Written by Eddie Joseph
Work of Eddie Joseph
10 pages (Stapled), published by Abbott's Magic
No illustrations
Language: English
9 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Eddie Joseph Dear Reader
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 1 card chosen by cutting the deck several times, doubling the value of the bottom card and counting down to the card at that position, matching card in a second deck is found reversed, stack with straight made of pairs
Related to 2
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 2 card chosen by cutting the deck several times, doubling the value of the bottom card and counting down to the card at that position, repeat with second spectator, both cards divined
Related to 2
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 3 performer and spectator both reverse a card in half the deck with counting procedure, they match
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 4 knife inserted in deck with counting procedure, cards above and below knife are predicted
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 5 two cards chosen from a deck with counting procedure, both are reversed in another deck
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 6 card chosen from one deck with counting procedure, the duplicate is missing from a second deck and found in an envelope, repeat
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 7 three cards chosen with counting procedure, those are used to get to a page in a magazine, word is divined
Eddie Joseph Final Words
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2023.