Written by Bob King
Work of Bob King
31 pages (Spiralbound), published by Bob King Magic
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
24 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve
Bob King Pen Through Quarter with sleeving
Also published here 4
Bob King Coin in Bottle with sleeving
Related toAlso published here 5
Bob King Expansion of Texture with sleeving
Bob King Chinaman's Chance china coin in right hand, three silver coins in left, travel to right hand one by one, all change to chinese
Fake Turnover on mat
Bob King The Glimpse deck cut into three piles, performer names bottom card and card at named number
Bob King Making Waves II two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, cards found from a jumbo deck then, one jumbo card travels into wallet
Inspired byAlso published here 10
Bob King Underground Copper/Silver copper and silver coins under cards on mat transpose, slit in mat
Bob King Topflight cap in bottle, sticky magnet holds cap in beginning
Bob King Dual Flight featuring "Solution Wallet" (Himber/Bombshell)
Wild Card Move
Bob King Secret Turnover of Himber Wallet
Bob King Color-Changing Deck optional with "Color-Changing Acro Card" (Bob King)
Paul Harris Spelling Force spectator's name spelt out by cutting packets to force card
Bob King Split Thought Ace through Ten of Hearts on top, numbers thought of by two spectators and after some mental calculation by spectators the numbers are divined
Inspired byAlso published here 18
Bob King End-All Rope Cut loop on pull
Bob King Turncoat single folded card turns inside out, hand cover only
Also published here 20
Bob King Out to Lunch Add-a-Number
Bob King, Jim Steinmeyer, Jon Racherbaumer Tele-Mental
Also published here 23
Bob King Domesticated Wild Card one double-facer
Brother John Hamman Flustration Move
Bob King Big Mac "...what I consider to be the best Ace routine I've ever come seen", leader packet changes into Royal Flush as finale, three double facers and three mis-indexed cards
Inspired by
  • "Ankner's Aces" (Buddy Ankner)
Bob King Face up Revelation with double facers
Also published here 28
Data entered by Denis Behr, November 2017.