there was an earlier 1997 edition with different pagination
Written by Lew R. Brooks
Work of Lew R. Brooks
43 pages (Spiralbound), published by The Magic Fun Factory
Illustrated with drawings by Jon Jensen
Language: English
12 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Lew R. Brooks Foreword on stacks
Lew R. Brooks The False False Shuffle (FFS) short planned single-card runs that are prepared before the performance and shuffled off during performance, top stock or full deck or for small packet
Related to 5
Lew R. Brooks Order Out of Chaos packet of one suit arranges itself from Ace to King after cuts and shuffles
Related toAlso published here 8
Lew R. Brooks The 4 Second Stack fast overhand stack demo with the four Kings, using thirteen extra Kings, inspired by John Scarne performance
Inspired by 13
Lew R. Brooks Bughouse Poker tabled royal flush production with some preliminary handling, pivot revelation
Inspired by 18
Lew R. Brooks Bughouse Blackjack Fourteen of Spades climax
  • Combined Handling (combining routine with Bughouse Poker)
Related to
  • Blackjack idea in "36 Tricks with FA-KO Cards"
Lew R. Brooks The Kangaroo Kid gambling demo with packet of sixteen cards removed from the deck, story
Inspired by
  • "From the Land Down Under" (Ken Beale, World's Greatest Card Tricks, Bob Longe, 1996)
Lew R. Brooks The LRB Stacking Demo overhand stacking demo, others get good hands
Lew R. Brooks Poetry Poker "(A Love Story with Cards)"
Lew R. Brooks High Card Poker poker demo with twenty picture cards & Aces
Lew R. Brooks A Red/Black Location one of several pairs selected, later found, red/black alternating set-up
Also published here 40
Lew R. Brooks Invent Your Own Stack with numbered cards
Data entered by Denis Behr, June 2022.