Written by Christian Scherer
Work of Christian Scherer
425 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Christian Scherer
Language: German
74 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Christoph Borer Vorwort von Christoph Borer
Christian Scherer Dank acknowledgments
Christian Scherer Einleitung
Christian Scherer Autobiografisches autobiographical article, including complete bibliography
Christian Scherer Die magischen Steine von Stonehenge matrix with stone under two postcards, bigger stone appears as a climax
Inspired byAlso published here 23
Christian Scherer Vanish of a Stone Kaps / Bernard drop vanish
Michael Ammar Wiped Clean with a stone
Jean Caroly Spider Grip Vanish with a stone
Christian Scherer Technik vs. Präsentation technique vs. presentation
Christian Scherer Der Materie-Transmitter cylinder and coins handling, with small die and little cup instead of tube
Also published here 36
Ponta the Smith Drop Vanish Kaps / Bernard drop vanish variation
John Ramsay The Ramsay Coin Vanish
Christian Scherer Sprechzauberkunst und "Magie" the importance of patter
Christian Scherer Der kleinste 3D-Kopierer der Welt three different coins put in a coin box and they transform into china coins one by one
Also published here 50
Christian Scherer Der Schwierigkeitsgrad on difficulty of technique
Christian Scherer Die Kraft des Qi two in the hand one in the pocket with Baoding Balls, then a big ball appears just to vanish under a handkerchief
Christian Scherer Originalität originality
Christian Scherer Der Sohn des Hofmusikanten combination of Ball and Vase and the Ghost Music Box
Inspired byRelated to 71
Christian Scherer Puzzles oder magische Momente puzzles or magical moments
Christian Scherer Der Hellseher und das Geisterschiff prediction of a a selected object and coincidence of set time and year
Christian Scherer Magician's Choice Handling hand palm up / palm down
Christian Scherer Sinnhaftigkeit und Interesse on meaning and creating interest
Christian Scherer Freier Fall die falls through square tube fast or slowly, with metronome as presentation aid
Inspired by
  • William J. Schmeelk's "Newton's Nightmare"
Also published here
Christian Scherer Absicht, Überzeugung, Intensität on purpose, conviction and intensity
Christian Scherer Bewegungskontrolle disk is spun on mirror and on performer's wish it either twists quickly or almost does not stop, Euler's Disk
Also published here 102
Christian Scherer Der Zweck und die Rolle des Vorführenden on the purpose and role of the performer
Christian Scherer Das Gold der Leprachauns pot of coins is produced from a small rainbow, coins are hung invisibly in the air and travel from hand to hand, eventually the pot disappears under a handkerchief
Inspired by 110
Christian Scherer Das Thema topic of a routine, presentation
Christian Scherer Die Legende vom Schnee in der Wüste routine with Yoshimoto Cube, story of snow, cube vanishes from a silk and water in a little bowl turns to snow
Inspired by 127
Stewart James Go Go Vanisher
Christian Scherer Die Begründung on the justification of a routine
Christian Scherer Das Amulett von Mary I little round charm appears from purse frame, it disappears under silk, with the aid of a wand and in the hands, to just reappear always back in the purse frame, eventually the purse frame vanishes
Inspired byAlso published here 143
Christian Scherer Logik und Konsistenz der Handlung logic and consistency of actions
Christian Scherer Der Zigeuner am Oktoberfest Gypsy Curse handling, using larger cards
Inspired by 160
Norman Houghton, Brother John Hamman Flushtration Count
Christian Scherer Das Becherspiel als Salonkunststück general remarks on the Cups and Balls
  • Der Handlungsablauf beim Becherspiel
  • Die Struktur (structure)
  • Der Vortrag (patter)
  • Die Becher (cups)
  • Die Kugeln (balls)
  • Der Zauberstab (wand)
  • Der Tisch (table)
  • Die Tischoberfläche (table surface)
  • Die Handhabung der Becher (handling of the cups)
  • Die falsche Übergabe (false transfer of a ball)
  • Die Ladung (loads)
  • Das Platzieren der Ladungen (placement of loads in pockets)
