Young, Jay Marshall, Paul Fleming, Chris Carlton, Bob Lewis, SAM Assembly No.9, Neil Foster, Walter B. Gibson, Victor Farelli
327 1955 119
"Senator" Clarke Crandall A Backward Effect to rainbow deck
328 1955 120
John Ramsay A Wee Bit of Advice
328 1955 121
Leslie P. Guest NeCRomancy white carbon paper
328 1955 121
Norman MacCleod MacCleod's Miracle! four hands of Bridge, spectator and performer turn cards over in each hand, total is predicted
Inspired by
  • a trick in "The Last Testament of R.W. Hull"
Also published here
328 1955 122
Audley Walsh A Convincing Shuffle red / black shuffle
328 1955 122
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on the New Living Card Stars , Ed Marlo, Charlie Miller, Paul LePaul, Francis Carlyle, Bill Simon, Dr. Jacob Daley, The Modern Magician, Channing Pollock, Cardini, Billy McComb, James B. Findlay, Willane
328 1955 123
Jay Marshall The Ed Marlo Issue interview with Ed Marlo
329 1955 124
Edward Marlo Card Miracles from 1949
329 1955 125
Edward Marlo Throw in Location thumb riffle estimation to nineteenth/twentieth position, two methods
Related toAlso published here 329 1955 125
Edward Marlo Side Riffle Estimation left thumb riffles down to same spot
Also published here 329 1955 125
Edward Marlo Pull Down Estimation left thumb pulls down to same spot, see second method
Also published here 329 1955 125
Edward Marlo Stab Force used as a multiple out
Also published here 329 1955 125
Edward Marlo Automatic Placement cut off, count, remember card at position in reminder
Related to 329 1955 126
Jay Marshall Back Talk on the history of The New Phoenix, The Osirian, Dante's death, Martin Gardner, Robert Parrish
329 1955 127
Roger Lane Sticky and Tricky two sugar cubes stick together
330 1955 128
Horace E. Bennett, Jardine Ellis, Bertram Millidge, Franklin V. Taylor Combination shoelace and Ellis ring penetration, second phase, finger ring becomes entangled
Related toAlso published here 330 1955 129
Norman Houghton Norman's Nonsense
  • Winding up the pack (credited to Karrell Fox)
  • sandpaper gag
Related to 330 1955 130
Jay Marshall Back Talk on Conjuror's Magic Monthly and the death of Rufus Steele, Nat Kane and John McManus
330 1955 131
Gaylord E. Hill Snappo Zippo! Zippo lighter snaps open and is lighted with a snap
Related to 331 Oct. 1955 132
E. Leslie May Clip as I Clip Clipped variation
Inspired by 331 Oct. 1955 133
Jay Marshall Kid Show Idea for Monkey Bar
331 Oct. 1955 133
Norman Houghton Toss Ya! coin production after coin toss with invisible coin
331 Oct. 1955 134
Norman Houghton The Evanescent Coin coin vanish under handkerchief
331 Oct. 1955 134
Norman Houghton Baffling the Brethren card control, springing the cards, bridge
331 Oct. 1955 134
Frances Ireland Marshall Back Talk on Jay Marshall, Channing Pollock, Johny Platt, Tommy Cooper, Laurie Ireland, Conjuror Monthly Magazine, Tom Canfield, Senator Crandall
331 Oct. 1955 135
Jay Marshall Interview in St. Louis with Card Star Paul LePaul
332 Nov. 1955 136
Paul LePaul Pride of the Pigalle stop trick, loading a card under single cards in the hands
332 Nov. 1955 137
Paul LePaul A Transfer Palm reverse from reference
Related to 332 Nov. 1955 137
Howard A. Adams Fate Again male and female names are selected, the names match and represent a famous pair from history
Inspired byAlso published here 332 Nov. 1955 138
Jesse J. Langston Jr. Letter to the Editor Department to Jay Marshall
332 Nov. 1955 138
Gaylord E. Hill Atomic Pearls Bit joke with explosive fireworks attached to cards
332 Nov. 1955 138
Frances Ireland Marshall Back Talk on Jay Marshall, Kuma, Channing Pollock, S.A.M., Senator Clark Crandall, Bill Sachs, Ade Duval, Werner Dornfield
