preface \n \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
the spirit aces \n no. 1, four sevens and four aces in piles on table, two sevens put on top of deck followed by two aces, yet aces are on table and all four sevens on top of deck, two extra aces and step gaff \n charles t. jordan \n spirit aces \n charles t. jordan \n the spirit aces \n charles t. jordan \n the spirit aces \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
The Spirit Aces
Also published here
the spook card \n no. 2, card vanishes from small packet, five peek cards \n charles t. jordan \n the travelling cards \n juan tamariz \n the spook card \n charles t. jordan \n spook card \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
The Spook Card
Related toAlso published here
peek deck cards \n \n dr. ford rogers \n peek deck cards \n dr. ford rogers
Dr. Ford Rogers
Peek Deck Cards
Also published here
the demon color change \n no. 3, multiple consecutive changes, second and rear cards remain the same, using glued triple cards \n charles t. jordan \n rapid ink \n karl fulves \n the demon color change \n charles t. jordan \n the demon color change \n charles t. jordan \n "demon color change" notes \n karl fulves
Charles T. Jordan
The Demon Color Change
VariationsAlso published here
double facer color change \n front card drops to fingers under cover of other hand to perpendicular position, turned over \n charles t. jordan \n double facer color change \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
Double Facer Color Change
Also published here
a unique reverse \n no. 4, thought-of picture card reverses itself in the deck, using cards glued back-to-back at one end with one cut short \n charles t. jordan \n a unique reverse \n charles t. jordan \n a unique reverse \n charles t. jordan \n "unique reverse" notes \n karl fulves
Charles T. Jordan
A Unique Reverse
VariationsAlso published here
divino \n no. 5, deck dealt into two piles, card at position in one half remembered, deck pocketed, number named, card at that position is selection \n charles t. jordan \n divino \n charles t. jordan \n new divino \n glenn g. gravatt \n divino \n charles t. jordan \n divino \n charles t. jordan \n "divino" notes \n karl fulves
Charles T. Jordan
Related toVariationsAlso published here
joker monte \n no. 6, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find joker \n charles t. jordan \n joker monte \n charles t. jordan \n elusive joker \n ellis stanyon \n the "decepta" three card trick \n edward bagshawe \n joker monte \n charles t. jordan \n joker monte \n charles t. jordan \n "joker monte" notes \n karl fulves
Charles T. Jordan
Joker Monte
Related toVariationsAlso published here
optical monte move variation \n with three cards and a gaff \n charles t. jordan \n optical monte move variation \n charles t. jordan \n optical monte move variation \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
Optical Monte Move Variation
Also published here
pedro monte \n no. 7, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card \n charles t. jordan \n pedro monte \n charles t. jordan \n pedro monte \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
Pedro Monte
Also published here
speaking of pink elephants \n no. 8, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards \n charles t. jordan \n william mcgrew \n speaking of pink elephants \n charles t. jordan \n speaking of pink elephants \n charles t. jordan \n "speaking of pink elephants!" \n charles t. jordan \n speaking of pink elephants \n charles t. jordan \n william mcgrew
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew
Speaking of Pink Elephants
Related toAlso published here
the contrary clock \n no. 9, chosen card from clock layout transposes with joker in pocket, duplicates in pocket \n charles t. jordan \n on jordan's "contrary clock" \n jon racherbaumer \n the contrary clock \n charles t. jordan \n the contrary clock \n charles t. jordan \n "contrary clock" notes \n karl fulves
Charles T. Jordan
The Contrary Clock
VariationsAlso published here
inside pocket bluff \n item removed from vest pocket, looks like inside pocket \n charles t. jordan \n inside pocket bluff \n james j. moren
Charles T. Jordan
Inside Pocket Bluff
Related to
transcendental vision \n no. 10, stacked, one-way backs, "do you see a card of the same value in this pile?" \n charles t. jordan \n transcendental vision \n charles t. jordan \n transcendental vision \n charles t. jordan
Charles T. Jordan
Transcendental Vision
Also published here