Written by Aaron Fisher, John Lovick
Work of Aaron Fisher
126 pages (Hardcover), published by Hermetic Press
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
54 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Aaron Fisher Acknowledgements
Johnny Thompson Introduction
Aaron Fisher Preface
Aaron Fisher The Gravity Half Pass invisible Half Pass
Related toVariations 15
Aaron Fisher A Simple Sandwich Kings jump to the top sandwiching the selection
Aaron Fisher A Half Pass Variation while bringing the deck to eye level and looking at the faces
Aaron Fisher Revolver first one card sticking out the face down deck turns face up, then the whole deck
Aaron Fisher Misdirection Turnover
Aaron Fisher The One-Handed Popover card pops out in the middle of the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 29
Aaron Fisher Hello Goodbye card visibly jumps from the middle of one half of the deck to the middle of the other half
Aaron Fisher Pinch Me, I Think I'm Falling card caught with half the deck out of a shower of cards
Inspired by 35
Aaron Fisher The Nowhere Pass
VariationsAlso published here 36
Aaron Fisher Additional Handlings for the bluff pass to control a card to certain position
Aaron Fisher Bluff Replacement Subtlety
Aaron Fisher The Advanced Nowhere Pass
Aaron Fisher The Illusion Control control with bluff pass concept
VariationsAlso published here 48
Aaron Fisher The Outjog Herrmann Pass Herrmann Pass with outjoged selection
Aaron Fisher The Academic outjog Herrmann Pass Herrmann Pass with outjoged selection, second handling
Aaron Fisher Don't Fear the Reaper spectator selects four cards from a fan being the four Aces
Inspired by 57
Aaron Fisher, Daniel Rhod The Undercover Switch three of four, a bit like Vernon's strip-out addition, reinvention of Daniel Rhod's sleight
Related to 57
Cliff Green Imperceptible Get-Ready
Aaron Fisher The Forced Undercover Switch Undercover Switch, forcing the first card to spectator
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Hofzinser Spread Cull for single card
Aaron Fisher Simpatico magician and spectator choose mate
Aaron Fisher Four by Four spectator selects one of four cards, the other three change into the quartet
Aaron Fisher The Under Control Switch switching three of four and controlling the outswitched cards
Aaron Fisher A Useful Switch switching three of four witch a top card cover half pass of top six cards
Inspired byRelated toVariations 66
Aaron Fisher Decking the Top
Aaron Fisher A Diminishing Lift
Also published here 72
Aaron Fisher The All Together Now Shift
Aaron Fisher The Omen Jack to Ace change in four Jacks of spades, then the other three are sixes
Aaron Fisher Golden Nugget Queens disapear one at a time from top of the deck and reapearance, with additional "Advanced Handling"
Aaron Fisher Cover Pass Reverse to Bottom block handling
Inspired by 87
Aaron Fisher 2001, an Ace Odyssey
Related to 90
Aaron Fisher Facing the Bottom Card Variation overhand shuffle cover
Related to 90
Aaron Fisher Leaving a Card Behind
Dean Dill Equivoque Procedure one out of four
Also published here
  • "Aces in their Faces", Bob Kohler, 1997
Aaron Fisher Three Kings one of four cards is chosen and use to count down and find a selection (king), the other three change into the missing kings
Variations 94
Theodore Annemann Jinx Switch
Aaron Fisher Revolution No. 9 card turns faceup in the deack, then the deck facedown arround the card
Aaron Fisher Startling Color Change Variation card sticking out from middle of the deck
Inspired byVariations 98
Aaron Fisher Helter Skelter card and deck change color
Aaron Fisher Search and Destroy sleightless
Inspired byRelated toVariations 104
Gordon Bean A Star is Born only the thought of of five cards stays reversed in the pack
Inspired by 107
Aaron Fisher The Taxman
Dai Vernon Vernon Multiple Shift
Tenkai Ishida Pivot Break / Book Break
Larry Jennings Tip on Cliff Green's Imperceptible Get-Ready
Gordon Bean The Standing Challenge spectator mentally selects if the card will rise to the top or the bottom
Inspired byVariations 114
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 116
S. W. Erdnase, Aaron Fisher Overhand Stock Shuffle
Aaron Fisher Here, There, and Everywhere first the Kings travel to the pockets, then the whole deck disappears, leaving only the Kings and a previously selected card
Also published here 119
Aaron Fisher Stealing Cards from Deck to Under Case while closing the case
Bottom Card Palm single card
Data entered by Hannes Freytag & Denis Behr, January 2004.