332 Nov. 1955 139
John A. M. Howie Holed Out coin through smaller hole in paper
Variations 333 Nov. 1955 140
Mel Brown The Straight Prediction total of some selected cards match prediction, with poker chips
333 Nov. 1955 140
Irv Weiner Simulated Center Tear
333 Nov. 1955 141
Ernest W. Brady A Tale of Twenty One Cities prediction of a city
333 Nov. 1955 142
Frances Ireland Marshall Back Talk on Rezvani, James Findley, De Vega, Max Andrews, Eddie Joseph, Ed Marlo, Paul LePaul, Don Alan, Matt Schulien
333 Nov. 1955 143
Edward Marlo Challenge to You from Edward Marlo! description of three routines, no explanation
  • 1. The Separating Aces
  • 2. The New Elevator
  • 3. Real Gone Aces
334 Dec. 1955 144
Howard A. Adams Casting the Future multiple cards prediction with two dice
VariationsAlso published here 334 Dec. 1955 144
Norman Houghton How to Torture your Audience "a primer for sadists", gag article
334 Dec. 1955 145
Fitch Cheney Magic Montes divination of a chosen card, cards with months written on it
334 Dec. 1955 145
Martin Gardner Pencilvania ideas for effects with pencils, with ribbon, naming color
334 Dec. 1955 146
Ronald B. Edwards Fifty, Ten, Sixty half dollar turns into dime, then half dollar reappears
334 Dec. 1955 146
Gaylord E. Hill Letter to the Editor from Gaylord E. Hill to Jay Marshall, on Snappo Zippo
Related to 334 Dec. 1955 146
Frances Ireland Marshall Christmas Poem
334 Dec. 1955 146
Jay Marshall Midwestern Opportunity on Hen Fetsch
334 Dec. 1955 146
Frances Ireland Marshall Back Talk on Jay Marshall, Kalanag, Sorcar
334 Dec. 1955 147
Al Leech Case Card cards are cased with a block sticking out, all cards slide down except selection in spectator's hand
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 335 Jan. 1956 148
Dr. Stanley Jaks In Any Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring, with any ring
Related to 335 Jan. 1956 149
Tommy Windsor The Dribble Beer Can hole in beer can to annoy friends
335 Jan. 1956 150
Arthur Hastings Spirit Writings writing appears on one of two blank cards
Related toVariations 335 Jan. 1956 150
Jay Marshall Back Talk on Howard Thurston, The Yock, Jardine Ellis (short bio), Wilford Hutchinson, Al Monroe, Houdini, T. Nelson Downs
335 Jan. 1956 151
Bruce Elliott The Rip one of five bills vanishes, practical manipulative method
Also published here 336 Feb. 1956 152
Brian MacCarthy Hank Dropper coin dropped inside folded handkerchief can be stolen out
Also published here 336 Feb. 1956 153
Bruce Elliott The Elliott Control card from middle controlled to the bottom, buckle
VariationsAlso published here 336 Feb. 1956 154
Shaman 21 Plus spectator guesses in which row his card is, in the end the card is found by spelling "This is the card you took"
Also published here 336 Feb. 1956 154
Bruce Elliott, Jay Marshall The Back Room on Bruce Elliott, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Orson Welles
336 Feb. 1956 155
Jim Ryan Ryan's Rope, Ring and Rod ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here 337 1956 156
Harry Lorayne RingToo on pen
337 1956 158
Bert Allerton Streamliner with eighteen cards
VariationsAlso published here 337 1956 158
Jay Marshall Back Talk on Dai Vernon, Francis Carlyle, Harlan Tarbell, Senator Crandall, Harold Rice, Walker Fleming, Flemming Book Co, Revello Petee, Fred Allen, Coven, Karrell Fox, Billy Mc Caffrey, Fred Keating, Frank Joglar, Albert Goshman, Jerry Lukins, James Findlay, Sorcar, Guy Jarrett
337 1956 159
Edward Marlo Real Gone Aces
  • Additional Notes on Real Gone Aces
  • Swindle Aces Ideas
  • For Use in Real Gone Aces (Ace Layout)
338 1956 160
