First Spanish edition was published in 2016
Written by Juan Tamariz
Work of Juan Tamariz
594 pages (Hardcover), published by Hermetic Press
No illustrations
Language: English
69 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Rafael Benatar Inner Worlds
Juan Tamariz Foreword
Juan Tamariz Acknowledgments
Chapter 1 - Magic
Juan Tamariz Magic
  • What Is Magic?
  • Magic - A Minimal (and Inexorably Failed) Attempt to Approach a Definition and a Delimitation
Juan Tamariz The Emotion-Miracle
  • An Attempt to Comprehend the Magic Miracle
  • Notes Toward a Theory of Emotion in Magic - Pursuing Our Goal
    • 1. The Secular Miracle
    • 2. The Desired Goal
    • 3. The Ideal Goal
Juan Tamariz Origins and Evolution
  • Magic and Art
    • Thoughts
    • Definitions
    • Requirements
    • Analysis
    • Wishes, Petitions and Pleas (to Others, to Myself)
  • On the Essence of the Art of Magic
  • Some Provoking Questions (Also Self-Provoking)
  • Magic as Art and Magic as Show
Juan Tamariz The Material: Dreams
  • Dreams of Magic
  • Dream, Magic, Reality
  • Magic in Movies, Theater, Television (and Close-Up Magic)
  • Magic and Surrealism
Juan Tamariz To Whom Is It Adressed?
  • Magic Is Only for Children
Chapter 2 - How Is It Produced?
Juan Tamariz How Is It Produced?
  • The Process of Creation and Interpretation in Magic
Chapter 3 - The Magical Effect And Its Significance
Juan Tamariz The Magical Effect
  • How Should It Be?
Juan Tamariz Classic Effects
  • What Are They? Which Ones Are They? Why Are They Classics?
Juan Tamariz Symbols
  • Magic and Symbolism
Juan Tamariz An Example Of A Practical Application Of The Theory Of Symbolic Magic thoughts on multiplying billiard balls and the Koornwinder Car
  • The Magic of the Spheres
  • A Study of a Truly Magical Effect: "El Cochecito"
Juan Tamariz More About Effect
  • The Fascinating Effect
    • Impossible Miracle
    • Fascinating Miracle
  • The Effect and the Secret Method (A Love Story)
    • Presentation and Approach
    • Distancing
    • Other Distancings
    • Lack of Balance
    • Encounter, Harmony, Symbiosis
  • Variety in Effects
  • That Effect, in Effect, with Affection
Chapter 4 - Magic and Memory
Juan Tamariz Introduction
  • The Memory. Generalities
    • Bibliography
Juan Tamariz Card to Order (A Practical Example) someone names a number and other person names suit to construct card, card is instantly produced
Juan Tamariz Encoding What Is Perceived
  • Features
  • The Degree of Attention
  • Emotional Elements
  • General Framing of the Mind
  • Connected Facts - Group of Facts
  • Structure
  • Standing Out in the Group
  • Premises
  • Repetition
  • Collaboration of the Various Types of Memory
  • Social Conditions of Encoding
  • Summing Up
Juan Tamariz Storage Of The Memories
  • A Preliminary Digression
  • Altered Permanence
    • Elapsed Time
    • The Desire of Logic
    • Preferences and Tendencies
    • The Normal Factors - The Gestalt
    • Condensation
Juan Tamariz Evoking Memories
  • The Comet Effect
    • Why Is The Comet Effect Produced?
    • Boosters of The Comet Effect
    • The Power of the Magical Effect
    • Symbolism
    • The Desire of Recreating the Wonderful Experience and Celebrating It
    • Personal Participation
    • Facility for Evoking the Effect and Improving It upon Its Evocation
    • Evoking Hooks
    • Temporary Summation
  • Other Factors That Improve Memories
    • First Objective: Reinforcing the Positive Conditions
    • Second Objective: Forgetting the Negative Conditions
    • Third Objective: Remembering What Never Happened
    • (Opening a Parenthesis: Persistent Memories Carried Over
    • I Close the Parenthesis.)
