84 entries in Thimble / Production & Appearance
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
August Roterberg, Maurice Garland The Multiplying Thimble with holder, eight thimbles
1903 508
Lee Stewart Fingerhut-Kunststücke thimble sequences
I. vanish
II. swallowing
III. vanish as thimble is handed to spectator
IV. vanish
V. vanish from thumb
VI. showing both hands empty
VII. handling multiple thimbles, body holder
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Charles T. Jordan A Manipulative Opening No. 9, card, thimble and billiard ball are produced
Also published here 1920 21
Laurie Ireland Four Thimble Vanish and Reproduction
1931 4
William Larsen Thimble move visual appearance
1933 7
August Roterberg The Multiplying Thimbles Climax to thimble routine - thimble appears on every finger on both hands
1936 7
Jean Hugard Production of the First Thimble: Various Methods five ways to produce a single thimble in a dramatic manner, some involving fire/flash paper
1936 20
Jean Hugard 4 - Production From the Mouth
1936 23
Jean Hugard 1 - Jumbo Thimbles How to produce a jumbo thimble in Miser's Dream
Related to 1936 38
Jean Hugard Production and Vanish of Four Thimbles Simultaneously Describes how to palm four thimbles, and use it to produce and vanish four thimbles
1936 39
L.E. Duncanson Thimbles no End! production routine
Dec. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 39)
Robert Parrish Continuous Color Changing Thimble Production
1937 50
John Goodrum A Nu-Idea Thimble Holder
1937 55
John Ramsay Thimble Come interlocked thimble production
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
3 - Production of Thimble from back palm
1945 77
7 - Production of Thimble from empty left Palm
1945 81
9 - Production from Thumb Palm
1945 82
Senor Charles Mardo A Thimble Routine vanishes/productions, penetrations through fist, vanish in pants fold, produce thimbles on all fingers, thimble becomes long ribbon
1945 21
Senor Charles Mardo A Thimble Acquitment
1945 24
Bert Douglas Thimble Box to load each finger, from a box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Bob Ellis Thimble Production four thimbles
1948 56
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic using flash paper
  • A Flash Thimble Production
Dec. 1950 731
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic
  • Multiplying Thimbles
Jan. 1951 742
Al Leech Multiplying Thimbles production of eight thimbles
1952 4
Steal for the Production of Four Thimbles on the Left Fingers
1952 27
Steal for the Production of Five Thimbles on the Right Fingers and Thumb
1952 27
Jerry Hornak Catchy Thimbles production and multiple color change of thimble
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Frederica Close-Up Thimble Routine
  • Part 1 - The Production
  • Part 2 - The Vanish (with silk)
Related to 1956 36
Al Leech Thumbs Up thimbles appear on thumbs
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Al Leech An Easy Production using a silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Al Leech Multiple Production from a Silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
José "Jomar" Rodriquez Camblor Dedal y Aro thimble vanishes when placed through ring and appears again
1967 76
Jan Torell Cigarette Box cigarette box changes into pack of playing cards, piece of paper changes into thimble
1975 21
Charles T. Jordan Simplex Handkerchief Production silk stolen from rubber band fastened around cuff buttons when rolling back sleeves
1975 240
Charles T. Jordan A Manipulative Opening card, thimble and billiard ball are produced
Also published here 1975 258
Pop Thimble Recovery
1976 167
Jim Ryan Thimble Fun! thimbles are produced and placed in hat, then thimbles vanish from hat, snapping the hat
1977 4
Lewis Ganson The Lifting Move multiply one thimble into two
1979 5
Al Leech Thimble Theme thimbles vanish and appear
1980 90
Al Leech Thumbs Up two thimbles appear on the thumbs
1980 110
Al Leech An Easy Production four thimbles are produced from a silk
