Written by Aldo Colombini
Work of Aldo Colombini
16 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
13 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Aldo Colombini Introduction
Aldo Colombini Tip Top cards with clowns with different colored noses, one color is selected and performer appears to wear the same colored clown nose
Temple Patton Tantalizer Force starts with a free cut, duplicate force cards on sixth and eighth position
Also published here
  • "Cardiograph" (Temple C. Patton, Card Tricks Anybody Can Do, 1968)
Aldo Colombini Poppy knot in rope slides from one end to the other, changes color, slides again and when opened it is found to be part of the rope
Related to
  • Pavel's "Acrobatic Knot"
Aldo Colombini Hit false knot handling
Aldo Colombini Slip knot sliding along rope and finally jumps off the rope
Aldo Colombini Trio handling for professor's nightmare, rope is cut into three pieces and becomes one again, different approach
Aldo Colombini Quarters jumbo card as prediction, quarters of cut jumbo cards are selected, prediction match even though one corner does not fit the card
Inspired by 10
Aldo Colombini Gimmick matrix with backfire, special gimmick
Aldo Colombini Jumbo airplane is formed with cards, selection is found and four Aces produced as kicker
Inspired by
  • Ken de Courcy's "Airplane"
VariationsAlso published here
Aldo Colombini Twist child selects card with animal, performer divines it by twisting balloon behind back
Aldo Colombini How to Make a Dog
Aldo Colombini Blow four balloons tied on rope, one balloon is selected by drawing a silk from a clear bag, matching balloon flies away
Inspired by 16
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2019.