Written by Jim Steinmeyer
Work of Jim Steinmeyer
36 pages (Stapled), published by Hahne
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
11 entries
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Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Jim Steinmeyer Just Thinking full deck stack, "do you see a card of the same value here?" (binary divination)
Inspired by 1
Jim Steinmeyer The Three-Ball Test three imaginary colored balls are distributed by spectator, performer knows which color is where
Also published here 4
Jim Steinmeyer The Irresistible Force from three cards (Six, Seven, Queen) the Seven is forced via elimination counting procedure
Variations 7
Jim Steinmeyer Irresistible Shopping cards with food items printed on them, spelling procedure, three items predicted
Jim Steinmeyer Deepest Sympathy seven cards arranged by spectator match prediction, hands-off, dealflipdropcut
Related to 12
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph The Luckier Number card shows up at number that is named at beginning
Inspired by 15
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph The Lost and the Found with incomplete deck
Inspired by 18
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph, Alan Stockwell A Study in Scarlet and Black as phone effect
Inspired by 21
Jim Steinmeyer Travel Expands the Mind forcing city with postcards and spelling
Jim Steinmeyer Raw Sentiment another word force with spelling
Jim Steinmeyer Mystery in Abstract pile of drawing, all eliminated except one, this is predicted
Data entered by Denis Behr, November 2015.