1980 114
Al Leech Multiple Production From A Silk
1980 120
John Ramsay Pop Production
1982 45
Peter Samelson The Mat Opening thimble appears with help of close-up mat
Also published here 1984 20
T. Page Wright Thimble Thimblerig manipulations with one thimble, ending with production of eight thimbles
  • Move Number Twelve
  • Move Number Thirteen
  • Move Number Fourteen
  • Move Number Fifteen
  • Move Number Sixteen
  • Move Number Seventeen
  • Move Number Eighteen
1991 64
Steal zur Produktion von 4 Fingerhüten auf den linken Fingern
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Steal zur Produktion von 5 Fingerhüten auf den rechten Fingern und Daumen
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Joe Mogar Power Thimbles four thimbles are produced
Also published here 1995 1104
Joe Mogar Presidential Opener thimble produced from bill, then three more as a climax
Also published here 1997 1286
Joe Mogar The Explosion Move four thimbles from thumb palm to fingertips
Also published here 1997 1289
The Basic Vanish & Reproduction
  • Variation #1
  • Variation #2
  • The Reproduction
1997 30
The Vacuum plop sound effect
1997 34
Joe Mogar Lock & Load producing single thimbles from a palmed stack
Also published here
  • M-U-M, May 1968, beginning of "Mogar's Novelty Four Thimble Routine"
1997 42
Joe Mogar The Explosion Move stack of four thimbles distributed on all four fingers one-handed
VariationsAlso published here 1997 43
Steve Beam The 2nd Explosion stack of four thimbles distributed on all four fingers one-handed
Inspired by 1997 46
Steve Beam Productions
1997 53
Joe Mogar Duck & Tuck reverse of standard thimble vanish
1997 53
Joe Mogar The Grabber
1997 55
Joe Mogar Power Thimbles four thimbles are produced
Also published here 1997 56
Joe Mogar Simple Silk finesse for thimble production under handkerchief
1997 59
Joe Mogar Rag Production four thimble production routine with silk handkerchief
1997 60
Joe Mogar The Deep Squat Production four thimbles produced on all fingertips of one hand under silk
Related to 1997 65
Joe Mogar Milking the Silk multiple thimbles produced one by one
1997 66
Steve Beam Bare-Handed showing both hands empty with a silk while holding out thimble(s)
1997 69
Joe Mogar Super Star six-thimble production
1997 70
Joe Mogar TNT Production four thimble production
1997 75
Joe Mogar The Peacock Production instantaneous four-thimble production
1997 132
Joe Mogar A Card Trick thimble production behind fan of four playing cards
1997 133
Joe Mogar Presidential Opener thimble produced from bill, then three more as a climax
Also published here 1997 135
Joe Mogar Half a Trick clean production and vanish, half-thimble gaff
Related to
  • Willane's "Methods for Miracles No. 13 - Edward Victor's Thimble Manipulation"
1997 143
Joe Mogar Shell Shocked thimble shell, eight-thimble production
1997 150
Reproduction Finesse
1997 167
Steve Beam Sound Effect plop sound with thimble
1997 175
Joe Mogar Snapper plop sound with production
1997 176
Joe Mogar Sleeving Thimbles - A Primer
  • Sleeving From The First Finger
  • Sleeving From The Second Finger
  • Multiple Vanish from the Second Finger
  • Producing from the Sleeve
1997 188
Joe Mogar Silk Sleeve retrieval from sleeve
1997 190
Joe Mogar Silk Opener stack of thimbles starts in sleeve
1997 191
Joe Mogar Flash Production four thimble production in empty hands, sleeving
1997 192
Joe Mogar The Dirty Dozen production of twelve thimbles, sleeving
1997 194
Joe Mogar The Explosion Move four thimbles from thumb palm to fingertips
Also published here 1997 6
Joe Mogar Presidential Opener thimble produced from bill, then three more as a climax
Also published here 1997 8
John Carney Thimble Collection five thimbles produced, then travel to other hand
Inspired by 2002 350
Fantasio The Invisible Thimble
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 2)
Mike Caveney Giant Thimble Production load from table, with preliminary sequence with thimble and silk
Related to 2013 23