Edward Marlo The Separating Aces four Aces distribute in the deck, three methods, all cards face-down
Variations 338 1956 162
Edward Marlo The New Elevator progressive rises/penetrations, four methods
Variations 338 1956 163
Edward Marlo Mislide card switched as it is laid down from in-the-hands spread on table, related to later handlings
338 1956 163
Edward Marlo Small Packet Spread-Cull Displacement
338 1956 163
Edward Marlo Small Packet Bottom Transfer two small packets, bottom card transferred to other packet with bottom deal type motion
338 1956 165
Edward Marlo Vanishing Aces Theory
Related to 338 1956 166
Edward Marlo Aces & Deuces Seven Card Assembly
Related to 338 1956 166
Clare Cummings, Bob Lewis The Idiot Rope Trick
Also published here 339 1956 167
Jay Marshall Hydrophobia is a Dirty Trick dirty deck to hand out when someone wants to show a trick, Ken Brooke story
Related to 339 1956 168
Jose Diaz, Vynn Boyar, Edward Marlo Case Card Again
Inspired by 339 1956 168
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Soup card location, ten poker hands dealt
339 1956 169
Jay Marshall Editor's Note on Emil Jarrow, Guy Jarrett, hunt for Erdnase, John Braun, Kellar
339 1956 169
Jay Marshall Back Talk on the IBM convention, Abbott's Get Together, Walter Irving Scott, Dai Vernon, Ed Marlo, Jim Peterson, Tips for Card en, Paul Rosini, Prof Lowey, Senator Crandall, The Linking Ring, Jerry Andrus, Eddie Joseph
339 1956 170
Mel Stover The Irrisistible Force
Variations 340 Jan. 1957 171
Mel Stover The Immovable Object ice in glass is moved to other glasses several times, while performer's back is turned, he then eliminates all empty glasses
Related toAlso published here 340 Jan. 1957 172
Jay Marshall, Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Letter of Robert-Houdin to Shelton MacKenzie translation from french, on Robert-Houdin's biography
340 Jan. 1957 173
George Karger Ghost of the Morro Crab napkin moves over table, orange / lime under it
340 Jan. 1957 175
Gerry Loe Gerry Loe makes a Spectacle for himself making pair of glasses with two scotch tape dispenser, gag
340 Jan. 1957 175
Jay Marshall BackTalk on magic magazines, Martin Gardner, Erdnase, Hugh R. Johnston, F. B. Sterling, Tarbell Testimonial, Don Alan, Lee LeRoi, Jim Sherman, Carl Jones, Phoebe Baker, Fred Allen
340 Jan. 1957 176
Louis Jaeger Match Book Divination imaginary die is thrown, number revealed with matchbook
Inspired by 341-2 Feb. 1956 177
Audley Walsh Box Office Math math question
341-2 Feb. 1956 177
Jay Marshall BackTalk on Mark Leddy, Carl Ballantine, Senator Clark Crandall, Geoffrey Buckingham, Neepie Vernon, Dai Vernon
341-2 Feb. 1956 178
Harry Houdini Magic Made Easy / Houdini's Magic Book catalog reprint
341-2 Feb. 1956 179
Jay Marshall Harlan Tarbell
343 Mar. 1957 195
Harlan Tarbell Confetti to Malted Milk in two cups
343 Mar. 1957 195
Harlan Tarbell An Empty Cup Fills with Milk with two cups
343 Mar. 1957 196
Harlan Tarbell Milk Multiplication with cups
343 Mar. 1957 196
Harlan Tarbell Multiplying Corn Flakes and Milk rice bowls variation with cups
Related to 343 Mar. 1957 197
Harlan Tarbell An Emergency Servante
343 Mar. 1957 197
Jay Marshall BackTalk on Audley Walsh, Milbourne Christopher, Carl Ballantine, James Findlay, John Platt, George Johnstone, Sam-IBM Show, Vic Torsberg, Joe Wildon, Alvin Plough, Al Flosso
343 Mar. 1957 198
Don Tanner Mental Communications opening lines for a mentalism show
344 Apr. 1957 199
Don Tanner, John Murray Street Guide Test with street guide booklet, thought written on piece of paper and wrapped up in book
344 Apr. 1957 199
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, August 2017.