  • Die Ladetechnik (loading technique)
  • Die Ladung vor den Blicken der Zuschauer verbergen (hiding the loads)
  • Indirektes Laden (indirect loads)
  • Das Abstellen der geladenen Becher (putting cups with loads on the table)
Also published here 175
Christian Scherer Der Zauberstab mit dem Klick construction of a magic wand who does a click when hit on the hand
Also published here 186
Christian Scherer Einfachheit und Klarheit on simplicity and clarity
Christian Scherer Angewandte Physik two cups routine, balls first appear from purse frame
Inspired byAlso published here 190
Christian Scherer Vortrag und Drehbuch on patter and script
Christian Scherer Cagliostro der Alchimist cups and balls routine with two steel mortars and steal balls
Also published here 210
Christian Scherer Die Wortwahl on the choice of words
Christian Scherer Der neurotische Geldschein 10$ bill turns into a 100$ bill, then a part of the bill is extracted and burnt, in a flash it changes into coins the value of the 10$, improved handling
Related to 221
Christian Scherer Bill Switch strictly manipulative method
Christian Scherer Der Einstieg on patter, how to start a routine
Christian Scherer Dumm gelaufen water monte with three cups, then water turns into confetti, improved method
Related toAlso published here 237
Christian Scherer Hände weg vom Falschspiel! monte with jumbo cards, first three red and one black card as a climax three black cards and one red card
Inspired by
  • Joe Riding's "The only three Card Trick in the World using four Cards"
Also published here
Christian Scherer Prolog und Epilog
Norman Houghton, Christian Scherer Flushtration Count stand up, with jumbo cards
Christian Scherer Timing von Vortrag und Handlung on timing of patter and actions
Christian Scherer Der Meister der Kugeln ball and vase with sponge balls and wand, balls travel and change color, jumbo ball appears as a climax
Inspired by
  • Charlie Frye's "Ball and Vase" on DVD "Eccentricks 3"
Christian Scherer Zusammenspiel von Handlung und Vortrag on interaction of patter and actions
Christian Scherer Davids Spleen ball, cone and handkerchief variation, with cup, big die and silk
Inspired byAlso published here 286
Christian Scherer Als ob on the "as if"-theory
Christian Scherer Die fehlende Seite travelers routine, using topit
Also published here 306
Christian Scherer Turnover Pass Handling
Dave Rumfelt, Christian Scherer Card from Breast Pocket variation
Christian Scherer Kopfkino on imagination, mind movie
Christian Scherer Die Poesie der Magie shuffled deck separates in four suits, with three glasses and a handkerchief
Also published here 316
Michael Ammar Handkerchief Deck Switch using Topit
Christian Scherer Mimik und Gestik on facial expression and gesture
Christian Scherer Ein Kindheitstraum six bill repeat, pocket method
Inspired by
  • Tom Bowyer's "six Bill Repeat"
Also published here
Christian Scherer Foto-Momente on good moments to make a picture
Christian Scherer Die Aufnahmeprüfung Sympathetic cubes / Cube-a-libre routine, seven phases
Christian Scherer Der innere Monolog on the internal monologue
Christian Scherer Die verschwindende Birne light bulb vanish, magic bandana presentation in german, double meaning of "Birne" (pear / light bulb)
Christian Scherer Misdirection - Lenkung der Aufmerksamkeit on misdirection
Christian Scherer Magisches Minigolf three golf balls vanish and appear under a bowl with a hole, then they appear in the box they were extracted in the beginning, with collapsible golf club as magic wand, crazy golf presentation
Also published here 376
Christian Scherer Applaus on applause
Christian Scherer Ursache und Wirkung design of locking Chinese Sticks, with routine and presentation
Also published here 394
Christian Scherer Sinnhaftigkeit - Keine Regel ohne Ausname on meaningfulness and breaking the rule
Christian Scherer In vino veritas multiplying bottles routine
Christian Scherer Die unbestechliche Kritikerin on using a camera to practice
Christian Scherer Literatur
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2017.