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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Lubor Fiedler Meister des Zufall's triangular prisms with different colors on each side, matching and prediction routine
Also published here
  • "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Lubor Fiedler Papier im Banne der Geometrie paper with colored stripe is cut in pieces, one blank stripe is added and shuffled among others, spectators choses blank piece
Related to 1963
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Lubor Fiedler Schraffierte Herzen heart-shaped pieces of paper with different designs are cut in halves, spectator and performer find matching halves of one heart
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
Lubor Fiedler Spielwürfel Automat die is placed with any number up and without performer watching, performer rolls die and same number comes up
Also published here
  • "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
Paul Maurer Lieben Sie Bach? paper with music notes is cut in six pieces, die is used to select piece and it's the empty one
Related to 1969
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 2)
Retonio, Werner Baur FISM-Kongress vom 8.-12.7.70 Amsterdam. Ein grosser Kongress - der grossen Überraschungen on FISM Amsterdam, Werner Nussbuamer, Henk Vermeyden, Alice, Raimondi, Ger Cooper, Larselli, Pierre Hall, Lorc und Julit, The New Einstein, Les Hommes, Zelpy, Valerie, Topper Martyn, Otto, Jos Bemelman, Aston, Armandi u. Ass, Magic Christian, Horace, Lubor Fiedler, Metro Magic Show, Richard Ross, Domi Nho, Tel Smit, Hilarouf, J. Noue, Han Timmermann, Sitta, Zaney Blaney, Joé Waldys, Roberto und Ella, Morine, Joe Nex, Yrus, Cornel & Monique, Phoa Jan Tiong, Fantasio, Gino Manelli, Edernac, Canapp, Piet Forton, Duo Naldys, Freddy Fah, Ascanio, Ad Klein, Majax
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 5)
Lubor Fiedler Sure-Fire Force piece of card stuck on card
1972 82
Lubor Fiedler Fiedler's Cigarette Through Card
1975 70
Lubor Fiedler Balance crayon is balanced on tip
1975 75
Lubor Fiedler Coins in Plastic Bags spectator distributes coins to plastic bags, distribution predicted
1975 77
Olaf Spell Der Dritte Fachkongress Böblingen on the third Magic Hands convention, Peter Schwarz, Jo, Patrick, Manfred Thumm, Yutaka Kikuchi, Masafumi Sakoh, Lubor Fiedler, Ali Bongo, Les Renées, Akira Matuo, Rüdiger Deutsch, Heinz Herrmannsdörfer, Werner Geist, Jean Garance, Richard Ross, Helmut Schmiedeberg, Peter Lodinsky, Tony Spina, Lee Pee Ville, Fred Maro, Onkel Peppi, Pierre Brahma, Fred van Thom, Kikuchi
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 1)
Olaf Spell The Magic Hands Fachkongresse - Böblingen 8.+9.+10.1'82 convention report, Flip, Henk Driessen, Richard Ross, Joro, El Duco, Lubor Fiedler, Alberto Sitta, Jean Garance, Rudi Heuer, Jojos, Dixon, Ludificus, Perry & Eve, Gaston Dumont, Wolfgang Winckel, Manfred Thumm, Eberhard Riese, Lou van Burg, Jean Madd, Bob Brown & Brenda, Lev Blaha, Christian Fechner, The New Houdinys, Zelpy, Véronique
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
John Lyon Optical Plastic coin appears to sink into sheet of plastic
Related to
  • "Blue Crystal" (Lubor Fiedler, Tenyo T-198)
1982 ca.
Lubor Fiedler Incredi-Change peeked-at card in packet vanishes, all backs change color (visually with acrobatic flap gaff)
Aug. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Diabelli Freie Deutsche Meisterschaften im Zaubern as Harry Meier, on the german magic convention organized by the Magischen Nordlichter, Flip, Punx, Werry, Rivelino, Braco, Frank Wien, P.C. Juling, Lubor Fiedler
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
Rico Leitner Kongress des Magischen Zirkels von Deutschland 8. - 11. Mai 1986 on the convention of the magic circle Germany, Eckhart Böttcher, Pavel, Lubor Fiedler, Roberto Giobbi, Dick Koornwinder, Erhard Liebenow, Boretti, Herbert Paufler, Klingsor, Alan Shaxon, Kellerhof, Hannes Höller, Abott, Thumm, Mephisto, Chapeau, Gerd Maron, Lev Blaha, Larry Parker, Johnny Hart, Safran & Kardamon, Bruno Rodrigues, Sylvia Diana, Jul & Jule, Alfredo, Lubor Fiedler, Juno, Thomas Vité, Eberhard Riese, Wittus Witt, Jan Forster, Ted Lesley, Fred van Thumm
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 3)
Robert Kaldy-Karo 2. Internationales Magiertreffen in Klagenfurt vom 20. und 21. Juni 1987 on the magic convention in Klagenfurt, Dieter Fradl, Harry Moser, Tony Reisner, Lubor Fiedler
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Chris & Paul Maurer, Magic Christian, Zimi, Retonio, Lubor Fiedler, Marnac, Petwe Wilker, Peter Lodynski, Altini, Harold Voit, Magische Schatztruhe, Rudi Breisach, Wolfgang Oeller, Sascha Morelli, Tony Reisner Magic, Karo & Doré, Kalanag, Angeli, Hermanion
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 2)
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Roberto Giobbi, David Copperfiel, Peter Moretti, Fred Maro, Mr. Magree, Hundini, Lubor Fiedler, Hans Bechtold, James Randi, Harold Voit, Christoph Borer, Pius Küng, Pavel, Danny Slide, Kalindo, Binocchi, Romano, Gradiwohlo, Rico Leitner, Engelbert Steinhart, Stefan Handel, Stefan Hoch, Tino & Susann, Rolf Andra, Ivo Durox, Yrus , Chris & Paul, Ludwig Klaus, Max Burkhart, Elberto, Rudolf Fürrer, Stanley Jaks, Robert Kaldy-Karo, Doré Henk Vermeyden
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 6)
Wittus Witt Half Hearted heart-shaped pieces of paper with different designs are cut in halves, spectator and performer find matching halves of one heart
Inspired by 1995
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Anti-Gravity Rock by Lubor Fiedler Feb. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 2)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Blue Crystal by Lubor Fiedler Dec. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 12)
David Berglas Would You Make a Reliable Witness? routine with Reality/Fantasy ambigram, Lubor Fiedler's Posi-Negative and stroop-effect, people read words and experience them differently then others
Related to 2002 364
Hiroshi Sawa Soul of the Butterflies routine for Lubor Fiedler's Blue Crystal with small tissue napkins
Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Lubor Fiedler, Tom Sellers Fiedler Force credited to Fiedler, partial card stuck on back of joker
2004 8
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) The Collected Secrets of Lubor Fiedler by Lubor Fiedler Oct. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 10)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) The Third Eye by Lubor Fiedler Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Flying Carpet by Lubor Fiedler Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Card Surgery by Lubor Fiedler Jan. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 1)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Ghost Cards by Lubor Fiedler Dec. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 12)
Dustin Stinett Lubor Fiedler: No Words
Mar. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 3)
Mark Setteducati In Memoriam: Lubor Fiedler
Nov. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 11)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Security Lock by Lubor Fiedler Nov. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 11)
Francis Menotti (reviewer) Lubor Fiedler's Beautiful Mirror by Lubor Fiedler (written by Franz Kaslatter) Jan. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 1)
Lubor Fiedler Fiedler Forcing Gaff on back of Joker
Feb. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 2)