    • The Mnemosyne Staircase
    • The Emotional Erasers: an Encoder and Eraser of Short-Term and Long-Term Memory
    • An Almost Incredible Experiment
    • End: The Work of the Magician after the Session
    • Chapter Summation
Related to 147
Louis Gombert, Al Baker, Juan Tamariz Any Card At Any Number as an example of how to create false memories
Chapter 5 - Dramaturgy
Juan Tamariz Emotions
  • Kind of an Introduction
  • A Human Analogy
  • Analysis of the Emotions in Magic
    • The Emotions (ans Situations That Cause Them) in Relation to the Effect
    • The Emotions (and Situations That Provoke Them) in Relation to the Secret Method
    • The Emotions (and Situations That Provoke Them) in Relation to Others: The Magician, Helpers, Assistants, Spectators
  • The Emotional Scheme
  • About the Variety of Emotions: An Example
    • The Ambitious Card
    • The Vernon Routine (from Stars of Magic
Related to 187
Juan Tamariz Conflicts In Magic and Their Curves of Interest
  • The Curves of Interest: Notions to Remember
  • Magic: Two Conflicts
    • The Logical-Rational Conflict - Climax without Resolution
  • The Magic Conflict and Its Dramatization
Juan Tamariz Card to Pocket single card to pocket, to explain curves of interest
Juan Tamariz Time
  • Rhythm
    • Time: Some Generalities and a Definition
    • Objective Rhythm and Subjective Rhythm
    • Rhythm and Artistic Expression
    • Strong Beats and Weak Beats
    • Rhythm in an Artistic Performance
    • The Rhythm in Magic
    • An Aid for Rhythm and Magic: The Metronome
    • Strong Beats and Weak Beats in Magic
    • An Aesthetic and Almost Ethical Consideration
Related to 285
Juan Tamariz Coins Across brief
Juan Tamariz The Time of the Performance
Juan Tamariz The Beloved Art of the Pause
  • The Prior Pause (the Dramatic Pause)
  • The Posterior Pause (the Pause of Assimilation and Enjoyment)
  • Combined Action of the Two Pauses - Memorability
  • More on the Pauses for Drama and Assimilation
    • The Dramatic Pause
    • The Pause for Assimilation
  • The Attitude of the Magician during Pauses for Drama and Assimilation
  • Other Pauses
    • The Initial Pause
    • Resting Pauses
    • Relaxation Pauses
    • Pauses and Punctuation Marks
  • Equivalence between Punctuation Signs and Pauses in Magic
Juan Tamariz Timing
  • Generalities
  • An Example of Timing
  • Elements to Synchronize (Timing)
  • The Opportune Moment (Opportunistic Timing)
  • Recap
Juan Tamariz Patter
  • Patter (A First Approach)
    • Atmosphere an Spell
    • Attention: Quickly, Very Quickly
    • Verse and Music: Illustration and Emotions
    • Parody, Buffoonery and Laughs
    • Defense and Credibility
    • Elegance and Distinction
    • Everything and Nothing
    • Some Light
    • The Present
    • The Future
  • More About Patter (Second Approach)
    • The Magic Spell
    • The Function of Patter
    • Patter That Creates Rhythm (a Personal Example)
    • Improvisation (Personal Application)
Chapter 6 - The Secrets
Juan Tamariz The Seven Magic Veils
  • First Veil - The Mystery of Love for What You Do
  • Second Veil - The Mystery of Effort
  • Third Veil - The Mystery of Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Fourth Veil - The Mystery of Energy
  • Fifth Veil - The Mystery of Truth
  • Sixth Veil - The Mystery of a Rich Inner World
  • Seventh Veil - The Mystery of Love
Juan Tamariz On Magic Energy A Minimal and Impossible Attempt an an Unveiling
Juan Tamariz The Little Monkeys About a Wonderful, Superb, Endearing and Unforgettable Show
Juan Tamariz A Beautiful Profession of Love
Chapter 7 - The Magic Pyramid
Juan Tamariz The Magic Pyramid
  • A Preamble
  • First Level - the Base: The Persona
  • Second Level: The Effect
  • Third Level: The Secret Method
  • Fourth and Fifth Levels: Emotions and Presentation
Chapter 8 - Styles in Magic
Juan Tamariz From The Inside
  • Impromptu Magic
  • The Magic of Accessories
Juan Tamariz From the Outside
  • Magic and Comedy
    • The Joke
    • The Comedy Punch
    • The Gag
  • Some Laws of Laughter
    • Other Cases that Tend to Induce Laughter
    • Curves of Interest in Laughter, Magic and Horror
    • Laughter in Magic: Easy and Dangerous
  • Various Positive Combinations of Magic and Comedy
    • Comedy without Magic
    • Comedy with Magic
    • Magic with Comedy
  • Other Pairings
    • Trick with a False Explanation
    • Running Gags
    • Comedy for Magic
    • Functions of Comedy in Helping Magic
    • Final Recap
    • Comedy for Magic (Recap
  • Manipulation
    • Surprise
    • Intrigue
    • Amazement
    • The Marvel and Amazement
    • Mystery
  • Mental Magic
    • Art and Mentalism
Related to 407
Chapter 9 - About the Construction of the Session
Juan Tamariz About the Construction of the Session
  • Terminology
  • The Routine
  • The Sessions
  • Close-Up Magic Sessions
  • A Session of Stage Magic
  • Part I
  • Part II
  • Some Final Observations
  • Other Details
  • An Example
Chapter 10 - Creating Illusion
Juan Tamariz To Create Illusion
  • Technique in Service to the Effect
  • About Certain Qualities, Advantages and Pleasures that Sometimes Originate fro the Art of Technique
    • Positive Aspects of Digital Technique
Juan Tamariz In Order Not to Disappoint
  • Outs and Resources - The Art of Fixing Mistakes in Magic
    • A Few Suggestions
    • Outs Specific to Card Magic
    • A Final Observation
Chapter 11 - Confessions
Juan Tamariz About the Author: Highly Personal Comments
  • 1. Theoretical Conception
  • 2. About My Ideas, Tricks and Routines (Self-Analysis)
Juan Tamariz About the Preparation of the Session
Also published here
  • "La Circular" 1984
Chapter 12 - Nostalgia
Juan Tamariz The Spectator Facing Magic
  • What Is Magic-Illusionsim? What Does It Consist Of?
  • How To Watch a Magic Session
  • The Magician
Also published here 517
Juan Tamariz The Spectator on the Other Side of Magic
Appendix 1 - Magic and Other Arts (Notes)
Juan Tamariz Magic and Magical Narration
  • Myths of Creation, Gods and Heroes Fairy Tales
Juan Tamariz Magic and Film
Juan Tamariz Magic and Drama
Juan Tamariz Magic and Music
Juan Tamariz Magic and Painting
Appendix 2 - Tricks, Symbols and Myths
Juan Tamariz Background (A Brief Personal Story)
  • Magic, Myths and Symbols
Juan Tamariz Some Phenomena of Card Magic symbolism in card magic
Juan Tamariz Some Classic Tricks of Card Magic (in alphabetical order)
Appendix 3 - Hidden Wishes
Juan Tamariz Human Wishes
Juan Tamariz Wish List of Mankind
Juan Tamariz Wishes and Their Corresponding Tricks
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2021.