Written by Jack Yates
Work of Jack Yates
31 pages (Stapled), published by A Goodliffe Publication
Illustrated with drawings by Roë
Language: English
11 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Jack Yates Foreword close-up mental magic
Jack Yates Clip Line newspaper clipping, some lines from top and bottom are cut away and the cross total of the remaining lines leads to a line which is divined
Related to 7
Jack Yates Match Miracle spectator reverses one of four matches and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one
Related toVariationsAlso published here 9
Jack Yates Devil's Die spectator thinks of a number between one and six, a die is put under performer's hand and without looking at it the performer shows three sides of the die several times and asks if the selected number is visible, number is eventually divined
Inspired byRelated to 11
Jack Yates Perfected Publicity word from publicity sheet is divined, extended anagram
Jack Yates Astral Digit after some easy arithmetics, spectator and performer have the same number written on a slate
Jack Yates Merchant Mentalist cards with objects written on it are arranged in a circle, prediction of selection
Jack Yates Who's Fooling Whom? gag prediction printed on a promotion card, people can do for their friends
Jack Yates Object in Mind divination of one of three objects, mathematical principle
Jack Yates Murder Must Foul murder game, with instruction cards for spectators
Jack Yates Credits
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2016.