4 entries in Rubber Band / Transposition
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
"Y" Not two different colored rubber bands are in some configuration and change places
1979 27
Ben Harris Green Card Transpo two rubber bands, one has a hundred dollar bill stapled to it, the bands transpose but the bill remains
  • Additional Convincer (related to "T.A.R." in reference)
Related to 1987 7
Karl Fulves By Any Stretch small and large rubber band around fingers, spectator holds fingers, the bands transpose, spectator has to close eyes, duplicate on wrist
Inspired by
  • Ken Kuroki trick
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Tomas Blomberg Magic Lesson six-phase routine where a rubber band and a borrowed ring are linked and unlinked several times. When the ring is going to be handed back to its owner, it changes places with the rubber band
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Pinnacle" (Russ Niedzwiecki DVD, 2005)
2014 25