Written by Bruce Bernstein
Work of Bruce Bernstein
10 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
3 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bet Trick that fooled Einstein, with bills, High Card presentation
Also published here 1
Bruce Bernstein Will Power multi-phase heads or tails routine, control or prediction when coin is spun on table, using gaffed Spinning Coins
Bruce Bernstein It's a "Win-Win Sitatuation" 12 envelopes, some with names of spectators and some written "win" on them are shuffled and dealt, spectators win dollar bill in the two remaining envelopes are a hundred dollar bill and a check with an amount matching a previously named number
Also published here 7
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2024.