Written by Franklin M. Chapman
Work of Franklin M. Chapman
7 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
8 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Franklin M. Chapman Sixth Sense? Joker and three other cards are sealed in envelope and mixed, performer always finds Joker, secretly small bead is added in one envelope
Franklin M. Chapman Red and Blue blue-backed deck shown and case, then red-backed deck shown and a card selected, eventually the red deck is the blue one and vice versa, the two decks transposed
Hindu Shuffle Display do show red backs in a blue deck
Franklin M. Chapman, Harry Bernard Vanishing Deck three cards chosen, one found behind back, deck covered with handkerchief, other two cards found and deck vanishes
Franklin M. Chapman Blank spectator selects a card and writes name on slip of paper, later spectator has a blank card and name on slip of paper vanished
Franklin M. Chapman Breast Pocket Switch as slip in spectator's pocket is pulled into view, original slip remains in his pocket
Franklin M. Chapman A Gag Five of Clubs selected, Six of Clubs produced from pocket (with obvious palming, sucker), but one spot is missing when full card is shown
Franklin M. Chapman A Tip card balanced upright on back of hand, thumb tip
Data entered by Denis Behr.