Written by Harry Lorayne
Work of Doug Edwards
208 pages (Hardcover), published by L&L Publishing
Illustrated with drawings by Robert E. Lorayne
Language: English
41 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Harry Lorayne Foreword
Doug Edwards Preface
Doug Edwards Packs a Wallop two card transposition between selection and Ace in the box, box is flicked out of the deck
VariationsAlso published here 3
Doug Edwards Well You Should Have... Blackjack demo with color changes of magician's and spectator's hands
Doug Edwards It's Good - It's Pretty Four Aces lost and found in a rhythmic way
Doug Edwards Half Empty - Half Full Coca cola poured into paper cone, liquid vanishes
Also published here 17
Doug Edwards Jumping Colors Deck shuffled face up and face down - suddenly all the face up cards are black except one red card which is the selection
Doug Edwards Houdini Casts A Spell Spell "Harry Houdini" a few times to divine selected card placed in pocket (suit then number)
Doug Edwards See Through Three Different handling with Invisible Deck, card appears face down next to mate
Doug Edwards Some Stronger Magic Wrong card changes to selection, then wrong card appears face up in the deck
Doug Edwards Six Card Royal Four card repeat, end with royal flush production and finding selection
Also published here 39
Doug Edwards Five-Way Rhythm Cut
Doug Edwards Another False Table Cut
Doug Edwards Flowing 2-Step False Cut
Doug Edwards Not Too Flourishy
Doug Edwards It's All An Illusion No thumbtip
Doug Edwards Ace Delivery Find four Aces in a flourishy way
John Benzais Benzais Spin Cut
Doug Edwards The Aces Triumph Triumph with Aces
Doug Edwards Easy Zarrow Shuffle Finesse on the Zarrow, bevelled packets
Related to 83
Doug Edwards Shank Shuffle Finesse Bevelled deck
Doug Edwards Roll Over And Strip Deck is flipped over before strip out action as a subtlety
Doug Edwards One-Hand Table Faro
Doug Edwards Faro Lap Lap card during faro
Doug Edwards My First Trick Photo appears on face of selection
Doug Edwards Off-Hand Overhand Shuffle starts with a center throw
Related toVariations 113
Doug Edwards Poker Deal Extraordinaire You get winning hand multiple times, keep getting better and better
Inspired by 117
Doug Edwards Facile Second Deal Second deal demo to deal four Aces to yourself. don't need to do good second deal
Doug Edwards Scissors Into Knot Scissors thrown towards knot, gets linked on the knot
Doug Edwards The Odds Are Against It Wrong card changes into selection, then selection placed back into the deck, found reversed
Doug Edwards Face Up Times Four Four Aces turn face up in the deck one by one
Doug Edwards The Stunning, Jumping, Jack Selected Jack of Hearts pops out of the deck, then is found in the deck sandwiched between two black twos, then back changes color
Inspired by
  • "The Trained Card" (Joe Berg, The Joe Berg Book)
Also published here
Doug Edwards In/Out Impossibility Faro sandwich
Related to 151
Doug Edwards "Sympathetic" Clean-Up For In/Out Impossibility Transfer of mixed up (Triumph Shuffle) condition from one packet to another (way to clean up for In/Out Imposibility)
Related to 159
Doug Edwards Estimation Proof Cut to number of cards chosen by spectator multiple times, also able to cut to Ace
Related to 163
Doug Edwards Easy Pass Way of doing Turnover Pass
Doug Edwards Know-It-All Cards Insert mystery card into face up spread, can always use the two cards adjacent to it to divine the mystery card's identity
Doug Edwards Two Ace Replacements Replacements for four Aces on top of the deck (two methods) from odd palms
Doug Edwards There's More Twisting the Aces, Aces change into Kings, Aces found reversed in deck sandwiching selection, and then Aces change back color
Also published here 183
Doug Edwards A Bit Of Thinking Any card named, magician pulls out cards representing the card (suit, value) from the deck - binary Ace Two Four Eight
Harry Lorayne Last Word
Data entered by Harapan Ong, November 2017.