Written by Tony Cabral
Work of Tony Cabral
35 pages (Paperback), published by The Usual Suspect
No illustrations
Language: English
12 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Tony Cabral Introduction
Tony Cabral Ace Up The Sleeve Ace of Spades put openly in sleeve, reappears on deck and selection is now in sleeve
Inspired by 8
Tony Cabral Suit Pocket selection travels to pocket, full suit is also taken from pocket
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Card to Pocket with Kicker" (Jack McMillen ebook, p. 144)
Tony Cabral, Eddie Fechter Culling Ploy card apparently lost
Tony Cabral Memorized Deck Work In Three Hard Steps on using a memorized deck
Tony Cabral Tune Up unknown selection in case, spectator names a card, performer divines cased card and named one comes from wallet
Inspired by
  • "My Opening Act" (Jon Armstrong, Card Magic 2 DVD)
Tony Cabral On The Open Index
Tony Cabral Tilting At Windmills why Tilt is no good
Tony Cabral Cheating at Blackjack blackjack demo with selection, sucker element
Inspired by
  • "Blackjack" (Carl Andrews, Magic from Maui)
Tony Cabral Call Your Bluff performer finds Ace of Spades among four cards, Ace changes into selection, other three change into mates
Related to 27
Simon Aronson Under-Spread-Force Finesse
Tony Cabral Four-Card Quickie four-of-a-kind transforms into another four-of-a-kind
Data entered by Denis Behr, June 2018.