Written by Arthur Setterington
Work of Arthur Setterington
48 pages (Stapled), published by Micky Hades Enterprises
Illustrated with drawings by Shelby Craigen
Language: English
18 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Arthur Setterington Preface
Arthur Setterington Topsy Turvy Chinaman plaque in frame, frame is turned but picture is always upright
Arthur Setterington The Vanishing Shadow three cards with a shadow of a person on it, one vanishes and only foodprints remain on card
The Glide
Arthur Setterington Tibetan Cord Mystery cord threaded through a frame is cut and restored
Arthur Setterington Crazy Apron apron worn by kid falls on the floor during show, gag for "Baking a Cake"
Arthur Setterington Total Surprise two dice are rolled and put into a tube, performer reveals total of hidden numbers
Arthur Setterington Poor Man's Coins in Glass three coins vanish and appear one by on in jar with screw top, covered with a tube
Arthur Setterington Pretty as a Picture picture formed with silks, produced from a Drawer Box
Arthur Setterington Message Most Mysterious writing appears on paper, signed on both sides in a circle
Arthur Setterington The Indian Vase vase with hole in the bottom and the top
Arthur Setterington Living Flame words written on a paper are torn out, one is selected and rest burnt in fire, chosen word is divined
Arthur Setterington The Pincushion Production Box production box which is pierced with wooden rods first
Arthur Setterington Below Deck card penetrates close up pad
Arthur Setterington Chinese Rope Routine story routine about Confucius and a magician
  • appearance of a knot
  • one handed knot
  • dissolving and appearing knots
  • to "dissolve" a knot
  • to make two knots appear
  • the appearance of two knots
  • to tie a knot in a rope without letting go of the ends of the rope
  • to cause a number of knots to appear
Arthur Setterington 20th Century Matchboxes several matchboxes, matches from one matchbox travel into an empty matchbox
Arthur Setterington All Hallows Eve spooky presentation, word chosen from a book appears on picture in a frame
Arthur Setterington Walking through a Sheet of Metal wooden box, assistant walks through sheet of metal
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, November 2017.